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The Noghri are a species native to the Star Wars universe, specifically originating from the planet Honoghr. This race is notable for their compact and muscular physique, their excellent fighting abilities, and their impressive stealth tactics. They are also known for their strong sense of loyalty, making them trusted allies. Their physical appearance is characterized by small stature, around 1.3 to 1.6 meters tall, with gray or blue-gray skin, and sharp teeth.

Despite their warrior predilection, the Noghri are an agricultural society where each clan cultivates its own land. Unfortunately, their planet Honoghr was devastated by ecological disasters resulting from a war fought in space above the planet. However, the Noghri people managed to survive in the harsh and polluted environment, developing a fierce and resilient nature, which in turn fostered their remarkable combat skills.

The Noghri were discovered by Darth Vader during the Galactic Civil War who trained them as his personal bodyguards and assassins, known as the Noghri Death Commandos. Their formidable stealth and combat skills earned them a fearsome reputation across the galaxy. Vader taught them the ways of Imperial culture and they, in turn, revered him as a godlike figure. The Noghri remained loyal to the Empire long after Vader's death, extending their loyalty to his heirs, particularly his daughter, Leia Organa Solo.

However, it was Leia who ultimately revealed to the Noghri the truth about the Empire's role in Honoghr's ecological devastation. This revelation led them to break their ties with the Empire and swear loyalty to Leia and the New Republic instead. Since then, the Noghri have played critical roles as loyal bodyguards and commandos for the leaders of the New Republic, and continue to do so in successive governments. Their unique mix of ferocity, loyalty, and survivalist nature makes them one of the most intriguing species in the Star Wars universe.

Similar Species: Muun,   Vurk,   Azumel

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