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The Ortolan species originates from the Star Wars universe. They are a rotund and easygoing species from the planet Orto and can be easily identified by their bluish skin and blob-like body structure. Ortolan have long arms along with flipper-like feet. Dominating their facial structure is a long snout, known as a proboscis, used as a tool to savor food from the soil.

In Star Wars' expanded universe, Ortolan are notorious gourmets exhibiting an insatiable appetite. Devotion to food and gustation is a cultural cornerstone for the Ortolan, which is perceived through their heightened senses for smell and taste, their most treasured pastime. Ortolans celibate food and drink in a special way in their culture, believing that eating and gaining weight is a symbol of wealth and success.

Ortolans are talented musicians, using their natural talent to earn food and hence sustain their gluttonous lifestyle. max Rebo, a popular character from "Return of the Jedi", is an Ortolan, and he led a band named after him i.e., max Rebo band. This reflects the species' love for music, in spite of their limited color perception. The Hutts, who value their musical prowess, frequently employ them.

In earlier depictions, Ortolan are often shown confined to a hover sled due to massive body structures. However, more recent portrayals display them as more mobile. Despite their clumsiness, they possess enough strength to carry sizable instruments or even throw a boisterous Yuzzum with surprising force.

The Ortolan's homeworld, Orto, is a frigid, inhospitable planet with a dim star. The demanding climate provides a strong reason for their pachydermous hide as well as their thick layers of protective fat. Thus, they are well-adapted to survive in colder climates along with their ability to see in intense daylight due to a limited sense of sight.

the Ortolan species within the Star Wars universe showcases fascinating biological, cultural, and social characteristics. Their gourmet dietary habits, musical prowess, natural adaption to extreme climates and their jovial nature make them one of the most intriguing species in the franchise.

Similar Species: Nelvaanian,   Gamorrean,   Feeorin

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