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"A New Dawn" is a novel set in the Star Wars universe that was written by John Jackson Miller. It's a prequel to the animated television series "Star Wars Rebels" and it was first published in 2014 by Del Ray Books. The story introduces key characters in the series, Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla, providing the back story to their partnership and their battle against the Empire. This novel is unique as it was the first novel to be produced following Disney+'s acquisition of Lucasfilm and the subsequent canon reorganization.
The story takes place in a setting where the Jedi are all but extinct and the Galactic Empire has risen to power, spreading tyranny throughout the galaxy. In this time of uncertainty and dread, the former Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus decides to keep his past a secret, opting to survive rather than fight. However, his life changes when he meets Hera Syndulla, a strong-willed Twi'lek captain who strives to ignite a rebellion against the Empire. Both characters cross paths on the mining planet Gorse and its moon Cynda, as they struggle to stop the ruthless plans of Imperial business mogul, Count Denetrius Vidian.
"A New Dawn" weaves an exciting narrative that sets up the action and adventure seen in "Star Wars Rebels," filling in the blanks in the characters' histories and motives. In addition to humanizing the characters with compelling motivations, Miller's novel also captures the spirit of the Star Wars universe, exploring themes of hope, rebellion, and the indomitable will to resist against all odds. The atmospheres and settings are vividly described, drawing readers into this immersive uni
Similar Books: Star Wars: The Secrets of the Jedi, Thrawn series, Lords of the Sith
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