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Shara Bey


Shara Bey is a fascinating figure in the Star Wars universe, especially known for her roles in the Rebellion and the Resistance. A skilled pilot and dedicated mother, she holds a significant place although her story isn't easily found in the mainstream Star Wars films or shows. Instead, her character comes alive in various comic books and extended universe materials.

Shara Bey was an Alderaanian pilot for the Rebel Alliance who flew an A-Wing starfighter, a swift, nimble spacecraft, during the Galactic Civil War. She served on the Green Squadron and fought gallantly during the Battle of Endor, which is a key battle shown in "Return of the Jedi". This battle led to the main infrastructure of the sinister Death Star being destroyed, marking a defining moment in the fight against the Galactic Empire.

Post the Battle of Endor, Bey was part of several important missions. She aided characters like Princess Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, experiences that highlighted her bravery, loyalty, and capabilities. In the "Shattered Empire" comic series, she helps Luke Skywalker recover the remaining fragments of a Force-sensitive tree that once lived within the Jedi temple on Coruscant.

Aside from her impressive career, Shara was married to Kes Dameron, a man who served as a commando in the Alliance Army. They had a son named Poe Dameron, a character who later gains prominence in the New Trilogy, acting as one of the leading members of General Leia Organa’s Resistance against the First Order. Poe inherited his mother's piloting skills, becoming one of the best Resistance pilots.

Shara Bey eventually retires to live a peaceful life on the planet of Yavin 4 with her husband and their son. Unfortunately, her retirement was short-lived due to her untimely death a few years after the Battle of Endor. Despite leaving the scene too soon, her legacy lived on through her son and her heroic contributions to the Rebel Alliance.

Shara Bey may not be a household name for casual Star Wars fans, but she held a significant role in the Star Wars canon. Her contributions to pivotal moments in the rebellion and the upbringing of one of the new era's most prominent figures make her a commendable and noteworthy character.

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