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The Changelings, often referred to as Clawdites, are a species from the planet Zolan in the Star Wars universe. These beings have the remarkable ability to alter their appearance, mimicking other species and individuals with great precision. This shapeshifting capability is a result of their genetic history; centuries ago, the Clawdite species adapted this trait as a survival mechanism on their harsh, radiation-filled native world. The most known Changeling in the Star Wars universe is Zam Wesell, a bounty hunter seen in "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones,” who used her shapeshifting ability to aid in her covert operations.

Clawdites are humanoid in their natural form but can change their skin, facial features, and even build to resemble virtually any sentient species. Despite these impressive abilities, their transformations are not without a limit; they experience physical strain and pain when altering their shape. Furthermore, maintaining a transformed state, particularly one significantly different from their base form, requires concentration and can be exhausting over long periods. This skill set makes Changelings invaluable as spies or assassins in the galaxy, yet they often face mistral and fear from other species who mistrust their deceptive abilities.

Similar Species: Nelvaanian,   Gamorrean,   Feeorin

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