
Episode 20: (22 BBY) Clone Wars S1E5-S1E7 ‘Downfall & Duel of the Droids‘

 [ 00:00:01:00 ] - [ 00:00:07:00 ]
That movie was fantastic. Oh Jesus what are you serious? I'm very serious. Oh that

 [ 00:00:07:00 ] - [ 00:00:10:00 ]
was so good. All right let me let me ask you one question that's gonna decide

 [ 00:00:10:00 ] - [ 00:00:15:00 ]
whether we're friends for the rest of our lives. We finally meet some proper

 [ 00:00:15:00 ] - [ 00:00:19:00 ]
battle droids and we once again see R2's neat little jets that either wreck or

 [ 00:00:19:00 ] - [ 00:00:24:00 ]
restore the Star Wars theory on fuel depending on your point of view. Today we

 [ 00:00:24:00 ] - [ 00:00:29:00 ]
discuss Clone Wars episodes 1 5 1 6 and 1 7 on this edition of the 11 par 6

 [ 00:00:29:00 ] - [ 00:00:31:00 ]

 [ 00:00:43:00 ] - [ 00:00:47:00 ]
Hello and welcome to episode number 20 of the 11 par 6 podcast. My name is Eric

 [ 00:00:47:00 ] - [ 00:00:53:00 ]
I'm here with my good buddy Jon. Hello. Jon sounds... you haven't started your beer

 [ 00:00:53:00 ] - [ 00:00:59:00 ]
yet have you? No no I just thought it I was really bored with the simple

 [ 00:00:59:00 ] - [ 00:01:02:00 ]
hellos that I've been doing. Okay so we're gonna start we're gonna start

 [ 00:01:02:00 ] - [ 00:01:04:00 ]
getting like dramatic. Okay good this is good because I can't wait to hear the

 [ 00:01:04:00 ] - [ 00:01:07:00 ]
differences and from here on out. I mean it's a good it's a good marker for

 [ 00:01:07:00 ] - [ 00:01:10:00 ]
episode 20. So for those of you that don't know about this podcast really

 [ 00:01:10:00 ] - [ 00:01:14:00 ]
quickly we are trying to cover every single bit of Star Wars New Canon in

 [ 00:01:14:00 ] - [ 00:01:18:00 ]
chronological order and we're in the throes of The Clone Wars episodes. We're

 [ 00:01:18:00 ] - [ 00:01:23:00 ]
gonna be talking about season 1 episodes 5 6 & 7 tonight and before we do that

 [ 00:01:23:00 ] - [ 00:01:28:00 ]
we're gonna pop open some beers but so that Jon what are you drinking tonight?

 [ 00:01:28:00 ] - [ 00:01:32:00 ]
Well Eric as you well know since you bought me this bottle this is a special...

 [ 00:01:32:00 ] - [ 00:01:36:00 ]
is episode 20 like a like a big big deal like some big anniversary it's like a

 [ 00:01:36:00 ] - [ 00:01:40:00 ]
one-month anniversary. So I look at it I look at it as like this podcast as our

 [ 00:01:40:00 ] - [ 00:01:43:00 ]
child and the 20th birthday well not the 21st which probably we should have

 [ 00:01:43:00 ] - [ 00:01:47:00 ]
waited for the big one but but I think I think 2020 is a pretty good number to

 [ 00:01:47:00 ] - [ 00:01:52:00 ]
drink a mighty fine well yeah and so you gifted me this incredible bottle of

 [ 00:01:52:00 ] - [ 00:01:57:00 ]
Chimay. The blue. Chimay blue that's that's how all the cool kids call it.

 [ 00:01:57:00 ] - [ 00:02:01:00 ]
Chimay blue. Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry. Hey one thing about these bottles is I've only had

 [ 00:02:01:00 ] - [ 00:02:05:00 ]
them twice and I have to admit sometimes they do overflow so just be ready.

 [ 00:02:05:00 ] - [ 00:02:09:00 ]
Well yeah you could have told me that before. Oh did you already pop the top? No I don't

 [ 00:02:09:00 ] - [ 00:02:14:00 ]
have any towels or anything. Normally I keep towels around me. Just take your shirt off

 [ 00:02:14:00 ] - [ 00:02:21:00 ]
and web down. Alright are you ready Jon? Whoa whoa whoa whoa so you already... this is a special

 [ 00:02:21:00 ] - [ 00:02:25:00 ]
special bottle this has the champagne cork the cage. So it's a trappist.

 [ 00:02:25:00 ] - [ 00:02:30:00 ]
It's a trappist. Yeah yeah yeah. It's a legit I've had this twice in my

 [ 00:02:30:00 ] - [ 00:02:34:00 ]
life and both times were extremely tasty but it's I don't really remember the

 [ 00:02:34:00 ] - [ 00:02:37:00 ]
next day so yeah I mean I don't really remember the taste the next day so it's

 [ 00:02:37:00 ] - [ 00:02:41:00 ]
always a new experience. It has been a long time. It's been a medium time since I've had this

 [ 00:02:41:00 ] - [ 00:02:45:00 ]
beer it's a fantastic beer. Okay so I'm loosening the cork. Yeah I am too. I'm going

 [ 00:02:45:00 ] - [ 00:02:51:00 ]
very slow because I don't want to get it all over me. There we go. Alright I'm just gonna just go ahead and do it.

 [ 00:02:51:00 ] - [ 00:02:58:00 ]
Just go ahead and do it. Whenever it pops it pops. I'm trying. You want to go slow.

 [ 00:02:58:00 ] - [ 00:03:01:00 ]
Twisty twisty. I'm good I'm about to pop. I'm just trying to get it out of my face.

 [ 00:03:01:00 ] - [ 00:03:09:00 ]
Boom. There we go. Oh nothing. That's good. Good. Alright pouring my not an animal not

 [ 00:03:09:00 ] - [ 00:03:14:00 ]
drinking it out of the bottle. Yeah I would be I don't know horrified or

 [ 00:03:14:00 ] - [ 00:03:18:00 ]
impressed if you drink this out of the bottle. I think horrified. Yeah what is this? Is this eight?

 [ 00:03:18:00 ] - [ 00:03:25:00 ]
I always forget. What's up there? Eight-ish. That's good. That looks good. I didn't like that. Let's see.

 [ 00:03:25:00 ] - [ 00:03:31:00 ]
I got a lot of foam. Yeah it's it yeah. This is the exciting podcast. Let's wait

 [ 00:03:31:00 ] - [ 00:03:39:00 ]
for the foam to die down. We can move on. It's gonna be a while. Yeah it is. Yeah same here.

 [ 00:03:39:00 ] - [ 00:03:45:00 ]
Alright so cheers John. Cheers to episode 20. Yeah man. That's good. That's a good beer.

 [ 00:03:45:00 ] - [ 00:03:49:00 ]
Man that's a good beer. I still have foam. It's okay you can drink it with foam. You're

 [ 00:03:49:00 ] - [ 00:03:52:00 ]
allowed to get foam on your mouth. It's not gonna hurt you. Nope. You are. I have

 [ 00:03:52:00 ] - [ 00:03:57:00 ]
nothing but foam. Oh you have nothing but foam. I have a tiny glass. It was a

 [ 00:03:57:00 ] - [ 00:04:03:00 ]
Tiku glass. Very tiny. Okay I don't know what a Tiku glass is but we'll post it for beer drinkers.

 [ 00:04:03:00 ] - [ 00:04:08:00 ]
We'll post it in the show notes. Okay so we are in season one

 [ 00:04:08:00 ] - [ 00:04:12:00 ]
episodes five six and seven of The Clone Wars. Episode five was kind of a

 [ 00:04:12:00 ] - [ 00:04:17:00 ]
standoff on its own episode and six and seven tied pretty well together. Let's

 [ 00:04:17:00 ] - [ 00:04:20:00 ]
start with episode seven. I'm just kidding. Let's start with Episode five.

 [ 00:04:20:00 ] - [ 00:04:24:00 ]
Rookies. It aired in November of 2018. This was a I'm not gonna lie it was kind of a

 [ 00:04:24:00 ] - [ 00:04:29:00 ]
filler for me. I mean what did you think? Oh it's totally a filler. The one

 [ 00:04:29:00 ] - [ 00:04:34:00 ]
shining moment or a part of it is that the commando droids are properly

 [ 00:04:34:00 ] - [ 00:04:38:00 ]
pop yeah I haven't even started drinking yet. Properly cool. I mean yeah they are

 [ 00:04:38:00 ] - [ 00:04:42:00 ]
yeah I agree with that and actually yeah I have that in my notes that it's a new

 [ 00:04:42:00 ] - [ 00:04:45:00 ]
type of droid. They look a lot more sinister. They look a lot more smarter

 [ 00:04:45:00 ] - [ 00:04:48:00 ]
almost you know I mean but they still keep that same design of the regular

 [ 00:04:48:00 ] - [ 00:04:51:00 ]
clone droids which is pretty cool. Well they're darker yeah they're meant to be

 [ 00:04:51:00 ] - [ 00:04:54:00 ]
more your commandos. They were meant to be more infiltration. So alone on a

 [ 00:04:54:00 ] - [ 00:04:57:00 ]
distant outpost Commander Cody and Captain Rex must inspire the rookie

 [ 00:04:57:00 ] - [ 00:05:14:00 ]
clones to believe in themselves to stave off a commando droid invasion.

 [ 00:05:15:00 ] - [ 00:05:29:00 ]
To give a little bit more background, basically there's this signal that comes from this certain rebel base that's on a moon that if the signal ever dies, the Republic will know that Grievous and them are attacking a certain place. I forget what the name of the place was. I think it was Kamino.

 [ 00:05:29:00 ] - [ 00:05:34:00 ]
That they would be trying to attack Kamino to stop the clones from being created at that point.

 [ 00:05:34:00 ] - [ 00:05:45:00 ]
And this droid force of these commando clones comes down there against, I think it's five guys to begin with, five or six. No, actually I take it back. It's probably six or seven clones that are stationed at this base.

 [ 00:05:45:00 ] - [ 00:05:57:00 ]
And they take it over pretty much, but they keep the signal alive or they do something to hack the signal so that it stays so that the rest of the clone, the rest of the clone in the Republic Army doesn't know that Grievous is going in for the kill in Kamino.

 [ 00:05:57:00 ] - [ 00:06:05:00 ]
Yeah, it's a good episode. I'd actually seen this episode before and it's really random because I didn't watch too many of season one back when I used to watch this back in like 2008.

 [ 00:06:05:00 ] - [ 00:06:13:00 ]
But I did see this one and I remembered it. And it's okay. I don't know. I enjoy the, I mean we're full of spoilers. We've already told you that, so get ready.

 [ 00:06:13:00 ] - [ 00:06:21:00 ]
But I enjoy the aspect that Heavy gives himself at the end to make sure that Grievous can't kill all his brothers and sisters on Kamino. He's kind of the rebel at the beginning of it.

 [ 00:06:21:00 ] - [ 00:06:22:00 ]

 [ 00:06:22:00 ] - [ 00:06:25:00 ]
I don't know. It was just kind of a, yeah, okay. Okay, episode.

 [ 00:06:25:00 ] - [ 00:06:41:00 ]
All right. So Eric, you know, in editing the last podcast, I realized going through a lot of the episodes, you frequently ask me for a numerical rating. And you never actually get around to giving one yourself.

 [ 00:06:41:00 ] - [ 00:06:53:00 ]
Yeah, yeah. No, that's a great observation. And I really enjoyed your edits in the last podcast. And it was at about the 40th minute where you completely and totally proved me wrong. I've never really done anything over 90 on this podcast.

 [ 00:06:53:00 ] - [ 00:06:56:00 ]
And there's like literally, it's like a 93, 94.

 [ 00:06:56:00 ] - [ 00:06:58:00 ]
93 or 94. Yeah, that was fantastic.

 [ 00:06:58:00 ] - [ 00:07:07:00 ]
It was good. And it's funny because like, I had a feeling you were going to do that, but I didn't know that you would find exact evidence of me being over 90. And it was like well over 92. It wasn't even like a 91 or 92.

 [ 00:07:07:00 ] - [ 00:07:11:00 ]
Way over. I mean, according to you, that comic is like God.

 [ 00:07:11:00 ] - [ 00:07:17:00 ]
Better than Inception. Yeah, better than Inception. Okay, anyways, let's go back. So I'm going to give you a number on this guy. I think this is a filler episode. I don't think it's bad.

 [ 00:07:17:00 ] - [ 00:07:31:00 ]
It's entertaining for the 20 minutes, you know, that you're watching it, but it's also not like doesn't really reveal anything. It's very internal to the clone army and the troopers and maybe reveals a little bit about their psyche and stuff, but not anything that I would just be like, amazing.

 [ 00:07:31:00 ] - [ 00:07:40:00 ]
You know, Commander Cody's cool. I like seeing him. I think this is the first time you see him in the actual series, which is always neat. I'd give it a 72.

 [ 00:07:40:00 ] - [ 00:07:54:00 ]
God, that's so low. You say it's low, but I don't think it's really all that low. What would you give this? It's one step above just total crap. I don't know that I'm struggling because yes, you are correct. This is kind of a filler episode.

 [ 00:07:54:00 ] - [ 00:08:06:00 ]
But at the same time, you get the cool commando droids. So you're seeing a little more, you know, they're kind of fleshing out the forces a little bit. Separatist forces. The fact they mentioned that they're trying to take down Kamino makes perfect sense.

 [ 00:08:06:00 ] - [ 00:08:17:00 ]
They should totally focus on taking down Kamino. That should be priority one. If they want to win. And I'm still not really clear on all of that, by the way. I think Grievous wants to win, but like nobody else does, right?

 [ 00:08:17:00 ] - [ 00:08:27:00 ]
Yeah, so I think that it's more along the lines of creating and sowing chaos. But I think Grievous looks at it as a reward. Definitely. And Insidious, to a point, I think still wants to kind of win a little bit.

 [ 00:08:27:00 ] - [ 00:08:36:00 ]
But I mean, sorry, not Insidious, but still wants, but Tyranus still wants to kind of win. And I think that there's still part of him that's, I don't want to lose. I want to make sure that I've been making all these deals with all these different Trade Federation planets.

 [ 00:08:36:00 ] - [ 00:08:44:00 ]
I want to make sure we look like we're at least in the game. Whereas I think Grievous is all in. He doesn't know anything about what you know, that Insidious is pulling the strings here.

 [ 00:08:44:00 ] - [ 00:08:48:00 ]
Right. Oh, wait, quick foam update. Still have foam.

 [ 00:08:48:00 ] - [ 00:08:51:00 ]
Did you did you like did you do like the Tom Cruise?

 [ 00:08:51:00 ] - [ 00:08:52:00 ]
Shake the bottle? Yeah.

 [ 00:08:52:00 ] - [ 00:08:56:00 ]
Yeah. Like, did you like flip it over? Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. Did you like flip it over your back or anything? Or like, because that's

 [ 00:08:56:00 ] - [ 00:09:04:00 ]
I did not. No, I did not. It's close. I'll be I will take a first sip here in just a minute. But so I agree this is a filler episode, but it does have some neat stuff to it.

 [ 00:09:04:00 ] - [ 00:09:16:00 ]
The sacrifice at the end spoilers was was good. It was necessary to make us really feel something for these clones. And by the way, that that's Clone Wars as a whole.

 [ 00:09:16:00 ] - [ 00:09:26:00 ]
It's always a still well, it's always because we just started, but so far, it's a little weird. Caring about stormtroopers. You know, it's all it was up to now.

 [ 00:09:26:00 ] - [ 00:09:33:00 ]
It's it's kind of unsettling a little bit in the back of my brain. It's like, these are the guys that I hated. Yeah. In Star Wars. Yeah.

 [ 00:09:33:00 ] - [ 00:09:40:00 ]
And but that's maybe one of the best things about this series is I think that by the end of it, we're gonna be like, yeah, clones, go get them.

 [ 00:09:40:00 ] - [ 00:09:50:00 ]
And then be like, so upset whenever you know, nothing, you know, good happens. That's good. You know, I thought about that. But so after watching all of this, and then going back and watching A New Hope,

 [ 00:09:50:00 ] - [ 00:10:05:00 ]
will you have sort of a different take on it? Yeah, I'm sure you will. Yeah, I'm sure you will. Okay, Cody. No, Captain Rex. It's you know, it was it's Yeah, like I said, it's a 72. It's a 72 episode.

 [ 00:10:05:00 ] - [ 00:10:14:00 ]
It's a 72. Okay, well, I guess I have to give my number. So God, everything's gonna come out in 85. But so I have to avoid that. And that's that's not fair to the episode to say I can't read.

 [ 00:10:15:00 ] - [ 00:10:18:00 ]
I've been rating things 85. That's not cool.

 [ 00:10:18:00 ] - [ 00:10:21:00 ]
It's not worthy of an 85.

 [ 00:10:21:00 ] - [ 00:10:24:00 ]
So I'm going to go with, yeah, let's say 79. How about that?

 [ 00:10:24:00 ] - [ 00:10:27:00 ]
Okay, so we're getting closer together. We're getting closer to our...

 [ 00:10:27:00 ] - [ 00:10:29:00 ]
One thing I wanted to talk about after my notes,

 [ 00:10:29:00 ] - [ 00:10:31:00 ]
Cut Up got no love. He was the drone.

 [ 00:10:31:00 ] - [ 00:10:33:00 ]
I mean the drone. He was the clone.

 [ 00:10:33:00 ] - [ 00:10:35:00 ]
They come out of the cave and that big worm thing comes out.

 [ 00:10:35:00 ] - [ 00:10:37:00 ]
And he just gets ripped.

 [ 00:10:37:00 ] - [ 00:10:38:00 ]
Total red shirt.

 [ 00:10:38:00 ] - [ 00:10:40:00 ]
Yeah, and they don't even really acknowledge it.

 [ 00:10:40:00 ] - [ 00:10:41:00 ]
They're just like, oh, get out of the way.

 [ 00:10:41:00 ] - [ 00:10:43:00 ]
And then the episode moves on.

 [ 00:10:43:00 ] - [ 00:10:46:00 ]
You know, whereas like there was a couple of other guys that died,

 [ 00:10:46:00 ] - [ 00:10:48:00 ]
you know, in the initial takeover.

 [ 00:10:48:00 ] - [ 00:10:50:00 ]
And they're like, oh, I can't believe we lost all these men.

 [ 00:10:50:00 ] - [ 00:10:52:00 ]
And they're just like, oh, worm got them.

 [ 00:10:52:00 ] - [ 00:10:55:00 ]
Yeah, he's like the Tasha Yar of The Clone Wars.

 [ 00:10:55:00 ] - [ 00:10:58:00 ]
Just a meaningless, quick, and pointless death.

 [ 00:10:58:00 ] - [ 00:11:00:00 ]
Also, I had my notes too.

 [ 00:11:00:00 ] - [ 00:11:02:00 ]
I really enjoyed the music that they were listening to on the radio.

 [ 00:11:02:00 ] - [ 00:11:06:00 ]
Whenever the issue, I mean the issue, whenever the show starts out.

 [ 00:11:06:00 ] - [ 00:11:07:00 ]
Did you hear that?

 [ 00:11:07:00 ] - [ 00:11:10:00 ]
It was like this kind of drum and bass, like really well done music.

 [ 00:11:10:00 ] - [ 00:11:12:00 ]
And I thought about it. I was like, is this for a real song or something?

 [ 00:11:12:00 ] - [ 00:11:14:00 ]
It was really well done.

 [ 00:11:14:00 ] - [ 00:11:18:00 ]
Is that where they had the hologram, the sexy hologram?

 [ 00:11:18:00 ] - [ 00:11:19:00 ]
Yes, yes.

 [ 00:11:19:00 ] - [ 00:11:20:00 ]
Stay tuned, boys.

 [ 00:11:20:00 ] - [ 00:11:21:00 ]
Exactly, yeah.

 [ 00:11:21:00 ] - [ 00:11:22:00 ]
What is that about?

 [ 00:11:22:00 ] - [ 00:11:23:00 ]
It was a clone radio.

 [ 00:11:23:00 ] - [ 00:11:25:00 ]
I thought it was pretty good.

 [ 00:11:25:00 ] - [ 00:11:26:00 ]
It was good music though.

 [ 00:11:26:00 ] - [ 00:11:29:00 ]
Aren't the clones, aren't they like basically neutered?

 [ 00:11:29:00 ] - [ 00:11:32:00 ]
I mean, wouldn't you chemically neuter your clone troopers?

 [ 00:11:32:00 ] - [ 00:11:33:00 ]
I don't know.

 [ 00:11:33:00 ] - [ 00:11:35:00 ]
So why make a sexy hologram?

 [ 00:11:35:00 ] - [ 00:11:38:00 ]
Well, maybe they, yeah, I don't know.

 [ 00:11:38:00 ] - [ 00:11:40:00 ]
Appreciate the alien female form.

 [ 00:11:40:00 ] - [ 00:11:44:00 ]
Yeah, I mean it's just kind of like, okay, I mean, yeah, I don't know that they are.

 [ 00:11:44:00 ] - [ 00:11:46:00 ]
I would assume that they would be, but I don't know that for sure.

 [ 00:11:46:00 ] - [ 00:11:50:00 ]
We compared them to the Sully from Game of Thrones in the last episode.

 [ 00:11:50:00 ] - [ 00:11:51:00 ]
But I don't know.

 [ 00:11:51:00 ] - [ 00:11:52:00 ]
That's a good question.

 [ 00:11:52:00 ] - [ 00:11:53:00 ]
I don't know.

 [ 00:11:53:00 ] - [ 00:11:57:00 ]
Maybe that will be revealed in this children's cartoon series.

 [ 00:11:57:00 ] - [ 00:11:59:00 ]
So we'll see.

 [ 00:11:59:00 ] - [ 00:12:01:00 ]
Exactly how sexual are these clone troopers?

 [ 00:12:01:00 ] - [ 00:12:03:00 ]
I get to drink my beer now.

 [ 00:12:03:00 ] - [ 00:12:04:00 ]
Hang on.

 [ 00:12:06:00 ] - [ 00:12:07:00 ]
Oh my God, that's good.

 [ 00:12:07:00 ] - [ 00:12:08:00 ]
It is. It is good, isn't it?

 [ 00:12:08:00 ] - [ 00:12:10:00 ]
Everybody already knows that.

 [ 00:12:10:00 ] - [ 00:12:12:00 ]
And it's not IPA hoppy hoppy.

 [ 00:12:12:00 ] - [ 00:12:13:00 ]
It's like this weird goodness.

 [ 00:12:13:00 ] - [ 00:12:16:00 ]
It's like just this rich, good beer.

 [ 00:12:16:00 ] - [ 00:12:17:00 ]
It's Belgium.

 [ 00:12:17:00 ] - [ 00:12:18:00 ]
Belgium is the king.

 [ 00:12:18:00 ] - [ 00:12:19:00 ]

 [ 00:12:27:00 ] - [ 00:12:28:00 ]
All right, so let's move on.

 [ 00:12:28:00 ] - [ 00:12:30:00 ]
Let's move on to Downfall of a Droid and Duel of the Droids.

 [ 00:12:30:00 ] - [ 00:12:34:00 ]
So this is episodes six and seven of season one.

 [ 00:12:34:00 ] - [ 00:12:37:00 ]
And there's a two-part little arc here.

 [ 00:12:37:00 ] - [ 00:12:42:00 ]
R2-D2 goes missing and the Separatists discover him because Anakin has a little bit of bravado

 [ 00:12:42:00 ] - [ 00:12:45:00 ]
and ends up crashing his starfighter pilot.

 [ 00:12:45:00 ] - [ 00:12:48:00 ]
His pilot fighter.

 [ 00:12:48:00 ] - [ 00:12:50:00 ]
And R2's aboard.

 [ 00:12:50:00 ] - [ 00:12:53:00 ]
Anakin wakes up in the hospital bay and says,

 [ 00:12:53:00 ] - [ 00:12:55:00 ]
Oh, we got to go back and get R2. R2's not there.

 [ 00:12:55:00 ] - [ 00:12:57:00 ]
They're like, somebody's taken R2.

 [ 00:12:57:00 ] - [ 00:13:03:00 ]
It ends up being this salvage operator that actually is working for Grievous or has a deal with him

 [ 00:13:03:00 ] - [ 00:13:07:00 ]
of some sort to where he's going to bring back the droid.

 [ 00:13:07:00 ] - [ 00:13:12:00 ]
Because the droid has all these different plans because Anakin hasn't been clearing his memory.

 [ 00:13:12:00 ] - [ 00:13:14:00 ]
Because it's R2. He doesn't want to lose R2's memory.

 [ 00:13:14:00 ] - [ 00:13:19:00 ]
So the first part is a really neat setup episode.

 [ 00:13:19:00 ] - [ 00:13:22:00 ]
And then the second part was a really good rescue episode.

 [ 00:13:22:00 ] - [ 00:13:29:00 ]
Yeah, I like the R3 kind of saboteur type situation that they put him in.

 [ 00:13:29:00 ] - [ 00:13:31:00 ]
Because you're sitting there like, oh, okay, yeah, yeah.

 [ 00:13:31:00 ] - [ 00:13:33:00 ]
They're going to go find R2 in the end and R2 will get back.

 [ 00:13:33:00 ] - [ 00:13:36:00 ]
And hopefully none of the data will be gone or maybe a little bit will be slipped out.

 [ 00:13:36:00 ] - [ 00:13:37:00 ]
You know, that kind of thing.

 [ 00:13:37:00 ] - [ 00:13:41:00 ]
But the R3 kind of added a little bit of an element of like, wow, Grievous is really on top of things.

 [ 00:13:41:00 ] - [ 00:13:44:00 ]
I mean, he slides this droid into this massive undertaking.

 [ 00:13:44:00 ] - [ 00:13:50:00 ]
Which, if he can do that, why can he not just have the droid scan everything in the system and then send it to him?

 [ 00:13:50:00 ] - [ 00:13:51:00 ]
They don't necessarily need R2.

 [ 00:13:51:00 ] - [ 00:13:52:00 ]
Because reasons.

 [ 00:13:52:00 ] - [ 00:13:54:00 ]
Yeah, I know. Because reasons.

 [ 00:13:54:00 ] - [ 00:13:57:00 ]
But Ahsoka's good in this episode. I liked her.

 [ 00:13:57:00 ] - [ 00:13:59:00 ]
I think she was very gullible.

 [ 00:13:59:00 ] - [ 00:14:05:00 ]
I don't think Anakin was as gullible, but I think that he wasn't as gullible because he just had such a disdain for R3 versus R2.

 [ 00:14:05:00 ] - [ 00:14:10:00 ]
To where he didn't want this droid to be going along with him.

 [ 00:14:10:00 ] - [ 00:14:13:00 ]
He actually did not realize that it was a Grievous plan.

 [ 00:14:13:00 ] - [ 00:14:20:00 ]
So Ahsoka's attachment or endorsement of R3 was kind of...

 [ 00:14:20:00 ] - [ 00:14:21:00 ]
I understand why they were doing it.

 [ 00:14:21:00 ] - [ 00:14:27:00 ]
Because otherwise you would not put up with his incompetence or seeming incompetence.

 [ 00:14:27:00 ] - [ 00:14:29:00 ]
So she had me there cheerleading.

 [ 00:14:29:00 ] - [ 00:14:30:00 ]
Let's talk about this.

 [ 00:14:30:00 ] - [ 00:14:31:00 ]
It was annoying.

 [ 00:14:31:00 ] - [ 00:14:36:00 ]
How sinion are these droids to where we have stratification levels of qualifications that they can do and can't do?

 [ 00:14:36:00 ] - [ 00:14:38:00 ]
I don't know.

 [ 00:14:38:00 ] - [ 00:14:46:00 ]
Is R2 so wise because he's been around so long and he logs these human fallacies in this memory bank somewhere and he can be like,

 [ 00:14:46:00 ] - [ 00:14:49:00 ]
Oh, I'm kind of human. I kind of know what humans do.

 [ 00:14:49:00 ] - [ 00:14:54:00 ]
Whereas R3 is supposed to not be good at things because he doesn't know them yet.

 [ 00:14:54:00 ] - [ 00:15:03:00 ]
I don't understand the pathway that a droid takes for being a really good droid fighter pilot versus not being a good droid fighter pilot.

 [ 00:15:03:00 ] - [ 00:15:04:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:15:04:00 ] - [ 00:15:06:00 ]
Yeah, because they're mass manufactured, you would think.

 [ 00:15:06:00 ] - [ 00:15:11:00 ]
It's been an ongoing thing that R2 is the one who doesn't get his memory wiped.

 [ 00:15:11:00 ] - [ 00:15:12:00 ]

 [ 00:15:12:00 ] - [ 00:15:13:00 ]
We see that here again.

 [ 00:15:13:00 ] - [ 00:15:26:00 ]
Yeah, agreed.

 [ 00:15:26:00 ] - [ 00:15:37:00 ]
He didn't wipe his memory and then, what was it? Was it at the end of Revenge of the Sith where they say wipe the 3PO's memory, wipe the Protocol Droid's memory, but they don't wipe R2's memory?

 [ 00:15:37:00 ] - [ 00:15:38:00 ]
Right. Yeah.

 [ 00:15:38:00 ] - [ 00:15:46:00 ]
Yeah, so it's an ongoing thing. So maybe that's it. You know, he has a database built up of experiences that most droids never get.

 [ 00:15:47:00 ] - [ 00:15:47:00 ]
Yeah, right.

 [ 00:15:47:00 ] - [ 00:15:50:00 ]
So you're saying he's learning, he's learning as he goes.

 [ 00:15:50:00 ] - [ 00:15:50:00 ]
He's learning.

 [ 00:15:50:00 ] - [ 00:15:51:00 ]
He's learning Cubans.

 [ 00:15:51:00 ] - [ 00:15:53:00 ]
At an exponential rate, he's going to turn into Skynet.

 [ 00:15:53:00 ] - [ 00:15:56:00 ]
Okay, I can see that. Like he is the Death Star. I'm just kidding.

 [ 00:15:56:00 ] - [ 00:16:04:00 ]
But they keep wiping other droids out so that they don't achieve sentience. I think we're uncovering a deeper layer of Star Wars here.

 [ 00:16:04:00 ] - [ 00:16:14:00 ]
Well, what if the whole thing ends up being that R2 is the most sentient being at the end of Episode 9 and that's, you know, the whole thing was his workings. It was his doings. You know what I mean?

 [ 00:16:14:00 ] - [ 00:16:15:00 ]
I mean, that might as well happen.

 [ 00:16:15:00 ] - [ 00:16:16:00 ]

 [ 00:16:16:00 ] - [ 00:16:18:00 ]
Oh, stop, stop, stop. We'll get to that when we get to Episode 9.

 [ 00:16:18:00 ] - [ 00:16:29:00 ]
Yeah, I mean, it was, it was, these two were good. Before you even ask, I'm going to say probably both of these episodes, I'm going to give them the same score just because I felt like there was one episode just kind of broken up. 84, 85?

 [ 00:16:29:00 ] - [ 00:16:31:00 ]
Oh, really?

 [ 00:16:31:00 ] - [ 00:16:33:00 ]
Yeah. You sound so surprised. It was good.

 [ 00:16:33:00 ] - [ 00:16:35:00 ]
Yeah, because you're Mr. Low Rating.

 [ 00:16:35:00 ] - [ 00:16:47:00 ]
Those were pretty good episodes. I mean, those were like, if I were to go back and say, hey, what are the highlights this far in Season 1? I definitely would say the three Malevolence episodes. And then I'd say these two.

 [ 00:16:47:00 ] - [ 00:16:47:00 ]

 [ 00:16:47:00 ] - [ 00:16:57:00 ]
I think I would too. There were a lot of nice touches here, like the scanner eye thing, you know, from Return of the Jedi callbacks like that.

 [ 00:16:57:00 ] - [ 00:16:58:00 ]
Yes, agreed.

 [ 00:16:58:00 ] - [ 00:17:09:00 ]
I didn't, I will say they did a good job of snowing me on R3 for a good amount of time. I didn't, it's like, what is this George problem? It never occurred to me he was sabotaging. I just, it was bad.

 [ 00:17:09:00 ] - [ 00:17:11:00 ]
It was, it was, it was, well, oh, so I...

 [ 00:17:11:00 ] - [ 00:17:13:00 ]
And I thought they were doing that to build up R2.

 [ 00:17:13:00 ] - [ 00:17:14:00 ]
Oh, see, I thought it was...

 [ 00:17:14:00 ] - [ 00:17:15:00 ]
I thought they were contrasting.

 [ 00:17:15:00 ] - [ 00:17:22:00 ]
I thought that was a really well-written kind of thing in there whenever he, whenever you find out that Grievous is the one who kind of set it all up.

 [ 00:17:22:00 ] - [ 00:17:28:00 ]
Like, I thought that was pretty good because I agree with you. I thought it was just like, this droid's new, he doesn't know what's going on. That's why Anakin's getting frustrated.

 [ 00:17:28:00 ] - [ 00:17:39:00 ]
But Anakin can kind of sense that he's the saboteur. I mean, he kind of like, doesn't like this droid for some reason. And I think that that's a neat, a neat swing by the writer kind of toward the end when you're like, oh, that's why.

 [ 00:17:39:00 ] - [ 00:17:42:00 ]
Cool skydive scene.

 [ 00:17:42:00 ] - [ 00:17:46:00 ]
Yeah, yeah. Which of course made me think of, wait, what year did this come out?

 [ 00:17:46:00 ] - [ 00:17:47:00 ]

 [ 00:17:47:00 ] - [ 00:17:50:00 ]
Before Star Trek, the reboot.

 [ 00:17:50:00 ] - [ 00:17:53:00 ]
Yes, this would have been before Star Trek, the reboot. Agreed.

 [ 00:17:53:00 ] - [ 00:18:00:00 ]
Yeah, so, yeah, so like strapping R3 under the heavies back and jumping and landing. I mean, it was kind of a cool scene.

 [ 00:18:00:00 ] - [ 00:18:09:00 ]
And I think the way that that scene was drawn was really well done too. Like, it felt like it was a, like, it felt like the Star Trek one where they're really falling and they've got to, you know, kind of skydive and move around a little bit.

 [ 00:18:09:00 ] - [ 00:18:15:00 ]
And then again, good music again. This series has really wowed me with the quality of music.

 [ 00:18:15:00 ] - [ 00:18:20:00 ]
I actually made a note on this one. The music I thought in these episodes was kind of odd.

 [ 00:18:20:00 ] - [ 00:18:30:00 ]
It is. No, it's odd because you don't hear that, in my opinion, that well produced music in a lot of cartoons. I shouldn't say cartoons, but yeah, cartoons.

 [ 00:18:30:00 ] - [ 00:18:39:00 ]
Like, I think it's really well done or really well selected or rather, I need to dive in and research. Is each of these songs created for the episode specifically?

 [ 00:18:39:00 ] - [ 00:18:43:00 ]
Or are they somewhere in some big, you know, Lucasfilm archive and they just kind of pull them out?

 [ 00:18:43:00 ] - [ 00:18:48:00 ]
But I feel like the music is really good in all these episodes so far.

 [ 00:18:48:00 ] - [ 00:18:53:00 ]
It was more, you know, it wasn't the traditional Star Wars classical.

 [ 00:18:53:00 ] - [ 00:18:54:00 ]
Yeah, agreed.

 [ 00:18:54:00 ] - [ 00:18:55:00 ]
Grandiose, epic.

 [ 00:18:55:00 ] - [ 00:19:01:00 ]
I think this whole series has been like that. Like when I was talking about the one that we just listened to on Episode five, I felt the same way.

 [ 00:19:01:00 ] - [ 00:19:05:00 ]
It was like this beat, like this like good little like, I don't know. It's really well done. It's really well done.

 [ 00:19:05:00 ] - [ 00:19:12:00 ]
It just struck me. If something stands out to you like that, to me, that's a bad thing. And this stood out to me.

 [ 00:19:12:00 ] - [ 00:19:16:00 ]
Yes, I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing if it's the music and it's like the quality of that.

 [ 00:19:16:00 ] - [ 00:19:23:00 ]
Like one thing that stuck out to me in this episode that would fall into the bad thing is whenever Anakin, or sorry, in the very first episode, seven or six,

 [ 00:19:23:00 ] - [ 00:19:28:00 ]
whenever Anakin's waking up, everything's got this white glow around it.

 [ 00:19:28:00 ] - [ 00:19:29:00 ]

 [ 00:19:29:00 ] - [ 00:19:32:00 ]
And that I was just kind of like, it's not like he's coming back from heaven or anything. Like, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:19:32:00 ] - [ 00:19:35:00 ]
It's like, it's like, why does everything, are we supposed to be seeing things through his eyes?

 [ 00:19:35:00 ] - [ 00:19:40:00 ]
And he's readjusting and he's readjusting to the world. But yet we're seeing him as a character.

 [ 00:19:40:00 ] - [ 00:19:43:00 ]
Like it's, it's not his viewpoint. You know what I mean?

 [ 00:19:43:00 ] - [ 00:19:46:00 ]
Like it's meant to portray that. Yeah, you're right. The camera.

 [ 00:19:46:00 ] - [ 00:19:49:00 ]
The camera's looking at him. So it's not like it's through his eyes.

 [ 00:19:49:00 ] - [ 00:19:56:00 ]
It's like, everything's just like this white, paley thing and it kind of fades in. And I was just kind of like, I don't think that was needed unless you're like looking through his viewpoint.

 [ 00:19:56:00 ] - [ 00:20:00:00 ]
That's what it's meant to be. And then you're right. The point of view of the camera doesn't make any sense.

 [ 00:20:00:00 ] - [ 00:20:05:00 ]
But that's a mistake. They meant to, you know, you come out from white, fade in from white.

 [ 00:20:05:00 ] - [ 00:20:10:00 ]
That's the character coming out of force heaven, wherever he was.

 [ 00:20:10:00 ] - [ 00:20:14:00 ]
Force heaven. Yeah. I mean, yeah. What was your numerical score on these two episodes?

 [ 00:20:14:00 ] - [ 00:20:17:00 ]
Or you can rate them separately if you want to, if you don't feel like it's...

 [ 00:20:17:00 ] - [ 00:20:22:00 ]
I think it's fair to, well, do I want to rate them separately or as an, as the arc that they are?

 [ 00:20:22:00 ] - [ 00:20:49:00 ]
I think it's better to rate them as an arc and in that way.

 [ 00:20:50:00 ] - [ 00:20:53:00 ]
Somewhere in the 80s.

 [ 00:20:53:00 ] - [ 00:20:56:00 ]
Somewhere in the 80s.

 [ 00:20:56:00 ] - [ 00:20:59:00 ]
Are we going to have the same score John? Is this going to be what gives us...

 [ 00:20:59:00 ] - [ 00:21:02:00 ]
It can't be high 80s. It's not that good.

 [ 00:21:02:00 ] - [ 00:21:05:00 ]
I said what? 84-85?

 [ 00:21:05:00 ] - [ 00:21:08:00 ]
You said something like that. I think I'm right there with you which is my normal score.

 [ 00:21:08:00 ] - [ 00:21:11:00 ]
So not really breaking any ground here.

 [ 00:21:11:00 ] - [ 00:21:14:00 ]
But yeah, sure, why not.

 [ 00:21:14:00 ] - [ 00:21:17:00 ]
I think I liked the first part of that arc better than the second part.

 [ 00:21:17:00 ] - [ 00:21:20:00 ]
Sneaking through the base kind of thing.

 [ 00:21:20:00 ] - [ 00:21:23:00 ]
Which we talked about as somewhat of a trope at the end of the last Malevolence trilogy.

 [ 00:21:23:00 ] - [ 00:21:26:00 ]
It was the same thing.

 [ 00:21:26:00 ] - [ 00:21:29:00 ]
You're on a ship. An enemy ship.

 [ 00:21:29:00 ] - [ 00:21:32:00 ]
I think the fact that R2 was brought back to this secret communications place was kind of weird.

 [ 00:21:32:00 ] - [ 00:21:35:00 ]
I think the fact that R2 was brought back to this secret communications place was kind of weird.

 [ 00:21:35:00 ] - [ 00:21:38:00 ]
If this thing is that valuable, they don't want anyone to know about this.

 [ 00:21:38:00 ] - [ 00:21:41:00 ]
If this thing is that valuable, they don't want anyone to know about this.

 [ 00:21:41:00 ] - [ 00:21:44:00 ]
Why on earth would you take the one droid that was theirs that probably has some type of tracking thing and bring it back to this base?

 [ 00:21:44:00 ] - [ 00:21:47:00 ]
Why on earth would you take the one droid that was theirs that probably has some type of tracking thing and bring it back to this base?

 [ 00:21:47:00 ] - [ 00:21:50:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:21:50:00 ] - [ 00:21:53:00 ]
Maybe that's the only place they had nearby?

 [ 00:21:53:00 ] - [ 00:21:56:00 ]
The listening outpost? Yeah, it could be. I don't know.

 [ 00:21:56:00 ] - [ 00:21:59:00 ]
Here we go. Here's a great one.

 [ 00:21:59:00 ] - [ 00:22:02:00 ]
Why was the trawler guy? He wasn't some high security guy.

 [ 00:22:02:00 ] - [ 00:22:05:00 ]
The guy that picked up R2 and was going to sell him over to Grievous.

 [ 00:22:05:00 ] - [ 00:22:08:00 ]
Why would they give him the base coordinates?

 [ 00:22:08:00 ] - [ 00:22:11:00 ]
This is supposed to be some super top secret listening base that the clones know nothing about.

 [ 00:22:11:00 ] - [ 00:22:14:00 ]
This is supposed to be some super top secret listening base that the clones know nothing about.

 [ 00:22:14:00 ] - [ 00:22:17:00 ]
And this is a guy who trades in materials and presumably information.

 [ 00:22:17:00 ] - [ 00:22:20:00 ]
Yeah, of course he does.

 [ 00:22:20:00 ] - [ 00:22:23:00 ]
So he's the last guy.

 [ 00:22:23:00 ] - [ 00:22:26:00 ]
So I'm thinking that's a thank you very much for bringing me R2 and you're dead.

 [ 00:22:26:00 ] - [ 00:22:29:00 ]
Which is what happened.

 [ 00:22:29:00 ] - [ 00:22:32:00 ]
I guess they were planning on killing him the whole time.

 [ 00:22:32:00 ] - [ 00:22:35:00 ]
I don't care what you see.

 [ 00:22:35:00 ] - [ 00:22:38:00 ]
The Trandoshian? Was he a Trandoshian? I think he was a Trandoshian.

 [ 00:22:38:00 ] - [ 00:22:41:00 ]
Yeah, like the lizard-esque people.

 [ 00:22:41:00 ] - [ 00:22:44:00 ]
I will say that the highlight for me of this episode was the showdown.

 [ 00:22:44:00 ] - [ 00:22:47:00 ]
I will say that the highlight for me of this episode was the showdown.

 [ 00:22:47:00 ] - [ 00:22:50:00 ]
Between R2 and R3. I agree with that. It was nice.

 [ 00:22:50:00 ] - [ 00:22:53:00 ]
It was kind of the Rogue One-esque ending to where you're on this big platform.

 [ 00:22:53:00 ] - [ 00:22:56:00 ]
Just similar to Return of the Jedi.

 [ 00:22:56:00 ] - [ 00:22:59:00 ]
It's this big platform that you're fighting on.

 [ 00:22:59:00 ] - [ 00:23:02:00 ]
Chaos engulfing all around.

 [ 00:23:02:00 ] - [ 00:23:05:00 ]
In the end things are falling down, falling out of the sky.

 [ 00:23:05:00 ] - [ 00:23:08:00 ]
R2 has to use his cool little jets.

 [ 00:23:08:00 ] - [ 00:23:11:00 ]
Anakin is there to save him. I don't know.

 [ 00:23:11:00 ] - [ 00:23:14:00 ]
Those jets just appear and disappear whenever needed.

 [ 00:23:14:00 ] - [ 00:23:17:00 ]
That's what happens when you don't get your memory banks wiped.

 [ 00:23:17:00 ] - [ 00:23:20:00 ]
You remember that you can use jets in any situation.

 [ 00:23:20:00 ] - [ 00:23:23:00 ]
And yet you don't use them in any situation.

 [ 00:23:23:00 ] - [ 00:23:26:00 ]
You use them only when you have to use them.

 [ 00:23:26:00 ] - [ 00:23:29:00 ]

 [ 00:23:29:00 ] - [ 00:23:32:00 ]
He's got a little gas tank down there. How does he keep those?

 [ 00:23:32:00 ] - [ 00:23:38:00 ]
I hate to correct you, but fuel is never a concern in the Star Wars universe.

 [ 00:23:38:00 ] - [ 00:23:46:00 ]
And if someone wanted to ever make a movie where fuel shortage was a primary driving factor in the plot,

 [ 00:23:46:00 ] - [ 00:23:49:00 ]
everyone would point and laugh.

 [ 00:23:49:00 ] - [ 00:23:52:00 ]
Okay, this is a very good quandary here.

 [ 00:23:52:00 ] - [ 00:23:55:00 ]
I'm going to the Tosche Station to get converters.

 [ 00:23:55:00 ] - [ 00:23:58:00 ]
Power converters?

 [ 00:23:58:00 ] - [ 00:24:02:00 ]
Power converters are the best for natural resources for propulsion.

 [ 00:24:02:00 ] - [ 00:24:07:00 ]
They have been described in the show or in at least the canon that we've read and stuff thus far.

 [ 00:24:07:00 ] - [ 00:24:16:00 ]
Do they ever, I mean, Ion Drives, do they ever mention anything more substantial than, I don't, you know,

 [ 00:24:16:00 ] - [ 00:24:19:00 ]
the hybrid drive just exists and works.

 [ 00:24:19:00 ] - [ 00:24:24:00 ]
It's amazing to me that you're in a universe that has unlimited energy,

 [ 00:24:24:00 ] - [ 00:24:28:00 ]
but yet you're still farming water on land.

 [ 00:24:28:00 ] - [ 00:24:29:00 ]

 [ 00:24:29:00 ] - [ 00:24:30:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:24:30:00 ] - [ 00:24:33:00 ]
It just seems like somebody would tackle that problem a little quicker.

 [ 00:24:33:00 ] - [ 00:24:34:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:24:34:00 ] - [ 00:24:37:00 ]
It's like, hey man, let's get unlimited fuel.

 [ 00:24:37:00 ] - [ 00:24:39:00 ]
No, dude, we need water. We need to live.

 [ 00:24:39:00 ] - [ 00:24:45:00 ]
People live routinely in stupidly inhospitable places.

 [ 00:24:45:00 ] - [ 00:24:48:00 ]
That's just, people are weird that way.

 [ 00:24:48:00 ] - [ 00:24:50:00 ]
I don't know why. Maybe, you know, this is my land passed down to me.

 [ 00:24:50:00 ] - [ 00:24:53:00 ]
I have to tend to my land. This is all I have.

 [ 00:24:53:00 ] - [ 00:24:57:00 ]
Or the land wasn't like this until the earth started warming up.

 [ 00:24:57:00 ] - [ 00:25:00:00 ]
You know, like stuff like that. Far-fetched ideas.

 [ 00:25:00:00 ] - [ 00:25:01:00 ]
Oh my God, yes.

 [ 00:25:01:00 ] - [ 00:25:02:00 ]
I mean, you know, it's just good.

 [ 00:25:02:00 ] - [ 00:25:04:00 ]
They're environmentalists, yeah.

 [ 00:25:04:00 ] - [ 00:25:07:00 ]
No, I'm just saying, yeah, things change.

 [ 00:25:07:00 ] - [ 00:25:11:00 ]
You need to make sure you're helping that out to not happen or whatever.

 [ 00:25:11:00 ] - [ 00:25:12:00 ]
So it's kind of like a, yeah.

 [ 00:25:12:00 ] - [ 00:25:18:00 ]
But to get back to our very serious point, when you take Phantom Menace, right?

 [ 00:25:18:00 ] - [ 00:25:25:00 ]
They go into the laser sword showdown with these giant columns of power, you know, coursing up and down.

 [ 00:25:25:00 ] - [ 00:25:29:00 ]
That's just there. That's just the thing, right?

 [ 00:25:29:00 ] - [ 00:25:33:00 ]
They just have gobs and gobs and gobs of power.

 [ 00:25:33:00 ] - [ 00:25:39:00 ]
Yeah. I cannot think of any other time that you hear of any other power source besides electricity.

 [ 00:25:39:00 ] - [ 00:25:45:00 ]
Certainly it's never mentioned with regard to, say, a small moon that can destroy a planet.

 [ 00:25:45:00 ] - [ 00:25:47:00 ]

 [ 00:25:47:00 ] - [ 00:25:49:00 ]
Yeah, I can't, like, so.

 [ 00:25:50:00 ] - [ 00:25:53:00 ]
The lasers, ion, and electricity.

 [ 00:25:53:00 ] - [ 00:25:55:00 ]
Are those the only three that you've heard of?

 [ 00:25:55:00 ] - [ 00:26:00:00 ]
And we're allowed to branch out a little bit more than what we've done in canon 2.

 [ 00:26:00:00 ] - [ 00:26:04:00 ]
I'm really trying to go over any of the 9 episodes and I can't. I can't think of anything.

 [ 00:26:04:00 ] - [ 00:26:07:00 ]
I can't.

 [ 00:26:07:00 ] - [ 00:26:11:00 ]
Luke's X-wing in 789 is broken, right?

 [ 00:26:11:00 ] - [ 00:26:15:00 ]
Like, it's not that he doesn't have any fuel or anything, it's just broken. I think.

 [ 00:26:15:00 ] - [ 00:26:19:00 ]
In 789? No, it's stashed down at the bottom of the water place.

 [ 00:26:19:00 ] - [ 00:26:22:00 ]
Yeah, because he can still pull it out and get it going.

 [ 00:26:22:00 ] - [ 00:26:26:00 ]
It's just down there. He's just like, I'll put this down here so no one will mess with it.

 [ 00:26:26:00 ] - [ 00:26:31:00 ]
Oh, I'll say this. What were they mining Bespin gas for? Was that for power?

 [ 00:26:31:00 ] - [ 00:26:34:00 ]
I don't know. I don't know what Cloud said. I don't know.

 [ 00:26:34:00 ] - [ 00:26:37:00 ]
I don't know what they did with that energy.

 [ 00:26:37:00 ] - [ 00:26:48:00 ]
Oh, and what were they going after in Solo? In the Kessel Run? That was a mine.

 [ 00:26:48:00 ] - [ 00:26:50:00 ]
It was a mine, but I'm not sure what that was used for.

 [ 00:26:50:00 ] - [ 00:26:53:00 ]
I mean, we don't know if that was used for weapons. We don't know if that was used for...

 [ 00:26:53:00 ] - [ 00:27:00:00 ]
This is a very... Okay, so this is... We need to have a list of questions that we're going to carry on through the entire podcast.

 [ 00:27:00:00 ] - [ 00:27:05:00 ]
I'm going to write them down. I'm going to put them in the show notes or put them on the Discord.

 [ 00:27:05:00 ] - [ 00:27:08:00 ]
These are just questions that we have going forward.

 [ 00:27:08:00 ] - [ 00:27:15:00 ]
Is there any mention of any type of combustible fuel in the Star Wars universe?

 [ 00:27:15:00 ] - [ 00:27:22:00 ]
Because R2 has the jets. That is a flame that comes out. He has to have something making that.

 [ 00:27:22:00 ] - [ 00:27:25:00 ]
I was going to say, why combustible? You're right. That's combustible. Yes.

 [ 00:27:25:00 ] - [ 00:27:29:00 ]
Yeah, so we got to... Yeah, and I definitely think that there's...

 [ 00:27:29:00 ] - [ 00:27:33:00 ]
Pretty positive Mandalorians have some flames coming out whenever they're doing jump packs.

 [ 00:27:33:00 ] - [ 00:27:36:00 ]
And there's some other stuff that we just need to note it all.

 [ 00:27:36:00 ] - [ 00:27:40:00 ]
And I want to see for the universe as a whole, what is combustible material?

 [ 00:27:40:00 ] - [ 00:27:46:00 ]
Is it hard to come by or is it specifically like electrically induced magnetic jumping?

 [ 00:27:46:00 ] - [ 00:27:50:00 ]
What propels things? What propels things in the Star Wars universe?

 [ 00:27:50:00 ] - [ 00:27:55:00 ]
It's going to have to be confined to... This can't be something on somebody's Wikipedia page.

 [ 00:27:55:00 ] - [ 00:28:00:00 ]
No, no. That's what I'm saying. We are literally, in our journey, are going through every single bit of it.

 [ 00:28:00:00 ] - [ 00:28:04:00 ]
So it's up to us to answer these questions and to keep up with them from podcast to podcast.

 [ 00:28:04:00 ] - [ 00:28:05:00 ]

 [ 00:28:05:00 ] - [ 00:28:08:00 ]
And say, hey, remember the old combustible question we had?

 [ 00:28:08:00 ] - [ 00:28:10:00 ]
Well, did you... The old combustible question.

 [ 00:28:10:00 ] - [ 00:28:11:00 ]
Did you notice that?

 [ 00:28:11:00 ] - [ 00:28:12:00 ]

 [ 00:28:12:00 ] - [ 00:28:14:00 ]
That's what I'm saying. I need to write these down.

 [ 00:28:14:00 ] - [ 00:28:17:00 ]
We need to just make sure that we're keeping up with them to see what happens in this.

 [ 00:28:17:00 ] - [ 00:28:21:00 ]
And I'm sure people that may be listening know the answer to this.

 [ 00:28:21:00 ] - [ 00:28:25:00 ]
And we're on a mission of discovery. We don't know the answer.

 [ 00:28:25:00 ] - [ 00:28:28:00 ]
All right. So those three episodes were pretty good. I mean, I think they were good.

 [ 00:28:28:00 ] - [ 00:28:35:00 ]
I think that in the end, the two droid episodes may be a little bit more memorable than the other one.

 [ 00:28:35:00 ] - [ 00:28:38:00 ]
Like, it's just kind of like a... I don't know. I mean, they were just kind of...

 [ 00:28:38:00 ] - [ 00:28:44:00 ]
I hate saying the word filler, but like, again, it's just kind of like a small story that's like...

 [ 00:28:44:00 ] - [ 00:28:47:00 ]
I don't know if we'll remember it.

 [ 00:28:47:00 ] - [ 00:28:58:00 ]
Yeah, like at the end of all eight seasons or whatever we're at.

 [ 00:28:58:00 ] - [ 00:29:00:00 ]
So how are you doing on your beer?

 [ 00:29:00:00 ] - [ 00:29:05:00 ]
I am about halfway through this big bottle.

 [ 00:29:05:00 ] - [ 00:29:11:00 ]
I just poured the rest of mine. And I want to know, John, what else are you watching?

 [ 00:29:11:00 ] - [ 00:29:18:00 ]
So I finally got to watch a movie I've been very excited for a long time.

 [ 00:29:18:00 ] - [ 00:29:22:00 ]
And I don't know if you've watched it. I don't think you have. But Tenet.

 [ 00:29:22:00 ] - [ 00:29:24:00 ]
Yes, I have watched it.

 [ 00:29:24:00 ] - [ 00:29:25:00 ]
You have watched Tenet?

 [ 00:29:25:00 ] - [ 00:29:27:00 ]
We got to go back a little bit.

 [ 00:29:27:00 ] - [ 00:29:32:00 ]
I told you that Nolan is my favorite writer-director of all time.

 [ 00:29:32:00 ] - [ 00:29:35:00 ]
Inception is my perfect movie.

 [ 00:29:35:00 ] - [ 00:29:36:00 ]
You did say that, yeah.

 [ 00:29:36:00 ] - [ 00:29:41:00 ]
So anytime a Nolan comes out, I'm there day one. For anything.

 [ 00:29:41:00 ] - [ 00:29:44:00 ]
So when it was streamable, you rented it?

 [ 00:29:44:00 ] - [ 00:29:46:00 ]
Yes, only when it was streamable.

 [ 00:29:46:00 ] - [ 00:29:49:00 ]
So this movie was a little bit different.

 [ 00:29:49:00 ] - [ 00:29:52:00 ]
So you watched it some time ago. I've been waiting for it to finally get on HBO max.

 [ 00:29:52:00 ] - [ 00:29:55:00 ]
I probably watched it... I think it came out like six months ago, I think is when they were like,

 [ 00:29:55:00 ] - [ 00:29:59:00 ]
all right, this thing's going on for a while, this pandemic thing, so we're going to go and just let it go.

 [ 00:29:59:00 ] - [ 00:30:06:00 ]
And I want to be very blunt in saying that it was not my choice. I'm sorry. It was not that I watched it at home

 [ 00:30:06:00 ] - [ 00:30:10:00 ]
versus a movie theater of why I have criticisms of that movie.

 [ 00:30:10:00 ] - [ 00:30:12:00 ]
Okay. That movie was fantastic.

 [ 00:30:12:00 ] - [ 00:30:15:00 ]
Oh, Jesus. Are you serious?

 [ 00:30:15:00 ] - [ 00:30:18:00 ]
I'm very serious. That was a treat. That was so good.

 [ 00:30:18:00 ] - [ 00:30:22:00 ]
All right. Let me ask you one question. It's going to decide whether we're friends for the rest of our lives.

 [ 00:30:22:00 ] - [ 00:30:25:00 ]
Was that movie better than Inception for you?

 [ 00:30:25:00 ] - [ 00:30:29:00 ]
Oh my, oh my, oh my.

 [ 00:30:29:00 ] - [ 00:30:32:00 ]
John, choose your answer wisely, my friend.

 [ 00:30:32:00 ] - [ 00:30:37:00 ]
Well, I can answer you this way. I've only seen Tenet once. I want to watch it again.

 [ 00:30:37:00 ] - [ 00:30:43:00 ]
But I know for a fact that Inception has high rewatchability.

 [ 00:30:43:00 ] - [ 00:30:46:00 ]
Because I've watched that movie so many times.

 [ 00:30:46:00 ] - [ 00:30:47:00 ]
Yeah, agreed.

 [ 00:30:47:00 ] - [ 00:30:57:00 ]
And it just sucks you in.

 [ 00:30:58:00 ] - [ 00:31:00:00 ]
I don't know if Tenet will do that.

 [ 00:31:00:00 ] - [ 00:31:05:00 ]
Specifically, I want to watch the part from when they go through the inversion.

 [ 00:31:05:00 ] - [ 00:31:08:00 ]
And then from that moment on, everything's backwards.

 [ 00:31:08:00 ] - [ 00:31:13:00 ]
It was so good! Did you not think that was a good movie?

 [ 00:31:13:00 ] - [ 00:31:16:00 ]
It was entertaining.

 [ 00:31:16:00 ] - [ 00:31:21:00 ]
For me, when the movie gets so complicated that you've got to decorate people in red and blue,

 [ 00:31:21:00 ] - [ 00:31:28:00 ]
just to let the audience know where they're at, you're getting a little too much.

 [ 00:31:28:00 ] - [ 00:31:30:00 ]
That's kind of a good point.

 [ 00:31:30:00 ] - [ 00:31:35:00 ]
I'm not saying, don't get me wrong, I really love Nolan.

 [ 00:31:35:00 ] - [ 00:31:44:00 ]
But this was just like, Interstellar was good. It wasn't Inception good, but it was good.

 [ 00:31:44:00 ] - [ 00:31:46:00 ]
This one was just a little too much.

 [ 00:31:46:00 ] - [ 00:31:50:00 ]
It's not me not wanting to concentrate and understand the story,

 [ 00:31:50:00 ] - [ 00:31:55:00 ]
because I literally am so attentive to his movies, because I love Inception so much.

 [ 00:31:55:00 ] - [ 00:31:58:00 ]
I really want this to be awesome, I really want to like it.

 [ 00:31:58:00 ] - [ 00:32:04:00 ]
But this one was too much. I felt like it was too much.

 [ 00:32:04:00 ] - [ 00:32:06:00 ]
The ambition, the vision.

 [ 00:32:06:00 ] - [ 00:32:07:00 ]

 [ 00:32:07:00 ] - [ 00:32:10:00 ]
My God, how amazing.

 [ 00:32:10:00 ] - [ 00:32:17:00 ]
The vision and the story's main elements and what he wanted to accomplish with that movie are insanely awesome.

 [ 00:32:17:00 ] - [ 00:32:19:00 ]
I totally agree with you, totally ambitious.

 [ 00:32:19:00 ] - [ 00:32:24:00 ]
I'm just saying, the pull-off was like, it's hard.

 [ 00:32:24:00 ] - [ 00:32:26:00 ]
It's really hard.

 [ 00:32:26:00 ] - [ 00:32:29:00 ]
Me and you love, I'm not saying people don't love movies,

 [ 00:32:29:00 ] - [ 00:32:31:00 ]
I'm just saying me and you love thinking movies.

 [ 00:32:31:00 ] - [ 00:32:34:00 ]
We love to get in there and just be like, oh, I didn't catch that, I watched that a third time,

 [ 00:32:34:00 ] - [ 00:32:36:00 ]
and I was like, now I get it, that kind of thing.

 [ 00:32:36:00 ] - [ 00:32:41:00 ]
It was that it didn't come out in a theater, but I felt like, I remember looking over at my wife,

 [ 00:32:41:00 ] - [ 00:32:44:00 ]
and she was just like, eyes glazed over, and she was like, no.

 [ 00:32:44:00 ] - [ 00:32:48:00 ]
And I have a feeling that that happened to a lot of people, you know what I mean?

 [ 00:32:48:00 ] - [ 00:32:51:00 ]
Even to me, I was just kind of like, okay, that's the red team, that's the blue team.

 [ 00:32:51:00 ] - [ 00:32:54:00 ]
He's going that way, he's going that way, that means that they'll join him.

 [ 00:32:54:00 ] - [ 00:32:59:00 ]
And I'm having to do so much mental math that I was just like, I couldn't focus almost on the movie.

 [ 00:32:59:00 ] - [ 00:33:03:00 ]
It was just too much. It was too much.

 [ 00:33:03:00 ] - [ 00:33:07:00 ]
I will say that in that particular scene, toward the end, the climax there,

 [ 00:33:07:00 ] - [ 00:33:10:00 ]
I did let some of it kind of wash over me.

 [ 00:33:10:00 ] - [ 00:33:11:00 ]
Yeah, yeah.

 [ 00:33:11:00 ] - [ 00:33:13:00 ]
Anticipating a re-watch.

 [ 00:33:13:00 ] - [ 00:33:15:00 ]
Okay, so here's the deal.

 [ 00:33:15:00 ] - [ 00:33:16:00 ]
This is maybe a really good thing.

 [ 00:33:16:00 ] - [ 00:33:18:00 ]
In Inception, you can kind of catch everything.

 [ 00:33:18:00 ] - [ 00:33:21:00 ]
With Tenet, you hit the nail on the head.

 [ 00:33:21:00 ] - [ 00:33:25:00 ]
You have to let it go a little bit to watch the movie,

 [ 00:33:25:00 ] - [ 00:33:28:00 ]
and not think about it and be like, either A, I'll replay this and watch it again,

 [ 00:33:28:00 ] - [ 00:33:32:00 ]
or B, I'll read something about it, or C, I just don't care at this point.

 [ 00:33:32:00 ] - [ 00:33:33:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:33:33:00 ] - [ 00:33:34:00 ]
And I think I got the C.

 [ 00:33:34:00 ] - [ 00:33:36:00 ]
I think it was just here.

 [ 00:33:36:00 ] - [ 00:33:37:00 ]
I just don't care?

 [ 00:33:37:00 ] - [ 00:33:39:00 ]
Well, no, it's not that I don't care.

 [ 00:33:39:00 ] - [ 00:33:41:00 ]
It's just that that's the blue team, that's the red team.

 [ 00:33:41:00 ] - [ 00:33:42:00 ]
I'm aboard. Let's go.

 [ 00:33:42:00 ] - [ 00:33:43:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:33:43:00 ] - [ 00:33:45:00 ]
I'm not thinking about how we got to these places.

 [ 00:33:47:00 ] - [ 00:33:53:00 ]
I thought that the, again, the vision was just absolutely gobsmacking.

 [ 00:33:53:00 ] - [ 00:33:55:00 ]
The hallway fight scene?

 [ 00:33:55:00 ] - [ 00:33:56:00 ]

 [ 00:33:56:00 ] - [ 00:33:57:00 ]
Two lead character actors.

 [ 00:33:57:00 ] - [ 00:33:58:00 ]
Oh my god.

 [ 00:33:58:00 ] - [ 00:34:00:00 ]
The two lead character actors were amazing.

 [ 00:34:00:00 ] - [ 00:34:05:00 ]
I never would have saw the Edward, what's the vampire guy, his name in the movie, I think.

 [ 00:34:05:00 ] - [ 00:34:06:00 ]
Edward Cullen.

 [ 00:34:06:00 ] - [ 00:34:09:00 ]
Yeah, but the actor, he was amazing in that movie.

 [ 00:34:09:00 ] - [ 00:34:10:00 ]
Yeah, he was.

 [ 00:34:10:00 ] - [ 00:34:11:00 ]
And so was the lead actor.

 [ 00:34:11:00 ] - [ 00:34:13:00 ]
But that was a great duo.

 [ 00:34:13:00 ] - [ 00:34:16:00 ]
So you've seen The Prestige, yes?

 [ 00:34:16:00 ] - [ 00:34:17:00 ]
Yes, I have.

 [ 00:34:17:00 ] - [ 00:34:18:00 ]
It's been a while.

 [ 00:34:18:00 ] - [ 00:34:19:00 ]
I need to go back and rewatch it.

 [ 00:34:19:00 ] - [ 00:34:23:00 ]
I was going to ask you, have you watched it only once or did you watch it?

 [ 00:34:23:00 ] - [ 00:34:26:00 ]
Yeah, I watched it only once, and honestly, I thought it.

 [ 00:34:26:00 ] - [ 00:34:27:00 ]
You're not a Nolan fan.

 [ 00:34:27:00 ] - [ 00:34:28:00 ]
No, just listen to me.

 [ 00:34:28:00 ] - [ 00:34:29:00 ]
I'm sorry, you're not a Nolan fan.

 [ 00:34:29:00 ] - [ 00:34:31:00 ]
I was not a Nolan fan after watching that movie.

 [ 00:34:31:00 ] - [ 00:34:33:00 ]
I will admit, I was just like, this is good, this is really good.

 [ 00:34:33:00 ] - [ 00:34:35:00 ]
But it's not groundbreaking good.

 [ 00:34:35:00 ] - [ 00:34:38:00 ]
Once I watched Inception, I was just like, well, let me take it back.

 [ 00:34:38:00 ] - [ 00:34:40:00 ]
Once I watched The Batmans, I was a Nolan fan.

 [ 00:34:40:00 ] - [ 00:34:45:00 ]
But once I watched Inception, I was kind of like, whoa, this is a good thinking movie.

 [ 00:34:45:00 ] - [ 00:34:46:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:34:46:00 ] - [ 00:34:49:00 ]
This is a really good movie that I'm going to be thinking about for, and honestly, with Inception,

 [ 00:34:49:00 ] - [ 00:34:52:00 ]
it was like months and months after I watched it.

 [ 00:34:52:00 ] - [ 00:34:53:00 ]

 [ 00:34:53:00 ] - [ 00:34:54:00 ]
Interstellar was okay.

 [ 00:34:54:00 ] - [ 00:34:56:00 ]
You have to go watch The Prestige again.

 [ 00:34:56:00 ] - [ 00:34:57:00 ]
I do, I do.

 [ 00:34:57:00 ] - [ 00:34:58:00 ]
I need to.

 [ 00:34:58:00 ] - [ 00:35:02:00 ]
I will reward you immensely for watching it multiple times.

 [ 00:35:02:00 ] - [ 00:35:04:00 ]
What did you think of Interstellar?

 [ 00:35:04:00 ] - [ 00:35:06:00 ]
See, I was hoping you, I was not going to mention that again.

 [ 00:35:06:00 ] - [ 00:35:11:00 ]
I was going to let that die, because if you make me rate Interstellar versus Inception,

 [ 00:35:11:00 ] - [ 00:35:12:00 ]
then I guess we're not friends.

 [ 00:35:12:00 ] - [ 00:35:13:00 ]
Yeah, I won't, I won't.

 [ 00:35:13:00 ] - [ 00:35:19:00 ]
But I'm just saying Interstellar was a very, it was the first movie where I was kind of like,

 [ 00:35:19:00 ] - [ 00:35:20:00 ]
how do I say this?

 [ 00:35:20:00 ] - [ 00:35:27:00 ]
Again, the vision, the, I've got to stop saying vision, because that's really what it comes to.

 [ 00:35:27:00 ] - [ 00:35:31:00 ]
The context of the movie, the context of the writing of the movie is so big.

 [ 00:35:31:00 ] - [ 00:35:33:00 ]
And it's great.

 [ 00:35:33:00 ] - [ 00:35:39:00 ]
I just, with Interstellar, it was probably those last couple scenes for me that were just kind of like,

 [ 00:35:39:00 ] - [ 00:35:43:00 ]
I get it, but I'm just kind of like, I don't know that I enjoy it.

 [ 00:35:43:00 ] - [ 00:35:46:00 ]
I don't know, it was one of those, it wasn't a bad movie by any means.

 [ 00:35:46:00 ] - [ 00:35:56:00 ]
It's so good that I actually am able to work past the love transcends everything bit,

 [ 00:35:56:00 ] - [ 00:35:57:00 ]
because I'm not a big fan of the movie.

 [ 00:35:58:00 ] - [ 00:36:01:00 ]
I understand what point he's making there.

 [ 00:36:01:00 ] - [ 00:36:05:00 ]
That's actually the thing at the end of it that I caught on to.

 [ 00:36:05:00 ] - [ 00:36:06:00 ]
It was like, that's pretty good.

 [ 00:36:06:00 ] - [ 00:36:07:00 ]
But no, no, no.

 [ 00:36:07:00 ] - [ 00:36:08:00 ]
You said the thing at the end.

 [ 00:36:08:00 ] - [ 00:36:12:00 ]
So the scene's towards the end where he meets up with his daughter again

 [ 00:36:12:00 ] - [ 00:36:14:00 ]
and she has lived her entire life.

 [ 00:36:14:00 ] - [ 00:36:16:00 ]
A very long life.

 [ 00:36:16:00 ] - [ 00:36:18:00 ]
And she's moved on from him.

 [ 00:36:18:00 ] - [ 00:36:20:00 ]
That is heartbreaking.

 [ 00:36:20:00 ] - [ 00:36:22:00 ]
Heartbreaking, heartbreaking, heartbreaking.

 [ 00:36:22:00 ] - [ 00:36:23:00 ]
My God.

 [ 00:36:23:00 ] - [ 00:36:24:00 ]
Yeah, agreed.

 [ 00:36:24:00 ] - [ 00:36:27:00 ]
That rips me apart every time.

 [ 00:36:27:00 ] - [ 00:36:29:00 ]
I'm trying to think.

 [ 00:36:29:00 ] - [ 00:36:33:00 ]
So I'm assuming that you're going to tell me that the Nolan Batman films

 [ 00:36:33:00 ] - [ 00:36:34:00 ]
are the best Batman films ever.

 [ 00:36:34:00 ] - [ 00:36:39:00 ]
I have said previously on this podcast that The Dark Knight is the best

 [ 00:36:39:00 ] - [ 00:36:41:00 ]
superhero movie I believe ever.

 [ 00:36:41:00 ] - [ 00:36:42:00 ]
Yeah, agreed.

 [ 00:36:42:00 ] - [ 00:36:43:00 ]
Oh, OK.

 [ 00:36:43:00 ] - [ 00:36:44:00 ]

 [ 00:36:44:00 ] - [ 00:36:45:00 ]

 [ 00:36:45:00 ] - [ 00:36:46:00 ]
Well, OK.

 [ 00:36:46:00 ] - [ 00:36:48:00 ]
Ant-Man and then Dark Knight.

 [ 00:36:48:00 ] - [ 00:36:49:00 ]

 [ 00:36:49:00 ] - [ 00:36:50:00 ]
What did you just say?

 [ 00:36:50:00 ] - [ 00:36:51:00 ]
OK, I was about to say.

 [ 00:36:51:00 ] - [ 00:36:54:00 ]
I was about to reach through my microphone and grab my bottle of Chimay

 [ 00:36:54:00 ] - [ 00:36:55:00 ]
and pull it back.

 [ 00:36:55:00 ] - [ 00:36:56:00 ]
And be like, Ant-Man.

 [ 00:36:56:00 ] - [ 00:36:57:00 ]
Don't get me wrong.

 [ 00:36:57:00 ] - [ 00:36:58:00 ]
It's not a keychain, it's a tank.

 [ 00:36:58:00 ] - [ 00:36:59:00 ]
Don't get me wrong.

 [ 00:36:59:00 ] - [ 00:37:00:00 ]
Ant-Man was good.

 [ 00:37:00:00 ] - [ 00:37:01:00 ]
I enjoyed Ant-Man for what it was.

 [ 00:37:01:00 ] - [ 00:37:02:00 ]
But I'm just saying, end game.

 [ 00:37:02:00 ] - [ 00:37:04:00 ]
You can't, like, end game.

 [ 00:37:04:00 ] - [ 00:37:06:00 ]
I should have said Thor 2, The Dark World.

 [ 00:37:06:00 ] - [ 00:37:07:00 ]
Yeah, you should have.

 [ 00:37:07:00 ] - [ 00:37:08:00 ]
Thor 2, The Dark World.

 [ 00:37:08:00 ] - [ 00:37:10:00 ]
The world with the box and the wavy red stuff.

 [ 00:37:12:00 ] - [ 00:37:13:00 ]
Sorry, go ahead.

 [ 00:37:13:00 ] - [ 00:37:14:00 ]
The angry Jell-O, yeah.

 [ 00:37:14:00 ] - [ 00:37:15:00 ]
The angry Jell-O.

 [ 00:37:15:00 ] - [ 00:37:16:00 ]
Yeah, the angry Jell-O.

 [ 00:37:16:00 ] - [ 00:37:17:00 ]
Yeah, I mean, yeah.

 [ 00:37:17:00 ] - [ 00:37:20:00 ]
End game I think was a perfect capstone in my opinion.

 [ 00:37:20:00 ] - [ 00:37:21:00 ]
But anyway, we'll move on.

 [ 00:37:21:00 ] - [ 00:37:24:00 ]
We are not tangenting off to the end game discussion.

 [ 00:37:24:00 ] - [ 00:37:25:00 ]
We'll do this.

 [ 00:37:25:00 ] - [ 00:37:26:00 ]
We'll do this.

 [ 00:37:26:00 ] - [ 00:37:27:00 ]
So what else have you been watching?

 [ 00:37:27:00 ] - [ 00:37:28:00 ]
What else have you been reading?

 [ 00:37:28:00 ] - [ 00:37:29:00 ]
What else have you been?

 [ 00:37:29:00 ] - [ 00:37:31:00 ]
So just briefly, I have started The Bad Batch.

 [ 00:37:31:00 ] - [ 00:37:32:00 ]
I mean, I can't help myself.

 [ 00:37:32:00 ] - [ 00:37:33:00 ]
It's just like with Mandalorian.

 [ 00:37:33:00 ] - [ 00:37:34:00 ]
I see it.

 [ 00:37:34:00 ] - [ 00:37:35:00 ]
I question.

 [ 00:37:35:00 ] - [ 00:37:40:00 ]
And I, the only reason I haven't started watching it yet is because it's so

 [ 00:37:40:00 ] - [ 00:37:42:00 ]
close to what we're watching now.

 [ 00:37:42:00 ] - [ 00:37:47:00 ]
And I don't want to ruin anything for the next couple of.

 [ 00:37:47:00 ] - [ 00:37:48:00 ]
I don't think.

 [ 00:37:48:00 ] - [ 00:37:49:00 ]
No, no, no.

 [ 00:37:49:00 ] - [ 00:37:51:00 ]
I don't think it has anything at all.

 [ 00:37:51:00 ] - [ 00:37:54:00 ]
I don't think this is going to spoil anything here.

 [ 00:37:54:00 ] - [ 00:37:55:00 ]
It has nothing to do with.

 [ 00:37:55:00 ] - [ 00:37:59:00 ]
I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Clone Wars so far at least.

 [ 00:37:59:00 ] - [ 00:38:00:00 ]
Okay, interesting.

 [ 00:38:00:00 ] - [ 00:38:01:00 ]
And I'm not.

 [ 00:38:01:00 ] - [ 00:38:02:00 ]
See, I can't.

 [ 00:38:02:00 ] - [ 00:38:06:00 ]
You need to watch the freaking thing because there's one critical.

 [ 00:38:06:00 ] - [ 00:38:08:00 ]
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

 [ 00:38:08:00 ] - [ 00:38:11:00 ]
So we are a non-spoiler podcast for the stuff that we're covering.

 [ 00:38:11:00 ] - [ 00:38:12:00 ]

 [ 00:38:12:00 ] - [ 00:38:14:00 ]
You can't spoil Bad Batch or anything like that.

 [ 00:38:14:00 ] - [ 00:38:15:00 ]
I'm not.

 [ 00:38:15:00 ] - [ 00:38:17:00 ]
No, I absolutely would never.

 [ 00:38:17:00 ] - [ 00:38:18:00 ]
Okay, just make sure.

 [ 00:38:18:00 ] - [ 00:38:23:00 ]
It's eating me up inside to not talk about the one huge thing about Bad Batch.

 [ 00:38:23:00 ] - [ 00:38:24:00 ]
Yeah, don't talk about it.

 [ 00:38:24:00 ] - [ 00:38:25:00 ]
Don't talk about it.

 [ 00:38:25:00 ] - [ 00:38:26:00 ]
We'll talk about it.

 [ 00:38:26:00 ] - [ 00:38:27:00 ]

 [ 00:38:27:00 ] - [ 00:38:28:00 ]
Yeah, you can't.

 [ 00:38:28:00 ] - [ 00:38:29:00 ]
You can't.

 [ 00:38:29:00 ] - [ 00:38:30:00 ]
I'll make you a deal.

 [ 00:38:30:00 ] - [ 00:38:31:00 ]
I'll make you a deal.

 [ 00:38:31:00 ] - [ 00:38:35:00 ]
Let's get through three seasons of Clone Wars and then we can start to do some tandem Bad

 [ 00:38:35:00 ] - [ 00:38:36:00 ]
Batch stuff.

 [ 00:38:36:00 ] - [ 00:38:37:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:38:37:00 ] - [ 00:38:38:00 ]
Like watch a review of one episode of Bad Batch.

 [ 00:38:38:00 ] - [ 00:38:43:00 ]
I'm trying to get people that haven't started watching it yet because it didn't come out

 [ 00:38:43:00 ] - [ 00:38:44:00 ]
all at once.

 [ 00:38:44:00 ] - [ 00:38:45:00 ]
It's still a weekly thing, right?

 [ 00:38:45:00 ] - [ 00:38:47:00 ]
It's coming out weekly, yeah.

 [ 00:38:47:00 ] - [ 00:38:51:00 ]
I think we need to at least wait until the end of everything's out before we start to

 [ 00:38:51:00 ] - [ 00:38:52:00 ]
talk about spoilers.

 [ 00:38:52:00 ] - [ 00:38:53:00 ]

 [ 00:38:53:00 ] - [ 00:38:56:00 ]
How did your viewing of Men in Black 3 go?

 [ 00:38:56:00 ] - [ 00:38:59:00 ]
Oh, John, I totally forgot it when we talked about this.

 [ 00:38:59:00 ] - [ 00:39:00:00 ]
All right.

 [ 00:39:00:00 ] - [ 00:39:02:00 ]
I am going to say something.

 [ 00:39:02:00 ] - [ 00:39:03:00 ]
I actually looked it up.

 [ 00:39:03:00 ] - [ 00:39:08:00 ]
Men in Black 3 was the highest grossing film in the franchise.

 [ 00:39:08:00 ] - [ 00:39:09:00 ]
I feel vindicated.

 [ 00:39:09:00 ] - [ 00:39:19:00 ]
So, not only should you feel vindicated, that ending was one of the best well-written endings

 [ 00:39:19:00 ] - [ 00:39:21:00 ]
that I've seen in a long time.

 [ 00:39:21:00 ] - [ 00:39:25:00 ]
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie all the way through.

 [ 00:39:25:00 ] - [ 00:39:26:00 ]
I was like, hey, this is great.

 [ 00:39:26:00 ] - [ 00:39:27:00 ]
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

 [ 00:39:27:00 ] - [ 00:39:28:00 ]
I thought this was a bit.

 [ 00:39:28:00 ] - [ 00:39:29:00 ]
You actually watched the movie?

 [ 00:39:29:00 ] - [ 00:39:30:00 ]
Oh, I watched the movie, John.

 [ 00:39:30:00 ] - [ 00:39:31:00 ]
No, you didn't.

 [ 00:39:31:00 ] - [ 00:39:33:00 ]
100% I watched the movie.

 [ 00:39:33:00 ] - [ 00:39:36:00 ]
Yeah, so yes, I watched it.

 [ 00:39:36:00 ] - [ 00:39:43:00 ]
It was honestly one of the surprisingly well-written movies I've seen in a while.

 [ 00:39:43:00 ] - [ 00:39:44:00 ]
I mean it.

 [ 00:39:44:00 ] - [ 00:39:45:00 ]
It was really good.

 [ 00:39:45:00 ] - [ 00:39:47:00 ]
The ending is A+.

 [ 00:39:47:00 ] - [ 00:39:49:00 ]
The ending is absolutely A+.

 [ 00:39:49:00 ] - [ 00:39:54:00 ]
Everything to do with the 60s, Andy Warhol, Josh Brolin.

 [ 00:39:54:00 ] - [ 00:39:55:00 ]

 [ 00:39:55:00 ] - [ 00:39:56:00 ]
Yeah, seriously.

 [ 00:39:56:00 ] - [ 00:40:00:00 ]
And also, the guy from the Assassin show on HBO.

 [ 00:40:00:00 ] - [ 00:40:01:00 ]
Not Gary.

 [ 00:40:01:00 ] - [ 00:40:02:00 ]
What's the name of it?

 [ 00:40:02:00 ] - [ 00:40:03:00 ]
Yeah, yeah.

 [ 00:40:03:00 ] - [ 00:40:04:00 ]
That guy.

 [ 00:40:04:00 ] - [ 00:40:05:00 ]
Yeah, the guy from Saturday Night Live.

 [ 00:40:05:00 ] - [ 00:40:06:00 ]
I don't know.

 [ 00:40:06:00 ] - [ 00:40:07:00 ]
Oh, it's killing me.

 [ 00:40:07:00 ] - [ 00:40:08:00 ]
I cannot believe I forgot it.

 [ 00:40:08:00 ] - [ 00:40:09:00 ]

 [ 00:40:09:00 ] - [ 00:40:10:00 ]
Bill Hader!

 [ 00:40:10:00 ] - [ 00:40:11:00 ]
Anyways, yeah, the guy that plays.

 [ 00:40:11:00 ] - [ 00:40:13:00 ]
Yeah, really good.

 [ 00:40:13:00 ] - [ 00:40:14:00 ]
Really well acted.

 [ 00:40:14:00 ] - [ 00:40:15:00 ]
Big names in there.

 [ 00:40:15:00 ] - [ 00:40:16:00 ]
Yeah, Josh Brolin was great.

 [ 00:40:16:00 ] - [ 00:40:20:00 ]
I mean, his mannerisms and the way that he says stuff, like Tom Lee Jones was A+.

 [ 00:40:20:00 ] - [ 00:40:21:00 ]

 [ 00:40:21:00 ] - [ 00:40:22:00 ]

 [ 00:40:22:00 ] - [ 00:40:23:00 ]
Dead on.

 [ 00:40:23:00 ] - [ 00:40:24:00 ]
Yeah, dead on.

 [ 00:40:24:00 ] - [ 00:40:25:00 ]
Absolutely dead on.

 [ 00:40:25:00 ] - [ 00:40:26:00 ]
And then the ending.

 [ 00:40:26:00 ] - [ 00:40:31:00 ]
I honestly, at the end of that movie was like, where did this movie come from?

 [ 00:40:31:00 ] - [ 00:40:36:00 ]
It was like this pop movie that came out and everybody was like, yeah, it's the third Men

 [ 00:40:36:00 ] - [ 00:40:37:00 ]
in Black.

 [ 00:40:37:00 ] - [ 00:40:38:00 ]
Woo hoo, woo hoo.

 [ 00:40:38:00 ] - [ 00:40:41:00 ]
But the whole last sequence was like, so good.

 [ 00:40:41:00 ] - [ 00:40:43:00 ]
Yeah, that was, yeah.

 [ 00:40:43:00 ] - [ 00:40:44:00 ]
I mean, it was.

 [ 00:40:44:00 ] - [ 00:40:48:00 ]
Well, it was as much a treat, it sounds like, for you as it was for me because I didn't

 [ 00:40:48:00 ] - [ 00:40:49:00 ]
watch this in the theater.

 [ 00:40:49:00 ] - [ 00:40:50:00 ]
I hardly paid attention to it.

 [ 00:40:50:00 ] - [ 00:40:51:00 ]

 [ 00:40:51:00 ] - [ 00:40:53:00 ]
Men in Black 2 was okay, and so I'm like, whatever, I'll watch it later.

 [ 00:40:53:00 ] - [ 00:41:03:00 ]
So, then I'm watching it some random night at home and it's a good movie.

 [ 00:41:03:00 ] - [ 00:41:06:00 ]
Wow, what an awesome movie.

 [ 00:41:33:00 ] - [ 00:41:40:00 ]
I mean, did you see the resemblance with Clone Wars?

 [ 00:41:40:00 ] - [ 00:41:41:00 ]
I did.

 [ 00:41:41:00 ] - [ 00:41:43:00 ]
If you haven't listened to our previous podcast, Jon said he could not get over the fact that

 [ 00:41:43:00 ] - [ 00:41:46:00 ]
one of the guys in the previous episode of The Clone Wars looked exactly like Jermaine

 [ 00:41:46:00 ] - [ 00:41:48:00 ]
Clements' character, the evil character.

 [ 00:41:48:00 ] - [ 00:41:50:00 ]
I forget what his name was.

 [ 00:41:50:00 ] - [ 00:41:51:00 ]
I wish I remembered.

 [ 00:41:51:00 ] - [ 00:41:52:00 ]
Horus the animal!

 [ 00:41:52:00 ] - [ 00:41:53:00 ]
Horus the animal!

 [ 00:41:53:00 ] - [ 00:41:56:00 ]
No, he's not an animal.

 [ 00:41:56:00 ] - [ 00:41:57:00 ]
I'm not an animal.

 [ 00:41:57:00 ] - [ 00:41:59:00 ]
Remember he clarifies that like twice in the movie.

 [ 00:41:59:00 ] - [ 00:42:01:00 ]
He's like, I'm just Horus.

 [ 00:42:01:00 ] - [ 00:42:03:00 ]
But yes, Jermaine Clements plays that perfectly.

 [ 00:42:03:00 ] - [ 00:42:07:00 ]
It was just so good.

 [ 00:42:07:00 ] - [ 00:42:08:00 ]
That movie was, yeah.

 [ 00:42:08:00 ] - [ 00:42:11:00 ]
I actually went up to my wife after the movie.

 [ 00:42:11:00 ] - [ 00:42:14:00 ]
She was in bed and I was like, I've got to tell Jon that he was right.

 [ 00:42:14:00 ] - [ 00:42:15:00 ]
How do I do this?

 [ 00:42:15:00 ] - [ 00:42:17:00 ]
How do I tell Jon that he was right?

 [ 00:42:17:00 ] - [ 00:42:18:00 ]
And she's like, about what?

 [ 00:42:18:00 ] - [ 00:42:19:00 ]
And I was like, a minute and a half, three.

 [ 00:42:19:00 ] - [ 00:42:21:00 ]
And she's like, no, he could not have been.

 [ 00:42:21:00 ] - [ 00:42:24:00 ]
And I was like, I'm telling you, that movie was really good.

 [ 00:42:24:00 ] - [ 00:42:27:00 ]
It was really good, like surprisingly good.

 [ 00:42:27:00 ] - [ 00:42:31:00 ]
So yes, you have my complete endorsement.

 [ 00:42:31:00 ] - [ 00:42:34:00 ]
I'm not saying it's the best movie ever, but I'm saying it is a really good movie.

 [ 00:42:34:00 ] - [ 00:42:38:00 ]
No, no, but yeah, best of the series by far.

 [ 00:42:38:00 ] - [ 00:42:42:00 ]
And I'm glad that you got that sense of enjoyment out of it.

 [ 00:42:42:00 ] - [ 00:42:44:00 ]
That makes me happy because I enjoyed the film.

 [ 00:42:44:00 ] - [ 00:42:49:00 ]
So let me just say again, the ending was so good.

 [ 00:42:49:00 ] - [ 00:42:53:00 ]
So you mentioned the ending in the previous podcast.

 [ 00:42:53:00 ] - [ 00:42:54:00 ]
No I didn't.

 [ 00:42:54:00 ] - [ 00:42:55:00 ]
Well, you said.

 [ 00:42:55:00 ] - [ 00:42:56:00 ]
Why would I tell you that?

 [ 00:42:56:00 ] - [ 00:42:58:00 ]
No, no, no, no, you didn't.

 [ 00:42:58:00 ] - [ 00:43:01:00 ]
Well, you mentioned that the end was really good.

 [ 00:43:01:00 ] - [ 00:43:03:00 ]
I think that literally what you said, the end was really good.

 [ 00:43:03:00 ] - [ 00:43:04:00 ]
The end is really good.

 [ 00:43:04:00 ] - [ 00:43:09:00 ]
Yeah, but you didn't say anything about what the ending entailed or anything like that.

 [ 00:43:09:00 ] - [ 00:43:13:00 ]
And I sat there the whole movie being like, how am I going to figure this out?

 [ 00:43:13:00 ] - [ 00:43:14:00 ]
There's nothing they can do to spend this.

 [ 00:43:14:00 ] - [ 00:43:15:00 ]
Why you got to figure it out?

 [ 00:43:15:00 ] - [ 00:43:16:00 ]
Yeah, why you got to figure it out?

 [ 00:43:16:00 ] - [ 00:43:17:00 ]
Just enjoy it.

 [ 00:43:17:00 ] - [ 00:43:18:00 ]
Because you mentioned it.

 [ 00:43:18:00 ] - [ 00:43:19:00 ]
That's why I had to figure it out.

 [ 00:43:19:00 ] - [ 00:43:21:00 ]
So like I'm sitting there, like what could this be?

 [ 00:43:21:00 ] - [ 00:43:22:00 ]
And then I'm like, I gave up.

 [ 00:43:22:00 ] - [ 00:43:23:00 ]
I was just like, I don't know.

 [ 00:43:23:00 ] - [ 00:43:24:00 ]
I don't know what it's going to be.

 [ 00:43:24:00 ] - [ 00:43:25:00 ]
And then I sat down, and then I was like.

 [ 00:43:25:00 ] - [ 00:43:26:00 ]
I didn't see it coming.

 [ 00:43:26:00 ] - [ 00:43:27:00 ]
Yeah, no, not at all.

 [ 00:43:27:00 ] - [ 00:43:30:00 ]
And I was just like, oh my God, that was really good.

 [ 00:43:30:00 ] - [ 00:43:31:00 ]
Like this.

 [ 00:43:31:00 ] - [ 00:43:34:00 ]
Yeah, it was really, really, really well done.

 [ 00:43:34:00 ] - [ 00:43:36:00 ]
The guy that plays the dude that can see,

 [ 00:43:36:00 ] - [ 00:43:38:00 ]
I'm not giving too much.

 [ 00:43:38:00 ] - [ 00:43:39:00 ]
The fifth dimensional being.

 [ 00:43:39:00 ] - [ 00:43:40:00 ]
Yeah, the fifth dimensional being.

 [ 00:43:40:00 ] - [ 00:43:41:00 ]
I looked him up, because I was like,

 [ 00:43:41:00 ] - [ 00:43:43:00 ]
he did a really, really good job with this movie.

 [ 00:43:43:00 ] - [ 00:43:45:00 ]
He hasn't done much since.

 [ 00:43:45:00 ] - [ 00:43:46:00 ]
Where are you going to book him?

 [ 00:43:46:00 ] - [ 00:43:47:00 ]
No, but he was in something else,

 [ 00:43:47:00 ] - [ 00:43:48:00 ]
and I'm drawing a blank on what it was.

 [ 00:43:48:00 ] - [ 00:43:51:00 ]
I think it was a serious, like a drama.

 [ 00:43:51:00 ] - [ 00:43:52:00 ]
But he's a great actor.

 [ 00:43:52:00 ] - [ 00:43:54:00 ]
His character in that movie was,

 [ 00:43:54:00 ] - [ 00:43:57:00 ]
like he played that character spot on.

 [ 00:43:57:00 ] - [ 00:43:58:00 ]
Like really, really well.

 [ 00:43:58:00 ] - [ 00:43:59:00 ]
Like the whole movie's acted well.

 [ 00:43:59:00 ] - [ 00:44:02:00 ]
Everybody in that movie did a good job.

 [ 00:44:02:00 ] - [ 00:44:05:00 ]
TLJ, Brolin, Will Smith, everybody in that movie.

 [ 00:44:05:00 ] - [ 00:44:09:00 ]
That was such a good, that was such a good movie.

 [ 00:44:09:00 ] - [ 00:44:12:00 ]
Yeah, I will say, I was completely wrong

 [ 00:44:12:00 ] - [ 00:44:13:00 ]
about Men in Black 3.

 [ 00:44:13:00 ] - [ 00:44:15:00 ]
I hate that I ribbed you on the last podcast about it.

 [ 00:44:15:00 ] - [ 00:44:16:00 ]
Everybody go see it.

 [ 00:44:16:00 ] - [ 00:44:17:00 ]
What, you didn't know?

 [ 00:44:17:00 ] - [ 00:44:17:00 ]
You didn't know?

 [ 00:44:17:00 ] - [ 00:44:20:00 ]
Well, I just, I thought after seeing only one and two,

 [ 00:44:20:00 ] - [ 00:44:22:00 ]
and I didn't see the one with Thor and all that,

 [ 00:44:22:00 ] - [ 00:44:25:00 ]
it was just kind of like this, I get it,

 [ 00:44:25:00 ] - [ 00:44:28:00 ]
but it's just replaying the same stuff over and over.

 [ 00:44:28:00 ] - [ 00:44:29:00 ]
And then when you actually watch it,

 [ 00:44:29:00 ] - [ 00:44:31:00 ]
you're just like, this is new, this is refreshing.

 [ 00:44:31:00 ] - [ 00:44:32:00 ]
And I'm kind of surprised

 [ 00:44:32:00 ] - [ 00:44:34:00 ]
that I didn't hear about it before, honestly.

 [ 00:44:34:00 ] - [ 00:44:36:00 ]
You know, I didn't hear people being like,

 [ 00:44:36:00 ] - [ 00:44:37:00 ]
look, you gotta watch Men in Black 3.

 [ 00:44:37:00 ] - [ 00:44:38:00 ]
That is a really good ending to a trilogy.

 [ 00:44:38:00 ] - [ 00:44:41:00 ]
Do you think that, so I didn't watch the Thor one.

 [ 00:44:41:00 ] - [ 00:44:44:00 ]
Do you think that that is, Thor and Valkyrie one.

 [ 00:44:44:00 ] - [ 00:44:46:00 ]
Do you think that that one is kind of like

 [ 00:44:46:00 ] - [ 00:44:50:00 ]
the Crystal Skull of the?

 [ 00:44:50:00 ] - [ 00:44:52:00 ]
Oh, that's a good analogy.

 [ 00:44:52:00 ] - [ 00:44:53:00 ]
It is complete trash.

 [ 00:44:53:00 ] - [ 00:44:54:00 ]
Okay, it is, okay.

 [ 00:44:54:00 ] - [ 00:44:55:00 ]
And I didn't want to watch it.

 [ 00:44:55:00 ] - [ 00:44:56:00 ]
I bought the trilogy, the original trilogy,

 [ 00:44:56:00 ] - [ 00:44:57:00 ]
all three of them.

 [ 00:44:57:00 ] - [ 00:44:59:00 ]
So I'll probably go back and watch two again,

 [ 00:44:59:00 ] - [ 00:45:01:00 ]
just because I remember it, but I kind of don't remember.

 [ 00:45:01:00 ] - [ 00:45:01:00 ]
One was really good.

 [ 00:45:01:00 ] - [ 00:45:02:00 ]
I thought one was pretty good.

 [ 00:45:02:00 ] - [ 00:45:03:00 ]
I remember.

 [ 00:45:03:00 ] - [ 00:45:04:00 ]
One's good.

 [ 00:45:04:00 ] - [ 00:45:05:00 ]
I remember walking out of the theater

 [ 00:45:05:00 ] - [ 00:45:07:00 ]
and just being like, yeah, that's pretty good.

 [ 00:45:07:00 ] - [ 00:45:10:00 ]
But yeah, three was by far the best of the trilogy.

 [ 00:45:10:00 ] - [ 00:45:11:00 ]
I agree with you.

 [ 00:45:11:00 ] - [ 00:45:14:00 ]
I totally blinked that we talked about that

 [ 00:45:14:00 ] - [ 00:45:15:00 ]
on the last podcast.

 [ 00:45:15:00 ] - [ 00:45:18:00 ]
I made a point to ask you because I really.

 [ 00:45:18:00 ] - [ 00:45:20:00 ]
You didn't think I watched it, did you?

 [ 00:45:20:00 ] - [ 00:45:21:00 ]
No, of course not.

 [ 00:45:21:00 ] - [ 00:45:21:00 ]
Yeah, no, I did.

 [ 00:45:21:00 ] - [ 00:45:22:00 ]
Literally like two nights later,

 [ 00:45:22:00 ] - [ 00:45:24:00 ]
I was like, John is raving so hard about this movie

 [ 00:45:24:00 ] - [ 00:45:26:00 ]
that I'm going to go and watch it.

 [ 00:45:26:00 ] - [ 00:45:28:00 ]
And I'm happy I did.

 [ 00:45:28:00 ] - [ 00:45:30:00 ]
And I say that you are correct.

 [ 00:45:30:00 ] - [ 00:45:32:00 ]
It was by far the best of the trilogy.

 [ 00:45:32:00 ] - [ 00:45:35:00 ]
And maybe one of the better movies

 [ 00:45:35:00 ] - [ 00:45:38:00 ]
that I've watched in the past year, honestly,

 [ 00:45:38:00 ] - [ 00:45:39:00 ]
like written wise.

 [ 00:45:39:00 ] - [ 00:45:40:00 ]
I can understand that.

 [ 00:45:40:00 ] - [ 00:45:42:00 ]
Yeah, it was pretty darn good.

 [ 00:45:42:00 ] - [ 00:45:43:00 ]
Pretty darn good.

 [ 00:45:45:00 ] - [ 00:45:46:00 ]
But not as good as Tenet.

 [ 00:45:46:00 ] - [ 00:45:47:00 ]
Oh, Jesus.

 [ 00:45:49:00 ] - [ 00:45:50:00 ]

 [ 00:45:50:00 ] - [ 00:45:53:00 ]
I'm amazed at your fascination with Tenet because I.

 [ 00:45:53:00 ] - [ 00:45:54:00 ]
That's a good word.

 [ 00:45:54:00 ] - [ 00:45:55:00 ]
I'm fascinated.

 [ 00:45:55:00 ] - [ 00:45:56:00 ]
You're fascinated.

 [ 00:45:56:00 ] - [ 00:45:57:00 ]
I have to watch it again.

 [ 00:45:57:00 ] - [ 00:45:58:00 ]
Yeah, I think you need to watch it again.

 [ 00:45:58:00 ] - [ 00:46:01:00 ]
I think that, yeah.

 [ 00:46:01:00 ] - [ 00:46:26:00 ]
I'm in our.

 [ 00:46:26:00 ] - [ 00:46:32:00 ]
After you watch it again on the next podcast, I want to know what you thought about Tenet View 2 vs. Interstellar.

 [ 00:46:57:00 ] - [ 00:47:01:00 ]
Yes, I agree. I think you could put Primer and you could put Pi. Have you ever seen the movie Pi?

 [ 00:47:02:00 ] - [ 00:47:03:00 ]
I did not like that movie.

 [ 00:47:03:00 ] - [ 00:47:08:00 ]
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's like a thinking person's arthouse-ish movie.

 [ 00:47:08:00 ] - [ 00:47:10:00 ]
I didn't think... Pi was very arthouse-ish.

 [ 00:47:10:00 ] - [ 00:47:15:00 ]
I put both of them in that kind of cup.

 [ 00:47:15:00 ] - [ 00:47:16:00 ]
Now, Primer...

 [ 00:47:16:00 ] - [ 00:47:17:00 ]
They're not...

 [ 00:47:17:00 ] - [ 00:47:18:00 ]
It's probably just Primer.

 [ 00:47:18:00 ] - [ 00:47:26:00 ]
But that's more of a hardcore, you know, hard sci-fi. Tenet tried to, you know, get in that category.

 [ 00:47:26:00 ] - [ 00:47:31:00 ]
Pi is totally nothing. It's not in the same category at all. No, no, no.

 [ 00:47:31:00 ] - [ 00:47:35:00 ]
All right. I put them in the same category as decent movies, but not anything that I would watch again.

 [ 00:47:35:00 ] - [ 00:47:37:00 ]
Pi was stupid. Pi was black and white, right?

 [ 00:47:37:00 ] - [ 00:47:39:00 ]
Yeah, black and white had the drill. Yeah.

 [ 00:47:39:00 ] - [ 00:47:41:00 ]
Yeah, it was stupid. Stupid movie.

 [ 00:47:41:00 ] - [ 00:47:45:00 ]
Yeah, it was... Well, they're thinking... I guess I just put them in the same reason because they like...

 [ 00:47:45:00 ] - [ 00:47:49:00 ]
They want you to think about mathematics. They want you to think about different things.

 [ 00:47:49:00 ] - [ 00:47:51:00 ]
I mean, yeah. Not bad.

 [ 00:47:51:00 ] - [ 00:47:59:00 ]
I didn't get that out of Pi. This doesn't need to be a Pi review podcast, but I thought it was shallow and did not...

 [ 00:47:59:00 ] - [ 00:48:02:00 ]
You know, I want to go watch The Procedge again. I want to watch Tenet again.

 [ 00:48:02:00 ] - [ 00:48:03:00 ]
I am going to watch The Procedge again.

 [ 00:48:03:00 ] - [ 00:48:04:00 ]
I don't give a crap about Pi.

 [ 00:48:04:00 ] - [ 00:48:06:00 ]
Yeah. No. Yeah, that's fine.

 [ 00:48:06:00 ] - [ 00:48:08:00 ]
I get it. I get it. I get it.

 [ 00:48:08:00 ] - [ 00:48:10:00 ]
Do you feel me, Eric? Do you hear my concern?

 [ 00:48:10:00 ] - [ 00:48:11:00 ]
I haven't felt anything...

 [ 00:48:11:00 ] - [ 00:48:12:00 ]
I don't give a crap.

 [ 00:48:12:00 ] - [ 00:48:15:00 ]
I haven't felt anything since you said that you liked Tenet. And that's where I'm...

 [ 00:48:15:00 ] - [ 00:48:17:00 ]
That's the line of this podcast where I...

 [ 00:48:17:00 ] - [ 00:48:19:00 ]
Whoa, whoa, whoa. You didn't even like it.

 [ 00:48:19:00 ] - [ 00:48:20:00 ]
Well, I... No, no.

 [ 00:48:20:00 ] - [ 00:48:21:00 ]
So we're establishing a new baseline.

 [ 00:48:21:00 ] - [ 00:48:25:00 ]
I liked it and I could... I enjoyed the amount of money that was put into it.

 [ 00:48:25:00 ] - [ 00:48:28:00 ]
I enjoyed the production, maybe, is the best way to say it.

 [ 00:48:28:00 ] - [ 00:48:31:00 ]
Good production value. Yeah, that's what we're looking for.

 [ 00:48:31:00 ] - [ 00:48:33:00 ]
Well, yeah, but just the whole ending thing where they're like,

 [ 00:48:33:00 ] - [ 00:48:35:00 ]
You took this one. You took this one. Break it...

 [ 00:48:35:00 ] - [ 00:48:36:00 ]

 [ 00:48:36:00 ] - [ 00:48:38:00 ]
All right. Yeah.

 [ 00:48:38:00 ] - [ 00:48:44:00 ]
I've never... I'm very happy about MLB3, but I've never been more disappointed in you.

 [ 00:48:44:00 ] - [ 00:48:45:00 ]
For Tenet?

 [ 00:48:45:00 ] - [ 00:48:49:00 ]
I think the general public is probably behind me on that one.

 [ 00:48:49:00 ] - [ 00:48:50:00 ]
Like, I'm not saying that I'm...

 [ 00:48:50:00 ] - [ 00:48:55:00 ]
The general public, if you read the bad reviews about Tenet, it's exactly what you're saying.

 [ 00:48:55:00 ] - [ 00:48:57:00 ]
I didn't understand it.

 [ 00:48:57:00 ] - [ 00:48:58:00 ]
Yeah, well, I mean...

 [ 00:48:58:00 ] - [ 00:48:59:00 ]
I'm not stupid. You're stupid.

 [ 00:48:59:00 ] - [ 00:49:03:00 ]
Here's the thing, John. I did understand it, and I still thought it was kind of stupid.

 [ 00:49:03:00 ] - [ 00:49:07:00 ]
I just... I felt like... I don't know. It was just kind of like...

 [ 00:49:07:00 ] - [ 00:49:10:00 ]
Yeah, it was too much.

 [ 00:49:10:00 ] - [ 00:49:13:00 ]
It was too much. It was just too much. It was too much going...

 [ 00:49:13:00 ] - [ 00:49:18:00 ]
Like, Inception, you have the, like, dream sequences, the kicks, being levels in.

 [ 00:49:18:00 ] - [ 00:49:20:00 ]
You're doing the math to figure out how slow this...

 [ 00:49:20:00 ] - [ 00:49:22:00 ]
Do you want me to start picking Inception apart for you?

 [ 00:49:22:00 ] - [ 00:49:25:00 ]
No, I don't. I don't. I don't. I'm going to let you have Tenet,

 [ 00:49:25:00 ] - [ 00:49:28:00 ]
and I'm going to let you enjoy that movie.

 [ 00:49:28:00 ] - [ 00:49:30:00 ]
I'm eager to see what you think about it on your second watch.

 [ 00:49:30:00 ] - [ 00:49:33:00 ]
I will also give my second watch to Prestige this week.

 [ 00:49:33:00 ] - [ 00:49:36:00 ]
That movie deserves a second watch. I totally agree with that.

 [ 00:49:36:00 ] - [ 00:49:38:00 ]
Oh, my God. It deserves at least two. Yes.

 [ 00:49:38:00 ] - [ 00:49:40:00 ]
Yeah, I agree. I agree with that. Yeah.

 [ 00:49:40:00 ] - [ 00:49:42:00 ]
So enough about you, John.

 [ 00:49:42:00 ] - [ 00:49:43:00 ]

 [ 00:49:43:00 ] - [ 00:49:45:00 ]
I haven't really been reading or watching anything.

 [ 00:49:45:00 ] - [ 00:49:49:00 ]
Let me take that back. I've been reading a book called Moonwalking with Einstein,

 [ 00:49:49:00 ] - [ 00:49:53:00 ]
which is about this reporter that goes and meets...

 [ 00:49:53:00 ] - [ 00:49:55:00 ]
Okay, 30-second review real quick.

 [ 00:49:55:00 ] - [ 00:50:00:00 ]
So basically, he wants to figure out who the strongest man in the world is,

 [ 00:50:00:00 ] - [ 00:50:02:00 ]
and he's a reporter for, like, Newsweek or somebody.

 [ 00:50:02:00 ] - [ 00:50:04:00 ]
He wants to figure out who the strongest man in the world is

 [ 00:50:04:00 ] - [ 00:50:06:00 ]
and who the smartest man in the world.

 [ 00:50:06:00 ] - [ 00:50:07:00 ]
So he goes and figures out that this dude somewhere,

 [ 00:50:07:00 ] - [ 00:50:09:00 ]
probably the guy from Game of Thrones, is the strongest man in the world.

 [ 00:50:09:00 ] - [ 00:50:12:00 ]
And then he's like, what do I decide on for the smartest man in the world?

 [ 00:50:12:00 ] - [ 00:50:16:00 ]
Is it somebody who's the most highest IQ, but there's problems with IQ?

 [ 00:50:16:00 ] - [ 00:50:19:00 ]
Is it people that have advanced degrees?

 [ 00:50:19:00 ] - [ 00:50:22:00 ]
He's trying to figure out how do you define the smartest man in the world?

 [ 00:50:22:00 ] - [ 00:50:26:00 ]
And during this, he's not defining and saying that the person with the best memory has this,

 [ 00:50:26:00 ] - [ 00:50:29:00 ]
but he's just like, I think you should also include people that have super memories

 [ 00:50:29:00 ] - [ 00:50:32:00 ]
or at least memories that go to these memory comp things all around the world.

 [ 00:50:32:00 ] - [ 00:50:33:00 ]
Yeah, which are amazing.

 [ 00:50:33:00 ] - [ 00:50:35:00 ]
Or like Leler, like he talks about in the book, he's like,

 [ 00:50:35:00 ] - [ 00:50:40:00 ]
this person has to remember a poem that is a completely original poem that's, you know, like 75 lines.

 [ 00:50:40:00 ] - [ 00:50:42:00 ]
Then they're given two decks of cards in order.

 [ 00:50:42:00 ] - [ 00:50:44:00 ]
Remember those guys.

 [ 00:50:44:00 ] - [ 00:50:46:00 ]
And it's this whole, like, string of things that they have to remember,

 [ 00:50:46:00 ] - [ 00:50:48:00 ]
and then they have to go through the test at the end of it.

 [ 00:50:48:00 ] - [ 00:50:52:00 ]
And whoever remembers the most out of all different categories wins the best memory, you know,

 [ 00:50:52:00 ] - [ 00:50:53:00 ]
for this competition.

 [ 00:50:53:00 ] - [ 00:50:56:00 ]
And there's three that end up putting you in, like, the Grandmaster level and all this other stuff.

 [ 00:50:56:00 ] - [ 00:50:59:00 ]
So he starts talking to this guy, and he starts figuring out that, like,

 [ 00:50:59:00 ] - [ 00:51:02:00 ]
whoever he's talking to is like, I don't have a great memory.

 [ 00:51:02:00 ] - [ 00:51:03:00 ]
My memory is normal.

 [ 00:51:03:00 ] - [ 00:51:04:00 ]
Like, I'm just a normal human being.

 [ 00:51:04:00 ] - [ 00:51:06:00 ]
I've just trained myself to do this.

 [ 00:51:06:00 ] - [ 00:51:08:00 ]
So he's like, okay, I'm going to give myself a year,

 [ 00:51:08:00 ] - [ 00:51:10:00 ]
and I'm going to see how good I can get at this.

 [ 00:51:10:00 ] - [ 00:51:14:00 ]
And during the year, he goes through this kind of theory of –

 [ 00:51:14:00 ] - [ 00:51:15:00 ]
it's really hard to describe it.

 [ 00:51:15:00 ] - [ 00:51:18:00 ]
Basically, like, take a deck of cards, and you lay one of them out,

 [ 00:51:18:00 ] - [ 00:51:22:00 ]
and it's like the Ace of Spades, and you say, hey, I walk – it's a palace –

 [ 00:51:22:00 ] - [ 00:51:25:00 ]
I think it's called the palace technique, but basically I'm walking into a room.

 [ 00:51:25:00 ] - [ 00:51:26:00 ]
The mind palace?

 [ 00:51:26:00 ] - [ 00:51:34:00 ]
Yeah, exactly. I'm walking into this room and I'm seeing the Ace of Spades, but I'm also seeing David Robinson and Michael Jackson dancing.

 [ 00:51:34:00 ] - [ 00:51:36:00 ]
You know, so he ascribes that to his memory.

 [ 00:51:36:00 ] - [ 00:51:37:00 ]
And then he gets the next card.

 [ 00:51:37:00 ] - [ 00:51:38:00 ]

 [ 00:51:38:00 ] - [ 00:51:42:00 ]
And so basically you're going through rooms in a house or something like that based off this old Greek philosophy of doing it.

 [ 00:51:43:00 ] - [ 00:51:46:00 ]
And he gets to the final, like through the year he gets to the final.

 [ 00:51:46:00 ] - [ 00:51:47:00 ]
So it's a really good book.

 [ 00:51:47:00 ] - [ 00:51:48:00 ]
Moonwalking with Einstein.

 [ 00:51:48:00 ] - [ 00:51:49:00 ]
Really good.

 [ 00:51:49:00 ] - [ 00:51:52:00 ]
That's really all that I've been reading lately, except for You Sent Me.

 [ 00:51:52:00 ] - [ 00:51:59:00 ]
We had some weird discussion on the Discord about the Curse of the Blue Hole, which is this place out in it's in the Red Sea, I think.

 [ 00:51:59:00 ] - [ 00:52:00:00 ]
Is that right?

 [ 00:52:00:00 ] - [ 00:52:00:00 ]
Do you remember?

 [ 00:52:00:00 ] - [ 00:52:01:00 ]

 [ 00:52:01:00 ] - [ 00:52:01:00 ]

 [ 00:52:01:00 ] - [ 00:52:02:00 ]
The arm of the Red Sea.

 [ 00:52:02:00 ] - [ 00:52:03:00 ]

 [ 00:52:03:00 ] - [ 00:52:04:00 ]
So John and I are scuba divers.

 [ 00:52:04:00 ] - [ 00:52:09:00 ]
John is a little bit more advanced than I am, which he likes to tell everybody about.

 [ 00:52:09:00 ] - [ 00:52:10:00 ]
Bubble time.

 [ 00:52:10:00 ] - [ 00:52:11:00 ]

 [ 00:52:11:00 ] - [ 00:52:15:00 ]
And and but but me and John go scuba diving sometimes down the Keys.

 [ 00:52:15:00 ] - [ 00:52:19:00 ]
And and there's this place out in the Red Sea.

 [ 00:52:19:00 ] - [ 00:52:20:00 ]
It's called the Blue Hole.

 [ 00:52:20:00 ] - [ 00:52:24:00 ]
And so many people have died at this place, like amazing amount of people have died at this place.

 [ 00:52:24:00 ] - [ 00:52:34:00 ]
And it just seems to be that there's just this perfect depth and overhang that you everybody imagines that they can get under and get back up with their tank of air.

 [ 00:52:34:00 ] - [ 00:52:34:00 ]
But they just can't.

 [ 00:52:34:00 ] - [ 00:52:36:00 ]
And there's a lot of people that died at this place.

 [ 00:52:36:00 ] - [ 00:52:37:00 ]
It's on YouTube.

 [ 00:52:37:00 ] - [ 00:52:38:00 ]
We'll post a link in the notes.

 [ 00:52:38:00 ] - [ 00:52:42:00 ]
The guy's name is Monty Hall and he is Monty Hall's Dive Mysteries.

 [ 00:52:42:00 ] - [ 00:52:43:00 ]
And he's actually really good.

 [ 00:52:43:00 ] - [ 00:52:44:00 ]
It was a really good episode.

 [ 00:52:44:00 ] - [ 00:52:44:00 ]
Really well produced.

 [ 00:52:44:00 ] - [ 00:52:45:00 ]
And it was fantastic.

 [ 00:52:45:00 ] - [ 00:52:46:00 ]

 [ 00:52:46:00 ] - [ 00:52:46:00 ]
And pretty good.

 [ 00:52:46:00 ] - [ 00:52:47:00 ]

 [ 00:52:47:00 ] - [ 00:52:47:00 ]

 [ 00:52:47:00 ] - [ 00:52:49:00 ]
He takes you down there.

 [ 00:52:49:00 ] - [ 00:52:51:00 ]
And they, of course, have like double tanks.

 [ 00:52:51:00 ] - [ 00:52:53:00 ]
They have re-breathers and like all this other different stuff.

 [ 00:52:53:00 ] - [ 00:52:56:00 ]
So it's not like they're too worried about stuff.

 [ 00:52:56:00 ] - [ 00:52:59:00 ]
But even then, it's a little bit claustrophobic and kind of weird.

 [ 00:52:59:00 ] - [ 00:53:06:00 ]
And it's a really good like if you got 45 minutes to spare and you either A like scuba diving or B are completely afraid to watch a horror film.

 [ 00:53:07:00 ] - [ 00:53:10:00 ]
It's a really good 45 minute documentary about the Blue Hole.

 [ 00:53:11:00 ] - [ 00:53:13:00 ]
And this place looked like it was out in the middle of nowhere, too.

 [ 00:53:13:00 ] - [ 00:53:13:00 ]
Like there's no hot.

 [ 00:53:13:00 ] - [ 00:53:14:00 ]
There's nothing.

 [ 00:53:14:00 ] - [ 00:53:15:00 ]
It is in the middle of nowhere.

 [ 00:53:15:00 ] - [ 00:53:15:00 ]

 [ 00:53:15:00 ] - [ 00:53:16:00 ]
Well, it's kind of in the middle of nowhere.

 [ 00:53:16:00 ] - [ 00:53:17:00 ]
Well, there was a D.

 [ 00:53:17:00 ] - [ 00:53:20:00 ]
So in the documentary, they talk about there's a decompression tank somewhere near there.

 [ 00:53:20:00 ] - [ 00:53:21:00 ]
And I think it was built specifically.

 [ 00:53:21:00 ] - [ 00:53:22:00 ]
It's been built up a little bit.

 [ 00:53:22:00 ] - [ 00:53:23:00 ]

 [ 00:53:23:00 ] - [ 00:53:25:00 ]
It's been built specifically because so many people have died at this place.

 [ 00:53:25:00 ] - [ 00:53:26:00 ]
So it's a big tourist thing.

 [ 00:53:26:00 ] - [ 00:53:27:00 ]

 [ 00:53:27:00 ] - [ 00:53:27:00 ]

 [ 00:53:27:00 ] - [ 00:53:29:00 ]
And it's an interesting documentary.

 [ 00:53:29:00 ] - [ 00:53:36:00 ]
You know, so John and I can attest that scuba scuba scuba scuba standards scuba standards in the US are really good.

 [ 00:53:36:00 ] - [ 00:53:39:00 ]
But when you go out of the US, it gets kind of crazy.

 [ 00:53:39:00 ] - [ 00:53:40:00 ]
And some people don't care about it.

 [ 00:53:40:00 ] - [ 00:53:42:00 ]
And that leads to tragedies and all sorts of stuff.

 [ 00:53:42:00 ] - [ 00:53:44:00 ]
So it's a really good series.

 [ 00:53:44:00 ] - [ 00:53:46:00 ]
Actually, I like I this was a really good series.

 [ 00:53:46:00 ] - [ 00:53:47:00 ]
This was serious.

 [ 00:53:47:00 ] - [ 00:53:50:00 ]
This was season one, Episode one of this series.

 [ 00:53:50:00 ] - [ 00:53:52:00 ]
And I'm probably going to go back and watch the rest of them, too.

 [ 00:53:52:00 ] - [ 00:53:56:00 ]
It's I don't know what network it would have came out on or if it just came out on YouTube or what.

 [ 00:53:56:00 ] - [ 00:53:59:00 ]
But again, it's called Monty Hall's Dive Mysteries.

 [ 00:53:59:00 ] - [ 00:54:00:00 ]
And it's pretty good.

 [ 00:54:00:00 ] - [ 00:54:01:00 ]
Pretty good.

 [ 00:54:01:00 ] - [ 00:54:02:00 ]
I thought it was a YouTube thing.

 [ 00:54:02:00 ] - [ 00:54:03:00 ]
I'm not I don't know.

 [ 00:54:03:00 ] - [ 00:54:05:00 ]
But I assumed it was a YouTube series.

 [ 00:54:05:00 ] - [ 00:54:06:00 ]
Yeah, it may be.

 [ 00:54:06:00 ] - [ 00:54:11:00 ]
But he's got like good graphics and he's got other good things in there that make me think that he had some money behind it.

 [ 00:54:11:00 ] - [ 00:54:13:00 ]
Or looks down his nose at YouTube.

 [ 00:54:13:00 ] - [ 00:54:14:00 ]
I see.

 [ 00:54:14:00 ] - [ 00:54:15:00 ]
Well, I don't look down my nose at YouTube.

 [ 00:54:15:00 ] - [ 00:54:24:00 ]
I'm just saying I can't do you know, if we record this and put it on YouTube, I'm not doing these like fancy graphics or camera cuts or hiring a team of seven people to go with me to go down on a rebreather.

 [ 00:54:24:00 ] - [ 00:54:25:00 ]
You know what?

 [ 00:54:25:00 ] - [ 00:54:28:00 ]
A hundred feet and go under a cliff hedge.

 [ 00:54:28:00 ] - [ 00:54:30:00 ]
That's another hundred feet down there.

 [ 00:54:30:00 ] - [ 00:54:31:00 ]
I think this guy's got money.

 [ 00:54:31:00 ] - [ 00:54:32:00 ]
I don't know where it's coming from.

 [ 00:54:32:00 ] - [ 00:54:33:00 ]
That's true.

 [ 00:54:33:00 ] - [ 00:54:34:00 ]
But he's funded.

 [ 00:54:34:00 ] - [ 00:54:35:00 ]
Yeah, he's funded.

 [ 00:54:35:00 ] - [ 00:54:36:00 ]
Yeah, let's say that.

 [ 00:54:36:00 ] - [ 00:54:37:00 ]
And the show shows it.

 [ 00:54:37:00 ] - [ 00:54:38:00 ]
I mean, it's a really well produced show.

 [ 00:54:38:00 ] - [ 00:54:40:00 ]
Good cuts, good editing and all that kind of stuff, too.

 [ 00:54:40:00 ] - [ 00:54:41:00 ]
So it's worth watching.

 [ 00:54:41:00 ] - [ 00:54:42:00 ]
It's worth watching.

 [ 00:54:42:00 ] - [ 00:54:43:00 ]
Definitely for sure.

 [ 00:54:43:00 ] - [ 00:54:45:00 ]
We'll post a link in the show notes.

 [ 00:54:45:00 ] - [ 00:54:46:00 ]
John, how are you doing?

 [ 00:54:46:00 ] - [ 00:54:47:00 ]
Let me let me check.

 [ 00:54:47:00 ] - [ 00:54:50:00 ]
I am pouring the last inch.

 [ 00:54:50:00 ] - [ 00:54:51:00 ]
Well, cheers, buddy.

 [ 00:54:51:00 ] - [ 00:54:53:00 ]
Twenty twenty episodes down.

 [ 00:54:53:00 ] - [ 00:54:55:00 ]
We'll have another shimmy on episode forty.

 [ 00:54:55:00 ] - [ 00:54:57:00 ]
Crap overflow.

 [ 00:54:57:00 ] - [ 00:54:58:00 ]
That's your fault.

 [ 00:55:00:00 ] - [ 00:55:04:00 ]
But yes, well, thank you again for the wonderful, wonderful gift.

 [ 00:55:04:00 ] - [ 00:55:04:00 ]
Yeah, no, no, no.

 [ 00:55:04:00 ] - [ 00:55:04:00 ]
We'll do it.

 [ 00:55:04:00 ] - [ 00:55:06:00 ]
We'll do it every twenty episodes.

 [ 00:55:06:00 ] - [ 00:55:11:00 ]
We'll have a shimmy episode where we drink way too much and we have learned about too much tonight.

 [ 00:55:11:00 ] - [ 00:55:12:00 ]
I think we're doing pretty good on time.

 [ 00:55:12:00 ] - [ 00:55:14:00 ]
So thanks for joining us on episode 20.

 [ 00:55:14:00 ] - [ 00:55:17:00 ]
The shimmy episode, the shimmy new episode is what I'm going to call it.

 [ 00:55:17:00 ] - [ 00:55:25:00 ]
Today, we reviewed episodes five, six and seven episodes, eight, nine and ten have based on their titles.

 [ 00:55:25:00 ] - [ 00:55:27:00 ]
Look like they're going to be kind of one off episodes.

 [ 00:55:27:00 ] - [ 00:55:29:00 ]
But then we also have the Age of Republic General Grievous comic.

 [ 00:55:29:00 ] - [ 00:55:35:00 ]
So I want to make sure that we get those three in and then the comic and maybe a couple of episodes after comic.

 [ 00:55:35:00 ] - [ 00:55:37:00 ]
So thanks for hanging out and we'll see you next time.

 [ 00:55:37:00 ] - [ 00:55:38:00 ]
Stay safe.

 [ 00:55:38:00 ] - [ 00:55:42:00 ]
This is the 11 Parsecs podcast, episode 20.

 [ 00:55:42:00 ] - [ 00:55:47:00 ]
If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a moment to subscribe and leave us a good review.

 [ 00:55:47:00 ] - [ 00:55:53:00 ]
And be sure to check us out at 11parsecs.com and Discord.

 [ 00:55:53:00 ] - [ 00:55:58:00 ]
I'm Jonathan Smith with that man whose love transcends time, Eric Thompson.

 [ 00:55:58:00 ] - [ 00:55:59:00 ]
Thank you for joining us.

 [ 00:55:59:00 ] - [ 00:56:04:00 ]
The band is really good.