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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -

Teth Monastery


The Teth Monastery, also known as B'omarr Monastery, is a significant location in the Star Wars universe. This ancient edifice was built by the B'omarr monks on the planet Teth, in the remote and wild Outer Rim Territories. By the time of The Clone Wars, the monastery had been abandoned by the monks and was repurposed as a hideout by various criminal organizations throughout different periods, converting it from a peaceful sanctuary to a hotspot of galactic skulduggery.

The architecture of the Teth Monastery is distinctive, featuring a grand aesthetic fit for a monastery yet riddled with an intricate network of subterranean tunnels which is tailor-made for nefarious activities. Notably, this historic site became a battleground during the Clone Wars where Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano embarked on a mission to rescue Rotta the Huttlet here. Iconically, the monastery was later taken over by Jabba the Hutt, who transformed it into his palace. These changes to its original design represent the ever-changing allegiances and power plays that drive the narrative in the Star Wars franchise.

Similar Locations: Wild Space,   The World Between Worlds,   Cloud City

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