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The Altiri is an elusive species within the vast Star Wars universe. Appearing in the expanded universe of Star Wars, they remain largely unknown in the cinematic world. Nevertheless, their relevance to the broader Star Wars narrative is noteworthy as they bring an intriguing diversity to the Star Wars world.

The Altiri is introduced in the “Last of the Jedi” series, written by Jude Watson. The race is depicted as a humanoid species, and they are recognized for their unique skin coloration- a captivating lavender. Their home planet, quite fittingly, is Altiria/Anarris, but due to unfortunate circumstances, they were driven into the underworld, thereby adapting to an environment much different from the surface.

Due to their reclusive existence in the underworld and being subjected to live in low-light conditions, the Altiri have developed an adaptive feature: bioluminescent skin. Given their intriguing physiology and adaptability, they not only survive but thrive in the harsh environments of their home planet.

The politics of the Altiri society is rather intriguing. They are led by a Matriarch, reflecting a matriarchal system of governance that seems starkly different from the conventional ones prevalent in the Star Wars universe. While they do not have an explicit presence in the Galactic war, the Altiri contribute to the diversity of the Star Wars universe.

the Altiri are a fascinating species in the Star Wars saga. Their visuals, unique habitat, and lifestyle, and societal structure, make them an integral part of the expansive and multi-faceted Star Wars universe. Revealed only through written media, they remain a hidden charm waiting to be discovered by the multitude of Star Wars fans.

Similar Species: Codru-Ji,   Rattataki,   Muun

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