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The Duloks are a species that originate from the Forest Moon of Endor, and are introduced in the Star Wars: Ewoks animated television series. These creatures are tall, physically bigger than Ewoks, and have green, rough skin with hair in various parts of their bodies. Their appearance is not the only thing that sets them apart from their Ewok neighbors; Duloks are known for their generally mean-spirited and devious nature.

Duloks live in swampy areas of the moon and are more primitive than Ewoks. They shun the use of advanced technology, relying instead on natural resources for their tools and weapons. The Duloks have a competitive relationship with the Ewoks, often finding themselves at odds with each other. These conflict-driven interactions mostly stem from the Duloks' fondness for troublemaking, their constant pursuits for mischief and their envy of the Ewoks' comparatively advanced and peaceful society.

Similar Species: Chalactan,   Colicoid,   Kel Dor

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