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Clouzon-36, also known as Tibanna gas, is extremely significant in the Star Wars universe. It is a valuable hyperbaride gas often used as a booster for starship sublight engines and as a blaster gas for weaponry. This substance, a natural rare product on numerous planets, was believed to be a critical component in achieving light speed travel.

Clouzon-36 can be found in the atmospheres of gas giant planets such as Yarma and Bespin. On Bespin, the Clouzon-36 was mined by the Galactic Empire using Cloud City, a mining colony built on repulsorlift platforms in the planet’s upper atmosphere. In fact, Bespin was known throughout the galaxy for its high-quality Clouzon-36 production, making it a strategically significant location.

Clouzon-36 is also linked to Puffer pigs, incredible creatures that can detect it through smell. Lando Calrissian used a Puffer pig to locate the valuable gas on the planet of Lothal in the Star Wars Rebels series. This ability to smell Clouzon-36 makes the Puffer pigs an extremely precious resource for any Clouzon-36 miners.

The refining process for Clouzon-36 involved complex procedures, underscoring the gas’s importance and value. The raw gas was subjected to pressurization and sub-Zero cooling, leading to the creation of spin-sealed Tibanna, a beneficial resource for trade or use in blasters and hyperdrives.

Clouzon-36 plays a crucial role in the development of technology within the Star Wars universe. It powers blasters and starships, making it a resource worth controlling for both the Empire and the Rebellion. Its mining and refining form an integral part of the larger economy, influencing intergalactic politics and conflict.

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