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The Y'bith is an off-shoot species of the Bith native to the Star Wars universe. Existing due to a cataclysmic event on their homeworld of Clak'dor VII, the Y'bith were forced to reside in underground cities and in some cases have been recorded in isolated pockets in space. Unlike the Bith who are highly sensitive to environmental changes, the Y'bith were slightly more resilient due to their altered state.

During the devastating catastrophe on Clak'dor VII caused by a bioweapon, the Bith since then evolved into Y'bith in order to survive the harsh post-apocalyptic environment. In fact, the Bith who remained on the surface transformed into the Y'bith. Naturally, the Y'bith have a more robust constitution than their Bith counterparts, enabling them to withstand tougher climates and conditions.

Physically, the Y'bith closely resemble their Bith ancestors with pale, smooth skin, large lidless eyes, and notably elongated heads. However, due to the dramatic change in their environment and evolution, the Y'bith are incapable of venturing onto the surface of Clak'dor VII without heavy protection and likewise, cannot survive in the same environments as their Bith cousins.

The Y'bith also took to preserving their dead through a unique process that created 'ghosts'. These ghosts, preserved in hibernation sarcophagi, were often consulted by the Y'bith in matters of great importance."

The existence of the Y'bith and their complex social and cultural constructs adds a fascinating layer to the rich tapestry that is the Star Wars universe. A testimony to resilience and adaptation, they bear standing witness to their Bith lineage while having evolved uniquely to survive and thrive.

Despite their challenges, the Y'bith, like their Bith predecessors, are also known for their contributions to music and technology in the galaxy, a testament to the ingenuity of this resilient and ingenious species.

Similar Species: Saurin,   Dressellian,   Selonian

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