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Watto is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe who first appears in "Star Wars: Episode IThe Phantom Menace" and later in "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones." Created by George Lucas, Watto is an alien businessman and junk dealer who owns a shop in the desert world of Tatooine. His character is a Toydarian, a species known for its resistance to Jedi mind tricks and its small wings that allow it to hover a short distance above the ground.

In "The Phantom Menace," Watto plays a significant role in the story arc of Anakin Skywalker. He owns Anakin and his mother, Shmi Skywalker, as slaves. Watto's greed and obsession with betting are pivotal to the plot, as they lead to the fateful podracing event in which Anakin competes. Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Knight, strikes a deal with Watto, wagering Anakin's freedom on the boy's ability to win the podrace. Despite Watto's confidence in his racer Sebulba, Anakin emerges victorious, securing his freedom and setting him on the path to becoming a Jedi.

Watto's personality is characterized by his shrewdness and pragmatism. He is primarily concerned with profit and values his possessions, especially his slaves, for their potential to earn him money. His voice and mannerisms, brought to life by actor Andy Secombe and the animation team, give Watto a distinctive presence. The Toydarian's gravely, heavily-accented speech and gruff demeanor add depth to his character, making him memorable to audiences despite his relatively minor role in the grander Star Wars narrative.

In "Episode II – Attack of the Clones," Watto makes a brief appearance when Anakin, now a Jedi Padawan, returns to Tatooine in search of his mother. The meeting between Watto and Anakin is tense and reveals a shift in their dynamic. Watto, no longer in possession of Shmi, provides information about her sale to the moisture farmer Cliegg Lars. This encounter thrusts Anakin closer to his tragic Destiny, as it leads to the discovery of Shmi in the hands of the Tusken Raiders and her subsequent death, an event that deeply affects him.

The visual design of Watto, with his blue-green skin, elongated snout, and small feathered wings, draws inspiration from various sources, including folklore and earlier science fiction works. The character is brought to life through a combination of puppetry and CGI, reflecting the technological advancements in filmmaking during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Watto's unique appearance and distinctive voice have made him a notable character in pop culture, often cited in discussions of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

Watto has been the subject of some controversy and criticism, with some viewers perceiving him as embodying negative ethnic stereotypes. These interpretations have sparked debates about representation and sensitivity in media, highlighting the broader cultural impact of the Star Wars franchise. Despite these controversies, Watto remains a significant character within the Star Wars lore, representing the diverse array of beings that inhabit George Lucas's richly-imagined galaxy.

Watto's role in Star Wars serves as a catalyst for key events in the series, particularly in the life of Anakin Skywalker. His interactions with the main characters exemplify the complex web of relationships and moral ambiguities that define the Star Wars saga. Whether viewed as a mere supporting character or a symbol of broader themes, Watto continues to capture the interest and imagination of Star Wars fans worldwide.

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