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Zygerians are a humanoid species native to the planet Zygerria, notably featured in both Star Wars: The Clone Wars (tv series) and Star Wars Legends. Known for their feline facial features, they were physically more robust, with superior strength compared to humans. Zygerians were well-recognized for their natural agility and reflexes, matched with a distinctive leonine mane, typically braided or beaded. Their skin tones ranged from shades of orange to deep crimson.

Zygerians were infamous for their historical involvement in the galactic slave trade. They founded and operated one of the largest slave empires in the galaxy. Their success was built on their philosophy which postulated that species showing strength deserve freedom, while the weak are destined for servitude. Zygerians were not just brutal slavers, but also skilled manipulators, breaking the will of their captives to make them docile and obedient.

The Zygerrians displayed an inherent aptitude for taming and training a wide variety of beasts. They often used these creatures in their slave operations. Quite notably, due to their proficiency in taming, they could handle the huge, winged brezaks, utilizing them as a means of transportation.

However, with the rise of the Galactic Republic, the Interstellar slaving operations of the Zygerians were outlawed and resulted in the decline of their once thriving Empire. Although severely diminished, their slave trading operations continued discreetly until the advent of the Clone Wars.

During the Clone Wars, with the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Zygerians attempted to restore their former might. They allied with Count Dooku and the Separatists, given the promise of a return to power. However, their efforts were thwarted by the Jedi, leading to the fall of their queen and throwing the Zygerian culture into chaos and uncertainty.

Zygerians possess a distinct culture, with a monarchy as their form of government. Despite the dark history attached to them, they are also known for their craftsmanship and artistry, particularly in architecture, with beautifully-designed cities and slave quarters. Though primarily featuring in a negative perception, it is important to note that not all Zygerians endorse or support slavery, with some even working against it.

Similar Species: Sanyassan,   Mandalorians,   Caphex

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