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Ric Olié


Ric Olié is a character from the Star Wars universe, prominently featured in "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace." He serves as the chief pilot for Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo and is the captain of the Naboo Royal Starship. Olié plays a crucial role during the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation, using his piloting skills to steer the queen and her entourage safely away from occupied Naboo to Tatooine, and later to Coruscant.

Olié is known for his clear and direct manner of communication, including his penchant for stating the obvious, which has become a lighthearted topic among fans. Actor Ralph Brown portrays Ric Olié, giving the character a sense of reliability and competence. The character's prominence in the early scenes of "The Phantom Menace" helps set the tone for the galaxy-spanning adventure that follows, and his skilled piloting assists in several pivotal moments throughout the film.

Beyond the movies, Ric Olié's character has also been expanded upon in various Star Wars literature, including novels and comics that delve deeper into his background and experiences. His calm demeanor and expertise make him a respected figure within the Star Wars canon, adding depth to the diverse range of characters that populate George Lucas's expansive universe.

Similar Characters: Booster Terrik,   Asajj Ventress,   Janus Kasmir

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