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B'omarr monks


The B'omarr Monks are a fascinating faction within the Star Wars universe. They are a religious order who believe in freeing themselves from physical sensation to heighten their perception of the universe. Notably, the Monks are known for their unique form of transcendence: they transplant their brains into nutrient-filled jars, which are then mounted onto spider-like droid bodies.

This unusual practice stems from their beliefs of enlightenment and sensory deprivation. The Monks feel that by shedding their corporeal forms, they can attain a higher state of consciousness and focus solely on their contemplative existence. So strongly do they believe in this process of physical renouncement, that even before complete transcendence, many Monks opt to blind or deafen themselves to start reducing their sensory perception early.

The Monks came into wider prominence in the Star Wars universe for their connection with the notorious gangster Jabba the Hutt. They are the original builders of Jabba's Palace on Tatooine. Despite Jabba's overtaking of their monastery, they pay little mind to his criminal activities. They continue their existence, engaging in their peculiar practices.

B'omarr Monks are essentially pacifists. While their droid bodies can, theoretically, be equipped for battle, they choose to affirm to their oath of non-interference and non-violence. They merely persist in their monastic duties and studies, staying out of the way of any and all conflicts that may surround them.

the B'omarr Monks offer a truly distinctive element within the Star Wars narrative, contributing greatly to the franchise's rich diversity and complexity.

Similar Species: Zeffo,   Jawa,   Dathomirian

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