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Name Summary
AbyssinAbyssin are a species of regenerative, mono-eyed beings in the Star Wars universe.
AleenaAleena is a species of short, reptilian bipeds in the Star Wars universe.
AlsakaniAlsakan is an ancient, influential Core World known for its rivalry with Coruscant in Star Wars.
AltiriA lavender skinned huminoid race from Altiria
AmaniAmani is a species of four-armed, fur-covered hunters in the Star Wars universe.
AmaranAmaran is a species in the Star Wars universe, notably Boba Fett's companion Fennec.
Annoo dat PrimeAnnoo dat Prime is a species in Star Wars universe known for mining.
AnomidAnomid is a species in Star Wars universe known for their technical skills.
AnsionianAnsionian refers to the native inhabitants of Ansion, a planet in Star Wars.
AnzatiAnzati are a dangerous, vampire-like alien species in the Star Wars universe.
AqualishAqualish are a species of tusked aliens from the Star Wars universe.
ArconaArcona is a reptilian species from the planet Cona in Star Wars.
ArgazdanArgazdan is related to Star Wars as a species from Lorrd in the Kanz sector.
AruzanAruzan is a planet in Star Wars universe, home to Aruzans, a pacifist species.
AskajianAskajian is a race of humanoids from Askaj, a planet in Star Wars.
AsogiansAsogians, also known as Asogians, are a species in the Star Wars universe, with notable individuals like Yaddle and Yoda belonging to this wise and long-lived alien race.
AzumelAzumel is related to Star Wars as the Rodian artist from Batuu.
B'omarr monksB'omarr monks are a Star Wars species known for brain transplantation into droids.
Bando GoraBando Gora is a Star Wars terrorist cult featured in the game 'Star Wars: Bounty Hunter'.
BarabelBarabel is a reptilian species from planet Barab I in Star Wars universe.
BardottanBardottans are a Force-sensitive species from Bardotta, featured in "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."
BesaliskBesalisk is a species in Star Wars, best known as Dex's race.
BlarinaBlarina is a species in the Star Wars universe known for trading.
Blood CarverBlood Carver is a species known for their artistry and assassins in Star Wars.
BoltrunianBoltrunian is a species in the Star Wars universe, known for strength.
BothanBothans are a species in Star Wars known for their intelligence gathering.
BouncerBouncer is a friendly vejrox creature and pet to Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars.
CaamasiCaamasi is a peaceful and empathetic species in the Star Wars universe.
CaphexCaphex is not directly related to Star Wars; it may be a misspelling or unrelated term.
CatharCathar is a species of feline, humanoid aliens in the Star Wars universe.
CelegianCelegian is a species of gas-based organisms in the Star Wars universe.
CereanCerean is a species and homeworld known from the Star Wars universe.
Chadra-FanChadra-Fan is a species of short, bat-like aliens in Star Wars.
ChagrianChagrian is a species in Star Wars, with Mas Amedda being a notable member.
ChalactanChalactan is a Star Wars universe culture and belief system originating from the Chalacta planetary system.
ChangelingIn Star Wars, Changelings are shape-shifters, like the bounty hunter Zam Wesell in Episode II.
ChikarriChikarri is a planet in the Star Wars universe, mentioned in comics.
ChironianChironian is a species in Star Wars, noted for their tall stature.
ChistoriChistori is an reptilian alien species in Star Wars, notably Desann's race.
ClawditeClawdite is a shape-shifting species from the planet Zolan in Star Wars.
Codru-JiCodru-Ji are a four-armed, canine-faced sentient species in the Star Wars universe.
ColicoidColicoid is a species in Star Wars, known for creating droid armies.
CowayCoway is a species of humanoid creatures from the planet Af'El in Star Wars.
CragmoloidCragmoloid is a species in Star Wars known for its superior strength.
DashadeDashade is a species in Star Wars known for their Force-resistance and hunting skills.
DathomirianDathomirian refers to a species of Force-sensitive witches known as the Dathomirians, featured in Star Wars.
DefelDefel are a species of nocturnal, shadow-dwelling aliens in the Star Wars universe.
DevaronianDevaronian is a species of sentient aliens in the Star Wars universe.
DowutinDowutin is a species of large, muscular, and long-lived humanoids, predominantly seen in the Star Wars universe, known for their distinctive appearance and presence within various factions and locations in the galaxy.
Drach'namDrach'nam is an alien species native to Tatooine in the Star Wars universe.
DressellianDressellian is a species from the forested planet Dressel in Star Wars universe.
DrochDroch is a species of parasitic insects in Star Wars universe.
DrovianDrovian is a species in Star Wars known for natural camouflage abilities.
DugDug is an alien species from planet Malastare, notably including Sebulba, a podrace champion.
DulokDuloks are a species of primitive, hostile humanoid creatures in Star Wars.
EchaniEchani is a Star Wars martial arts form in Knights of the Old Republic games.
ElominElomin is a species of bipedal humanoids in the Star Wars universe.
EpicanthixEpicanthix are a humanoid warrior species in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
EvociiEvocii are a primitive species originally native to the planet Nal Hutta in Star Wars.
EwoksEwoks are a primitive species in the Star Wars universe from the forest moon of Endor.
Far-OutsidersFar-Outsiders is related to Star Wars as extragalactic invaders known as Yuuzhan Vong.
FeeorinFeeorin is a species in the Star Wars universe known for their longevity and strength.
FerroansFerroans are a humanoid species from the planet Zonama Sekot in Star Wars.
FirrerreoFirrerreo is a humanoid species from the Star Wars expanded universe.
FoshFosh is a species in Star Wars, known for their emotional control.
GadoGado is a Rodian bounty hunter in the Star Wars universe.
GamorreanGamorrean is a species of green-skinned, boar-like aliens in Star Wars.
GankGank is a species of bounty hunters and mercenaries in Star Wars.
Gen'DaiGen'Dai is an extremely long-lived, near-immortal species in the Star Wars universe.
GeonosianGeonosian is a species and language originating from planet Geonosis in Star Wars.
GeonosiansGeonosians are an insectoid species native to the planet Geonosis in the Star Wars universe, known for their pivotal role in constructing the Death Star and their association with the Separatists during the Clone Wars.
GivinGivin is a species known for mathematical skills in the Star Wars universe.
GizkaGizka are small, cute, but institutionally problematic creatures that appear in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
GlymphidGlymphid is a species in Star Wars, known for being skilled podracers.
GoraxGorax is a giant carnivorous species from the Star Wars universe.
GorithGorith is a male Anomid known in Star Wars as a Sith Acolyte.
GorogGorog is a dark side creature in Star Wars, led by Nightsisters.
GotalGotal is a species in Star Wars known for their sensory cones.
GrebleipsGrebleips is an E.T. species cameo in "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" Senate scene.
GryskGrysk is an extragalactic species that appears as adversaries in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
GungansThe Gungans are a species native to the planet Naboo and are known for their distinctive appearance and culture, playing a significant role in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
GwurranGwurran is a Force-sensitive Ewok child character in the Star Wars Universe.
H'nemtheanH'nemthean is a species in the Star Wars universe known for lethal mating.
HabassaHabassa is a species from the Star Wars universe often engaged in trading.
HapanHapan is a humanoid species from the Hapes Consortium in Star Wars.
HarchHarch is a spider-like sentient species in the Star Wars universe.
HerglicHerglics are an aquatic, nonhuman sentient species in the Star Wars universe.
HoojibHoojib is a small, telepathic creature from the expanded Star Wars universe.
HssissHssiss are dark side creatures appearing in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game series.
IktotchiIktotchi is a species in Star Wars, known for their precognition abilities.
Ishi TibIshi Tib is a species of sentient, amphibious aliens in Star Wars.
IthorianIthorians are a peaceful, herbivorous species from the planet Ithor in Star Wars.
JawaJawas are a species of sentient, desert-dwelling scavengers in the Star Wars universe.
Jungle felucianJungle Felucian is a biological species native to the Star Wars planet Felucia.
KaleeshKaleesh is the reptilian species of Star Wars character General Grievous.
KarkarodonKarkarodon is a species of aquatic, shark-like, ravenous creatures in Star Wars.
Kel DorKel Dor is a species in Star Wars, notably Jedi Master Plo Koon's.
KeshiriKeshiri is a humanoid species from the planet Kesh in Star Wars universe.
KiffarKiffar is a species in Star Wars, notable member being Jedi Quinlan Vos.
KitonakKitonak is a species in Star Wars, best known through character Droopy McCool.
KlatooinianKlatooinian is a species in the Star Wars universe, often seen as henchmen.
KobokKobok is a species in the Star Wars universe, notable for their involvement in bounty hunting and assassination.
Kowakian monkey-lizardKowakian monkey-lizards are a species in Star Wars, notably Jabba the Hutt's pet, Salacious B. Crumb.
KubazKubaz is a species in Star Wars, notably represented by spy Garindan.
KushibanKushiban is a sentient species from the Star Wars expanded universe.
KwiKwi are species of non-sentient reptilian quadrupeds in the Star Wars universe.
KyuzoKyuzo is a species from Star Wars, most notably the bounty hunter Embo.
LasatLasat is a species in the Star Wars universe, known for their unique appearance and culture.
LepiLepi are a rabbit-like sentient species in the Star Wars universe.
LetakiLetaki is not related to Star Wars according to verified sources.
LurmenLurmen is a species of pacifist, amphibious beings introduced in the Star Wars universe in the animated series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."
MassassiMassassi were an ancient Sith species that built temples on Yavin 4 in Star Wars.
MimbaniteMimbanite is an alien species native to the planet Mimban in Star Wars.
MiralukaMiraluka are a near-human Star Wars species that perceives surroundings through the Force.
MirialanMirialan is a green-skinned, tattooed humanoid species from planet Mirial in Star Wars.
MirialansMirialans are a Force-sensitive humanoid species known for their distinctive green skin and facial tattoos.
Mon CalamariMon Calamari is a aquatic humanoid species known for their shipbuilding and prominent role in the Rebel Alliance.
MuunMuun is a species in Star Wars, notable characters include banking clan leader Hego Damask.
MyneyrshMyneyrsh is a species of sentient beings native to Kashyyyk in Star Wars.
NagaiNagai are an extragalactic humanoid species featured in Star Wars expanded universe.
NautolanNautolan is a species in Star Wars, famous character Kit Fisto belongs to it.
NeimoidianNeimoidians are a species known for their involvement in the Trade Federation in Star Wars.
NelvaanianNelvaanian is the native language of the Nelvaan species in Star Wars.
NetiNeti is a sentient species of shapeshifting trees in the Star Wars universe.
NiktoNikto are a reptilian humanoid species featured in the Star Wars universe.
NoghriNoghri are an alien species loyal to Darth Vader and later Leia Organa.
NosaurianNosaurian is a reptilian species from New Plympto planet in Star Wars.
OgemiteOgemite is a gaseous planet in the Star Wars universe featuring hot springs.
OmwatiOmwati is a blue-skinned, avian humanoid species in the Star Wars universe.
OngreeOngree are an intelligent, bureaucratic alien species from the Star Wars universe.
OrtolanOrtolan is a species in Star Wars, notably represented by musician Max Rebo.
OswaftOswaft is a species of non-sentient space creature in Star Wars.
P'w'eckP'w'eck is an alien species in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
Pa'lowickPa'lowick is a species in Star Wars, notably including the character Sy Snootles.
PaaerduagPaaerduag is a two-headed alien species from Star Wars universe.
PalliduvanPalliduvans are a sentient species in Star Wars, characterized by their distinctive elongated fingers.
Pau'anPau'ans are a species of tall, thin humanoids native to the Star Wars universe.
Polis MassanPolis Massan is the asteroid planet where Padmé Amidala gave birth.
PriapulinPriapulin is a species native to Geonosis, seen in Star Wars franchise.
PsadanPsadan is a planet located in the Star Wars universe.
PykePyke is a species known for operating the notorious spice mines of Kessel in Star Wars.
QuermianQuermian is a species in Star Wars, known for its tall, thin physiology.
RakataRakata is an alien species in Star Wars that created the Star Forge.
RanatRanat is a sentient species in the Star Wars universe.
RattatakiRattataki is a near-human species from the planet Rattatak in Star Wars.
RishiiRishii are bird-like sentient species from the planet Rishi in Star Wars.
RodianRodians are a reptilian alien species seen in the Star Wars galaxy.
RoonanRoonan is a species in Star Wars universe, originating from planet Roona.
RuurianRuurian is a species in the Star Wars universe, appearing in comics.
SaffaSaffa is a planet featured in the Star Wars expanded universe.
SanyassanSanyassan is a species depicted in Star Wars, particularly known from "Ewoks: The Battle for Endora".
SaurinSaurin is a reptilian species from the planet Durkteel, known from Star Wars.
SauvaxSauvax is a vessel in the Star Wars universe, specifically a Star Destroyer.
SedrianSedrian is a species from the Star Wars Extended Universe.
SelkathSelkath are an aquatic species from Manaan, appearing in the Star Wars universe.
SelonianSelonians are a species from the Star Wars universe, primarily seen in books.
Shawda UbbShawda Ubb is an amphibious species from the Star Wars universe.
Shi'idoShi'ido are a species of shape-shifting aliens found in the Star Wars universe.
ShistavanenShistavanen is a species of wolf-like sentient beings in the Star Wars universe.
SikanSikan is a character in Star Wars, specifically from the High Republic era.
SkakoanSkakoan is a species in Star Wars, known as pressure-suited inhabitants of Skako.
SneevelSneevel is not related to Star Wars based on canonical sources.
SnivvianSnivvian is a species in Star Wars known for their art and storytelling.
SquibSquib is a species known for their trading skills in the Star Wars universe.
Ssi-RuukSsi-Ruuk are a reptilian alien species in the Star Wars universe involved in entechment, a process of converting life into power.
SullustanSullustan is a species in Star Wars known for their piloting skills and contribution to the Rebel Alliance.
SvivreniSvivreni are a sentient species from Svivren, a planet in the Star Wars galaxy.
T'landa TilT'landa Til is a sentient species in the Star Wars universe.
TalpiniTalpini is a planet in the Star Wars universe, known for snow.
TalzTalz are a furry, four-eyed sentient species in the Star Wars universe.
TarasinTarasin is a sentient, reptilian-species native to the planet Cularin in Star Wars.
TaungTaung is a species in Star Wars, most notably Mandalore the First's race.
TchuukthaiTchuukthai is a silent, mysterious, non-humanoid Star Wars species from Tchuukthar.
TeekTeek is a speedy alien creature featured in "Star Wars: Ewoks: The Battle for Endor."
TerentatekTerentatek is a beast in Star Wars, often hunted by Jedi Knights.
Terrelian Jango JumperTerrelian Jango Jumper is a species of insectoid beings that appears in the Star Wars expanded universe.
ThakwaashThakwaash is a species of sentient, equine aliens in the Star Wars Universe.
TheelinTheelin is a hybrid humanoid species featuring in the Star Wars universe.
ThisspiasianThisspiasian is a species in Star Wars, notably including Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis.
Tiss'sharTiss'shar is a reptilian species from the planet Tiss'sharl in Star Wars universe.
TofTof is an alien species from the Unknown Regions in Star Wars.
TogorianTogorian is a species of tall, feline humanoids in the Star Wars universe.
TogrutaTogruta is a species of horned, humanoid beings like Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars.
ToongToong is a species in Star Wars, notably represented by pod racer Ben Quadinaros.
TordariansTordarians is a species of insect-like beings that appear in Star Wars, with one of their members, Watto, being a prominent character in the franchise as a junk dealer and podracer junkie.
ToydariansToydarians are a species in Star Wars known for their flying abilities and bargaining skills.
TrandoshansTrandoshans are a reptilian species known for their appearance in the Star Wars universe.
TrianiiTrianii are a species of felinoid aliens depicted in the Star Wars universe.
TroigTroig is a two-headed sentient species in Star Wars, debuted in "The Phantom Menace."
TunrothTunroth are a sentient wolf-like species from the Star Wars universe.
Tusken RaiderTusken Raiders are indigenous, nomadic, and hostile beings from the planet Tatooine in Star Wars.
Tusken RaidersTusken Raiders are a nomadic species native to Tatooine in the Star Wars universe.
Twi'lekTwi'leks are an alien species native to Ryloth, frequently featured in Star Wars.
TwileksTwileks are a prominent alien species in the Star Wars universe known for their humanoid appearance, colorful skin tones, and distinctive head-tails called lekku.
TynnanTynnan is a species from Star Wars, known as intelligent, bipedal otters.
UbeseUbese are a secretive, highly skilled and resilient species in Star Wars.
UgnaughtUgnaughts are a species of industrious, diminutive aliens seen in the Star Wars universe.
UmbaranUmbaran is a planet in Star Wars, notably in the Clone Wars series.
UnuUnu is not directly related to the Star Wars universe.
UtaiUtai are a species of short, laboring aliens featured in Star Wars: Episode III.
UtapaunUtapau is a planet in Star Wars, notably the site of General Grievous's defeat.
VaathkreeVaathkree is a Star Wars planet, known for its droid technology production.
VagaariThe Vagaari are a nomadic, slave-trading species from the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
VeknoidVeknoid is a species in Star Wars, notably represented by podracer Teemto Pagalies.
VerpineVerpine is a insectoid species in Star Wars known for technical aptitude.
Vong GryskYuuzhan Vong and Grysk are extragalactic, invasive species featured in Star Wars literature.
VoxynVoxyn are genetically modified creatures used by the Yuuzhan Vong in Star Wars.
VratixVratix is a species in Star Wars known for producing Bacta healing fluid.
VulptereenVulptereen is a species in Star Wars, notably Podracer pilot Dud Bolt.
VurkVurk is a reptilian species in Star Wars, best known as Jedi Master Coleman Trebor.
WeequayWeequay is a species of sentient humanoids from the planet Sriluur in Star Wars.
WhaladonWhaladon is a marine creature from Star Wars, featured in "The Glove of Darth Vader" novel.
WhiphidWhiphid is a species of large, furry, tusked hunters from Star Wars universe.
WirutidWirutid is an esoteric, sentient, and telepathic species mentioned in Star Wars lore.
Wol CabasshiteWol Cabasshite is a rare crystalline species in Star Wars universe.
WoostoidWoostoid is a fictional substance in the Star Wars universe, used in building.
WroonianWroonian is a species from the planet Wroona in the Star Wars universe.
X'tingX'ting is an insectoid species from the planet Cestus in Star Wars.
XamsterXamster is a species in Star Wars, notable for their large, bat-like appearance.
XextoXexto is a species in Star Wars known for their multiple arms.
Y'bithY'bith is a Star Wars universe species, basically undead Bith zombies.
YevethaYevetha is a species in the Star Wars universe known for being xenophobic.
Yoda's speciesYoda's species is rare, largely mysterious, and includes major Star Wars characters.
Yuuzhan Vong ( Grysk )The Grysk and Yuuzhan Vong are powerful, threatful alien species within the Star Wars Universe.
YuvernianYuvernian is a reptilian species native to Yuvern in the Star Wars universe.
YuzzemYuzzem are a species of large, powerful furry bipeds in Star Wars.
YuzzumYuzzum is a species of sentient, bipedal beings native to Endor in Star Wars.
ZeltronZeltron is a humanoid species from the Star Wars expanded universe.
ZhellZhell is an ancient humanoid species from Coruscant, in Star Wars history.
ZygeriansZygerians are a species that exist within the Star Wars universe known for their prowess in slavery and their appearance in the animated series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."