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 Bando Gora

11 Parsecs Temple Archives -

Bando Gora


The Bando Gora is a fictitious Star Wars cult, primarily known from the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. Once an ordinary religious sect in the Outer Rim planet of Dathomir, they turned to become a ruthless and feared criminal organization under the command of fallen Jedi Komari Vosa. The Bando Gora practiced dark arts and were particularly dangerous due to their use of a mind-controlling substance, which turned individuals into loyal, mindless followers who obeyed without question. These followers, known as "acolytes," displayed uncommon strength and agility making them formidable opponents.

The cult's influence spread throughout the galaxy, engaging in activities such as illegal spice trade and kidnapping in order to increase its numbers and wealth. Considered one of the most significant threats to the galaxy, the Bando Gora were ultimately targeted by Tyranus, a nefarious Sith Lord, leading to the demise of Komari Vosa and the subsequent disarray of its followers. Despite the death of their leader, the remnants of the Bando Gora remained, continuing to influence the Star Wars universe with their dark presence.

Similar Species: Yuzzem,   Chistori,   Skakoan

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