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The Saurin are a reptilian humanoid species originating from the planet Durkteel in the Star Wars universe. They are known for their distinctive physical features such as their hunched backs, large dorsal ridges, brownish-green scales and long faces. This technologically adept species is recognized for its proficiency in mechanical and technical trades, with many Saurin working as engineers or mechanics.

Transforming themselves into detached, yet efficient, professionals, Saurin maintained a stoic demeanor, minimizing unnecessary social interaction. They operate in matriarchal familial units known as 'huddles.' Infamously present in Star Wars: A New Hope, a Saurin named Hrchek Kal Fas appeared in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Unfortunately, this species' peaceful nature doesn't safeguard them from exploitation, with many ending up as slaves or mercenaries manipulated by various factions within the galaxy.

Similar Species: Altiri,   Abednedo,   Neimoidian

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