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The Kitonak is a species from the Star Wars universe that originated from the desert planet of Kirdo III. They are known for their tough, pachydermoid skin which makes them highly resistant to physical damage and extreme weather conditions, making them perfect for their harsh homeworld. Kitonaks have a distinctive appearance with a voluptuous structure, a tall, domed cranium and small eyes. They are typically slow-paced and stoic, patiently waiting and assessing situations before taking actions, but can become formidable when provoked. A famous Kitonak character in Star Wars is Yak Face or Saelt-Marae, who was featured in the Return of the Jedi.

Kitonaks are also known for their unique physiological characteristics. They possess a complex respiratory system that allows them to absorb and store atmospheric moisture, a critical adaptation to their desert homeworld. This species are voracious eaters and can consume food that is up to five times their own body weight. Moreover, Kitonaks have the ability to inflate their bodies as a defensive measure and to impress potential mates. Their linguistic abilities are quite interesting as well, being able to speak a language known as Kitonese. While they are slow to learn, once they master a skill, it is rarely forgotten.

Similar Species: Drach'nam,   Roonan,   Vodran

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