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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -



The Vratix are a species of insect-like, bipedal beings who hail from the planet Thyferra, a world known throughout the galaxy in Star Wars for its bountiful resources of Bacta, a healing substance integral to medical treatments. Possessing six limbs, sizable eyes and a chitinous exterior, the Vratix are a fascinating case of species design. Interestingly, they also exhibit a highly egalitarian and collective mindset, lacking any concept of personal property. All essential decisions for the Vratix were made communally, reflecting their species-wide dedication to harmony and unity.

Their expertise in producing bacta made them invaluable in the Star Wars universe, especially since the substance was a key element in medical recovery and treatments of various illnesses and disorders. They also operated the two largest bacta production companies, Zaltin and Xucphra. Their significance was further augmented during the Bacta War, an event indicating the importance of their home planet, Thyferra and the vital substance it produced. The Vratix contribution to galactic society is immense - their efforts in bacta production and their unique societal structure making them an essential part of Star Wars' diverse alien landscape.

Similar Species: Unu,   Caamasi,   Talpini

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