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Wol Cabasshite


The Wol Cabasshite is a distinctive species from the science fiction universe of Star Wars. The only known representation of this species is the character Zutton, who appeared in the original Star Wars trilogy. The Wol Cabasshite are well recognized by their distinct red coloration and a body structure that boasts an elongated head with numerous folds and wrinkles. Their most prominent feature is their large, ovate eyes that seem to bulge from their heads.

Despite the eccentric appearance, Wol Cabasshites have minimal visibility in the Star Wars universe. Although they lack any significant history or culture within the storyline, they're known to be natives of the desert planet Tatooine. The Wol Cabasshite species, including Zutton (also known as Snaggletooth), often frequent the infamous Mos Eisley Cantina, engaging in various interactions with other species and being a part of the background tableau that gave depth to the rich, diverse Star Wars universe.

Similar Species: H'nemthean,   Dulok,   Chagrian

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