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Drovians were a species hailing from the planet of Drovia, situated in the Star Wars universe. Known for their green skin, the Drovians were humanoid, characterized by flat faces and large eyes, usually dark in color. They were noted for their formidable strength and agility, which was heightened by their ability to see in the dark. In terms of height, they were slightly shorter than the average human. This species was well-adapted to their homeworld's climate and terrain, which comprised largely of deserts and rocky formations.

The Drovian culture laid great emphasis on hunting and warfare, making them exceptional warriors. They developed a traditional form of combat known as 'Yovshin', a martial art involving the usage of bladed weapons. Despite their warlike tendencies, the Drovians were not an evil race. They believed in a strong code of ethics which governed their actions both within their society and towards outsiders. Drovians were also known for their resilience in the face of extreme hardship, symbolizing their adaptability and perseverance. Though not prominently featured in the main Star Wars narrative, the Drovian species adds rich depth to the diverse galaxy of the franchise.

Similar Species: Vodran,   Firrerreo,   Defel

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