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Jedi High Council


The Jedi High Council, also known simply as the Jedi Council, is the pinnacle of authority within the Jedi Order in the Star Wars universe. Chaired by the Jedi Grand Master, the council is comprised of twelve high-ranking Jedi Masters who oversee and design policies, as well as direct operations. During the time of the Galactic Republic, the High Council was considered the most authoritative echelon, not only within the Jedi Order, but in the Republic hierarchy as well.

The High Council's members, known as Councilors, held different positions based on the roles they filled. The most noteworthy of these roles was the Jedi Grand Master -a prestigious position often held by the oldest and wisest member of the Order. Other significant members were the Master of the Order, a position that could co-exist with the Grand Master role, and a variety of place-holding members who filled lifelong seats unless they opt to step down.

The routine responsibilities of the Jedi High Council were many, but some of its most important roles included deciding which initiates would be trained as Jedi Knights, overseeing the conduct of the Jedi, and meditating on the Will Of The Force. In times of crisis, the Council was also tasked with significant military and strategic planning.

Throughout the Star Wars saga, the Jedi High Council played a crucial role in many defining moments. It was this group that initially rejected Anakin Skywalker's preliminary admission to the Jedi Order, and later grappled with whether or not to promote him to the rank of Jedi Master. Eventually, Anakin’s anticipated betrayal culminated in the near-total eradication of the Jedi Order.

The style of durance of the High Council spanned several thousand years, until the rise of the Galactic Empire, when the Council was disbanded and the Order was essentially demolished. Although attempts have been made to reform the Council in subsequent years, it has never returned to the power and influence it held during the era of the Republic.

The Jedi High Council remains an iconic symbol of wisdom, power, and benevolence in the Star Wars universe. Despite the Council's demise, the concepts and principles exemplified by its members continue to influence subsequent generations of characters in the series.

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