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The Togorians are a species from the Star Wars universe, originating in the planet Togoria. As a race, they are known for their large, feline-like appearance, and they tower over most beings at a height of up to 2.2 meters. Famed for their hunting skills, they were often spotted using weapons like metallists and h'skrs, rather than advanced tech blasters or lightsabers. They have tawny, fur-covered bodies and a face that appears somewhere between feline and humanoid. Socially, Togorians live a nomadic lifestyle and the males and females live separately, with males living out on the plains while females reside in the cities.

Togorians particularly value honor and tradition. This is reflected in their matriarchal society, where the females hold power, manage property affairs, and initiate courtships. Males only visit the cities on special holidays and to meet their mates or potential mates. They have a unique tradition in which a male must present a trophy from a formidable hunted beast to a female to showcase his prowess and be considered for courtship. Notable Togorians include the bounty hunter Mrssk and the freighter captain Muuurgh.

Similar Species: Kubaz,   Bith,   Gorax

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