
Episode 18: (22 BBY) Clone Wars S3E1 ‘Clone Cadets’ & S3E3 ‘Supply Lines'

 [ 00:00:01:00 ] - [ 00:00:05:00 ]
He looks like your prototypical alien. He's got these like really dreamy looking like space eyes and dreamy eyes, okay?

 [ 00:00:05:00 ] - [ 00:00:07:00 ]
Well, they're they're I shouldn't say dreamy eyes. I knew you were gonna try to jump on that.

 [ 00:00:09:00 ] - [ 00:00:11:00 ]
Dreamy eyes? What's that? Is that a probe in your eye?

 [ 00:00:13:00 ] - [ 00:00:19:00 ]
Defective clones discovered their inner badasses and that the real treasure was the friends they made along the way.

 [ 00:00:19:00 ] - [ 00:00:24:00 ]
And then we negotiated treaty and juggled plates with our old friend Jar Jar.

 [ 00:00:24:00 ] - [ 00:00:30:00 ]
Today we discuss Clone Wars episodes 3-1 and 3-3 on this edition of the 11 Parsecs podcast.

 [ 00:00:43:00 ] - [ 00:00:48:00 ]
Hello and welcome to episode 18 of the 11 Parsecs podcast. My name is Eric here with my good buddy John.

 [ 00:00:49:00 ] - [ 00:00:53:00 ]
Hello. And we are reviewing the second set of Clone Wars cartoons

 [ 00:00:53:00 ] - [ 00:00:58:00 ]
I shouldn't say second set because I don't want to get people confused between the actual first Clone Wars and the second Clone Wars.

 [ 00:00:58:00 ] - [ 00:01:05:00 ]
We are reviewing the second or the third and fourth episode on our chronological order watch of

 [ 00:01:05:00 ] - [ 00:01:11:00 ]
Not just Clone Wars the TV show but the entire Star Wars New Canon universe. If you've never listened to our podcast before

 [ 00:01:11:00 ] - [ 00:01:13:00 ]
basically, what we've done is we've started at the

 [ 00:01:14:00 ] - [ 00:01:18:00 ]
furthest of BBY away from the Battle of Yavin and we are working our way towards the

 [ 00:01:18:00 ] - [ 00:01:24:00 ]
The last installment of the movie basically we're covering every single piece of new canon material that includes books comics

 [ 00:01:25:00 ] - [ 00:01:32:00 ]
Movies TV shows which we just started TV shows. Let's hear two podcasts ago. And again, we're watching this stuff in chronological order

 [ 00:01:32:00 ] - [ 00:01:35:00 ]
So if you think that we're gonna be starting off on season 1 episode 1

 [ 00:01:35:00 ] - [ 00:01:39:00 ]
It's it's not that simple because we're still stuck at the early part of 22 BBY

 [ 00:01:40:00 ] - [ 00:01:47:00 ]
So this week we watch season 3 episode 1 Clone Cadets and season 3 episode 3 Supply Lines

 [ 00:01:47:00 ] - [ 00:01:52:00 ]
First off I think we get some beer to crack open because I'm thirsty. Absolutely. So John, what are you drinking tonight?

 [ 00:01:53:00 ] - [ 00:01:57:00 ]
So tonight I am enjoying this is something special. This is hop wave

 [ 00:01:58:00 ] - [ 00:01:59:00 ]
number two

 [ 00:01:59:00 ] - [ 00:02:01:00 ]

 [ 00:02:01:00 ] - [ 00:02:03:00 ]
Equilibrium brewery in Middletown, New York

 [ 00:02:04:00 ] - [ 00:02:08:00 ]
Wait, wait wave two like so this is like the second version of this beer hop wave two

 [ 00:02:08:00 ] - [ 00:02:15:00 ]
I actually have hop wave five also. Oh, so you're going to the back catalog here. It's a whole it's a whole series

 [ 00:02:15:00 ] - [ 00:02:18:00 ]
It's a whole series. I just you know, saw them in the store and one try them out

 [ 00:02:18:00 ] - [ 00:02:22:00 ]
I think they're I think there's gonna be good. So wait, we have these all come out at the same time. I

 [ 00:02:23:00 ] - [ 00:02:27:00 ]
Don't know. What am I a salesman for the place? I'm just going to

 [ 00:02:27:00 ] - [ 00:02:31:00 ]
Store, I'm just saying you should you should try I should track down more

 [ 00:02:31:00 ] - [ 00:02:33:00 ]
You should try them in chronological order

 [ 00:02:35:00 ] - [ 00:02:42:00 ]
I did I did go to the trouble to procure the page up for Equilibrium brewery and it is my kind of place

 [ 00:02:42:00 ] - [ 00:02:45:00 ]
Let me tell you because it is chock full of double IPAs

 [ 00:02:46:00 ] - [ 00:02:51:00 ]
Triple IPAs and more triple IPAs. That's I need to I need to focus on this

 [ 00:02:51:00 ] - [ 00:02:57:00 ]
Wait, where's this place out in New York again, Middleton, New York, which is I had to look that up. It is

 [ 00:02:57:00 ] - [ 00:03:03:00 ]
North northwest of New York City by what would be upstate or I

 [ 00:03:04:00 ] - [ 00:03:07:00 ]
Don't know. I don't know if you call that upstate. I would call it upstate

 [ 00:03:07:00 ] - [ 00:03:13:00 ]
Yeah, and if you don't middle this Georgia boy would call it upstate is is all bunch of Yankees of them

 [ 00:03:13:00 ] - [ 00:03:17:00 ]
So that sounds excellent. And did you get the four pack or like a six pack or what is it?

 [ 00:03:17:00 ] - [ 00:03:19:00 ]
This actually was the place I bought it from

 [ 00:03:20:00 ] - [ 00:03:25:00 ]
and I don't know the name of the place, but they had taken a four pack of hop wave 2 and hop way 5 and

 [ 00:03:26:00 ] - [ 00:03:30:00 ]
Mix them. Oh, that's nice of them. That's very that was very nice. I was very appreciative

 [ 00:03:30:00 ] - [ 00:03:36:00 ]
I didn't have to buy two very expensive four packs when you say very what is very I

 [ 00:03:36:00 ] - [ 00:03:38:00 ]
Think this four pack was about 27. Oh

 [ 00:03:40:00 ] - [ 00:03:47:00 ]
Really? Yes, okay. I've paid for four. Yes. You're you're rocking like almost seven dollars here there. I

 [ 00:03:47:00 ] - [ 00:03:53:00 ]
I am a sucker for ratings and reviews and these were really high and so I said

 [ 00:03:53:00 ] - [ 00:03:56:00 ]
Okay, I want to know what it what that means

 [ 00:03:56:00 ] - [ 00:03:59:00 ]
So it's funny. It's funny because I sit here and I say seven dollar beer

 [ 00:03:59:00 ] - [ 00:04:04:00 ]
But like when you go to like, you know, the the local sports bar, it's always like seven or eight dollars

 [ 00:04:04:00 ] - [ 00:04:09:00 ]
So it's not yeah, that's what you're talking about. Now. You're now paying bar prices for for a can

 [ 00:04:09:00 ] - [ 00:04:15:00 ]
Yeah, and maybe maybe people are fine with that. Is it is it I'm not gonna make that common. Is it at least a pint?

 [ 00:04:15:00 ] - [ 00:04:17:00 ]
Yeah, they all they're tall boys. Yeah

 [ 00:04:18:00 ] - [ 00:04:23:00 ]
So I'm visiting our friends that mean you both are big Wicked Weed fans. So I'm drinking a freak of nature

 [ 00:04:23:00 ] - [ 00:04:25:00 ]
Have you had this yet?

 [ 00:04:25:00 ] - [ 00:04:27:00 ]
I'm trying to remember if I had it

 [ 00:04:27:00 ] - [ 00:04:34:00 ]
Don't let me know. It's got it's it is an unusual unexpected natural phenomenon an outlying West Coast style

 [ 00:04:34:00 ] - [ 00:04:38:00 ]
double India pale ale brewed with abnormally large quantity of hops a

 [ 00:04:38:00 ] - [ 00:04:45:00 ]
Delicately crafted and crushable ale designed for fresh and immediate consumption. There's that word crushable again. I know what's yeah, that's very good

 [ 00:04:45:00 ] - [ 00:04:48:00 ]
Eight point five. I'm like that is not what I call

 [ 00:04:48:00 ] - [ 00:04:53:00 ]
I mean crushable in that context means it's just delicious and you don't care if you get a point eight point five

 [ 00:04:53:00 ] - [ 00:04:58:00 ]
Oh, yeah, eight point five is not crushable refer me. No, I mean, hey, hey everybody there on it

 [ 00:04:58:00 ] - [ 00:05:25:00 ]
This is the this is the beer you're drinking up

 [ 00:05:26:00 ] - [ 00:05:29:00 ]
You know, pumping five of them back, you know, within a couple hours, hanging in the waves.

 [ 00:05:29:00 ] - [ 00:05:30:00 ]
Whatever, that's cool.

 [ 00:05:30:00 ] - [ 00:05:34:00 ]
I don't know that I could crush 8.5s though all day at a beach.

 [ 00:05:34:00 ] - [ 00:05:35:00 ]

 [ 00:05:35:00 ] - [ 00:05:36:00 ]
Alright, let's get a drink.

 [ 00:05:36:00 ] - [ 00:05:37:00 ]
I don't want to.

 [ 00:05:37:00 ] - [ 00:05:38:00 ]
All this yapping.

 [ 00:05:38:00 ] - [ 00:05:39:00 ]

 [ 00:05:39:00 ] - [ 00:05:40:00 ]
Alright, 3, 2, 1, let's pop.

 [ 00:05:40:00 ] - [ 00:05:41:00 ]
Ah, there we go.

 [ 00:05:41:00 ] - [ 00:05:46:00 ]
And I am not cavemanning it tonight.

 [ 00:05:46:00 ] - [ 00:05:48:00 ]
I actually brought a glass to pour into.

 [ 00:05:48:00 ] - [ 00:05:50:00 ]
Welcome to civilization, my friend.

 [ 00:05:50:00 ] - [ 00:05:52:00 ]
Yeah, I know.

 [ 00:05:52:00 ] - [ 00:05:53:00 ]
But these are crushable, Jon.

 [ 00:05:53:00 ] - [ 00:05:56:00 ]
I don't have to have a glass.

 [ 00:05:56:00 ] - [ 00:05:59:00 ]
Go ahead and pour the can out and then crush it.

 [ 00:05:59:00 ] - [ 00:06:00:00 ]

 [ 00:06:00:00 ] - [ 00:06:04:00 ]
Oh, that is really good.

 [ 00:06:04:00 ] - [ 00:06:05:00 ]
Yeah, mine is excellent.

 [ 00:06:05:00 ] - [ 00:06:10:00 ]
That is very good too.

 [ 00:06:10:00 ] - [ 00:06:11:00 ]
What did you say your was?

 [ 00:06:11:00 ] - [ 00:06:12:00 ]

 [ 00:06:12:00 ] - [ 00:06:13:00 ]

 [ 00:06:13:00 ] - [ 00:06:14:00 ]

 [ 00:06:14:00 ] - [ 00:06:15:00 ]
Mine is 8.5 also.

 [ 00:06:15:00 ] - [ 00:06:16:00 ]
Yay, we're ABV buddies.

 [ 00:06:16:00 ] - [ 00:06:20:00 ]
Oh, oh, that's not what the cap says.

 [ 00:06:20:00 ] - [ 00:06:21:00 ]
All right.

 [ 00:06:21:00 ] - [ 00:06:27:00 ]
So, this is the second set of, so, Podcast 16, we watched the first two Chronological

 [ 00:06:27:00 ] - [ 00:06:32:00 ]
episodes, which was, I think, Season 2, Episode 16 and Season 1, Episode 16.

 [ 00:06:32:00 ] - [ 00:06:38:00 ]
Podcast 17, we actually got the movies, which was technically the first four pilot episodes

 [ 00:06:38:00 ] - [ 00:06:43:00 ]
of The Clone Wars, kind of wrapped into a movie ball and tried to sell, or sold, it

 [ 00:06:43:00 ] - [ 00:06:46:00 ]
did sell, sold to moviegoers.

 [ 00:06:46:00 ] - [ 00:06:50:00 ]
And those are kind of the first six, I'm going to call them distinct episodes or experiences

 [ 00:06:50:00 ] - [ 00:06:52:00 ]
that we've had with Clone Wars.

 [ 00:06:52:00 ] - [ 00:06:55:00 ]
So now we're getting into, I don't want to say by far or any means the meat of The Clone

 [ 00:06:55:00 ] - [ 00:06:59:00 ]
Wars, but we're still kind of on these, I think, we're still kind of on these fringe

 [ 00:06:59:00 ] - [ 00:07:04:00 ]
stories that are getting us up to the point where we can actually understand what's going

 [ 00:07:04:00 ] - [ 00:07:08:00 ]
on in these three and four episode arcs that The Clone Wars has in it.

 [ 00:07:08:00 ] - [ 00:07:13:00 ]
Well, that's my question, because this is all I know about Clone Wars, and so does the

 [ 00:07:13:00 ] - [ 00:07:15:00 ]
show really jump around like this?

 [ 00:07:15:00 ] - [ 00:07:17:00 ]
Or is it going to make more sense in context as we get more into it?

 [ 00:07:17:00 ] - [ 00:07:22:00 ]
I think that the chronological order that we're watching the shows in is going to force

 [ 00:07:22:00 ] - [ 00:07:27:00 ]
us to jump around for probably about, I'd say probably until we leave 22 BBY.

 [ 00:07:27:00 ] - [ 00:07:31:00 ]
Right, no, no, no, I don't mean jump around like the episode numbers.

 [ 00:07:31:00 ] - [ 00:07:36:00 ]
I mean, if you were watching The Clone Wars just as a regular viewer from beginning to

 [ 00:07:36:00 ] - [ 00:07:42:00 ]
end, does the show just leap backwards and forwards in time from episode to episode?

 [ 00:07:42:00 ] - [ 00:07:45:00 ]
I think it's probably going to be something like, and again, I've only probably watched

 [ 00:07:45:00 ] - [ 00:07:46:00 ]
20 of these overall.

 [ 00:07:46:00 ] - [ 00:07:49:00 ]
I think it's going to be something that's kind of lost-ish, where you have these kind

 [ 00:07:49:00 ] - [ 00:07:55:00 ]
of smaller stories or smaller arcs, but then you also have these one or two off filler

 [ 00:07:55:00 ] - [ 00:07:57:00 ]
episodes sometimes, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:07:57:00 ] - [ 00:08:01:00 ]
Where it's a self-contained story that you hope will be touched on at some other point,

 [ 00:08:01:00 ] - [ 00:08:02:00 ]
but maybe not.

 [ 00:08:02:00 ] - [ 00:08:04:00 ]
That's my gut, is what it's telling me, but I don't know.

 [ 00:08:04:00 ] - [ 00:08:10:00 ]
I just know that when we watched the first two, 22 BBY was season two, episode 16, so

 [ 00:08:10:00 ] - [ 00:08:12:00 ]
that means they've got at least 16 episodes in these things, if not more.

 [ 00:08:12:00 ] - [ 00:08:14:00 ]
I'm sure there's probably more.

 [ 00:08:14:00 ] - [ 00:08:16:00 ]
So I think there's just going to be some filler, and I think we're probably seeing a little

 [ 00:08:16:00 ] - [ 00:08:22:00 ]
bit of the filler looking back type fillers, and then we'll actually dive into the kind

 [ 00:08:22:00 ] - [ 00:08:23:00 ]
of maybe epic story.

 [ 00:08:23:00 ] - [ 00:08:27:00 ]
You say filler, like, I mean, that makes them sound like these are pointless and bad.

 [ 00:08:27:00 ] - [ 00:08:28:00 ]
It's more like flesh-outers?

 [ 00:08:28:00 ] - [ 00:08:33:00 ]
Yeah, I'd say fleshing out, well, introducing certain characters.

 [ 00:08:33:00 ] - [ 00:08:36:00 ]
Well, let's start talking about the first episode, because this is a good lead-in for

 [ 00:08:36:00 ] - [ 00:08:37:00 ]

 [ 00:08:37:00 ] - [ 00:08:41:00 ]
So the first episode we watched this week was season three, Episode one, Clone Cadets.

 [ 00:08:41:00 ] - [ 00:08:47:00 ]
I did not understand when, I think it was a year ago, or not even a year ago, a couple

 [ 00:08:47:00 ] - [ 00:08:51:00 ]
months ago, when Disney+ came out and said, hey, we're coming out with a new cartoon called

 [ 00:08:51:00 ] - [ 00:08:53:00 ]

 [ 00:08:53:00 ] - [ 00:08:55:00 ]
I didn't know anything about them.

 [ 00:08:55:00 ] - [ 00:08:58:00 ]
I was just like, oh, this must be a Clone Wars thing or something, or another cartoon

 [ 00:08:58:00 ] - [ 00:08:59:00 ]
that I just didn't watch.

 [ 00:08:59:00 ] - [ 00:09:00:00 ]
I don't know that much about them.

 [ 00:09:00:00 ] - [ 00:09:01:00 ]
People seem to be hyped about it.

 [ 00:09:01:00 ] - [ 00:09:02:00 ]
That's pretty cool.

 [ 00:09:02:00 ] - [ 00:09:03:00 ]
They had the little trailer thing that I was like, oh, that's kind of cool.

 [ 00:09:03:00 ] - [ 00:09:05:00 ]
Now I understand.

 [ 00:09:05:00 ] - [ 00:09:08:00 ]
The domino that we just watched is The Bad Batch.

 [ 00:09:08:00 ] - [ 00:09:09:00 ]
I think.

 [ 00:09:09:00 ] - [ 00:09:10:00 ]
It really is going to be about this group?

 [ 00:09:10:00 ] - [ 00:09:11:00 ]
I think so, yeah.

 [ 00:09:11:00 ] - [ 00:09:12:00 ]
That's the question I have.

 [ 00:09:12:00 ] - [ 00:09:15:00 ]
Yeah, so, well, I haven't looked it up because I didn't want to ruin anything.

 [ 00:09:15:00 ] - [ 00:09:17:00 ]
So when we do get to The Bad Batch.

 [ 00:09:17:00 ] - [ 00:09:20:00 ]
But I think that this, in the way that they talked and the nicknames that they gave each

 [ 00:09:20:00 ] - [ 00:09:23:00 ]
other, I think this turns into The Bad Batch.

 [ 00:09:23:00 ] - [ 00:09:26:00 ]
So let's talk a little bit about the backstory.

 [ 00:09:26:00 ] - [ 00:09:31:00 ]
Basically, this is like a self-contained episode about this small group of five clones, maybe,

 [ 00:09:31:00 ] - [ 00:09:33:00 ]
who are just in complete disarray.

 [ 00:09:33:00 ] - [ 00:09:37:00 ]
So all the clone troopers at this point are being trained by Shaak Ti, who is a Jedi Master,

 [ 00:09:37:00 ] - [ 00:09:41:00 ]
and then also two or three kind of just hired helping hands.

 [ 00:09:41:00 ] - [ 00:09:46:00 ]
And the episode starts out with this domino group running through and just not functioning

 [ 00:09:46:00 ] - [ 00:09:49:00 ]
as a group at all, like just terribly.

 [ 00:09:49:00 ] - [ 00:09:52:00 ]
And even the two privateer guys are kind of like, these guys can't be helped.

 [ 00:09:52:00 ] - [ 00:09:54:00 ]
You need to demote them or figure out where you want to send them or something like that.

 [ 00:09:54:00 ] - [ 00:10:00:00 ]
Well, the one guy, the really distracting Walnut Head guy, was like, you know, basically

 [ 00:10:00:00 ] - [ 00:10:02:00 ]
mulch them and start over.

 [ 00:10:02:00 ] - [ 00:10:06:00 ]
And the other guy was believing, he believed in them.

 [ 00:10:06:00 ] - [ 00:10:08:00 ]
And the Scrotum Head guy was not into this at all.

 [ 00:10:08:00 ] - [ 00:10:10:00 ]
Like he was just like, these guys are done, you know.

 [ 00:10:10:00 ] - [ 00:10:11:00 ]
Why can't you say Walnut?

 [ 00:10:11:00 ] - [ 00:10:13:00 ]
Why you got to go to Scrotum?

 [ 00:10:13:00 ] - [ 00:10:15:00 ]
And then the other guy, I don't even know how to describe.

 [ 00:10:15:00 ] - [ 00:10:18:00 ]
He looks like your prototypical alien that you talk about with Roswell.

 [ 00:10:18:00 ] - [ 00:10:22:00 ]
He's got these like really dreamy looking like space eyes and then like this like triangular

 [ 00:10:22:00 ] - [ 00:10:23:00 ]
head kind of thing.

 [ 00:10:23:00 ] - [ 00:10:24:00 ]
Dreamy eyes, okay.

 [ 00:10:24:00 ] - [ 00:10:37:00 ]
Well, they're, they're...

 [ 00:10:38:00 ] - [ 00:10:39:00 ]
I should have said dreamy eyes. I knew you were going to try to jump on that.

 [ 00:10:40:00 ] - [ 00:10:41:00 ]
Dreamy eyes. Is that a probe in your pocket?

 [ 00:10:42:00 ] - [ 00:10:47:00 ]
Dreamy eyes. As in this like spade. Like he's got like a galaxy in his eyes. You have to watch the episode.

 [ 00:10:48:00 ] - [ 00:10:49:00 ]
Oh my god. He's got like a galaxy in it.

 [ 00:10:50:00 ] - [ 00:10:52:00 ]
I could get lost in there for days. I think I know a little more about you now.

 [ 00:10:53:00 ] - [ 00:10:58:00 ]
I could get lost in there for days. Alright. So the dreamy eyes is saying no we can work with these guys.

 [ 00:10:59:00 ] - [ 00:11:01:00 ]
Shakti, you know, calm down. We're going to get these guys through this.

 [ 00:11:02:00 ] - [ 00:11:03:00 ]
You can definitely tell that they can't do anything as a group as a whole.

 [ 00:11:03:00 ] - [ 00:11:09:00 ]
They suddenly throughout this whole kind of 30 minute episode or 27 minute episode start to get nicknames.

 [ 00:11:10:00 ] - [ 00:11:17:00 ]
They start to gel together. There's a there's an interesting character that is a I think a cast off clone that did not develop correctly in this episode called number 99.

 [ 00:11:18:00 ] - [ 00:11:27:00 ]
Right. And he kind of like, you know, helps them through some stuff and helps them understand that people are different and that they've got to figure out how to work together because they're all different and that they may be different than the rest of the clones.

 [ 00:11:27:00 ] - [ 00:11:37:00 ]
But that they can still kind of work together based off their strengths and stuff. And it's a pretty good episode from a moral perspective, too. I think like it's it's pretty good. I mean, it's a good it was pretty neat.

 [ 00:11:38:00 ] - [ 00:11:46:00 ]
You kind of know what's going to happen and what's going to you know what the last scene is going to be. But, you know, I thought it was pretty good. What do you think? On a scale of one to 100?

 [ 00:11:46:00 ] - [ 00:12:00:00 ]
On a scale of one to 100, I'm going to say that it was I'm not sure if it's just average or maybe slightly below average, because it's it's total sitcom, you know?

 [ 00:12:01:00 ] - [ 00:12:10:00 ]
Yes. Agree. We can't work together as a team. You have to learn to work together as a team. OK, we'll work together as a team. And they work together as a team. I mean, it's really easily solved.

 [ 00:12:10:00 ] - [ 00:12:19:00 ]
And little little there's no real conflict there. It's kind of schmaltzy. So, yeah, it's fine.

 [ 00:12:20:00 ] - [ 00:12:30:00 ]
A team, MASH vibe kind of thing. Just kind of a kind of a group. Well, group project. I mean, it was just kind of like, it was very tropey. You felt it, you know, it was just kind of like, yeah, I know where this is going.

 [ 00:12:30:00 ] - [ 00:12:39:00 ]
We don't we don't actually have to develop skill. We just have to decide that we're going to win. We just have to decide to work together as a team and everything will be fine.

 [ 00:12:40:00 ] - [ 00:12:49:00 ]
So what would your thoughts have been if at the end of it, Shakti just breaks out the lightsaber and kills all of them, even though she's just like, you know, you guys are you guys are clones. You mean nothing to me.

 [ 00:12:49:00 ] - [ 00:13:01:00 ]
And you can't and we paid for you. You know, I don't think you're worth the money. You know, I'm not going to continue to feed you. I'll tell you what, that would have been that this, of course, not at all appropriate for this series.

 [ 00:13:02:00 ] - [ 00:13:09:00 ]
But that would have been a very interesting show. Oh, it would have been hugely like it would have been a turn that I never would expect it. But again, yeah, you're watching a Clone Wars cartoon.

 [ 00:13:09:00 ] - [ 00:13:19:00 ]
I mean, think about it. You what a what a what a what a show that would be. You meet these these characters and they and they they're brought together. You know, you guys have to learn to work as a team.

 [ 00:13:20:00 ] - [ 00:13:27:00 ]
You're going to be a squadron and you follow them. I don't know how long you can do this, but you could you follow them. You see the development. You get invested in the characters and they just can't do it.

 [ 00:13:28:00 ] - [ 00:13:33:00 ]
They just can't pull together. They just don't have the skill. And then they're yeah, they're they're mulched.

 [ 00:13:33:00 ] - [ 00:13:40:00 ]
Yeah. And then Shaak Ti is just like, like, like no heart whatsoever at all. Like, it's just like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that would have been that would have been. Yeah.

 [ 00:13:41:00 ] - [ 00:13:46:00 ]
I would have I would have been more interested in the show, like 100 percent. I would have been like, wait, what? What just happened?

 [ 00:13:47:00 ] - [ 00:13:55:00 ]
I, I, when, when she if she cut them down with the lightsaber with with with no anger, no remorse, no anything really just, yeah, you didn't work out.

 [ 00:13:55:00 ] - [ 00:14:02:00 ]
I mean, I would have been a lifelong fan of that show. Bring me the next bat. This was bad. All right. So, yeah, it was good.

 [ 00:14:03:00 ] - [ 00:14:07:00 ]
It was like I had a little bit, especially with the music, a little Band of Brothers vibe in there. And I know I've been recently watching it.

 [ 00:14:08:00 ] - [ 00:14:13:00 ]
So I, you know, there's kind of like this. It's on my mind. But like, I felt like there was like, we can tackle anything.

 [ 00:14:14:00 ] - [ 00:14:20:00 ]
Like, it was a very I don't know. It wasn't bad. I would give it more than probably a 60 to 65 somewhere in there.

 [ 00:14:20:00 ] - [ 00:14:26:00 ]
But you rated it below average, though. That's right. Well, now you're going to make me a draw out. OK, so what what what is an average?

 [ 00:14:27:00 ] - [ 00:14:31:00 ]
And is it average of all possible things or is it an average for the series?

 [ 00:14:32:00 ] - [ 00:14:36:00 ]
Let's base let's base this on our average for this series, given we've only watched four of them up to this point.

 [ 00:14:37:00 ] - [ 00:14:44:00 ]
Yeah, I'm saying that maybe is the offense on Tet. Is that the is that my my best one?

 [ 00:14:45:00 ] - [ 00:14:48:00 ]
And I think I probably get that like a 70. 70 is your best.

 [ 00:14:48:00 ] - [ 00:14:55:00 ]
Yes. Season one, episode 16 thus far wasn't bad by any means, but it also wasn't amazingly good.

 [ 00:14:56:00 ] - [ 00:14:58:00 ]
Oh, no way. Offense on Tet was actually in the movie. Wait, let me take that back.

 [ 00:14:59:00 ] - [ 00:15:04:00 ]
Whatever. So the offensive Tet is the one where the baby baby Java gets stolen and is kept in the monastery up on the Mountain.

 [ 00:15:05:00 ] - [ 00:15:07:00 ]
And they've got to like crawl up the Mountain. That was actually in the movie. That was not. Yeah, that was a movie.

 [ 00:15:08:00 ] - [ 00:15:14:00 ]
Right. So the first two episodes, the ones that we have in recent memory are the one where the Klingon ship.

 [ 00:15:14:00 ] - [ 00:15:19:00 ]
Oh, sorry. The Star Wars ship has clicking capabilities, which wasn't bad. That wasn't a bad episode.

 [ 00:15:20:00 ] - [ 00:15:25:00 ]
And then the other one was the one where they're on the planet Christalsis. Yeah. The spy clone guy.

 [ 00:15:26:00 ] - [ 00:15:31:00 ]
Yeah. And that one. Yeah. I don't know. I felt that one was pretty good for the issues it dealt with.

 [ 00:15:32:00 ] - [ 00:15:35:00 ]
Yeah. So anyway, they were straying. We've already covered those.

 [ 00:15:36:00 ] - [ 00:15:38:00 ]
Well, what was the one that was the most offensive?

 [ 00:15:39:00 ] - [ 00:15:43:00 ]
Let's say if you had to pick one out of the four that we've watched so far which one would be your favorite thus far?

 [ 00:15:44:00 ] - [ 00:15:47:00 ]
That's why you got to do this. Why you do me so dirty?

 [ 00:15:47:00 ] - [ 00:15:51:00 ]
And then if you think that that's a good episode what is your number out of a hundred?

 [ 00:15:51:00 ] - [ 00:15:57:00 ]
Well see the problem with the clone spy episode was the other story in that one was just crap.

 [ 00:15:57:00 ] - [ 00:16:02:00 ]
So I'm rethinking Clone Cadets. I think maybe I liked it better than I thought.

 [ 00:16:03:00 ] - [ 00:16:06:00 ]
Okay so I pulled your score up within the last two minutes.

 [ 00:16:06:00 ] - [ 00:16:14:00 ]
Yeah but the other episode we're about to talk about in a few minutes, Supply Lines, I think that one would have to be my favorite so far.

 [ 00:16:14:00 ] - [ 00:16:17:00 ]
Okay well let's give some grades at the end of the podcast then.

 [ 00:16:17:00 ] - [ 00:16:20:00 ]
So I like the 99 character. I thought the 99 character was interesting.

 [ 00:16:20:00 ] - [ 00:16:24:00 ]
I liked seeing the cast off clones and what they're like kind of forced to do.

 [ 00:16:25:00 ] - [ 00:16:28:00 ]
We better find out why he's called 99 at some point.

 [ 00:16:28:00 ] - [ 00:16:32:00 ]
I would hope so. Are there 98 other guys like just like him? Yeah we don't know.

 [ 00:16:33:00 ] - [ 00:16:35:00 ]
They were all cut down by the lightsaber.

 [ 00:16:35:00 ] - [ 00:16:40:00 ]
She was just like look man I'm leaving you because you're under 100. That's it.

 [ 00:16:40:00 ] - [ 00:16:42:00 ]
That's the only reason you're here. It's a dark, dark, dark show.

 [ 00:16:49:00 ] - [ 00:16:53:00 ]
Well let's start talking about Supply Lines too. They kind of merge together in my mind too.

 [ 00:16:53:00 ] - [ 00:17:01:00 ]
So Supply Lines, the Separatist army is on, I'm sorry not the Separatist army, the Separatist army has a blockade on the clones.

 [ 00:17:01:00 ] - [ 00:17:02:00 ]

 [ 00:17:02:00 ] - [ 00:17:07:00 ]
On the Jedi's on Ryloth, correct. We get a Jedi named General Dai.

 [ 00:17:07:00 ] - [ 00:17:17:00 ]
We get a Syndulla which was, I forget the first name of Syndulla but I'm assuming that he's going to be related to the Jedi Syndulla that we find out later on.

 [ 00:17:17:00 ] - [ 00:17:23:00 ]
But he's a freedom fighter. They're getting bombarded by the Separatists and they have no supplies.

 [ 00:17:23:00 ] - [ 00:17:25:00 ]
They're going to die unless somebody gets them some supplies.

 [ 00:17:25:00 ] - [ 00:17:32:00 ]
Bail Organa grabs a ship and goes to, what was the, it's the Wado, what's Wado's?

 [ 00:17:32:00 ] - [ 00:17:33:00 ]

 [ 00:17:33:00 ] - [ 00:17:34:00 ]
Toydaria, that's right. Yeah, Toydaria.

 [ 00:17:34:00 ] - [ 00:17:46:00 ]
So he goes to Toydaria and tries to convince the head Toydarian that he wants to use their planet as a base to ship only supplies to the people down on the planet of Ryloth.

 [ 00:17:46:00 ] - [ 00:17:55:00 ]
And the Toydarians get a visit also by a Doku-led servant who basically comes in and says, oh, but we have a contract with you guys.

 [ 00:17:55:00 ] - [ 00:18:01:00 ]
We'd hate for those contracts to be null and void, you know, if you were to start supplying the people on this planet because we're the ones running the blockade.

 [ 00:18:01:00 ] - [ 00:18:09:00 ]
And there's some choices made and Bail and Zha Zha Binks end up kind of under the table convincing them to let them have one supply run for the planet.

 [ 00:18:09:00 ] - [ 00:18:16:00 ]
And I mean, I guess that's a pretty good summary of the episode, isn't it? I mean, there's really not much other than that.

 [ 00:18:16:00 ] - [ 00:18:19:00 ]
No, that's a good summary. That's a good summary.

 [ 00:18:19:00 ] - [ 00:18:25:00 ]
I felt really bad for the Jedi because he had his, this is Sparta moment and died.

 [ 00:18:25:00 ] - [ 00:18:27:00 ]
Yes, he did.

 [ 00:18:27:00 ] - [ 00:18:29:00 ]
He didn't have to.

 [ 00:18:29:00 ] - [ 00:18:30:00 ]
He didn't. Well, well.

 [ 00:18:30:00 ] - [ 00:18:35:00 ]
He just stood there surrounded by him. Just jump away. Use your Jedi super speed.

 [ 00:18:35:00 ] - [ 00:18:43:00 ]
Now that you say that, though, his cartoon death was kind of like a weird, like I understand he's trying to build the wall so they can get away and all this kind of stuff.

 [ 00:18:43:00 ] - [ 00:18:48:00 ]
But it was a very non-Jedi-esque way to die. You know what I mean?

 [ 00:18:48:00 ] - [ 00:18:53:00 ]
Well, we've seen Jedi die like that before in Attack of the Clones.

 [ 00:18:53:00 ] - [ 00:18:55:00 ]
Not Attack of the Clones. Yeah, we did.

 [ 00:18:55:00 ] - [ 00:19:03:00 ]
Yeah, just surrounded by people and cut down. And I'm just saying they can jump a whole distance and run really fast.

 [ 00:19:03:00 ] - [ 00:19:06:00 ]
I remember the one Cal Dooku killed in his Age of Republic comic.

 [ 00:19:06:00 ] - [ 00:19:09:00 ]
He was like, all right, I'm done with you. Tiger guy. Remember the Tiger guy?

 [ 00:19:09:00 ] - [ 00:19:10:00 ]
Yeah, the Tiger guy.

 [ 00:19:10:00 ] - [ 00:19:13:00 ]
Yeah, he didn't stand a chance. It was just like one shot.

 [ 00:19:13:00 ] - [ 00:19:15:00 ]
No, but those are a bunch of robots.

 [ 00:19:15:00 ] - [ 00:19:16:00 ]
Yeah, that's true.

 [ 00:19:16:00 ] - [ 00:19:17:00 ]

 [ 00:19:17:00 ] - [ 00:19:21:00 ]
Yeah, well, they started showing like astromechs and they started showing some pretty heavy droids that have landed on this.

 [ 00:19:21:00 ] - [ 00:19:24:00 ]
And you're supposed to feel that these people are completely outnumbered.

 [ 00:19:24:00 ] - [ 00:19:33:00 ]
Well, no, no, no. Actually, I do. And I made a note here that the opening battle in that episode is, to me, more impressive than anything we see in Attack of the Clones.

 [ 00:19:33:00 ] - [ 00:19:35:00 ]
Wow, that's a statement.

 [ 00:19:35:00 ] - [ 00:19:37:00 ]
And I'm wondering why. I think I know why.

 [ 00:19:37:00 ] - [ 00:19:38:00 ]

 [ 00:19:38:00 ] - [ 00:19:43:00 ]
Because it just fits more with the art style. It's not trying to be photorealistic.

 [ 00:19:43:00 ] - [ 00:19:46:00 ]
Yeah, CGI for strong. Yeah, and cheaper.

 [ 00:19:46:00 ] - [ 00:19:47:00 ]
Yeah, everything gels.

 [ 00:19:47:00 ] - [ 00:19:48:00 ]
Yeah, it's just cheaper.

 [ 00:19:48:00 ] - [ 00:19:52:00 ]
So, how did you feel about Jedi Master die?

 [ 00:19:52:00 ] - [ 00:19:56:00 ]
I barely got to know him. Am I supposed to know him from other stuff?

 [ 00:19:56:00 ] - [ 00:20:00:00 ]
No. Well, I take that back. I feel like I've seen that character before, but I don't remember what.

 [ 00:20:00:00 ] - [ 00:20:04:00 ]
I feel like he's probably been in the background of a comic or something.

 [ 00:20:04:00 ] - [ 00:20:09:00 ]
Either background of the comic or background of maybe Clone Wars, the movie too, Episode 2.

 [ 00:20:09:00 ] - [ 00:20:15:00 ]
Yeah, I don't know. I'll have to do some research on that. I probably should have done that before we did the podcast. But yeah, I'm not sure. I didn't recognize him.

 [ 00:20:15:00 ] - [ 00:20:21:00 ]
Yeah, so I only know him from this episode. And yeah, he's gone. So, barely knew ye.

 [ 00:20:21:00 ] - [ 00:20:26:00 ]
What can we call red shirts? What can we call specifically Jedi red shirts?

 [ 00:20:26:00 ] - [ 00:20:32:00 ]
The ones that we only get for an episode or a comic or an arc or something like that.

 [ 00:20:32:00 ] - [ 00:20:52:00 ]
We'll call them, shoot, who was Luke Skywalker's buddy from childhood who...

 [ 00:20:53:00 ] - [ 00:20:55:00 ]
Died in the raid on Death Star.

 [ 00:20:55:00 ] - [ 00:20:57:00 ]
Not Wedge. The other guy.

 [ 00:20:57:00 ] - [ 00:20:59:00 ]
Binks? Biggs?

 [ 00:20:59:00 ] - [ 00:21:01:00 ]

 [ 00:21:01:00 ] - [ 00:21:03:00 ]
Yeah, Biggs. Biggs.

 [ 00:21:03:00 ] - [ 00:21:05:00 ]
They're Biggs.

 [ 00:21:05:00 ] - [ 00:21:07:00 ]
I like that. Biggs.

 [ 00:21:07:00 ] - [ 00:21:09:00 ]
So the Biggs that we've seen thus far are

 [ 00:21:09:00 ] - [ 00:21:11:00 ]
Tony the Tiger and Master Dai.

 [ 00:21:11:00 ] - [ 00:21:13:00 ]
We haven't seen any other Jedi.

 [ 00:21:13:00 ] - [ 00:21:15:00 ]
Oh, you forget the young girl

 [ 00:21:15:00 ] - [ 00:21:17:00 ]
cut down by Darth Maul.

 [ 00:21:17:00 ] - [ 00:21:19:00 ]
Oh, that's right.

 [ 00:21:19:00 ] - [ 00:21:21:00 ]
What was her name?

 [ 00:21:21:00 ] - [ 00:21:23:00 ]
This was in the Darth Maul series.

 [ 00:21:23:00 ] - [ 00:21:25:00 ]
Yeah, I forgot about her.

 [ 00:21:25:00 ] - [ 00:21:27:00 ]
Yeah, he did. He took her out too.

 [ 00:21:27:00 ] - [ 00:21:29:00 ]
She was around for two or three comics.

 [ 00:21:29:00 ] - [ 00:21:31:00 ]
We need to look her up. We're going to keep a Biggs list.

 [ 00:21:31:00 ] - [ 00:21:33:00 ]
I'm writing this down.

 [ 00:21:33:00 ] - [ 00:21:35:00 ]
As we go through all canon,

 [ 00:21:35:00 ] - [ 00:21:37:00 ]
we're going to keep a Biggs list.

 [ 00:21:37:00 ] - [ 00:21:39:00 ]
Okay, so Jedi Master Dai definitely gets added to the Biggs list.

 [ 00:21:39:00 ] - [ 00:21:41:00 ]
Yeah, what else?

 [ 00:21:41:00 ] - [ 00:21:43:00 ]
I enjoyed seeing the

 [ 00:21:43:00 ] - [ 00:21:45:00 ]
the Corvette landing on Toydaria.

 [ 00:21:45:00 ] - [ 00:21:47:00 ]
Okay, I agree with that.

 [ 00:21:47:00 ] - [ 00:21:49:00 ]
That's kind of cool.

 [ 00:21:49:00 ] - [ 00:21:51:00 ]
Because remember

 [ 00:21:51:00 ] - [ 00:21:53:00 ]
originally the model they built,

 [ 00:21:53:00 ] - [ 00:21:55:00 ]
the Corvette model they built for Star Wars

 [ 00:21:55:00 ] - [ 00:21:57:00 ]
was meant to be the Millennium Falcon.

 [ 00:21:57:00 ] - [ 00:21:59:00 ]
I know a little bit of trivia.

 [ 00:21:59:00 ] - [ 00:22:01:00 ]
I did not know that.

 [ 00:22:01:00 ] - [ 00:22:03:00 ]
You did not know that?

 [ 00:22:03:00 ] - [ 00:22:05:00 ]
I did not know that.

 [ 00:22:05:00 ] - [ 00:22:07:00 ]
So the Corvette was supposed to be what the Millennium Falcon was.

 [ 00:22:07:00 ] - [ 00:22:09:00 ]
Yes, and then they, I can't remember why,

 [ 00:22:09:00 ] - [ 00:22:11:00 ]
but they changed directions and so they said

 [ 00:22:11:00 ] - [ 00:22:13:00 ]
we have this model and so they made it the opening ship

 [ 00:22:13:00 ] - [ 00:22:15:00 ]
that the Star Destroyer is chasing.

 [ 00:22:15:00 ] - [ 00:22:17:00 ]

 [ 00:22:17:00 ] - [ 00:22:19:00 ]
So seeing it land on

 [ 00:22:19:00 ] - [ 00:22:21:00 ]
Toydaria like a

 [ 00:22:21:00 ] - [ 00:22:23:00 ]
Millennium Falcon would, you know,

 [ 00:22:23:00 ] - [ 00:22:25:00 ]
passenger ship, that was neat.

 [ 00:22:25:00 ] - [ 00:22:27:00 ]
A little touch of, hmm, that's not what it would have been like.

 [ 00:22:27:00 ] - [ 00:22:29:00 ]
That ship has a certain place in my heart because

 [ 00:22:29:00 ] - [ 00:22:31:00 ]
I collected Star Wars Legos for a long time

 [ 00:22:31:00 ] - [ 00:22:33:00 ]
and this was probably about 20 years ago.

 [ 00:22:33:00 ] - [ 00:22:35:00 ]
Probably during episodes

 [ 00:22:35:00 ] - [ 00:22:37:00 ]
well, probably during episodes 1, 2, and 3

 [ 00:22:37:00 ] - [ 00:22:39:00 ]
whenever they were coming out.

 [ 00:22:39:00 ] - [ 00:22:41:00 ]
The flagship of my collection

 [ 00:22:41:00 ] - [ 00:22:43:00 ]
at that time, before the Star Destroyer,

 [ 00:22:43:00 ] - [ 00:22:45:00 ]
the 4,000 piece Star Destroyer came out,

 [ 00:22:45:00 ] - [ 00:22:47:00 ]
was the Corvette. It was a Corvette model that came out.

 [ 00:22:47:00 ] - [ 00:22:49:00 ]
I want to say that it was at least 15 to 1800 pieces.

 [ 00:22:49:00 ] - [ 00:22:51:00 ]

 [ 00:22:51:00 ] - [ 00:22:53:00 ]
It was a fun build. It literally took me two or three nights to build a thing.

 [ 00:22:53:00 ] - [ 00:22:55:00 ]
So it's always got a

 [ 00:22:55:00 ] - [ 00:22:57:00 ]
fond place in my heart. We ended up moving,

 [ 00:22:57:00 ] - [ 00:22:59:00 ]
so basically in my office I had shelving

 [ 00:22:59:00 ] - [ 00:23:01:00 ]
about a foot below the

 [ 00:23:01:00 ] - [ 00:23:03:00 ]
ceiling in the office

 [ 00:23:03:00 ] - [ 00:23:05:00 ]
and I had it all, the shelves all the way around.

 [ 00:23:05:00 ] - [ 00:23:07:00 ]
I had all these things displayed.

 [ 00:23:07:00 ] - [ 00:23:09:00 ]
And then when we moved, we had to

 [ 00:23:09:00 ] - [ 00:23:11:00 ]
get out super quick to let

 [ 00:23:11:00 ] - [ 00:23:13:00 ]
the other people in so that we could move to our new place

 [ 00:23:13:00 ] - [ 00:23:15:00 ]
and I had to cram them all in bags

 [ 00:23:15:00 ] - [ 00:23:17:00 ]
and I think I've still got probably 20 to 30

 [ 00:23:17:00 ] - [ 00:23:19:00 ]
sets of bags in a box somewhere.

 [ 00:23:19:00 ] - [ 00:23:21:00 ]
They sell surprisingly well though, even the ones that are open.

 [ 00:23:21:00 ] - [ 00:23:23:00 ]
It's kind of crazy. But, sidebar.

 [ 00:23:23:00 ] - [ 00:23:25:00 ]
You should put them

 [ 00:23:25:00 ] - [ 00:23:27:00 ]
back together, Eric. What is that about?

 [ 00:23:27:00 ] - [ 00:23:29:00 ]
Well, I just don't have room

 [ 00:23:29:00 ] - [ 00:23:31:00 ]
to put them, to display them anymore.

 [ 00:23:31:00 ] - [ 00:23:33:00 ]
I mean, my kids have had fun with them.

 [ 00:23:33:00 ] - [ 00:23:35:00 ]
I mean, I put a couple of them up

 [ 00:23:35:00 ] - [ 00:23:37:00 ]
a couple of them up on eBay, but I

 [ 00:23:37:00 ] - [ 00:23:39:00 ]
built them, again, just to make sure I had all the pieces

 [ 00:23:39:00 ] - [ 00:23:41:00 ]
so I could tell the person buying it, you know, I'm just missing these

 [ 00:23:41:00 ] - [ 00:23:43:00 ]
couple pieces.

 [ 00:23:43:00 ] - [ 00:23:45:00 ]
But, yeah, we've had fun building them.

 [ 00:23:45:00 ] - [ 00:23:47:00 ]
And then we just crash them back in again and put them in the Ziploc bag

 [ 00:23:47:00 ] - [ 00:23:49:00 ]
and mail them out. But, you know, it's pretty good.

 [ 00:23:49:00 ] - [ 00:23:51:00 ]
A lot of people, so here's something that I didn't

 [ 00:23:51:00 ] - [ 00:23:53:00 ]
really realize, and LEGO

 [ 00:23:53:00 ] - [ 00:23:55:00 ]
or Star Wars fandom may understand this.

 [ 00:23:55:00 ] - [ 00:23:57:00 ]
LEGO minifigures

 [ 00:23:57:00 ] - [ 00:23:59:00 ]
are a crazy hot commodity.

 [ 00:23:59:00 ] - [ 00:24:01:00 ]
I remember there was somebody that was like,

 [ 00:24:01:00 ] - [ 00:24:03:00 ]
they bought, which one was it? I want to say

 [ 00:24:03:00 ] - [ 00:24:05:00 ]
it was like the Queen ship

 [ 00:24:05:00 ] - [ 00:24:07:00 ]
or something like that from Naboo.

 [ 00:24:07:00 ] - [ 00:24:09:00 ]
A LEGO model. And they bought it

 [ 00:24:09:00 ] - [ 00:24:11:00 ]
and the guy literally messaged me and said, just send me

 [ 00:24:11:00 ] - [ 00:24:13:00 ]
the minifigures. And I was like,

 [ 00:24:13:00 ] - [ 00:24:15:00 ]
are you kidding me? So my kids have all the LEGOs

 [ 00:24:15:00 ] - [ 00:24:17:00 ]
upstairs and they just play with them with their other LEGOs.

 [ 00:24:17:00 ] - [ 00:24:19:00 ]
But the guy just wanted the minifigures out of it.

 [ 00:24:19:00 ] - [ 00:24:21:00 ]
So I was like, hey, you bought it, I'll do what you want.

 [ 00:24:21:00 ] - [ 00:24:23:00 ]
That is really surprising.

 [ 00:24:23:00 ] - [ 00:24:25:00 ]
I guess in a way not.

 [ 00:24:25:00 ] - [ 00:24:27:00 ]
Yeah, I'm sure there's people

 [ 00:24:27:00 ] - [ 00:24:29:00 ]
that just collect the minifigures and if you see a really great

 [ 00:24:29:00 ] - [ 00:24:31:00 ]
deal on a set, you just go buy the whole set and then

 [ 00:24:31:00 ] - [ 00:24:33:00 ]
tell them you don't want it or whatever.

 [ 00:24:33:00 ] - [ 00:24:35:00 ]
But, yeah, I just thought it was very odd. I shouldn't say odd, but I thought it was

 [ 00:24:35:00 ] - [ 00:24:37:00 ]
very interesting. Just because you

 [ 00:24:37:00 ] - [ 00:24:39:00 ]
wanted to keep just the minifigures. I'm like, yeah, I'll send it to you.

 [ 00:24:39:00 ] - [ 00:24:41:00 ]
I'll send it to you in an envelope. Cuts down the shipping cost by like

 [ 00:24:41:00 ] - [ 00:24:43:00 ]
20%. Yeah, throw them in an envelope.

 [ 00:24:43:00 ] - [ 00:24:45:00 ]
You'll have them.

 [ 00:24:45:00 ] - [ 00:24:47:00 ]
He was happy, I was happy. We're good.

 [ 00:24:47:00 ] - [ 00:24:49:00 ]
So, interesting tidbit.

 [ 00:24:49:00 ] - [ 00:24:51:00 ]
Side thing. But the Corvette. I love the Corvette. And that's the reason

 [ 00:24:51:00 ] - [ 00:24:53:00 ]
I love the Corvette. Your fact tonight has absolutely

 [ 00:24:53:00 ] - [ 00:24:55:00 ]
floored me that I did not know this.

 [ 00:24:55:00 ] - [ 00:24:57:00 ]
I cannot believe you did not know that.

 [ 00:24:57:00 ] - [ 00:24:59:00 ]
By all means, go look that up.

 [ 00:24:59:00 ] - [ 00:25:01:00 ]
I guarantee you that is what it was.

 [ 00:25:01:00 ] - [ 00:25:03:00 ]
That was meant to be the Millennium Falcon. I have

 [ 00:25:03:00 ] - [ 00:25:05:00 ]
also enjoyed the Corvette.

 [ 00:25:05:00 ] - [ 00:25:07:00 ]
And, it's a

 [ 00:25:07:00 ] - [ 00:25:09:00 ]
different ship, isn't it, in Rogue One?

 [ 00:25:09:00 ] - [ 00:25:11:00 ]
At the end, it's a different

 [ 00:25:11:00 ] - [ 00:25:13:00 ]
style ship. The Hammerhead.

 [ 00:25:13:00 ] - [ 00:25:15:00 ]
Yeah, I think it is. But it's based on the Corvette.

 [ 00:25:15:00 ] - [ 00:25:17:00 ]
I always thought it was. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

 [ 00:25:17:00 ] - [ 00:25:19:00 ]
Best scene ever. When it rams the

 [ 00:25:19:00 ] - [ 00:25:21:00 ]
Star Destroyer. That is so cool.

 [ 00:25:21:00 ] - [ 00:25:23:00 ]
Anyway, that has nothing to do with this. So, did you notice

 [ 00:25:23:00 ] - [ 00:25:25:00 ]
in the... I just want you to know Rogue One is my secret

 [ 00:25:25:00 ] - [ 00:25:27:00 ]
favorite movie of all time for Star Wars.

 [ 00:25:27:00 ] - [ 00:25:29:00 ]
We'll get there. We'll get there.

 [ 00:25:29:00 ] - [ 00:25:31:00 ]
We will. We will. Sorry.

 [ 00:25:31:00 ] - [ 00:25:33:00 ]
My excitement is bubbling just talking

 [ 00:25:33:00 ] - [ 00:25:35:00 ]
about Rogue One, but we can't. We can't. That's like 10 years

 [ 00:25:35:00 ] - [ 00:25:37:00 ]
from now. That is

 [ 00:25:37:00 ] - [ 00:25:39:00 ]
like 50 Clover's episode away, but still.

 [ 00:25:39:00 ] - [ 00:25:41:00 ]
I love it. Man. Did you catch it?

 [ 00:25:41:00 ] - [ 00:25:43:00 ]
When the king,

 [ 00:25:43:00 ] - [ 00:25:45:00 ]
when Abel Organa was meeting with the king, and

 [ 00:25:45:00 ] - [ 00:25:47:00 ]
the trade guy was also there,

 [ 00:25:47:00 ] - [ 00:25:49:00 ]
and the king says,

 [ 00:25:49:00 ] - [ 00:25:51:00 ]
you must have missed this, Organa, in your

 [ 00:25:51:00 ] - [ 00:26:03:00 ]

 [ 00:26:04:00 ] - [ 00:26:04:00 ]
We're neutral.

 [ 00:26:06:00 ] - [ 00:26:10:00 ]
Yeah, I heard him say that, but I don't know if I get the value.

 [ 00:26:10:00 ] - [ 00:26:13:00 ]
So how many planets are there in the Republic again?

 [ 00:26:13:00 ] - [ 00:26:14:00 ]
Oh man, I don't know.

 [ 00:26:15:00 ] - [ 00:26:16:00 ]
Just guess, ballpark it.

 [ 00:26:18:00 ] - [ 00:26:19:00 ]
Inside the Republic.

 [ 00:26:19:00 ] - [ 00:26:21:00 ]
So I remember in the Galactic Republic.

 [ 00:26:23:00 ] - [ 00:26:25:00 ]
We've covered, we've touched on this before.

 [ 00:26:25:00 ] - [ 00:26:32:00 ]
Yeah, I feel like the Trade Federation, I remember Doku or somebody saying something in maybe Episode two, something around like four to 500 planets.

 [ 00:26:32:00 ] - [ 00:26:40:00 ]
But I don't remember if that was the people that were already part of the Federation or that was who could be added to the Federation based on whatever they were working on at the time.

 [ 00:26:41:00 ] - [ 00:26:47:00 ]
OK, I thought that we covered this with the numbers of Jedi and how it necessarily has to scale.

 [ 00:26:47:00 ] - [ 00:26:49:00 ]
We drunkenly estimated what we thought.

 [ 00:26:49:00 ] - [ 00:26:49:00 ]

 [ 00:26:50:00 ] - [ 00:26:54:00 ]
So this is called the Galactic Republic, right?

 [ 00:26:54:00 ] - [ 00:26:55:00 ]

 [ 00:26:55:00 ] - [ 00:26:55:00 ]
At this point, yes.

 [ 00:26:56:00 ] - [ 00:26:59:00 ]
So it's got to have a lot of worlds.

 [ 00:27:00:00 ] - [ 00:27:02:00 ]
Yeah, I don't disagree with that.

 [ 00:27:02:00 ] - [ 00:27:08:00 ]
I mean, just thinking how many different species have you seen in these movies up until now?

 [ 00:27:08:00 ] - [ 00:27:13:00 ]
You know, see, that's not a fair thing, because if you're a writer, you're going to focus on the ones that have been established.

 [ 00:27:13:00 ] - [ 00:27:15:00 ]
It's like looking at why did they choose Tordaria?

 [ 00:27:15:00 ] - [ 00:27:16:00 ]
Because, hey, that's cool.

 [ 00:27:16:00 ] - [ 00:27:18:00 ]
We know more about Tordaria now.

 [ 00:27:19:00 ] - [ 00:27:21:00 ]
OK, you're just saying because of Watto and because we know.

 [ 00:27:21:00 ] - [ 00:27:24:00 ]
You draw upon established characters and that's just easier.

 [ 00:27:25:00 ] - [ 00:27:28:00 ]
Yeah, we also don't know how many of these species are multi-planetary either.

 [ 00:27:28:00 ] - [ 00:27:35:00 ]
So I would argue that the the Republic must must encompass millions, millions of worlds.

 [ 00:27:35:00 ] - [ 00:27:36:00 ]
It's a galaxy.

 [ 00:27:36:00 ] - [ 00:27:37:00 ]
Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.

 [ 00:27:37:00 ] - [ 00:27:39:00 ]
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

 [ 00:27:39:00 ] - [ 00:27:40:00 ]
I don't know.

 [ 00:27:40:00 ] - [ 00:27:40:00 ]
It's not millions.

 [ 00:27:40:00 ] - [ 00:27:41:00 ]
It's not thousands.

 [ 00:27:42:00 ] - [ 00:27:43:00 ]
Thousands, maybe.

 [ 00:27:44:00 ] - [ 00:27:49:00 ]
OK, so if it's like thousands, OK, so like ten thousand.

 [ 00:27:49:00 ] - [ 00:27:52:00 ]
So so I'm not bringing the Drake equation into here, but you've got to remember how many actually have.

 [ 00:27:52:00 ] - [ 00:27:56:00 ]
The Drake equation tells you there's like twenty five million worlds in the Galactic Republic.

 [ 00:27:56:00 ] - [ 00:27:56:00 ]

 [ 00:27:56:00 ] - [ 00:27:57:00 ]
Depending on the size of the galaxy.

 [ 00:27:57:00 ] - [ 00:28:00:00 ]
But this Republic, this Republic is, you know, a long time ago.

 [ 00:28:01:00 ] - [ 00:28:06:00 ]
It's it's a it's a concentrated like I think that I've seen maps of what the Republic was.

 [ 00:28:07:00 ] - [ 00:28:08:00 ]
There's lots of planets.

 [ 00:28:08:00 ] - [ 00:28:08:00 ]
Don't get me wrong.

 [ 00:28:08:00 ] - [ 00:28:09:00 ]
There's lots of different star systems.

 [ 00:28:09:00 ] - [ 00:28:10:00 ]
There's lots of different things.

 [ 00:28:10:00 ] - [ 00:28:13:00 ]
But it wasn't the universe.

 [ 00:28:13:00 ] - [ 00:28:14:00 ]
It wasn't everything.

 [ 00:28:14:00 ] - [ 00:28:15:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:28:15:00 ] - [ 00:28:15:00 ]
Like it was.

 [ 00:28:15:00 ] - [ 00:28:17:00 ]
Well, no, the universe is bigger than the galaxy.

 [ 00:28:17:00 ] - [ 00:28:18:00 ]
I'm talking about galaxy.

 [ 00:28:18:00 ] - [ 00:28:19:00 ]
On the galactic scale.

 [ 00:28:19:00 ] - [ 00:28:19:00 ]

 [ 00:28:20:00 ] - [ 00:28:21:00 ]
But OK, we'll look this up.

 [ 00:28:21:00 ] - [ 00:28:22:00 ]
This needs to be this needs to be looked up.

 [ 00:28:22:00 ] - [ 00:28:24:00 ]
I'm writing notes right now.

 [ 00:28:24:00 ] - [ 00:28:24:00 ]
We need to find out.

 [ 00:28:24:00 ] - [ 00:28:28:00 ]
If you join if you are elected to the Senate or nominated or appointed.

 [ 00:28:28:00 ] - [ 00:28:29:00 ]
Oh, there you go.

 [ 00:28:29:00 ] - [ 00:28:31:00 ]
That's that's the best way to look at it.

 [ 00:28:31:00 ] - [ 00:28:32:00 ]
That's the best way to look at it.

 [ 00:28:32:00 ] - [ 00:28:33:00 ]
How many little chairs were there in the Senate room?

 [ 00:28:34:00 ] - [ 00:28:35:00 ]
We've already talked about this.

 [ 00:28:35:00 ] - [ 00:28:40:00 ]
And I said that they actually did a good job in the movie of trying to convey that, boy, there's a lot of them.

 [ 00:28:40:00 ] - [ 00:28:40:00 ]

 [ 00:28:40:00 ] - [ 00:28:41:00 ]
There wasn't millions, though.

 [ 00:28:41:00 ] - [ 00:28:42:00 ]
But what?

 [ 00:28:42:00 ] - [ 00:28:43:00 ]
No, there couldn't.

 [ 00:28:43:00 ] - [ 00:28:44:00 ]
That's unwieldy.

 [ 00:28:44:00 ] - [ 00:28:54:00 ]
And so I would argue that each one of those little saucer pod things in the Senate chamber must represent a system of worlds.

 [ 00:28:54:00 ] - [ 00:28:54:00 ]

 [ 00:28:54:00 ] - [ 00:28:55:00 ]
And correct.

 [ 00:28:55:00 ] - [ 00:28:56:00 ]
Because like a hierarchy.

 [ 00:28:56:00 ] - [ 00:28:58:00 ]
No, because Natalie Portman's character represents Naboo.

 [ 00:28:59:00 ] - [ 00:28:59:00 ]
The planet.

 [ 00:28:59:00 ] - [ 00:29:01:00 ]
They actually cover that in what was the last book we read?

 [ 00:29:01:00 ] - [ 00:29:03:00 ]
That they represent kind of a system.

 [ 00:29:03:00 ] - [ 00:29:05:00 ]
They say they represent a system of worlds.

 [ 00:29:06:00 ] - [ 00:29:07:00 ]
No, she didn't.

 [ 00:29:07:00 ] - [ 00:29:07:00 ]

 [ 00:29:08:00 ] - [ 00:29:09:00 ]
I swear to you.

 [ 00:29:11:00 ] - [ 00:29:12:00 ]
Which only makes sense.

 [ 00:29:12:00 ] - [ 00:29:17:00 ]
There's too many planets in a galaxy to get it together in one chamber.

 [ 00:29:17:00 ] - [ 00:29:22:00 ]
So you're going to have to have a what you call it, a federal system or a representative system where it's like a hierarchy.

 [ 00:29:22:00 ] - [ 00:29:26:00 ]
And so they talk about her being the representative of Naboo specifically.

 [ 00:29:27:00 ] - [ 00:29:28:00 ]
I swear.

 [ 00:29:29:00 ] - [ 00:29:30:00 ]
Actually, I take this back.

 [ 00:29:30:00 ] - [ 00:29:34:00 ]
They say the representative from Naboo, which may mean that she does have other planets.

 [ 00:29:34:00 ] - [ 00:29:35:00 ]
Yeah, I don't know.

 [ 00:29:36:00 ] - [ 00:29:37:00 ]
It's like one little line.

 [ 00:29:37:00 ] - [ 00:29:41:00 ]
It's a throwaway thing about she represents or senators represent or something like that.

 [ 00:29:41:00 ] - [ 00:29:43:00 ]
There's more to it than just what you see.

 [ 00:29:44:00 ] - [ 00:29:44:00 ]

 [ 00:29:44:00 ] - [ 00:29:45:00 ]
To do research, we're in this town.

 [ 00:29:46:00 ] - [ 00:29:46:00 ]

 [ 00:29:46:00 ] - [ 00:29:47:00 ]
Maybe I'm completely wrong.

 [ 00:29:47:00 ] - [ 00:29:50:00 ]
But even so, it quickly scales out of hand.

 [ 00:29:50:00 ] - [ 00:29:56:00 ]
So if you're elected to the Senate or appointed to the Senate, how many minutes would they orient you per planet?

 [ 00:29:57:00 ] - [ 00:29:57:00 ]

 [ 00:29:58:00 ] - [ 00:30:02:00 ]
Maybe at a rush, five minutes per entire world.

 [ 00:30:02:00 ] - [ 00:30:04:00 ]
Here's what you have to know about this world in five minutes.

 [ 00:30:05:00 ] - [ 00:30:07:00 ]
That adds up really quickly.

 [ 00:30:07:00 ] - [ 00:30:07:00 ]
Well, sure.

 [ 00:30:07:00 ] - [ 00:30:09:00 ]
Maybe that's why Bill didn't know.

 [ 00:30:10:00 ] - [ 00:30:11:00 ]
No one could know.

 [ 00:30:11:00 ] - [ 00:30:11:00 ]
I know.

 [ 00:30:11:00 ] - [ 00:30:12:00 ]
I'm saying it's that.

 [ 00:30:13:00 ] - [ 00:30:13:00 ]

 [ 00:30:13:00 ] - [ 00:30:14:00 ]
So, OK.

 [ 00:30:14:00 ] - [ 00:30:15:00 ]
So we're Troderia.

 [ 00:30:15:00 ] - [ 00:30:16:00 ]
I think I said that right.

 [ 00:30:16:00 ] - [ 00:30:19:00 ]
We're Troderia fits into the entire scheme of things, though.

 [ 00:30:19:00 ] - [ 00:30:20:00 ]
We've seen Watto.

 [ 00:30:20:00 ] - [ 00:30:22:00 ]
We've seen the easy, actually the only one that we've seen.

 [ 00:30:22:00 ] - [ 00:30:24:00 ]
So maybe they are a smaller planet.

 [ 00:30:24:00 ] - [ 00:30:24:00 ]
I don't know.

 [ 00:30:24:00 ] - [ 00:30:25:00 ]
That's that's.

 [ 00:30:25:00 ] - [ 00:30:31:00 ]
So I'm still trying to visualize, you know, just coming up with a random number or not.

 [ 00:30:31:00 ] - [ 00:30:34:00 ]
Remember, it's not very good for generalizing.

 [ 00:30:34:00 ] - [ 00:30:34:00 ]

 [ 00:30:34:00 ] - [ 00:30:40:00 ]
So just visualizing my head, the Senate floor, you've got and I'm going to just come up with a number of five thousand.

 [ 00:30:40:00 ] - [ 00:30:44:00 ]
That's probably more than than physically would allow inside the Senate chambers or whatever.

 [ 00:30:44:00 ] - [ 00:30:45:00 ]
But I'm gonna say five thousand.

 [ 00:30:45:00 ] - [ 00:30:47:00 ]
Say those represent nine planets.

 [ 00:30:47:00 ] - [ 00:30:49:00 ]
Just something similar to our solar system.

 [ 00:30:49:00 ] - [ 00:30:50:00 ]
Forty five thousand.

 [ 00:30:51:00 ] - [ 00:30:53:00 ]
Is that fair to say?

 [ 00:30:53:00 ] - [ 00:30:57:00 ]
I mean, is that and then this is also two before the Separatist really movement took up that picture.

 [ 00:30:57:00 ] - [ 00:30:57:00 ]

 [ 00:30:58:00 ] - [ 00:31:05:00 ]
So at five minutes, I just happened to do some math here at five minutes before the Senate chambers, we're going to have a number of five thousand.

 [ 00:31:05:00 ] - [ 00:31:06:00 ]
That's what we're going to have.

 [ 00:31:07:00 ] - [ 00:31:13:00 ]
I'm going to round that up to 50,000. 50,000 worlds would take about half a year to orient.

 [ 00:31:13:00 ] - [ 00:31:21:00 ]
Orientate. For every new senator, non-stop, no potty breaks or eating, half a year to get

 [ 00:31:21:00 ] - [ 00:31:27:00 ]
quote-unquote oriented at five minutes per world. You know what would be amazing too is that they have these devices

 [ 00:31:27:00 ] - [ 00:31:32:00 ]
that they could actually hold and take with them that contained all the information they needed to look up.

 [ 00:31:32:00 ] - [ 00:31:37:00 ]
Doesn't count if it's not in your head. True. Okay. Now you would think, well yeah,

 [ 00:31:37:00 ] - [ 00:31:42:00 ]
Organa certainly knew what he was talking about. He knew what he was doing. King Tordaria,

 [ 00:31:42:00 ] - [ 00:31:47:00 ]
whatever his face was, was trying to throw it in his face, right? You don't know what he's talking about.

 [ 00:31:47:00 ] - [ 00:31:49:00 ]
Of course he knew what he was talking about. He knew what he was doing.

 [ 00:31:49:00 ] - [ 00:31:56:00 ]
And Tordaria, the King of Tordaria, he kind of relents that at the end though by letting them use the base to launch.

 [ 00:31:56:00 ] - [ 00:32:03:00 ]
Well, to launch once maybe, but the Jar Jar thing threw me. Jar Jar always throws you.

 [ 00:32:03:00 ] - [ 00:32:08:00 ]
That's the point of Jar Jar. I know, but it's just like, okay, number one, what is he already doing here?

 [ 00:32:08:00 ] - [ 00:32:13:00 ]
And how are they even tolerating him at this point? What purpose does, well, okay, story-wise,

 [ 00:32:13:00 ] - [ 00:32:18:00 ]
what purpose does he serve? He was there on a diplomatic mission, I think, as in a missionary.

 [ 00:32:18:00 ] - [ 00:32:26:00 ]
Wrong. What was he? To advance the plot, what purpose does he serve? Phrase that incorrectly.

 [ 00:32:26:00 ] - [ 00:32:29:00 ]
Okay. Yeah. I see what you're saying. You're not saying before they landed.

 [ 00:32:29:00 ] - [ 00:32:33:00 ]
You're saying after. To have comic relief whenever they're trying to let the ships go?

 [ 00:32:33:00 ] - [ 00:32:44:00 ]
Distraction. To be a fool. The jester. Yeah, exactly. The old court fool to distract from the launching

 [ 00:32:44:00 ] - [ 00:32:50:00 ]
and so that the thing can happen, the story can happen. Otherwise, all those people on Ryloth die, right?

 [ 00:32:50:00 ] - [ 00:32:57:00 ]
Yes, but you could buy that without having him in the story. I guess you could, but again,

 [ 00:32:57:00 ] - [ 00:33:01:00 ]
if you're a writer, you're going to draw upon, you're going to take the pieces that you have in your chess set

 [ 00:33:01:00 ] - [ 00:33:05:00 ]
and you're going to put them in play. Okay. Who doesn't love Jar Jar?

 [ 00:33:05:00 ] - [ 00:33:11:00 ]
I didn't get why he was there to begin with, you know what I mean? But anyways, okay, go ahead.

 [ 00:33:11:00 ] - [ 00:33:20:00 ]
Go ahead with your Jar Jar love. Oh, my Jar Jar love. Yes, I actually made a note when he showed up.

 [ 00:33:20:00 ] - [ 00:33:24:00 ]
I said, oh God, Jar Jar. It was just a weird character ad for me.

 [ 00:33:24:00 ] - [ 00:33:30:00 ]
You could have put any other character there that, okay, we'll go with it.

 [ 00:33:30:00 ] - [ 00:33:35:00 ]
That was the low point for the episode for me, but overall, what did you think of the episode as a whole?

 [ 00:33:35:00 ] - [ 00:33:38:00 ]
Oh, very good. Like I said, I thought the battle was really good,

 [ 00:33:38:00 ] - [ 00:33:42:00 ]
although I don't understand why the droids don't just nuke everybody. What do they care? Right?

 [ 00:33:42:00 ] - [ 00:33:44:00 ]
Yes, agree. Just launch nukes. Just nuke, nuke, nuke.

 [ 00:33:44:00 ] - [ 00:33:51:00 ]
Because the droids, and why wouldn't they just kill everything around them, including themselves?

 [ 00:33:51:00 ] - [ 00:33:54:00 ]
So I think there's natural resources on some of these planets, so they can't go crazy with the nukes.

 [ 00:33:54:00 ] - [ 00:33:56:00 ]
You know what I mean? They've got to actually take over control.

 [ 00:33:56:00 ] - [ 00:34:02:00 ]
And I think there is still a semblance of warfare, like a little bit of like, I don't know,

 [ 00:34:02:00 ] - [ 00:34:06:00 ]
what do you want to call it? Like a mutual agreement that we're not just going to wipe each other.

 [ 00:34:06:00 ] - [ 00:34:11:00 ]
We can, totally can. And once this Death Star thing starts popping up, then yeah, we're going to do that.

 [ 00:34:11:00 ] - [ 00:34:15:00 ]
But I'm just saying, up until this point, I think there's still kind of a, maybe like a,

 [ 00:34:15:00 ] - [ 00:34:19:00 ]
it's bad to say gentleman's agreement, but it's still like a, we're going to fight a war,

 [ 00:34:19:00 ] - [ 00:34:22:00 ]
even though we have tons of robots, we're going to fight a war as a war should be fought,

 [ 00:34:22:00 ] - [ 00:34:24:00 ]
you know, up until the Death Star part.

 [ 00:34:24:00 ] - [ 00:34:26:00 ]
Fight like civilized people.

 [ 00:34:26:00 ] - [ 00:34:29:00 ]
Yeah, we'll fight like civilized people with sword and maces.

 [ 00:34:29:00 ] - [ 00:34:32:00 ]
I don't buy it. I just, I think it's a limitation of the imagination.

 [ 00:34:32:00 ] - [ 00:34:39:00 ]
Where's the heavy artillery, like launching from 26 miles away? Where's the air power?

 [ 00:34:39:00 ] - [ 00:34:44:00 ]
It's just, and I know the answer to all this. It's that, well, if we do that,

 [ 00:34:44:00 ] - [ 00:34:46:00 ]
then there's no story to tell because everybody dies.

 [ 00:34:46:00 ] - [ 00:34:50:00 ]
And so they have to restrict themselves to the little tanks that hover on the ground

 [ 00:34:50:00 ] - [ 00:34:52:00 ]
and they're boxed into this canyon.

 [ 00:34:52:00 ] - [ 00:34:55:00 ]
And apparently there's no third dimensions or they can't come down from above.

 [ 00:34:55:00 ] - [ 00:34:59:00 ]
You're men on the ground, even though they're robots or idiots.

 [ 00:34:59:00 ] - [ 00:35:00:00 ]

 [ 00:35:00:00 ] - [ 00:35:06:00 ]
Yeah, yeah, I agree with you. I mean, it's a given for the story, but still it's...

 [ 00:35:06:00 ] - [ 00:35:12:00 ]
Yeah, I'm learning to put those criticisms aside because, I mean, watch the show, enjoy it or don't.

 [ 00:35:12:00 ] - [ 00:35:15:00 ]
Yeah, you're not going to have a story if you don't. Yeah, it is what it is.

 [ 00:35:15:00 ] - [ 00:35:18:00 ]
Okay, so let's go back to our original question at the beginning of the podcast.

 [ 00:35:18:00 ] - [ 00:35:20:00 ]
What would you rate these two episodes, one out of a hundred,

 [ 00:35:20:00 ] - [ 00:35:25:00 ]
and which episode of the four that we've seen would you say is the best?

 [ 00:35:25:00 ] - [ 00:35:30:00 ]
Like, what would you give it and what would you say its ranking is compared to other forms of media?

 [ 00:35:31:00 ] - [ 00:35:33:00 ]
Compared to other forms of media?

 [ 00:35:33:00 ] - [ 00:35:39:00 ]
That we've watched. So first off, tell me your best episode

 [ 00:35:39:00 ] - [ 00:35:42:00 ]
and what score you would give it out of the four that we've watched, The Clone Wars.

 [ 00:35:42:00 ] - [ 00:35:45:00 ]
You know, I'm going to have to go with the last one we were just talking about,

 [ 00:35:45:00 ] - [ 00:35:47:00 ]
which was called something, Supply Lines, I think.

 [ 00:35:47:00 ] - [ 00:35:48:00 ]

 [ 00:35:48:00 ] - [ 00:35:54:00 ]
And yeah, that was good. It seemed pivotal, kind of, or important.

 [ 00:35:54:00 ] - [ 00:36:00:00 ]
I've got to tell you that it's increasingly, it's starting to feel like a guilty pleasure,

 [ 00:36:00:00 ] - [ 00:36:04:00 ]
the Cadet one. Yeah. The Bad Batch.

 [ 00:36:04:00 ] - [ 00:36:24:00 ]
I really didn't care all that much about it at the time, but...

 [ 00:36:25:00 ] - [ 00:36:31:00 ]
I guess I kind of do like getting to know these clone troopers.

 [ 00:36:31:00 ] - [ 00:36:35:00 ]
Which is weird, right? Because they're disposable. I'm not supposed to care about them.

 [ 00:36:35:00 ] - [ 00:36:37:00 ]
But I guess I'm supposed to care about these guys.

 [ 00:36:37:00 ] - [ 00:36:40:00 ]
Oh, that was a question I had. So how many clone troopers are there?

 [ 00:36:40:00 ] - [ 00:36:42:00 ]
In the army?

 [ 00:36:42:00 ] - [ 00:36:43:00 ]
Another great question.

 [ 00:36:43:00 ] - [ 00:36:45:00 ]
Would you say 5,000 there?

 [ 00:36:45:00 ] - [ 00:36:50:00 ]
Is it Tal-Ali? What was the Kaminoan clone?

 [ 00:36:50:00 ] - [ 00:36:52:00 ]
There's a number mentioned I feel like in Episode 2.

 [ 00:36:52:00 ] - [ 00:36:58:00 ]
Where she says we have this amount ready now and then we have this amount ready for your contract.

 [ 00:36:58:00 ] - [ 00:37:00:00 ]
Yes, you're right. And I have no idea.

 [ 00:37:00:00 ] - [ 00:37:02:00 ]
Now I gotta go look that up.

 [ 00:37:02:00 ] - [ 00:37:04:00 ]
So that would give me an indication of how many there are.

 [ 00:37:04:00 ] - [ 00:37:07:00 ]
But suffice to say it's more than a few.

 [ 00:37:07:00 ] - [ 00:37:08:00 ]
Yeah, definitely.

 [ 00:37:08:00 ] - [ 00:37:10:00 ]
It's quite a few, right?

 [ 00:37:10:00 ] - [ 00:37:11:00 ]

 [ 00:37:11:00 ] - [ 00:37:13:00 ]
And they're worried about these 5 guys?

 [ 00:37:13:00 ] - [ 00:37:14:00 ]
They're worried about 5?

 [ 00:37:14:00 ] - [ 00:37:17:00 ]
They're worried about, if this was a squadron, they're worried about one squadron?

 [ 00:37:17:00 ] - [ 00:37:20:00 ]
Well, Shakti, I mean, she's a Jedi. She sends his life.

 [ 00:37:20:00 ] - [ 00:37:27:00 ]
I gotta give the Jedi a little bit of credit and say that they're not just going to dispose of these guys and wait for the next batch.

 [ 00:37:27:00 ] - [ 00:37:29:00 ]
I mean, I think that even the 99 shows that.

 [ 00:37:29:00 ] - [ 00:37:35:00 ]
Like, you know, he's not anywhere near a fighter, but he's still helping the cause, I guess is the best way to say it.

 [ 00:37:35:00 ] - [ 00:37:37:00 ]
He's whipping the team into shape.

 [ 00:37:37:00 ] - [ 00:37:39:00 ]
In the end, yeah.

 [ 00:37:39:00 ] - [ 00:37:40:00 ]
Giving him the eye of the tiger.

 [ 00:37:40:00 ] - [ 00:37:41:00 ]
Yeah, he's the Muragai.

 [ 00:37:41:00 ] - [ 00:37:43:00 ]
But, okay, so back to my question.

 [ 00:37:43:00 ] - [ 00:37:47:00 ]
You said that you liked Supply Line's probably first best, Clone Cadets second.

 [ 00:37:47:00 ] - [ 00:37:54:00 ]
What score, 1 through 100, would you give Supply Line's compared to any other thing that we've already done?

 [ 00:37:54:00 ] - [ 00:37:59:00 ]
That's Doku Jedi Lost, that's, you know, the movies that we've watched.

 [ 00:37:59:00 ] - [ 00:38:01:00 ]
The thing I could barely get through.

 [ 00:38:01:00 ] - [ 00:38:03:00 ]
Yeah, no, that's why I said it.

 [ 00:38:03:00 ] - [ 00:38:06:00 ]
Because there's been some low points in different forms of media.

 [ 00:38:06:00 ] - [ 00:38:08:00 ]
There's also been some high points in the different forms of media.

 [ 00:38:08:00 ] - [ 00:38:21:00 ]
Okay, so I think it's time we deal with the overarching issue of the scale, and I think you, when you say, this episode, I give a 60.

 [ 00:38:21:00 ] - [ 00:38:25:00 ]
You are saying this episode is slightly above average.

 [ 00:38:25:00 ] - [ 00:38:30:00 ]
And what I hear, based on all those years of schooling, is this episode sucks.

 [ 00:38:30:00 ] - [ 00:38:32:00 ]
It fails.

 [ 00:38:32:00 ] - [ 00:38:39:00 ]
So I go back to, I revert back to a happiness scale based on letter grades from public schooling.

 [ 00:38:39:00 ] - [ 00:38:46:00 ]
So if you're under 60, that's an F, and I think that that's not a good thing.

 [ 00:38:46:00 ] - [ 00:38:48:00 ]
Does that make sense?

 [ 00:38:48:00 ] - [ 00:38:53:00 ]
A D is passable, so 60 to 70 is like, kind of passable, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:38:53:00 ] - [ 00:38:57:00 ]
So you don't consider, then I'm wrong, you don't consider 50 to be median.

 [ 00:38:57:00 ] - [ 00:39:00:00 ]
Wait, wait, wait, passable was not a good, passable was not a good word.

 [ 00:39:00:00 ] - [ 00:39:15:00 ]
If I'm voting for something 60, it means that I don't consider it to be as good as some of the other types, some of the other stories I've imbibbed from that same type of media.

 [ 00:39:15:00 ] - [ 00:39:16:00 ]
Does that make sense?

 [ 00:39:16:00 ] - [ 00:39:17:00 ]

 [ 00:39:17:00 ] - [ 00:39:24:00 ]
So that's my ranking, and whenever somebody says it was below 50, I mean, to me, that's like, that was pretty bad.

 [ 00:39:24:00 ] - [ 00:39:25:00 ]
That had to be bad.

 [ 00:39:25:00 ] - [ 00:39:26:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:39:26:00 ] - [ 00:39:27:00 ]
That's not a good thing at all.

 [ 00:39:27:00 ] - [ 00:39:30:00 ]
I mean, 60, I'm going to be like, okay, it was watchable, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:39:30:00 ] - [ 00:39:33:00 ]
70 to 80 for me is like, okay, this is pretty good.

 [ 00:39:33:00 ] - [ 00:39:39:00 ]
You know, nothing, I don't think anything, besides Robert Wood, will ever get from 90 to 100 for me, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:39:39:00 ] - [ 00:39:40:00 ]
Like, that's like...

 [ 00:39:40:00 ] - [ 00:39:51:00 ]
Okay, so we are one step off, because what you're describing for 60 to 70 is, to me, 70 was the, anything below 70 was failing when I went to school.

 [ 00:39:51:00 ] - [ 00:39:55:00 ]
And so 70 to 80 is, eh, it's all right.

 [ 00:39:55:00 ] - [ 00:39:56:00 ]
You know, it's fine.

 [ 00:39:56:00 ] - [ 00:39:58:00 ]
I'd rather watch this than, you know, clean the bathroom.

 [ 00:39:58:00 ] - [ 00:40:05:00 ]
So 60 to 75, or let's say 65 to 75, there's not much difference in my mind.

 [ 00:40:05:00 ] - [ 00:40:11:00 ]
Like, it's either like, I can watch it, and it was a little bit better than something else that I've watched of that same type of media, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:40:11:00 ] - [ 00:40:15:00 ]
Like, so here, let's go to Supply Lines.

 [ 00:40:15:00 ] - [ 00:40:20:00 ]
Supply Lines, to me, I'm going to say probably about a 67, 68.

 [ 00:40:20:00 ] - [ 00:40:25:00 ]
It wasn't amazing, it didn't blow me away, but it also wasn't like, bad.

 [ 00:40:25:00 ] - [ 00:40:26:00 ]
I enjoyed watching it.

 [ 00:40:26:00 ] - [ 00:40:28:00 ]
It was a good 30 minutes spent, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:40:28:00 ] - [ 00:40:35:00 ]
Okay, so if I take what your words are, because I feel kind of the same way, maybe slightly a little bit better than it was okay.

 [ 00:40:35:00 ] - [ 00:40:40:00 ]
And I adjust it to my scale, that would be like an 80.

 [ 00:40:42:00 ] - [ 00:40:44:00 ]
But for you, an 80 is pretty darn low.

 [ 00:40:44:00 ] - [ 00:40:49:00 ]
Yeah, it's not an 80, because if you're hitting 90 or above, this was a stellar piece of story.

 [ 00:40:49:00 ] - [ 00:40:52:00 ]
Have you rated anything 90 and higher?

 [ 00:40:52:00 ] - [ 00:40:53:00 ]
Because I know I have.

 [ 00:40:53:00 ] - [ 00:40:55:00 ]
No, no, I don't think so.

 [ 00:40:55:00 ] - [ 00:40:58:00 ]
On this journey so far, I have not rated a single thing.

 [ 00:40:58:00 ] - [ 00:41:04:00 ]
I think the closest I would get to 90 would probably be Master and Apprentice, when we read that book.

 [ 00:41:04:00 ] - [ 00:41:05:00 ]
Okay, sure.

 [ 00:41:05:00 ] - [ 00:41:08:00 ]
And then the Darth Maul comic was good.

 [ 00:41:08:00 ] - [ 00:41:12:00 ]
I mean, it wasn't bad, but I definitely wouldn't have gave it over 90.

 [ 00:41:12:00 ] - [ 00:41:17:00 ]
I'm probably going to go edit this podcast and have me say, I don't think it was a 92.

 [ 00:41:17:00 ] - [ 00:41:20:00 ]
I want to hear the sound bite right now.

 [ 00:41:20:00 ] - [ 00:41:23:00 ]
Episode 8, Obi-Wan and Anakin.

 [ 00:41:24:00 ] - [ 00:41:26:00 ]
I give it a 93 or 94.

 [ 00:41:26:00 ] - [ 00:41:27:00 ]
93 or 94.

 [ 00:41:27:00 ] - [ 00:41:29:00 ]
93 or 94.

 [ 00:41:29:00 ] - [ 00:41:34:00 ]
But I think that for me to say from 90 to 100 means like it really moved me.

 [ 00:41:34:00 ] - [ 00:41:37:00 ]
Like it was a really good story. It was a really good delivery of the story.

 [ 00:41:37:00 ] - [ 00:41:39:00 ]
And I cared about the characters.

 [ 00:41:39:00 ] - [ 00:41:40:00 ]

 [ 00:41:40:00 ] - [ 00:41:43:00 ]
There's just not many things that like in the Star Wars universe.

 [ 00:41:43:00 ] - [ 00:41:45:00 ]
I love Star Wars. I love it as a whole.

 [ 00:41:45:00 ] - [ 00:41:47:00 ]
I love watching the movies.

 [ 00:41:47:00 ] - [ 00:41:49:00 ]
But there's very few things that I would put up to that.

 [ 00:41:49:00 ] - [ 00:41:50:00 ]

 [ 00:41:50:00 ] - [ 00:41:53:00 ]
Let's talk about some other stuff later.

 [ 00:41:53:00 ] - [ 00:41:57:00 ]
But 90 to 100 to me means you hit the ball out of the park.

 [ 00:41:57:00 ] - [ 00:42:00:00 ]
But you saying 80 is passable.

 [ 00:42:00:00 ] - [ 00:42:02:00 ]
Like that you enjoyed watching it.

 [ 00:42:02:00 ] - [ 00:42:05:00 ]
Not passable. It's good.

 [ 00:42:05:00 ] - [ 00:42:09:00 ]
Maybe we should keep our own.

 [ 00:42:09:00 ] - [ 00:42:11:00 ]
Like keep your scale.

 [ 00:42:11:00 ] - [ 00:42:13:00 ]
No, no, no. I'm not saying we sync up.

 [ 00:42:13:00 ] - [ 00:42:14:00 ]
No, no, no, no, no.

 [ 00:42:14:00 ] - [ 00:42:15:00 ]
You need to have your scale.

 [ 00:42:15:00 ] - [ 00:42:17:00 ]
I'm just trying to understand your scale.

 [ 00:42:17:00 ] - [ 00:42:23:00 ]
And well I guess kind of in a way I was thinking maybe I'm a little too generous.

 [ 00:42:23:00 ] - [ 00:42:28:00 ]
But no. Okay. So Supply Lines I want to say somewhere in the 85 to 80.

 [ 00:42:28:00 ] - [ 00:42:30:00 ]
Somewhere in that range.

 [ 00:42:30:00 ] - [ 00:42:31:00 ]

 [ 00:42:31:00 ] - [ 00:42:32:00 ]
Maybe in the 80s.

 [ 00:42:32:00 ] - [ 00:42:34:00 ]
Cloak of Duts.

 [ 00:42:34:00 ] - [ 00:42:37:00 ]
I mean originally high 70s.

 [ 00:42:37:00 ] - [ 00:42:39:00 ]
But I keep thinking back to it.

 [ 00:42:39:00 ] - [ 00:42:41:00 ]
I kind of want to go watch it again.

 [ 00:42:41:00 ] - [ 00:42:44:00 ]
So I'm going to stick with that.

 [ 00:42:44:00 ] - [ 00:42:46:00 ]
Like a 78.

 [ 00:42:46:00 ] - [ 00:42:48:00 ]
Okay. All right.

 [ 00:42:48:00 ] - [ 00:42:50:00 ]
Which for me is okay.

 [ 00:42:50:00 ] - [ 00:42:51:00 ]
I think we're just 10 points away.

 [ 00:42:51:00 ] - [ 00:42:53:00 ]
There's a 10 point slide for me and you.

 [ 00:42:53:00 ] - [ 00:42:55:00 ]
And I think that's probably about right.

 [ 00:42:55:00 ] - [ 00:42:56:00 ]
Yeah, exactly.

 [ 00:42:56:00 ] - [ 00:42:57:00 ]
I agree with that.

 [ 00:42:57:00 ] - [ 00:43:00:00 ]
The problem with the scale and the reason that I think a lot of people would say,

 [ 00:43:00:00 ] - [ 00:43:06:00 ]
guys if you say it's kind of mediocre, kind of average, that should be a 50.

 [ 00:43:06:00 ] - [ 00:43:13:00 ]
Because the problem with the scales that you and I have is when I get below a 70,

 [ 00:43:13:00 ] - [ 00:43:16:00 ]
what is the difference between a 50 and a 40 and a 30?

 [ 00:43:16:00 ] - [ 00:43:18:00 ]
They're all garbage.

 [ 00:43:18:00 ] - [ 00:43:23:00 ]
You're saying above average is 50, but we're comparing so many different types of media.

 [ 00:43:23:00 ] - [ 00:43:26:00 ]
You can't do that.

 [ 00:43:26:00 ] - [ 00:43:28:00 ]
How do I say this?

 [ 00:43:28:00 ] - [ 00:43:36:00 ]
If I have to say this comic book, this movie, this audio drama, and this show are all on the same scale,

 [ 00:43:36:00 ] - [ 00:43:38:00 ]
where does something fall?

 [ 00:43:38:00 ] - [ 00:43:44:00 ]
It's hard for me to say the production values and all this other stuff of a movie that I know costs tons,

 [ 00:43:44:00 ] - [ 00:43:47:00 ]
has tons of actors, has tons of people behind it.

 [ 00:43:47:00 ] - [ 00:43:53:00 ]
It's hard for me to not align my scale so that a TV show that maybe – don't get me wrong,

 [ 00:43:53:00 ] - [ 00:43:55:00 ]
this TV show still costs money to make and everything.

 [ 00:43:55:00 ] - [ 00:44:04:00 ]
But you've got to fall a little bit lower but not as bad as less than 50% means it was bad.

 [ 00:44:04:00 ] - [ 00:44:06:00 ]
You're weighting the different media.

 [ 00:44:06:00 ] - [ 00:44:07:00 ]
Yeah, that's fine.

 [ 00:44:07:00 ] - [ 00:44:08:00 ]
That's fine.

 [ 00:44:08:00 ] - [ 00:44:09:00 ]
I don't.

 [ 00:44:09:00 ] - [ 00:44:12:00 ]
My number rating is strictly how much I enjoyed it.

 [ 00:44:12:00 ] - [ 00:44:13:00 ]
I don't care what it is.

 [ 00:44:13:00 ] - [ 00:44:14:00 ]
Okay, all right.

 [ 00:44:14:00 ] - [ 00:44:17:00 ]
I did not enjoy Doku, the Jedi Lost thing.

 [ 00:44:17:00 ] - [ 00:44:18:00 ]
It was just I couldn't enjoy it.

 [ 00:44:18:00 ] - [ 00:44:22:00 ]
Well, there were technical problems with that in my opinion, but yeah, I agree with that.

 [ 00:44:22:00 ] - [ 00:44:30:00 ]
Please go listen to podcast number 9 or 10, I think, if you'd like to learn more about Doku Jedi Lost.

 [ 00:44:30:00 ] - [ 00:44:31:00 ]
Yeah, good luck.

 [ 00:44:31:00 ] - [ 00:44:32:00 ]
Yeah, that was a rough one.

 [ 00:44:32:00 ] - [ 00:44:38:00 ]
So I think that regardless of our scale differences, we both kind of enjoyed these two episodes a little bit more

 [ 00:44:38:00 ] - [ 00:44:39:00 ]
than the first two episodes we watched.

 [ 00:44:39:00 ] - [ 00:44:41:00 ]
Are you in agreement with that?

 [ 00:44:41:00 ] - [ 00:44:42:00 ]
Yeah, definitely, yes.

 [ 00:44:42:00 ] - [ 00:44:47:00 ]
And then I personally am very interested in the fact that knowing that The Bad Batch is around the corner,

 [ 00:44:47:00 ] - [ 00:44:49:00 ]
is this dominant squad?

 [ 00:44:49:00 ] - [ 00:44:53:00 ]
I'm pretty positive that it is, but if it isn't, then I'm eager to see what that squad is.

 [ 00:44:53:00 ] - [ 00:44:54:00 ]
Did we have this?

 [ 00:44:54:00 ] - [ 00:44:57:00 ]
Is that animated or is that live action?

 [ 00:44:57:00 ] - [ 00:44:58:00 ]
I believe it's animated.

 [ 00:44:58:00 ] - [ 00:44:59:00 ]
Yeah, it kind of has to be, right?

 [ 00:44:59:00 ] - [ 00:45:00:00 ]
Yeah, I think it is.

 [ 00:45:00:00 ] - [ 00:45:01:00 ]
I'm pretty sure it's animated.

 [ 00:45:01:00 ] - [ 00:45:06:00 ]
But it makes me understand more why people were so excited whenever it was announced,

 [ 00:45:06:00 ] - [ 00:45:11:00 ]
if this is this group that you so early in The Clone Wars get introduced to,

 [ 00:45:11:00 ] - [ 00:45:15:00 ]
and I'm assuming you're going to have little cut episodes every season about them.

 [ 00:45:15:00 ] - [ 00:45:16:00 ]

 [ 00:45:16:00 ] - [ 00:45:20:00 ]
That's what builds up over the whole Clone Wars, is you fall in love with this little unit,

 [ 00:45:20:00 ] - [ 00:45:21:00 ]
and that's pretty cool to me.

 [ 00:45:21:00 ] - [ 00:45:22:00 ]
I mean, that's a neat thing.

 [ 00:45:22:00 ] - [ 00:45:26:00 ]
All right, so Jon, the last two podcasts we've been having are kind of a little segment at the end,

 [ 00:45:26:00 ] - [ 00:45:30:00 ]
three or four minutes talking about stuff that we've been watching outside of the Star Wars universe,

 [ 00:45:30:00 ] - [ 00:45:34:00 ]
or stuff that you've been consuming, in the case of video games, stuff like that.

 [ 00:45:34:00 ] - [ 00:45:35:00 ]
I'm going to put you on the spot first.

 [ 00:45:35:00 ] - [ 00:45:36:00 ]
What have you been doing?

 [ 00:45:36:00 ] - [ 00:45:37:00 ]
Like, what have you been watching?

 [ 00:45:37:00 ] - [ 00:45:39:00 ]
Oh, I got two words for you.

 [ 00:45:39:00 ] - [ 00:45:41:00 ]
I have two words for you, my friend.

 [ 00:45:41:00 ] - [ 00:45:42:00 ]
Babylon 5?

 [ 00:45:42:00 ] - [ 00:45:43:00 ]
No, no, no.

 [ 00:45:43:00 ] - [ 00:45:45:00 ]
I stalled out on that.

 [ 00:45:45:00 ] - [ 00:45:46:00 ]
I hit the part in season four.

 [ 00:45:46:00 ] - [ 00:45:47:00 ]
I don't want to get into it.

 [ 00:45:47:00 ] - [ 00:45:48:00 ]
It's complicated.

 [ 00:45:48:00 ] - [ 00:45:53:00 ]
So two words for you are Zack Schneider.

 [ 00:45:53:00 ] - [ 00:45:54:00 ]
Oh, no.

 [ 00:45:54:00 ] - [ 00:45:57:00 ]
Did you watch that four-hour supercut thing?

 [ 00:45:57:00 ] - [ 00:45:59:00 ]
It's not a supercut.

 [ 00:45:59:00 ] - [ 00:46:00:00 ]
Or whatever you call it.

 [ 00:46:00:00 ] - [ 00:46:02:00 ]
Yeah, I was trying to post on this one.

 [ 00:46:02:00 ] - [ 00:46:04:00 ]
Well, what do you call it?

 [ 00:46:04:00 ] - [ 00:46:05:00 ]
It's a different movie.

 [ 00:46:05:00 ] - [ 00:46:06:00 ]
Well, okay.

 [ 00:46:06:00 ] - [ 00:46:08:00 ]
No, it's a different movie.

 [ 00:46:08:00 ] - [ 00:46:11:00 ]
If you haven't seen it, you don't understand what I'm saying.

 [ 00:46:11:00 ] - [ 00:46:14:00 ]
It's a different movie.

 [ 00:46:14:00 ] - [ 00:46:20:00 ]
It is a far superior movie that makes sense.

 [ 00:46:20:00 ] - [ 00:46:23:00 ]
Okay, so this was Schneider versus Whedon, right?

 [ 00:46:24:00 ] - [ 00:46:30:00 ]
Well, Snyder was the original and then he had a little, you know, personal tragedy, family tragedy, very sad.

 [ 00:46:30:00 ] - [ 00:46:32:00 ]
And he had to bow out and they brought in Joss Whedon.

 [ 00:46:33:00 ] - [ 00:46:33:00 ]
Yeah, what?

 [ 00:46:34:00 ] - [ 00:46:35:00 ]
Makes total sense, like why he left.

 [ 00:46:36:00 ] - [ 00:46:38:00 ]
Well, of course, absolutely.

 [ 00:46:38:00 ] - [ 00:46:43:00 ]
And they brought in Joss Whedon and Joss Whedon actually did exactly what they hired him to do.

 [ 00:46:44:00 ] - [ 00:46:50:00 ]
They hired him to make it Marvel, make it funny, and cut it down from four hours to two.

 [ 00:46:50:00 ] - [ 00:46:50:00 ]
And he did that.

 [ 00:46:51:00 ] - [ 00:46:51:00 ]
So catch me up.

 [ 00:46:51:00 ] - [ 00:46:54:00 ]
Everything was everything shot whenever Whedon took over.

 [ 00:46:55:00 ] - [ 00:47:02:00 ]
Or was it like, OK, so he had pretty much just he had just like this big bank of things to create a story with.

 [ 00:47:02:00 ] - [ 00:47:04:00 ]
So much footage, so much footage.

 [ 00:47:04:00 ] - [ 00:47:06:00 ]
And, you know, they weren't done with the effects and what have you.

 [ 00:47:06:00 ] - [ 00:47:08:00 ]
That that was all CGI stuff.

 [ 00:47:08:00 ] - [ 00:47:15:00 ]
Yeah. And so the puzzling thing is that Whedon came in and just chucked so much of it and said, no, we're reshooting everything.

 [ 00:47:16:00 ] - [ 00:47:18:00 ]
And so they actually shot a different movie.

 [ 00:47:19:00 ] - [ 00:47:20:00 ]
Yeah. Oh, so much.

 [ 00:47:20:00 ] - [ 00:47:22:00 ]
One hundred million dollars and just reshot.

 [ 00:47:23:00 ] - [ 00:47:31:00 ]
I don't know what percent, but a lot, a lot changed huge parts of the story into something totally different.

 [ 00:47:32:00 ] - [ 00:47:33:00 ]
OK, so so so.

 [ 00:47:34:00 ] - [ 00:47:43:00 ]
I have to see where your where your benchmark is, where do you see the DC characters up until this movie?

 [ 00:47:44:00 ] - [ 00:47:48:00 ]
Like the movies that were, I guess, assumed to be part of the and I don't know how DC canon works.

 [ 00:47:48:00 ] - [ 00:47:55:00 ]
Like I'm assuming that the current Batman, the current Superman, the current Wonder Woman, the current everybody else.

 [ 00:47:55:00 ] - [ 00:47:57:00 ]
I mean, like all those people are still in this universe.

 [ 00:47:57:00 ] - [ 00:48:00:00 ]
Right. Like this is supposed to be like a Marvel type thing.

 [ 00:48:00:00 ] - [ 00:48:03:00 ]
Yeah. What was your has been your opinion of the movies up until then?

 [ 00:48:03:00 ] - [ 00:48:04:00 ]
Not not not good.

 [ 00:48:05:00 ] - [ 00:48:07:00 ]
Yeah. Man of Steel had potential.

 [ 00:48:07:00 ] - [ 00:48:09:00 ]
Superman is actually the highlight for me.

 [ 00:48:09:00 ] - [ 00:48:11:00 ]
Like I like of all of all the movies other than.

 [ 00:48:11:00 ] - [ 00:48:13:00 ]
And yeah, I think Superman would be the highlight for me.

 [ 00:48:14:00 ] - [ 00:48:15:00 ]
You're talking about Man of Steel, right?

 [ 00:48:15:00 ] - [ 00:48:16:00 ]
Yeah, correct.

 [ 00:48:16:00 ] - [ 00:48:16:00 ]
Yeah. OK.

 [ 00:48:16:00 ] - [ 00:48:19:00 ]
Man, I'm sure it had so much potential.

 [ 00:48:19:00 ] - [ 00:48:21:00 ]
It had had a had a I can't say anything else.

 [ 00:48:21:00 ] - [ 00:48:26:00 ]
It had potential and it just kind of it was a little little bloated and a little little too heavy.

 [ 00:48:26:00 ] - [ 00:48:29:00 ]
You know, I'm important to too much of that.

 [ 00:48:29:00 ] - [ 00:48:33:00 ]
And the end of it, that whole smash the city thing was just come on.

 [ 00:48:33:00 ] - [ 00:48:34:00 ]
It's garbage.

 [ 00:48:35:00 ] - [ 00:48:40:00 ]
Wonder Woman was so I have to wonder what was fantastic until the ending, which didn't make any sense.

 [ 00:48:40:00 ] - [ 00:48:41:00 ]
That just didn't make any sense.

 [ 00:48:41:00 ] - [ 00:48:43:00 ]
But but 90 percent of that film was great.

 [ 00:48:43:00 ] - [ 00:48:49:00 ]
OK, and then I sort of man what Aquaman was fine, whatever.

 [ 00:48:49:00 ] - [ 00:48:50:00 ]
I like the CGI of the movie.

 [ 00:48:50:00 ] - [ 00:48:51:00 ]
It was good.

 [ 00:48:51:00 ] - [ 00:48:52:00 ]
People really like Aquaman.

 [ 00:48:52:00 ] - [ 00:48:53:00 ]
I did.

 [ 00:48:53:00 ] - [ 00:48:57:00 ]
I like I'm Luke Wormel now and was saying Batman versus Superman was hot garbage.

 [ 00:48:57:00 ] - [ 00:48:59:00 ]
I did. And what year was that?

 [ 00:49:00:00 ] - [ 00:49:05:00 ]
Whatever year that was, I think was one of the last DVDs I picked up from Redbox.

 [ 00:49:06:00 ] - [ 00:49:09:00 ]
And it had you know, it was messed up at the DVD.

 [ 00:49:09:00 ] - [ 00:49:11:00 ]
The physical disc was messed up towards the end.

 [ 00:49:11:00 ] - [ 00:49:15:00 ]
And so it just stopped playing right as the big battle was happening with what's his face?

 [ 00:49:15:00 ] - [ 00:49:16:00 ]
Doomsday. Think his name is Doomsday.

 [ 00:49:16:00 ] - [ 00:49:19:00 ]
Yeah. And I didn't even care to finish it.

 [ 00:49:19:00 ] - [ 00:49:22:00 ]
I didn't even like complain or get the disc back or get it.

 [ 00:49:22:00 ] - [ 00:49:23:00 ]
I just I didn't care.

 [ 00:49:23:00 ] - [ 00:49:24:00 ]
I just stopped watching.

 [ 00:49:24:00 ] - [ 00:49:26:00 ]
That's how bad that movie was for me.

 [ 00:49:26:00 ] - [ 00:49:27:00 ]
Yeah, that movie was terrible.

 [ 00:49:27:00 ] - [ 00:49:28:00 ]
I totally agree with that.

 [ 00:49:28:00 ] - [ 00:49:35:00 ]
And then when the the Whedon Justice League came out, I watched it, streamed it or whatever.

 [ 00:49:35:00 ] - [ 00:49:39:00 ]
And it was just complete garbage, total garbage.

 [ 00:49:39:00 ] - [ 00:49:40:00 ]
Total garbage.

 [ 00:49:41:00 ] - [ 00:49:42:00 ]
It was passable for me.

 [ 00:49:42:00 ] - [ 00:49:43:00 ]
We're going back to that passable scale.

 [ 00:49:43:00 ] - [ 00:49:45:00 ]
It was not it was not a good garbage.

 [ 00:49:45:00 ] - [ 00:49:48:00 ]
It was not a good movie, but I didn't regret my time.

 [ 00:49:48:00 ] - [ 00:49:50:00 ]
It's like, what the hell are these mother boxes?

 [ 00:49:50:00 ] - [ 00:49:52:00 ]
How does Batman know about this already?

 [ 00:49:52:00 ] - [ 00:49:54:00 ]
Why? I mean, did I miss something?

 [ 00:49:54:00 ] - [ 00:49:55:00 ]
It just made no sense.

 [ 00:49:55:00 ] - [ 00:49:57:00 ]
I didn't care about any of the characters.

 [ 00:49:57:00 ] - [ 00:49:58:00 ]
I didn't care about the villain.

 [ 00:49:58:00 ] - [ 00:49:59:00 ]
It was flat.

 [ 00:49:59:00 ] - [ 00:50:01:00 ]
It was it was crap.

 [ 00:50:02:00 ] - [ 00:50:08:00 ]
And I've not been one of those Snyder fanboys, you know, who's like released a Snyder cut.

 [ 00:50:08:00 ] - [ 00:50:10:00 ]
I'm like, OK, if they do that, that's cool.

 [ 00:50:10:00 ] - [ 00:50:14:00 ]
And then when the news came out that not only are they doing that, they're letting them do that.

 [ 00:50:14:00 ] - [ 00:50:16:00 ]
But they're putting millions into this.

 [ 00:50:16:00 ] - [ 00:50:17:00 ]
OK, all right.

 [ 00:50:17:00 ] - [ 00:50:18:00 ]
That's kind of neat.

 [ 00:50:18:00 ] - [ 00:50:19:00 ]
Let's see what you got.

 [ 00:50:19:00 ] - [ 00:50:26:00 ]
Well, let's say, though, I'm assuming that they put millions into this during 70, 70 million for the Snyder cut.

 [ 00:50:26:00 ] - [ 00:50:27:00 ]
I understood.

 [ 00:50:27:00 ] - [ 00:50:31:00 ]
But what I'm saying is they're doing this during covid when they're not producing anything else.

 [ 00:50:31:00 ] - [ 00:50:33:00 ]
Covid, I think, is why we have this.

 [ 00:50:33:00 ] - [ 00:50:35:00 ]
Yeah. Yes, that's correct.

 [ 00:50:35:00 ] - [ 00:50:39:00 ]
And yes, it's four hours and yes, it could have been two movies or could have been.

 [ 00:50:39:00 ] - [ 00:50:43:00 ]
They could have chopped it into a couple of episodes, kind of like, you know, we're getting used to with Mandalorian and

 [ 00:50:44:00 ] - [ 00:50:45:00 ]
WandaVision and stuff like that.

 [ 00:50:45:00 ] - [ 00:50:47:00 ]
It does make sense for it to have been.

 [ 00:50:47:00 ] - [ 00:50:51:00 ]
It could have been two, two theatrical releases because there is a battle.

 [ 00:50:51:00 ] - [ 00:50:53:00 ]
The battle in the subway thingy is right at two hours.

 [ 00:50:54:00 ] - [ 00:50:55:00 ]
And that could have been the finale of the first movie.

 [ 00:50:55:00 ] - [ 00:50:56:00 ]
It totally makes sense.

 [ 00:50:56:00 ] - [ 00:50:57:00 ]
Anyway, it is.

 [ 00:50:58:00 ] - [ 00:51:00:00 ]
It's I enjoyed it.

 [ 00:51:00:00 ] - [ 00:51:00:00 ]
It's good.

 [ 00:51:01:00 ] - [ 00:51:01:00 ]
It's good.

 [ 00:51:02:00 ] - [ 00:51:04:00 ]
Did you watch all four hours at the same time?

 [ 00:51:04:00 ] - [ 00:51:06:00 ]
No, I actually broke there at the after the two hour.

 [ 00:51:06:00 ] - [ 00:51:09:00 ]
Yeah, I've got other friends that really, really want me to watch it.

 [ 00:51:09:00 ] - [ 00:51:11:00 ]
And I'm just like, man, I don't know if I want to dedicate four hours to it.

 [ 00:51:11:00 ] - [ 00:51:13:00 ]
Like, I thought there was the other one.

 [ 00:51:13:00 ] - [ 00:51:13:00 ]
You don't have to.

 [ 00:51:13:00 ] - [ 00:51:14:00 ]
You could dedicate 30 minutes.

 [ 00:51:14:00 ] - [ 00:51:15:00 ]
It's up to you, buddy.

 [ 00:51:15:00 ] - [ 00:51:17:00 ]
I mean, it's actually broken out into parts.

 [ 00:51:17:00 ] - [ 00:51:19:00 ]
Like literally it says part one.

 [ 00:51:19:00 ] - [ 00:51:21:00 ]
This happens and then part two.

 [ 00:51:21:00 ] - [ 00:51:22:00 ]
This happens.

 [ 00:51:22:00 ] - [ 00:51:23:00 ]
And then part three.

 [ 00:51:23:00 ] - [ 00:51:24:00 ]
And then part four.

 [ 00:51:24:00 ] - [ 00:51:25:00 ]
And then part five.

 [ 00:51:25:00 ] - [ 00:51:26:00 ]
And then part six.

 [ 00:51:26:00 ] - [ 00:51:27:00 ]
And then part seven.

 [ 00:51:27:00 ] - [ 00:51:28:00 ]
And then part eight.

 [ 00:51:28:00 ] - [ 00:51:29:00 ]
And then part nine.

 [ 00:51:29:00 ] - [ 00:51:30:00 ]
And then part ten.

 [ 00:51:30:00 ] - [ 00:51:31:00 ]
And then part eleven.

 [ 00:51:31:00 ] - [ 00:51:32:00 ]
And then part twelve.

 [ 00:51:32:00 ] - [ 00:51:33:00 ]
And then part thirteen.

 [ 00:51:34:00 ] - [ 00:51:36:00 ]
It's up to you what you want to watch.

 [ 00:51:36:00 ] - [ 00:51:40:00 ]
I don't know. I'm 50-50 right now.

 [ 00:51:40:00 ] - [ 00:51:44:00 ]
You don't know what. What do you not know? Go watch it. It's so good.

 [ 00:51:44:00 ] - [ 00:51:49:00 ]
It's so good. It is not a recut. It is a different movie.

 [ 00:51:49:00 ] - [ 00:51:55:00 ]
So give me a percentage of the movie that you felt was a similar story to the other one.

 [ 00:51:55:00 ] - [ 00:52:04:00 ]
The overarching tendrils are the same but all of the connective tissue is totally different.

 [ 00:52:04:00 ] - [ 00:52:07:00 ]
What's the robot guy? Cyborg? Yes, Cyborg.

 [ 00:52:07:00 ] - [ 00:52:12:00 ]
In the first movie, made no sense. He had very little screen time. I didn't know why he was there.

 [ 00:52:12:00 ] - [ 00:52:15:00 ]
They did terrible character development with him in that movie.

 [ 00:52:15:00 ] - [ 00:52:22:00 ]
He's almost the central character. You could argue he is the central character in Zack Snyder's Justice League.

 [ 00:52:22:00 ] - [ 00:52:26:00 ]
He makes sense and I care about him as a character. It's fantastic.

 [ 00:52:26:00 ] - [ 00:52:33:00 ]
What about Flash? It felt like Batman shows up at his headquarters and he's part of the team automatically.

 [ 00:52:33:00 ] - [ 00:52:39:00 ]
Do they delve into him anymore? Yes. There's a whole scene about him where you get to meet the Flash.

 [ 00:52:39:00 ] - [ 00:52:44:00 ]
That's the problem that DC had. They didn't take the time like Marvel did.

 [ 00:52:44:00 ] - [ 00:52:48:00 ]
They did not take the time and have the Flash movie.

 [ 00:52:48:00 ] - [ 00:52:53:00 ]
They tried to cram it all into one movie. I totally get that. That's why it's four hours.

 [ 00:52:53:00 ] - [ 00:52:59:00 ]
It's four hours because they have to do all of that introductory stuff now in one product.

 [ 00:52:59:00 ] - [ 00:53:02:00 ]
And they do. So they did that. That's great. I get it.

 [ 00:53:02:00 ] - [ 00:53:06:00 ]
Maybe I will. We'll see. I don't know. It's one of those rooms where four hours is a lot.

 [ 00:53:06:00 ] - [ 00:53:10:00 ]
This is not worthy of debate. Just watch the thing. It's really good.

 [ 00:53:10:00 ] - [ 00:53:14:00 ]
Interesting. Anything else? Video games? Books?

 [ 00:53:14:00 ] - [ 00:53:19:00 ]
That's the primary thing. I did watch the first episode of Falcon and Winter Soldier.

 [ 00:53:19:00 ] - [ 00:53:23:00 ]
That was good in a different way for me. I don't know.

 [ 00:53:23:00 ] - [ 00:53:28:00 ]
That's good in a different way. It was very Marvel-y action-y. I liked that.

 [ 00:53:28:00 ] - [ 00:53:31:00 ]
Yes. The aerial stuff is fantastic.

 [ 00:53:31:00 ] - [ 00:53:37:00 ]
Oh yeah. Totally. The effects. Everything was very good about the show.

 [ 00:53:37:00 ] - [ 00:53:40:00 ]
It's just a completely different beast from WandaVision, which I like.

 [ 00:53:40:00 ] - [ 00:53:45:00 ]
I love WandaVision. WandaVision may go down as one of my favorite shows.

 [ 00:53:45:00 ] - [ 00:53:51:00 ]
WandaVision was so good up until... No, no, no. We can't say that.

 [ 00:53:51:00 ] - [ 00:53:55:00 ]
We're not going to give anything away. Some of us don't think that it crashed and burned.

 [ 00:53:55:00 ] - [ 00:53:57:00 ]
Some of us adamantly don't think that it crashed and burned.

 [ 00:53:57:00 ] - [ 00:54:00:00 ]
But we don't want to give anything away in case people are still catching up on it.

 [ 00:54:00:00 ] - [ 00:54:03:00 ]
Absolutely not. Just know that when you get to episode six or seven, just stop.

 [ 00:54:03:00 ] - [ 00:54:06:00 ]
That's the end of the show. Stop. It's not.

 [ 00:54:06:00 ] - [ 00:54:12:00 ]
I still contend that WandaVision gets better episode by episode until the finale,

 [ 00:54:12:00 ] - [ 00:54:14:00 ]
when you're just like, oh my gosh, this is so good.

 [ 00:54:14:00 ] - [ 00:54:17:00 ]
Anyways, talking about me and Jon's different scales.

 [ 00:54:17:00 ] - [ 00:54:19:00 ]
Anything else? What are you playing right now?

 [ 00:54:19:00 ] - [ 00:54:22:00 ]
I'm not really because I've been trying to catch up on some of the shows.

 [ 00:54:22:00 ] - [ 00:54:25:00 ]
So you're not playing anything. Yeah, I need to get you back into Sea of Thieves.

 [ 00:54:25:00 ] - [ 00:54:27:00 ]
I've been back into Sea of Thieves. I don't know why.

 [ 00:54:27:00 ] - [ 00:54:32:00 ]
It's this weird... You always hear about people talking about World of Warcraft for a while,

 [ 00:54:32:00 ] - [ 00:54:35:00 ]
just being this backbone game that they get back to on the back burner

 [ 00:54:35:00 ] - [ 00:54:37:00 ]
every time they don't have anything new to play.

 [ 00:54:37:00 ] - [ 00:54:40:00 ]
And I think with this, like, with COVID and everything,

 [ 00:54:40:00 ] - [ 00:54:42:00 ]
I'm not going to say there's a whole video game drought,

 [ 00:54:42:00 ] - [ 00:54:46:00 ]
but there's been a bit of a lull maybe in the new stuff coming out.

 [ 00:54:46:00 ] - [ 00:54:48:00 ]
And so I just jump into Sea of Thieves at night.

 [ 00:54:48:00 ] - [ 00:54:51:00 ]
And we've had great times on Sea of Thieves, you and I and some other guys.

 [ 00:54:51:00 ] - [ 00:54:52:00 ]
Oh, yeah. Yeah, no doubt.

 [ 00:54:52:00 ] - [ 00:54:55:00 ]
And I just like, that's really the only thing I've been playing.

 [ 00:54:55:00 ] - [ 00:54:58:00 ]
Oh, and Empire of Sin, which is a game that just hit the Game Pass.

 [ 00:54:58:00 ] - [ 00:55:00:00 ]
I haven't really gotten into it yet, but it's supposed to be pretty good.

 [ 00:55:00:00 ] - [ 00:55:05:00 ]
It's supposed to be like a real-time strategy-esque game set in the 1930s

 [ 00:55:05:00 ] - [ 00:55:09:00 ]
and the kind of gangster motif.

 [ 00:55:09:00 ] - [ 00:55:12:00 ]
I'm sorry, just real quick. Speaking of Star Wars,

 [ 00:55:12:00 ] - [ 00:55:17:00 ]
I saw that Squadrons is in Game of Pass... Game of Pass. Game Pass now?

 [ 00:55:17:00 ] - [ 00:55:19:00 ]
Game of Pass.

 [ 00:55:19:00 ] - [ 00:55:21:00 ]
It is in the Game of Pass.

 [ 00:55:21:00 ] - [ 00:55:23:00 ]
But no one talks about it.

 [ 00:55:23:00 ] - [ 00:55:25:00 ]
So, all right. So let me tell you what.

 [ 00:55:25:00 ] - [ 00:55:27:00 ]
I was so excited about Star Wars Squadrons.

 [ 00:55:27:00 ] - [ 00:55:31:00 ]
I don't want to crap on the game at all. I don't want to.

 [ 00:55:31:00 ] - [ 00:55:35:00 ]
I got into that game, and I just don't have the skill set to play that game.

 [ 00:55:35:00 ] - [ 00:55:36:00 ]
Oh, really?

 [ 00:55:36:00 ] - [ 00:55:39:00 ]
There are people that are amazing at that game.

 [ 00:55:39:00 ] - [ 00:55:44:00 ]
And I'm sure there's some kind of chess strategy where they rate people

 [ 00:55:44:00 ] - [ 00:55:45:00 ]
and they secretly behind the curtain,

 [ 00:55:45:00 ] - [ 00:55:48:00 ]
they make sure you don't play with people who are really, really good.

 [ 00:55:48:00 ] - [ 00:55:50:00 ]
But, man, I just must have really, really sucked at it

 [ 00:55:50:00 ] - [ 00:55:54:00 ]
because I just got tore up. I got like tore up.

 [ 00:55:54:00 ] - [ 00:55:56:00 ]
I get in there and it wasn't fun. You know what I mean?

 [ 00:55:56:00 ] - [ 00:56:00:00 ]
I played for probably about the first two or three weeks.

 [ 00:56:00:00 ] - [ 00:56:03:00 ]
Got decent, but it's one of those games that...

 [ 00:56:03:00 ] - [ 00:56:07:00 ]
I probably compared it to a lot of the battle royale games or League of Legends, stuff like that.

 [ 00:56:07:00 ] - [ 00:56:11:00 ]
You've got to know the meta around each of the changes that they've done to the ships,

 [ 00:56:11:00 ] - [ 00:56:13:00 ]
like to know what the best ship is.

 [ 00:56:13:00 ] - [ 00:56:15:00 ]
But you've also got to continuously kind of play it,

 [ 00:56:15:00 ] - [ 00:56:19:00 ]
or at least I would have to continuously play it to be decent at it.

 [ 00:56:19:00 ] - [ 00:56:20:00 ]

 [ 00:56:20:00 ] - [ 00:56:21:00 ]
And then when you get to where like,

 [ 00:56:21:00 ] - [ 00:56:26:00 ]
I've got to commit 30 minutes to an hour to this game every night to stay good at it

 [ 00:56:26:00 ] - [ 00:56:30:00 ]
and be competitive in the base game, like not even in competitive format.

 [ 00:56:30:00 ] - [ 00:56:32:00 ]
Yeah, I don't really care to do that.

 [ 00:56:32:00 ] - [ 00:56:52:00 ]
You know, and maybe the...

 [ 00:56:52:00 ] - [ 00:57:21:00 ]
I'm sure tons of people have really good fun with it and enjoy it and all that kind of good stuff, but just wasn't my bag.

 [ 00:57:21:00 ] - [ 00:57:29:00 ]
Well, that jives with my impression and that is when it came out, a lot of people were talking about it and then it just stopped.

 [ 00:57:29:00 ] - [ 00:57:30:00 ]

 [ 00:57:30:00 ] - [ 00:57:39:00 ]
And that to me, because I'm not an early adopter guy, I'm not one of the jumps in right away, that tells me, okay, there's not a lot to this.

 [ 00:57:39:00 ] - [ 00:57:48:00 ]
Yeah, see, I am the early adopter guy and I'm always like, oh yeah, like, like three or four weeks is usually if I'm still playing a game after three to four weeks, I'm like, okay, this has got some some heart, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:57:48:00 ] - [ 00:57:50:00 ]
Like, this has got some stuff that I want to keep playing with it.

 [ 00:57:50:00 ] - [ 00:57:54:00 ]
And then, yeah, that games didn't have it, unfortunately.

 [ 00:57:54:00 ] - [ 00:57:58:00 ]
Is what it is, kind of like Cyberpunk, if I'm being honest with you, like, I was really hyped about that game, too.

 [ 00:57:58:00 ] - [ 00:58:01:00 ]
That's another game that just dropped off the radar.

 [ 00:58:01:00 ] - [ 00:58:19:00 ]
Yeah, I played it, I probably played it a little over that three week threshold just to keep getting into it and stuff, but again, like, it's when you get into the meat of the game, like, the really like, kind of like, maybe, I don't want to say the last three quarters, I think it was probably the last three quarters of the game, over that halfway point of the game's main story arc.

 [ 00:58:19:00 ] - [ 00:58:23:00 ]
I just couldn't keep putting more time into it.

 [ 00:58:23:00 ] - [ 00:58:24:00 ]
Like, I just didn't feel like I wanted to.

 [ 00:58:24:00 ] - [ 00:58:26:00 ]
I wanted to move on to something else.

 [ 00:58:26:00 ] - [ 00:58:32:00 ]
Not to be fair, like I said, I'm always jumping to the next sparkly thing when it comes to gaming, so gaming ADD.

 [ 00:58:32:00 ] - [ 00:58:33:00 ]
Yeah, you really do.

 [ 00:58:33:00 ] - [ 00:58:38:00 ]
And I look to you to be like the Harbinger of you have to play this, this is really good.

 [ 00:58:38:00 ] - [ 00:58:41:00 ]
Yeah, so this is, again, what I think Sea of Thieves is impressive.

 [ 00:58:41:00 ] - [ 00:58:42:00 ]
Like, it's still impressive to me.

 [ 00:58:42:00 ] - [ 00:58:43:00 ]
It is.

 [ 00:58:43:00 ] - [ 00:58:46:00 ]
Like, even after time, it's an original game.

 [ 00:58:46:00 ] - [ 00:58:50:00 ]
You know, like, you really feel like you're playing something that you don't play or don't get that experience anywhere else.

 [ 00:58:50:00 ] - [ 00:58:51:00 ]

 [ 00:58:51:00 ] - [ 00:59:00:00 ]
You know, but again, too, I've been watching F1 Drive to Survive, which is a Netflix series that follows the previous year's F1 teams and the drama that kind of goes through and stuff.

 [ 00:59:00:00 ] - [ 00:59:01:00 ]
It's really good.

 [ 00:59:01:00 ] - [ 00:59:02:00 ]
It's a little reality show.

 [ 00:59:02:00 ] - [ 00:59:05:00 ]
I hate reality shows, but this one, it crosses with racing, which I love.

 [ 00:59:05:00 ] - [ 00:59:06:00 ]
So, I mean, that's really good.

 [ 00:59:06:00 ] - [ 00:59:07:00 ]
And then I wrapped up.

 [ 00:59:07:00 ] - [ 00:59:08:00 ]
You turned me on to that.

 [ 00:59:08:00 ] - [ 00:59:09:00 ]
You turned me on to that.

 [ 00:59:09:00 ] - [ 00:59:10:00 ]
There's a new season out.

 [ 00:59:10:00 ] - [ 00:59:11:00 ]
I forgot about it.

 [ 00:59:11:00 ] - [ 00:59:12:00 ]
Oh, that's right.

 [ 00:59:12:00 ] - [ 00:59:13:00 ]
I do.

 [ 00:59:13:00 ] - [ 00:59:14:00 ]
You did watch the season two, one and two of that.

 [ 00:59:14:00 ] - [ 00:59:15:00 ]
I forgot about that.

 [ 00:59:15:00 ] - [ 00:59:16:00 ]
Loved it.

 [ 00:59:16:00 ] - [ 00:59:18:00 ]
Yeah, so season three, the COVID season, just dropped last week.

 [ 00:59:18:00 ] - [ 00:59:19:00 ]

 [ 00:59:19:00 ] - [ 00:59:22:00 ]
And I think it's a shortened season just because the races were shortened and everything.

 [ 00:59:22:00 ] - [ 00:59:25:00 ]
I think it's six episodes, but I'm on episode three.

 [ 00:59:25:00 ] - [ 00:59:26:00 ]
And it's just as good.

 [ 00:59:26:00 ] - [ 00:59:45:00 ]
And it's really interesting to see the outside world start to adapt to COVID, too, because it's literally like just the way the F1 season works is it's literally like they're moving everything in a hugely expensive way, moving a whole team of race cars, people, and drivers to another location halfway around the world.

 [ 00:59:45:00 ] - [ 00:59:49:00 ]
And they're having to deal with all the COVID stuff like this country saying, no, you can't pass through it.

 [ 00:59:49:00 ] - [ 00:59:52:00 ]
This country saying, no, you can't land here because you haven't been tested.

 [ 00:59:52:00 ] - [ 00:59:57:00 ]
And there's a lot of just kind of neat things that now we kind of I don't want to say we forget about.

 [ 00:59:57:00 ] - [ 01:00:04:00 ]
We all know it happened less than a year ago, but we still see it like to see it in an international global stage and how it affects that sport is pretty interesting.

 [ 01:00:04:00 ] - [ 01:00:08:00 ]
I'm really glad you said that because I totally forgot about that series.

 [ 01:00:08:00 ] - [ 01:00:10:00 ]
And now, yeah, that's what I'm watching.

 [ 01:00:10:00 ] - [ 01:00:18:00 ]
And then continuing on tournament champions on Food Network, me and the wife, I think I mentioned on the last podcast, me and the wife are huge fans of that.

 [ 01:00:18:00 ] - [ 01:00:19:00 ]
And it's just as good.

 [ 01:00:19:00 ] - [ 01:00:20:00 ]
It comes out on Sunday nights.

 [ 01:00:20:00 ] - [ 01:00:27:00 ]
It's like a bracket type thing where chefs face off against other chefs on a completely blind taste test by three judges.

 [ 01:00:27:00 ] - [ 01:00:39:00 ]
And it's neat because you see people that are like these like Michelin star winning chefs cooking these beautiful French dishes that you're just like, oh, my God, this guy studied in like Italy for five years, you know, France for five years.

 [ 01:00:39:00 ] - [ 01:00:48:00 ]
You know, all these different places when they go up against like some guy that's cooking hot chicken from Nashville and he wins and you're just like, holy crap, it's it's a it really is.

 [ 01:00:48:00 ] - [ 01:00:50:00 ]
It's amazing because you're just like because it all comes down to taste.

 [ 01:00:50:00 ] - [ 01:00:51:00 ]
They have no clue who made it.

 [ 01:00:51:00 ] - [ 01:00:53:00 ]
They have no clue, you know, and it's interesting.

 [ 01:00:53:00 ] - [ 01:00:56:00 ]
It's a pretty cool kind of kind of show.

 [ 01:00:56:00 ] - [ 01:01:00:00 ]
But I think that's really about it that I'm watching.

 [ 01:01:00:00 ] - [ 01:01:03:00 ]
Still reading the body by Bill Bryson, which is a cool book about your body.

 [ 01:01:03:00 ] - [ 01:01:05:00 ]
Oh, that's on my list.

 [ 01:01:05:00 ] - [ 01:01:06:00 ]
That is on my list.

 [ 01:01:06:00 ] - [ 01:01:07:00 ]
It's pretty good.

 [ 01:01:07:00 ] - [ 01:01:13:00 ]
If any of the listeners don't know about Bill Bryson, he writes he takes subjects that are like not complicated, but just different.

 [ 01:01:13:00 ] - [ 01:01:21:00 ]
And he writes it in a really, really good way for the layman or somebody that's just not well versed in that particular subject.

 [ 01:01:21:00 ] - [ 01:01:25:00 ]
And the body is about all the different things that go on your body day to day.

 [ 01:01:25:00 ] - [ 01:01:26:00 ]
And it's really, really good.

 [ 01:01:26:00 ] - [ 01:01:37:00 ]
Some people may know him from a walk in the woods. It was a movie that my dad was in that that is based on his book, A Walk in the Woods, where somebody hikes the Appalachian Trail from the beginning of Georgia all the way up to Maine.

 [ 01:01:37:00 ] - [ 01:01:42:00 ]
And, you know, he writes a book about traveling it and he's written tons of other books about England.

 [ 01:01:42:00 ] - [ 01:01:45:00 ]
And I think this one may be the first non place book.

 [ 01:01:45:00 ] - [ 01:01:46:00 ]
I don't know. Can you think of anything?

 [ 01:01:46:00 ] - [ 01:01:51:00 ]
Oh, he had he had the oh, God, something not theory of everything, but.

 [ 01:01:51:00 ] - [ 01:01:56:00 ]
Oh, it's very similar.

 [ 01:01:57:00 ] - [ 01:02:03:00 ]
He has done other history books.

 [ 01:02:03:00 ] - [ 01:02:15:00 ]
He is a smart guy and he is very good at explaining stuff very quickly so that you can understand the concept and not have to be well versed and steeped in the actual research.

 [ 01:02:15:00 ] - [ 01:02:26:00 ]
It is a coffee table book but it is also a good history lesson about medical procedures.

 [ 01:02:26:00 ] - [ 01:02:30:00 ]
I highly recommend it. I am probably about 4 5ths of the way through it. I enjoy it. I recommend it.

 [ 01:02:30:00 ] - [ 01:02:34:00 ]
So thanks for joining us on episode 18 of the 11 parts next podcast.

 [ 01:02:34:00 ] - [ 01:02:38:00 ]
We are doing a little bit different. We are not taking two episodes for the next podcast.

 [ 01:02:38:00 ] - [ 01:02:44:00 ]
Based on the names only and I haven't watched these but episode 1 of season 1 of The Clone Wars is called Ambush.

 [ 01:02:44:00 ] - [ 01:02:48:00 ]
It is about rising malevolence, shadow malevolence and destroy malevolence.

 [ 01:02:48:00 ] - [ 01:02:52:00 ]
It is the next 4 episodes. Yeah, let's do it.

 [ 01:02:52:00 ] - [ 01:02:56:00 ]
So podcast number 19 is going to be the first 4 episodes of season 1 of The Clone Wars.

 [ 01:02:56:00 ] - [ 01:02:58:00 ]
Until then, stay safe.

 [ 01:02:58:00 ] - [ 01:03:02:00 ]
This is the 11 Parsecs podcast episode 18.

 [ 01:03:02:00 ] - [ 01:03:08:00 ]
If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a moment to subscribe and leave us a good review.

 [ 01:03:08:00 ] - [ 01:03:14:00 ]
And be sure to check us out at 11 parsecs.com and discord.

 [ 01:03:14:00 ] - [ 01:03:38:00 ]
I am Jonathan Smith with The Walking Defect, Eric Thompson. Thank you for joining us.