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The Firrerreo are a species from the Star Wars universe. This humanoid species hails from the planet, Firrerre, and is among the less known species in the expansive Star Wars mythos. They are distinguishable by their golden skin, two-tone hair, and green or black eyes. Besides these unique physical characteristics, the Firrerreo possess advanced healing abilities which allow them to recover from injuries at an exceptional rate. This healing factor not only enhances their survivability but also grants them extended lifespans, with some members of the species known to live for several centuries.

Despite their unique abilities, the Firrerreo population was nearly wiped out during the Emperor Palpatine's reign. Their home planet Firrerre was one of the worlds devastated by the Empire's dangerous experiments, leading to a mass evacuation. Thus, those who remained in the Star Wars canon are often refugees or descendants of refugees. Among the known Firrerreo, the twins Rillao and Hethrir stand out. Rillao served as Leia Organa Solo's nursemaid, while Hethrir became an Imperial Procurator of Justice under Emperor Palpatine. Despite their initial alignment, both characters underwent complex development arcs within the expanding Star Wars universe.

Similar Species: Arcona,   X'ting,   Kushiban

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