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The Evocii were a species of hirsute bipeds native to the planet of Nal Hutta, originally known as Evocar. As humble agriculturalists, they lived in harmony with their planet until they encountered the Hutts. The Hutts, being Interstellar gangsters and merchants, manipulated the comparatively naive and primitive Evocii into giving away most of their planet in a series of unfair treaties and business deals. This led to the displacement of the Evocii, forcing them to settle on Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa.

Life on Nar Shaddaa proved to be difficult for the Evocii, as the moon was urbanized and arguably overpopulated, having been transformed into a vertical city known as the 'Smuggler's Moon'. Here, the Evocii faced harsh circumstances, working as slaves or living as impoverished outcasts. Many Evocii were substantially mutated due to the rampant pollution and bioengineering by their Hutt masters. It is significant within Star Wars lore, as it exemplifies the ruthless and exploitative nature of the Hutts.

Similar Species: Anomid,   Duros,   Geonosian

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