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The Givin are a species of alien lifeforms that inhabit the Star Wars universe, first appearing in canon in the 2014 novel, "A New Dawn" by John Jackson Miller. They are distinguished by their pale, skeletal features which give them a distinct, crypt-like appearance. Originating from the inhospitable world of Yag'Dhul, the species have developed a unique biology capable of surviving the challenging conditions of their home planet, such as the ability to survive in a vacuum.

The Givin are renowned for their mathematical abilities, often working as codebreakers, astrogators, and engineers. This mathematical mastery, which is ingrained into their cultural and social practices, allows them to perceive the universe in geometric and mathematical principles. However, their fascination with mathematics often creates a barrier with other species as they have difficulty comprehending emotional responses and abstract concepts. Nevertheless, their skills have made them highly valuable, especially to organizations requiring complex computation and cryptography skills.

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