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The Utapaun, also known as Pau'ans, are one of the two dominant species native to the sinkhole world of Utapau, also referred to as Utapaun in the Star Wars universe. They are cohabitors with the Amani and share their world with another sentient species, the shorter and more sturdily built, Utai. Standing well above most humans in size, the Pau'ans are gaunt, long-limbed beings with a hunched stature.

The Utapaun are known for their distinctive physical appearances which set them apart. They have flesh tones ranging from chalk white to soft gray, lined with a network of creases and wrinkles as they age. Their eyes, bathed in eerie fluorescent hues of yellow, pink or blue, often unnerve visitors. Their aged appearance should not be mistaken for frailty, as the Pau'ans are known to live several centuries, with many approaching and going beyond the age of seven hundred years.

The Pau'ans are esteemed architects, constructing towers and sanctuaries into the rocky cliffs of the massive sinkholes scattering their planet. Utapaun cities, particularly the capital Pau City, are recognized by their towering domed edifices. The irregular towers rising from the rocky reef of Pau City served the practical purpose of capturing and condensing moisture from the air, supplementing the city's water supplies.

Due to their harsh, Wind-blown homeworld, the Utapaun developed a culture deeply grounded in stoicism and quiet contemplation. Internally called Ghost Skin by the Pau'ans, this deeply ingrained stoicism is the cornerstone of their society. It values composure, patience and the ability to endure hardship without complaint. This cultural trait remained even under Galactic Empire's oppressive rule, restricting any overt resistance.

The Utapaun also developed advanced technology over the years. They are known for using domesticated varactyls and dactillions as means of transportation. The Pau'ans and their cohabitants Utai also used exo-suits to combat the harsh weather of their homeworld. Despite their advanced technology, they were involuntarily reduced to lower living standards during the Empire's reign.

In the Star Wars universe, the Utapaun first appeared in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. They've subsequently been featured in novels, animated series and comic books, making them an integral part of the rich and diverse Star Wars galaxy.

Similar Species: Ansionian,   Nelvaanian,   Gamorrean

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