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The Yuzzem are a species located within the vast universe of Star Wars. Originating from the forested moon of Ragna III, the Yuzzem are best known as physical giants, typically standing at approximately 2.2 meters tall. Featuring thick, coarse fur covering most of their bodies and possessing large tusks used for foraging and protection, they have a rather intimidating appearance. Their physical prowess is often put to incredible use, enabling them to easily carry heavy weights and contribute to rigorous tasks effectively.

Despite their often terrifying appearance, Yuzzem are regarded as sociable and friendly beings. They are known to live in communal groups and share a strong sense of Community. However, due to the destruction of their homeworld by the Empire, many Yuzzem were forced to become nomads or slaves, causing a drastic change in their lifestyles. In the popular Star Wars narrative, the Yuzzem have been seen undertaking roles such as laborers or scavengers, while others have been successful in attaining their freedom and finding jobs as mercenaries or adventurers.

Similar Species: Abyssin,   Clawdite,   Ruurian

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