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The Dressellians are a species that originates from the Dressell system, a part of the Star Wars universe. They are known for their humanoid shape with coarse, wrinkled skin and hair-covered heads. They reside primarily on the planet Dressel, which has a thick, dense forest environment. Unique for their exceptional tracking skills, they are often employed as scouts or trackers. Dressellians value their freedom deeply due to a history of conflict and struggle against the Galactic Empire who sought to turn their home-planet into a military base.

Despite their primitive technology, the Dressellians successfully resisted the Empire's control using guerrilla warfare. This successful strategy against the Empire has resulted in a strong sense of unity among them, which played a significant part in their decision to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Regarding their society, they organize themselves into tribes with elders and warriors making significant decisions. It's worth noting that Princess Leia wore a Dressellian costume in the Star Wars: Return of the Jedi while both infiltrating Jabba's Palace and aboard the sail barge.

Similar Species: Chikarri,   Askajian,   Unu

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