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The Nagai, also known as 'N'Gai' in certain sources, are an extragalactic humanoid species from the Star Wars universe. They were first introduced in 'Star Wars 95: No Zeltrons,' a comic book released in 1984, which is part of the original Marvel Star Wars comic book series. They hail from the planet Nagi, located in the Firefist Galaxy, which was invaded by the Tofs, causing the Nagai to venture into the galaxy.

Nagais are distinguishable by their angular features, pale skin, and dark hair and eyes. Standing 1.7 meters tall on average, these tall and slim beings prefer to dress in tight black clothing, have thin angular physical features, and are known for their remarkable agility and speed, making them exceptional at close combat. Their agility and speed make them exceptional with hand-to-hand combat and with personal handheld weapons like blasters and knives.

The Nagai species are predominantly solitary, introverted and generally detached from the universe. Their culture considers intense introspection not only a personal trait but also a societal practice, thereby instilling an unfathomable sense of purpose in their endeavors. They are not devoid of emotions but often suppress them, appearing stoic or distant to outsiders.

Notably, the Nagai’s have a troubled history. Their homeworld, Nagi, was invaded by Tofs, another extragalactic species that enslaved many Nagai. After the Battle of Endor, they became involved in the Nagai–Tof War with the Alliance of Free Planets, the Tofs, and the Zeltrons. Later, they formed an alliance with the Alliance of Free Planets and the Zeltrons against the Tofs.

Similar Species: Amani,   Ansionian,   Nelvaanian

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