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Kel Dor


The Kel Dor, sometimes referred as Kel Dorians, are a unique species native to the planet Dorin. They are distinct in their appearance, with faces covered by protective goggles and specialized breathing masks, which they require in oxygen environments due to Dorin's unique atmosphere consisting mostly of helium and a gas unique to their world. The Kel Dor are known for their sturdy constitution and exceptional senses - known for being able to sense the future and having an acute sense of smell even through their masks. A notable representative of this species is Plo Koon, a Jedi Master who sits on the Jedi High Council in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

While primarily known for their commitment to justice and peacekeeping, reflected in their strong presence in the Jedi Order, the Kel Dor possess a diverse culture. They value Community, with strict laws and customs fostering a robust societal structure. They are deeply religious, their primary belief system centering around a pantheon of Winds, with each Wind attributed to a particular virtue or vice. With their resilience, sensory abilities, and strong sense of justice, the Kel Dor are a remarkable species in the Star Wars universe.

Similar Species: Geonosian,   Blood Carver,   Letaki

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