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The Shi'ido are a species native to the planet Lao-mon, located in the Outer Rim territories of the Star Wars universe. They are renowned shapeshifters, capable of copying the appearance, voice, and even the skin and clothing texture of other beings. Shi'idos are natural pacifists and scholars, commonly known for their enthusiasm in studying the universe's myriad biospheres. They can live up to four centuries, and enjoy an unusual biology that allows them to survive without food or water and even resist certain levels of radiation.

Mammon Hoole, perhaps the most famous Shi'ido, is a renowned scientist who appears in several Star Wars books. His ability to shape-shift becomes a key element of his identity and provides him with a crucial survival tool. Even as they maintain a low profile in the broader Star Wars universe, the Shi'ido represent one of its most unique species. Their shape-shifting abilities and intellectual curiosity embody some of the franchise's most fascinating imaginings of alien life and culture.

Similar Species: Kwi,   Gank,   Tusken Raiders

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