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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -



The Hapan are a fascinating species from the Star Wars universe, prominently known for their matriarchal society and elusive nature. They hail from the Hapes Cluster, a secluded part of the galaxy containing hundreds of stars and worlds. Atypical of the matriarchal rule, the Hapans were lead by the Queen Mothers. Their society valued beauty and aesthetics, the Hapans being renowned for their striking beauty, and kept a powerful and unique navy, with their starships often bearing streamlined and aesthetically appealing designs.

Despite their love for serenity and seclusion, the Hapans are no strangers to political and social issues. Within their society, males, argueably, are treated as second-class citizens, contributing to their gender-defined roles. In return, their society faced contention and strife, often from rival dukes and princes attempting to court the queen, or even from outside factions trying to exploit internal discrepancies. Even so, they have managed to develop a significantly advanced society, contrasting their tumultuous politics with advancements in technology and quality of life, particularly in areas such as weaponry, which are often branded with dazzling effects, and holography.

Similar Species: Mimbanite,   Hoojib,   Bando Gora

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