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Wroonians are a species from the Star Wars universe, originating from the planet Wroona. Best known for their striking blue skin and bright red eyes, they possess features that highly resemble that of humans. Besides their vivid skin and eye color, they have unique hair which ranges from dark shades to light silver, while their body structures also vary widely, making them similar to humans in terms of physical diversity. The average lifespan of a Wroonian is similar to a human's as well.

Despite their planet being remote and relatively insignificant to broader galactic affairs, Wroonians have a reputation for being adventurous and mobile, with many leaving their homeworld to find their place amongst the stars. Therefore, they can be found throughout the galaxy in various roles, from pilots, soldiers, and traders to politicians. Their homeworld of Wroona is also known to host a thriving tourism industry thanks to its stunning blue oceans and natural wonders. Notably, Roons Dahmol, a skilled racer, and Senator Grebleips, who dispatched an expedition to another galaxy are among famous Wroonians in Star Wars universe.

Similar Species: Pyke,   Anzati,   H'nemthean

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