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Vong Grysk


The Yuuzhan Vong are an intriguing and terrifying species in the Star Wars expanded universe, primarily making their appearance in the New Jedi Order series of novels. These lifeforms herald from an extra-galactic realm known as the "Unknown Regions". They are infamous for their fierce warrior culture, cruel and sadistic nature, and their pure hatred for mechanical technology. Instead, they rely mainly on biotechnology, which involves the manipulation of living entities, for their tools and weapons. Their religious belief system shares this animosity towards machines, as it revolves around the harmony with existence and pain.

The Grysk, on the other hand, are first introduced in the Star Wars novel 'Thrawn: Alliances'. They are a highly intelligent and manipulative species, having been described by Grand Admiral Thrawn as a serious threat to the Chiss Ascendancy and possibly to the Galactic Empire itself. The Grysks operate from the shadows, using other species to accomplish their aims, thereby making them elusive and difficult to combat. Their presence augments the aura of uncertainty and peril throughout the Star Wars galaxy.

Similar Species: Miraluka,   Yuvernian,   Ithorian

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