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The Ansionians are a sentient species in the Star Wars universe hailing from the planet Ansion. These humanoid beings stand about 1.6 meters tall, have long limbs and hairless bodies, with their skin tones varying from pale to dark. One of the unique features of Ansionians is their big, bulbous eyes which provide them with an excellent field of vision. Some common features among their people include narrow faces, elongated skulls, and sharp chins and cheekbones.

Their culture significantly revolves around elaborate ceremonies and traditions, with a heavy emphasis on mutual cooperation. This cooperative tendency extends to their political structure, with their tribes and groups heavily interconnected. Ansionians are broadly acknowledged for their capacity to adapt, a trait that has allowed them to thrive in an environment with variable climatic conditions and terrain. They have a deep connection and respect for the several different environments within their home planet, including the grasslands, sea and mountains.

Similar Species: Ssi-Ruuk,   B'omarr monks,   Tynnan

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