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The Gank, often known as Gank Killers, are a species of cybernetically-enhanced beings in the Star Wars universe, that hail from the world of Gank. The planet is located within the galaxy's Colonies region and is a part of the Giju Run trade route. Ganks have a brutal reputation, often associated with gang warfare and bounty hunting. In fact, in the Huttese language, their name translates to "murderer" or "killer". Their physical features remain a mystery since they are always seen clad in armor.

Interestingly, Ganks enjoy a close association with the Hutts. They served as gladiators, bodyguards, and assassins for these gangsters. Their combat skills coupled with their cybernetic enhancements make them formidable opponents. Ganks underwent cybernetic enhancements as a part of their cultural practices. These procedures, even if they proved fatal, were considered a rite of passage. In addition to this, Ganks' entire culture is largely shrouded in secrecy as they value privacy quite deeply, including their language, which remains undeciphered.

Similar Species: Unu,   Caamasi,   Talpini

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