
Episode 44: (20 BBY) Clone Wars S2 Episode 15 and S3 Episode 12

 [ 00:00:00:00 ] - [ 00:00:08:00 ]
I've got to watch 50 to 60 episodes of the show to get over it. You don't have to watch.

 [ 00:00:08:00 ] - [ 00:00:11:00 ]
I don't. You get to watch. You get to watch them, my friend.

 [ 00:00:11:00 ] - [ 00:00:20:00 ]
In this episode, Detective Padme tracks down crime, Sister Ventress has a bad time,

 [ 00:00:20:00 ] - [ 00:00:27:00 ]
and Old Count Dooku decides not to rhyme. We'll discuss Clone Wars 215 and 312 in this edition

 [ 00:00:27:00 ] - [ 00:00:29:00 ]
of the 11 Parsecs Podcast.

 [ 00:00:43:00 ] - [ 00:00:47:00 ]
Hello, and welcome to podcast number 44 of the 11 Parsecs Podcast. My name's Eric,

 [ 00:00:47:00 ] - [ 00:00:53:00 ]
here with my good buddy John. Hello! And tonight we are reviewing two more Clone Wars episodes.

 [ 00:00:53:00 ] - [ 00:00:58:00 ]
Surprise! We are in the midst of seasons two and three of Clone Wars. We're working our way

 [ 00:00:58:00 ] - [ 00:01:02:00 ]
through them slowly. If you don't listen to the podcast, we're going through all of Star Wars New

 [ 00:01:02:00 ] - [ 00:01:08:00 ]
Canon in chronological order, starting from, I think Master and Apprentice was the first novel

 [ 00:01:08:00 ] - [ 00:01:12:00 ]
that we read back on podcast two, and we are now at podcast number 44. We are in the middle of the

 [ 00:01:12:00 ] - [ 00:01:18:00 ]
Clone Wars. And if you don't listen to the podcast, we always like to drink beer during the podcast.

 [ 00:01:18:00 ] - [ 00:01:24:00 ]
John, what are you drinking tonight? Tonight, I have... I think you may have had this on the

 [ 00:01:24:00 ] - [ 00:01:30:00 ]
pod before, but I have not had this in quite some time. It is Bell's... dot dot dot. Where

 [ 00:01:30:00 ] - [ 00:01:36:00 ]
do you think I'm going with this? It's either Two-Hearted or Oberon. Two-Hearted. Yes. Two-Hearted

 [ 00:01:36:00 ] - [ 00:01:41:00 ]
IPA. It's good. It's a good IPA. Solid, solid IPA. Yeah, that's one of my go-tos up there with

 [ 00:01:41:00 ] - [ 00:01:47:00 ]
Hopskitchener and, I don't know, maybe Sierra Nevada. I mean, yeah, that's a go-to. That's a

 [ 00:01:47:00 ] - [ 00:01:54:00 ]
great beer. 420. Well, this was sparked by a Reddit thread that was on which beers have changed over

 [ 00:01:54:00 ] - [ 00:02:02:00 ]
time where you no longer like them. And this was the winner of Still Solid. And I thought,

 [ 00:02:02:00 ] - [ 00:02:06:00 ]
I haven't had Two-Hearted in forever. What do you mean, what? It's still solid. It's still good.

 [ 00:02:06:00 ] - [ 00:02:10:00 ]
No, no, I know it's solid. I'm just amazed that it's changed. I don't think the flavor profile

 [ 00:02:10:00 ] - [ 00:02:13:00 ]
has ever changed. No, no, no, no. People were saying, this hasn't changed. Oh, hasn't changed.

 [ 00:02:13:00 ] - [ 00:02:18:00 ]
This one hasn't changed. Other beers like Sam Adams, Boston Lager, even says it on the package,

 [ 00:02:18:00 ] - [ 00:02:24:00 ]
remastered. I haven't had it since they've changed it, but things are changing for the worse. They

 [ 00:02:24:00 ] - [ 00:02:30:00 ]
changed them to be more mass production friendly. Yeah. And that, you know, necessarily sacrifices

 [ 00:02:30:00 ] - [ 00:02:38:00 ]
quality and taste. So, but this one was rated as not having changed and still solid. And so I

 [ 00:02:38:00 ] - [ 00:02:42:00 ]
thought, I'm going to have it. And who doesn't love the trout fishies? I mean, it's one of the

 [ 00:02:42:00 ] - [ 00:02:50:00 ]
best looking beers ever. Yeah. So, so I am drinking a Hey Hazies. Have you heard of this? Cherry

 [ 00:02:50:00 ] - [ 00:02:55:00 ]
Street? No, I have not. It is, it is, it was newer when I went to the fridge the other day,

 [ 00:02:55:00 ] - [ 00:02:59:00 ]
I went and, this is gonna sound like an old man, I went and got my hair cut right next to Cherry

 [ 00:02:59:00 ] - [ 00:03:03:00 ]
Street and went in and had a beer and then came out with a bunch of stuff out of their freezer.

 [ 00:03:03:00 ] - [ 00:03:09:00 ]
And this is a double dry hopped India pale ale called Hey Hazies, 9% alcohol. It's in the pint

 [ 00:03:09:00 ] - [ 00:03:13:00 ]
can. Yeah. The, the can's actually pretty cool looking too. Like it's actually a pretty

 [ 00:03:13:00 ] - [ 00:03:18:00 ]
neat looking design. So I'm excited to try it. I also got another one. I also do another one,

 [ 00:03:18:00 ] - [ 00:03:25:00 ]
which I love. I, it's, I walked out of there with, let's see here, two 12 packs and one four pack of

 [ 00:03:25:00 ] - [ 00:03:30:00 ]
the pints and two drinks. Cause my wife would be, we each had a drink too. And I think I walked out

 [ 00:03:30:00 ] - [ 00:03:35:00 ]
of there though for 55 bucks. I mean, it's on, it's getting on up there, you know? Oh sure. Oh

 [ 00:03:35:00 ] - [ 00:03:40:00 ]
sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was, everything is. Everything is Eric. Everything's so much more

 [ 00:03:40:00 ] - [ 00:03:45:00 ]
expensive these days. I was telling the lady when I got my hair cut that her prices have gone up.

 [ 00:03:45:00 ] - [ 00:03:51:00 ]
And I had an onion tied to my belt as was the style at the time. All right. You ready? You

 [ 00:03:51:00 ] - [ 00:03:59:00 ]
ready to pop these bad boys? All right. Three, two, one. Don't overflow, don't overflow. I did

 [ 00:03:59:00 ] - [ 00:04:04:00 ]
get a glass this time. I'm being a Kuth. Is that the word? Civilized. Civilized. You can,

 [ 00:04:04:00 ] - [ 00:04:08:00 ]
you can use Kuth. Can I use Kuth? Yeah, that's a pretty good word. It's a perfectly cromulent word.

 [ 00:04:12:00 ] - [ 00:04:16:00 ]
Which one of us was the English major on the podcast? Can you guess?

 [ 00:04:18:00 ] - [ 00:04:23:00 ]
Oh, that's good. That's just delicious. I know it's a great beer. It's a very good beer. I've

 [ 00:04:23:00 ] - [ 00:04:27:00 ]
always enjoyed two hearted. It's just like, and it's funny you say that though. Did anybody rate

 [ 00:04:27:00 ] - [ 00:04:32:00 ]
Fat Tire as having, they felt like it had changed over the years? It, oh, absolutely has changed.

 [ 00:04:32:00 ] - [ 00:04:37:00 ]
Absolutely has changed. Yeah. Cause that's one that no one likes it anymore. I used to drink it

 [ 00:04:37:00 ] - [ 00:04:41:00 ]
all the time. Like that was like one of my go-to beers and then something about it. I just just

 [ 00:04:41:00 ] - [ 00:04:46:00 ]
like, and I was like, is it me? Is it you? I don't know, but it just didn't, it didn't, it didn't

 [ 00:04:46:00 ] - [ 00:04:50:00 ]
taste like it normally did. And I was just kind of like, eh, and I don't think I've had one probably

 [ 00:04:50:00 ] - [ 00:04:53:00 ]
in about two or three years, maybe since before COVID. Now that I think about it. Oh, I haven't

 [ 00:04:53:00 ] - [ 00:04:58:00 ]
had that in a very long time because yeah, partly I think taste buds change and evolve.

 [ 00:04:58:00 ] - [ 00:05:08:00 ]
And they, yeah, the market has exploded with really delicious, rich IPA. I mean, why stick with same old, same old?

 [ 00:05:08:00 ] - [ 00:05:10:00 ]
Yeah, unless it's Bills 200.

 [ 00:05:10:00 ] - [ 00:05:12:00 ]
Unless it's Bills 200.

 [ 00:05:12:00 ] - [ 00:05:19:00 ]
All right, man, we watched two episodes of Clone Wars this week. I got some thoughts. Let's start off with what we're reviewing tonight.

 [ 00:05:19:00 ] - [ 00:05:27:00 ]
So, as I've mentioned in the podcast before, we're going in chronological order based off of a list that we found on Reddit,

 [ 00:05:27:00 ] - [ 00:05:32:00 ]
that gives a pretty good approximation of chronological order, that we kind of put our stake in the ground,

 [ 00:05:32:00 ] - [ 00:05:37:00 ]
man, almost two, maybe three years ago, when we started the podcast, and said, this is the list.

 [ 00:05:37:00 ] - [ 00:05:42:00 ]
Even if three, three years ago, even if this list changes, because, of course, all the time Disney+'s releasing new canon,

 [ 00:05:42:00 ] - [ 00:05:47:00 ]
they're releasing, you know, Andor, they're releasing Obi-Wan series, they're releasing tons of the New Republic books.

 [ 00:05:47:00 ] - [ 00:05:52:00 ]
I mean, there's just tons of stuff that's always coming out, but that stuff we decided we're not going to go back in time and read.

 [ 00:05:52:00 ] - [ 00:05:57:00 ]
What we're going to do is we're going to take this specific list, which we have on our website, 11parsecs.com,

 [ 00:05:57:00 ] - [ 00:06:01:00 ]
and say, this is the list that we're going to go down and finish all of this canon,

 [ 00:06:01:00 ] - [ 00:06:04:00 ]
and then maybe at the end, you know, we'll go back and, you know, reread some of the newer stuff that's come out.

 [ 00:06:04:00 ] - [ 00:06:08:00 ]
And, of course, we're always watching the shows. I mean, we both, we actually talk about the shows a little bit on the podcast,

 [ 00:06:08:00 ] - [ 00:06:13:00 ]
so we get into stuff that's not necessarily chronological order, but stuff that isn't on our list, but still Star Wars.

 [ 00:06:13:00 ] - [ 00:06:15:00 ]
We like to geek out about it.

 [ 00:06:15:00 ] - [ 00:06:21:00 ]
So, this week, we are jumping back to, we're in 22 BBY, and we're about to hit 21 BBY, I believe,

 [ 00:06:21:00 ] - [ 00:06:28:00 ]
and we're jumping back to Clone Wars, Season 2, Episode 15, called Senate Murders.

 [ 00:06:28:00 ] - [ 00:06:30:00 ]
That's the first one we're going to review tonight.

 [ 00:06:30:00 ] - [ 00:06:33:00 ]
And, John, what did you think about it?

 [ 00:06:34:00 ] - [ 00:06:39:00 ]
It was good. I enjoyed it. I mean, it's, you know, it's a little sad.

 [ 00:06:39:00 ] - [ 00:06:41:00 ]
You know, we go into spoilers.

 [ 00:06:41:00 ] - [ 00:06:42:00 ]
Yeah, we go into spoilers. Yeah, yeah.

 [ 00:06:42:00 ] - [ 00:06:47:00 ]
I mean, this thing came out, hold on a second, this thing came out on March 12, 2010,

 [ 00:06:47:00 ] - [ 00:06:50:00 ]
so I don't think we're spoiling it for anybody.

 [ 00:06:50:00 ] - [ 00:06:52:00 ]
Probably not.

 [ 00:06:52:00 ] - [ 00:06:54:00 ]
If we are, then I get it.

 [ 00:06:54:00 ] - [ 00:06:57:00 ]
Cut off the podcast now.

 [ 00:06:59:00 ] - [ 00:07:06:00 ]
So, no, I thought it was, I don't think it was all that predictable, honestly.

 [ 00:07:06:00 ] - [ 00:07:08:00 ]
I don't think I saw the twist coming.

 [ 00:07:08:00 ] - [ 00:07:09:00 ]
I didn't either.

 [ 00:07:09:00 ] - [ 00:07:11:00 ]
Who turned out to be the assassin.

 [ 00:07:11:00 ] - [ 00:07:12:00 ]

 [ 00:07:12:00 ] - [ 00:07:19:00 ]
And I was asking myself, while I was learning who the assassin was, if I should have known.

 [ 00:07:19:00 ] - [ 00:07:21:00 ]
And I don't think so.

 [ 00:07:21:00 ] - [ 00:07:24:00 ]
So, I'm in complete agreement with you.

 [ 00:07:24:00 ] - [ 00:07:27:00 ]
I had no clue that that's who the murderer was going to be.

 [ 00:07:27:00 ] - [ 00:07:30:00 ]
And, again, cut it off now because I'm going to start talking about it in a second.

 [ 00:07:30:00 ] - [ 00:07:36:00 ]
But, in looking back, do you remember the episode that we watched early, early on in Clone Wars

 [ 00:07:36:00 ] - [ 00:07:42:00 ]
that had Farr, Senator Farr, and Amidala?

 [ 00:07:42:00 ] - [ 00:07:45:00 ]
I remember when they go to that planet that was, I think it was like, it was Rodian.

 [ 00:07:45:00 ] - [ 00:07:47:00 ]
It's the Rodian's planet, Rodian.

 [ 00:07:47:00 ] - [ 00:07:50:00 ]
And is it Jar Jar Binks that's with him?

 [ 00:07:50:00 ] - [ 00:07:52:00 ]
And he ends up being this kind of Jedi.

 [ 00:07:52:00 ] - [ 00:07:56:00 ]
I remember we were like, oh, it's Jar Jar and he's going to be a clumsy Jedi

 [ 00:07:56:00 ] - [ 00:07:58:00 ]
that they think is an actual really good Jedi.

 [ 00:07:58:00 ] - [ 00:07:59:00 ]
Do you remember that episode?

 [ 00:07:59:00 ] - [ 00:08:00:00 ]
It was a while back.

 [ 00:08:00:00 ] - [ 00:08:01:00 ]
Yeah, it was a while back.

 [ 00:08:01:00 ] - [ 00:08:05:00 ]
I know, now that you mentioned Jar Jar being clumsy, that really narrows it down

 [ 00:08:05:00 ] - [ 00:08:06:00 ]
to one particular episode.

 [ 00:08:06:00 ] - [ 00:08:07:00 ]
Yeah, I know.

 [ 00:08:07:00 ] - [ 00:08:08:00 ]
I do.

 [ 00:08:08:00 ] - [ 00:08:09:00 ]
It's funny, Hal.

 [ 00:08:09:00 ] - [ 00:08:13:00 ]
I do now remember that episode, but only because you said that.

 [ 00:08:13:00 ] - [ 00:08:21:00 ]
I did look up, why do I, now that he's dead, why was I really supposed to care?

 [ 00:08:21:00 ] - [ 00:08:24:00 ]
What kind of history did we have with him?

 [ 00:08:24:00 ] - [ 00:08:29:00 ]
And so I refreshed on that episode, but not the Jar Jar Binks part of it.

 [ 00:08:29:00 ] - [ 00:08:31:00 ]
So, yes, now I remember.

 [ 00:08:31:00 ] - [ 00:08:40:00 ]
And I'm, I guess, partly impressed that they killed him off.

 [ 00:08:40:00 ] - [ 00:08:41:00 ]
Yeah, they did.

 [ 00:08:41:00 ] - [ 00:08:43:00 ]
And that's the first thing I have in my head.

 [ 00:08:43:00 ] - [ 00:08:46:00 ]
I'm like, whoa, we really just killed Anakin Afar.

 [ 00:08:46:00 ] - [ 00:08:48:00 ]
Like, he's gone.

 [ 00:08:48:00 ] - [ 00:08:50:00 ]
He ain't coming back.

 [ 00:08:50:00 ] - [ 00:08:53:00 ]
I was like, wow, this is a serious episode.

 [ 00:08:53:00 ] - [ 00:09:00:00 ]
As I got into it, I personally didn't enjoy the inspector guy that was supposed to be

 [ 00:09:01:00 ] - [ 00:09:02:00 ]
You weren't supposed to.

 [ 00:09:02:00 ] - [ 00:09:03:00 ]

 [ 00:09:03:00 ] - [ 00:09:04:00 ]

 [ 00:09:04:00 ] - [ 00:09:05:00 ]
The Pink Panther.

 [ 00:09:05:00 ] - [ 00:09:06:00 ]
I didn't think about it in those terms.

 [ 00:09:06:00 ] - [ 00:09:07:00 ]
It was just kind of like this weird.

 [ 00:09:07:00 ] - [ 00:09:08:00 ]
Dating yourself there, buddy.

 [ 00:09:08:00 ] - [ 00:09:09:00 ]
Yeah, I know.

 [ 00:09:09:00 ] - [ 00:09:10:00 ]
I totally am.

 [ 00:09:10:00 ] - [ 00:09:11:00 ]

 [ 00:09:11:00 ] - [ 00:09:15:00 ]
But I'm saying it was very like, it was overdone.

 [ 00:09:15:00 ] - [ 00:09:18:00 ]
And I understand that you're supposed to maybe think that he was the one that maybe had something

 [ 00:09:18:00 ] - [ 00:09:20:00 ]
to do with this, or he was working with the other side.

 [ 00:09:20:00 ] - [ 00:09:21:00 ]
I didn't think that.

 [ 00:09:21:00 ] - [ 00:09:25:00 ]
I thought they were just, I had to look it up because I was so curious about that character.

 [ 00:09:25:00 ] - [ 00:09:31:00 ]
They actually designed him to be unlikable in appearance.

 [ 00:09:31:00 ] - [ 00:09:37:00 ]
He is one of the few characters, if not the only character, that he has an asymmetrical face.

 [ 00:09:37:00 ] - [ 00:09:39:00 ]
You are not supposed to like him.

 [ 00:09:39:00 ] - [ 00:09:40:00 ]

 [ 00:09:40:00 ] - [ 00:09:41:00 ]
I didn't think about that.

 [ 00:09:41:00 ] - [ 00:09:43:00 ]
A little bit of trivia there for you.

 [ 00:09:43:00 ] - [ 00:09:44:00 ]

 [ 00:09:44:00 ] - [ 00:09:45:00 ]

 [ 00:09:45:00 ] - [ 00:09:46:00 ]
That's interesting.

 [ 00:09:46:00 ] - [ 00:09:49:00 ]
Everything about him is designed to just make you like, go away.

 [ 00:09:49:00 ] - [ 00:09:52:00 ]
But no, I didn't get anything like, I bet he did it.

 [ 00:09:52:00 ] - [ 00:09:54:00 ]
I did not get that at all.

 [ 00:09:54:00 ] - [ 00:09:55:00 ]

 [ 00:09:55:00 ] - [ 00:09:56:00 ]
See, maybe I mistook it.

 [ 00:09:56:00 ] - [ 00:09:57:00 ]
I took it as in like-

 [ 00:09:57:00 ] - [ 00:09:58:00 ]
He's the face.

 [ 00:09:58:00 ] - [ 00:10:08:00 ]
of the how dysfunctional the Republic is. Everything's I gotta file a report. Everything is just bureaucratic overload and just dysfunctional.

 [ 00:10:09:00 ] - [ 00:10:22:00 ]
Yeah, I mean, I felt like that was going to lead up to and this is where I was completely wrong, completely surprised by the episode, which I liked. I felt like it was going to end up being the other two senators that were, you know, kind of disgusted with the little posse that that Padme and all them had.

 [ 00:10:22:00 ] - [ 00:10:51:00 ]
And I thought that there was gonna be something in there. And then I thought that what was gonna happen was we were gonna see this, this Devo guy, the inspector Devo, kind of like, like crush the the actual research into what happened. And that was gonna lead us into different episodes of like, how like, you know, discontent everything is right now. And that, you know, it's just, I felt like it was gonna show like the reach of some of the different politicians in the Senate. But I was kind of, I was kind of impressed with how wrong I was.

 [ 00:10:52:00 ] - [ 00:11:08:00 ]
Let's go to the spoiler. So Lolo is like, Anaconda Farr's like, protege, or at least that's what I got from it's like, like his helper, like his like, I don't know what you call it. Like, what would you call it in the Senate when you have somebody that's not a senator, but is learning the ropes of politicians? I mean, like a page, but not a page.

 [ 00:11:08:00 ] - [ 00:11:09:00 ]
An aide or page.

 [ 00:11:09:00 ] - [ 00:11:27:00 ]
An aide. An aide's probably a better word. It is actually the better word. And, and Lolo is his aide. And unless you really remember that episode, because if you remember that episode, Anaconda makes a really bad mistake and sides with, it wasn't the Republic, he sided with the separate

 [ 00:11:27:00 ] - [ 00:11:28:00 ]

 [ 00:11:28:00 ] - [ 00:11:58:00 ]
Yeah, the Federation. Yeah. And, and, and he makes a mistake and they don't feed his planet and everybody gets mad at him. And then Padme goes down there and Padme had known him for years and years and years before all this through her channels. And it's just like, you know, you know, this doesn't have to be this way. Help me bring you back, you know, to our side. And she does. And he goes through from then until now, which is probably only like a year and a half in the in the actual canon, apologizing for what he did. And that's, you know,

 [ 00:11:58:00 ] - [ 00:12:27:00 ]
and they even like kind of allude to it a little bit at the beginning of the, the episode where she's always like, you know, don't, don't, don't blame it on yourself. You know, this is what happened. And this is where we are now. And I didn't bite on that. Like, I was just kind of like, yeah, yeah, you screwed up. So it's all good. Anaconda. We're good. And then right, lo and behold, he's dead. Now. I'm just like, Whoa, wait a minute. What? What just happened? And I think that unless you really know that other episode, though, this is kind of a hollower episode to me. Like, I agree with you. Like, like, why am I supposed to care about what's going on here? You know what I mean?

 [ 00:12:27:00 ] - [ 00:12:47:00 ]
Like, Oh, sure. Yeah. It rewards someone who's paying more attention than I tend to. Yeah, agreed. Agreed. It's it's it's a deep dive. A deep cut. Yeah. And I'm just kind of like, Oh, and there if you want, yeah, if you want that emotional payoff of Oh, no, not well.

 [ 00:12:47:00 ] - [ 00:13:10:00 ]
Well, I guess isn't his name on him? Yeah, no. No, his, his Anaconda. Oh, yeah. For short. Okay. Don't they call him on? Yeah, I always caught him on a farm or senator farm. But yeah, yeah. Oh, no. Oh, you always use his full name. Okay. Yeah. He's a he's a senator. He deserves to be spoken about in this full.

 [ 00:13:10:00 ] - [ 00:13:40:00 ]
No, I don't. He will respect this fictional senator from another galaxy. Now that I think about it, it's funny to have an uh uh a senator Anno with an A named Lolo which is is cracking me up. I don't know why it's cracking me up but uh it's cracking me up a little bit. So, Anno and Lolo. Uh I think you're mocking their culture. I I and I am offended on their behalf. The Rudy Rudy and culture. Yeah, fair enough. I think we've talked about him before as having this uh starry eyes to

 [ 00:13:40:00 ] - [ 00:14:10:00 ]
him. I don't have that. I know. And you're a racist. I'm not racist. I'm I'm Rody and I'm pro Rodian, man. I really am. But uh I don't know. I just uh this wasn't my favorite. This wasn't my favorite episode. I thought it was good. It was it was watchable. It was good. I'm not even calling it a favorite. No, it's good. Yeah, okay. Alright, I I I'm not gonna ask you for a score on this one because I don't know where I would score it honestly. Like I'm like trying to get through my head and I'd yeah it's it's a little uh you say you you called it a little hollow and I would agree with that. I mean, the big reveal, I was the

 [ 00:14:10:00 ] - [ 00:14:40:00 ]
big reveal and and you can't take me alive and then, you know, they they take her. It's just there's really nothing to it. The punch, the punch by Padme was pretty cool. Okay. The knockout punch. I thought that was kind of sure. You just got Padme showing a little bit of chops which we know she has. Okay. Cuz we've seen her, you know, we've seen her assassinated people before. Remember, I think like two episodes ago, she hit somebody with a candlestick and like killed him. Look, straight up killed him with a candlestick. But which is which is I which is I don't condone violence, Eric. Which is pretty

 [ 00:14:40:00 ] - [ 00:14:46:00 ]
true. So, um could have arrested her. Uh so so yeah, so the

 [ 00:14:46:00 ] - [ 00:14:50:00 ]
inspector Tan Devo guy, I don't know. I just, yeah, okay,

 [ 00:14:50:00 ] - [ 00:14:53:00 ]
I'll deal with it. Lolo, I don't know if I've even seen Lolo

 [ 00:14:53:00 ] - [ 00:14:56:00 ]
Purse until this episode. Like, I don't think like, are we

 [ 00:14:56:00 ] - [ 00:14:59:00 ]
supposed to know that she's always right? The senator? If

 [ 00:14:59:00 ] - [ 00:15:02:00 ]

 [ 00:15:02:00 ] - [ 00:15:13:00 ]
If I had plenty of time, I would go back through and rewatch those episodes to see if it was she in the background, or was she even possibly mentioned or something?

 [ 00:15:13:00 ] - [ 00:15:17:00 ]
I don't, I don't, I don't. Yeah, I don't think so. I don't. Yeah, I don't know.

 [ 00:15:17:00 ] - [ 00:15:23:00 ]
If she if that were the case, that would be impressive. If they really laid it out like that.

 [ 00:15:24:00 ] - [ 00:15:31:00 ]
Yeah, they had the, they would have to have laid it out like season one, two, which was, I mean, these seasons are long. I mean, you're talking like 20 something episodes per season, too.

 [ 00:15:31:00 ] - [ 00:15:36:00 ]
It's not a short season. I mean, and you know, it's it's an animation. So, you know, it just takes a little bit longer.

 [ 00:15:44:00 ] - [ 00:15:53:00 ]
All right, let's get it. Let's get to the my, probably my favorite episode of Clone Wars that we've watched so far, maybe. The Nightsisters.

 [ 00:15:53:00 ] - [ 00:15:55:00 ]
Understandable. Understandable.

 [ 00:15:55:00 ] - [ 00:16:15:00 ]
Yeah, like this, like this, like this is like, like, in, in tons of shows today, Mandalorian, you know, just just Boba Fett, tons of these shows today, you get these illusions, going back to the Nightsisters, like, and they're just like little pieces of like nuggets of information.

 [ 00:16:16:00 ] - [ 00:16:44:00 ]
And then we had Ahsoka, which you go full on dive in. And like, I remember the Nightsisters. And I remember them in relation to Darth Maul. And there's a really good comic book series that we'll get to eventually that's so in this is going to go geeky real quick, but whenever Marvel bought Star Wars, they cleared all canon and said, you know, we're going to come up with with the movies are canon, but everything else is not canon, except for four comic books that were printed by Dark Horse.

 [ 00:16:44:00 ] - [ 00:17:13:00 ]
Like eight years previously, I think like way back that were that were it's called Son of Dathomir. That's all about Nightsisters and Dathomir. And I always never understood why they let those four comics from another company become canon. And you start to see the Nightsisters coming up. And now I'm getting into something that I don't know that much about, which is pretty awesome to me.

 [ 00:17:13:00 ] - [ 00:17:27:00 ]
Like, I really, really enjoyed this episode. Like, this is the first episode where I was literally like on every word, just because I wanted to understand where all this stuff comes from that I saw in Ahsoka and this other stuff. Was it that way for you? Because I know you didn't read those comics.

 [ 00:17:27:00 ] - [ 00:17:40:00 ]
No, I had no idea about the origins of the Nightsisters. And my understanding of the Nightsisters was from Ahsoka. So I was like, oh, that's where this started. I thought, you know,

 [ 00:17:41:00 ] - [ 00:17:49:00 ]
Yeah, and you knew Darth Maul and the Zabrak and like, those kind of like, you knew that it was a little bit different for Darth Maul, though. No?

 [ 00:17:49:00 ] - [ 00:17:51:00 ]
How did I know it was different for Darth Maul?

 [ 00:17:51:00 ] - [ 00:18:01:00 ]
Well, I'm just saying when I shouldn't say different for Darth Maul. Maybe I should say you knew Darth Maul was a very different beast when you first saw him on the screen back in Episode one.

 [ 00:18:02:00 ] - [ 00:18:03:00 ]

 [ 00:18:03:00 ] - [ 00:18:07:00 ]
Like, like, like, he just didn't look he just didn't look like somebody you'd seen before. Right?

 [ 00:18:07:00 ] - [ 00:18:09:00 ]
God, back to your racism. Does it never stop?

 [ 00:18:10:00 ] - [ 00:18:10:00 ]

 [ 00:18:12:00 ] - [ 00:18:15:00 ]
You look different. You're different. Your skin's funny colors.

 [ 00:18:16:00 ] - [ 00:18:17:00 ]
You're in Star Wars.

 [ 00:18:19:00 ] - [ 00:18:24:00 ]
I don't know. I mean, yes, Maul was presented as a different a different beast, if you will.

 [ 00:18:24:00 ] - [ 00:18:25:00 ]
Yeah, a different dark side.

 [ 00:18:25:00 ] - [ 00:18:35:00 ]
Not it was it was I took Episode one, his appearance in Episode one, his demeanor in Episode one to be just a very shorthand way of saying this guy's a badass.

 [ 00:18:35:00 ] - [ 00:18:36:00 ]
Yeah, okay.

 [ 00:18:36:00 ] - [ 00:18:37:00 ]
Okay, fair enough.

 [ 00:18:37:00 ] - [ 00:18:42:00 ]
That and that's it. This guy's badass. Take him as a badass. You don't know him, but you should be afraid of him.

 [ 00:18:44:00 ] - [ 00:18:51:00 ]
So what were your feelings on Doku being commanded to kill Asajj?

 [ 00:18:53:00 ] - [ 00:19:03:00 ]
I have the same thought that I've had many times. That is how do you guys like, how do you ever get power? Because if someone gets a little good, you take him out?

 [ 00:19:03:00 ] - [ 00:19:06:00 ]
Yeah, totally. Like, like, I didn't know. I didn't know that.

 [ 00:19:06:00 ] - [ 00:19:09:00 ]
You need the B-team all the time. It's kind of weird.

 [ 00:19:09:00 ] - [ 00:19:11:00 ]
Yeah. And like, who wants to be on the B-team?

 [ 00:19:12:00 ] - [ 00:19:14:00 ]
Well, they don't think they're going to be on the B-team. That's the thing.

 [ 00:19:14:00 ] - [ 00:19:18:00 ]
Well, Asajj was like his, like, protégé. She was Doku's protégé.

 [ 00:19:18:00 ] - [ 00:19:21:00 ]
And you don't think she had delusions of grandeur?

 [ 00:19:22:00 ] - [ 00:19:27:00 ]
I think she did. But I also think she's like, do I want to even? Let me say this.

 [ 00:19:28:00 ] - [ 00:19:35:00 ]
I don't think that she wanted to kill Doku and take his place. I think she just wanted to be where she was. Does that make sense?

 [ 00:19:36:00 ] - [ 00:19:39:00 ]
I don't think she ever wanted to be. I don't think she ever wanted to be Palpatine's next.

 [ 00:19:40:00 ] - [ 00:19:46:00 ]
But I mean, that's part of the nature of the dark side is you're attracted to power and you think

 [ 00:19:46:00 ] - [ 00:19:50:00 ]
I'm going to get more power. That's it. That's really the extent of it.

 [ 00:19:51:00 ] - [ 00:19:56:00 ]
Okay. I'll buy that. I'll buy into that. I don't necessarily know that.

 [ 00:19:59:00 ] - [ 00:20:01:00 ]
I don't know. I just feel like she, this is going to sound terrible.

 [ 00:20:01:00 ] - [ 00:20:09:00 ]
It was a tool. And she was a tool that Doku used whenever he needed to, because he could control her, and he knew she wouldn't rise up against him.

 [ 00:20:09:00 ] - [ 00:20:17:00 ]
I'm amazed at the quick efficiency, and maybe I probably shouldn't be, where Palpatine was just like, you need to take her out. She's getting too powerful. And then Doku's like, okay.

 [ 00:20:19:00 ] - [ 00:20:20:00 ]
What else is he supposed to do?

 [ 00:20:20:00 ] - [ 00:20:22:00 ]
Yeah, yeah, fair.

 [ 00:20:22:00 ] - [ 00:20:27:00 ]
I mean, this is a one-way street. You don't say no.

 [ 00:20:28:00 ] - [ 00:20:31:00 ]
It might have been funny if he did. He's like, no, no, no, she's good. She's cool.

 [ 00:20:32:00 ] - [ 00:20:36:00 ]
Yeah, then you have an endless stream of assassins at your door.

 [ 00:20:36:00 ] - [ 00:20:46:00 ]
Yeah, taking you out. I mean, yeah, okay. So, for those that don't know, there's a battle between Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Asajj on a ship.

 [ 00:20:47:00 ] - [ 00:20:50:00 ]
Doku gets the command to say, hey, kill, take Asajj out.

 [ 00:20:51:00 ] - [ 00:20:56:00 ]
So he has his own people fire on his own people's ship to destroy the ship to destroy Asajj.

 [ 00:20:56:00 ] - [ 00:21:01:00 ]
The two Jedi escape. Everyone kind of assumes, I guess, really, that Asajj was dead.

 [ 00:21:02:00 ] - [ 00:21:05:00 ]
She turns up, free-floating space, you know, blah, blah, blah.

 [ 00:21:06:00 ] - [ 00:21:09:00 ]
A cruiser picks her up. She kills everybody on the cruiser and then flies that back to Dathomir.

 [ 00:21:10:00 ] - [ 00:21:15:00 ]
And then this is where we start to get into the Nightsisters and understanding who they are, who Mother Talzin is.

 [ 00:21:15:00 ] - [ 00:21:20:00 ]
Talzin immediately comes out and is telling them, no, no, this is Asajj. We know who she is.

 [ 00:21:21:00 ] - [ 00:21:25:00 ]
And then she passes out and they have to do some weirdly kind of spell thing to bring her back.

 [ 00:21:25:00 ] - [ 00:21:27:00 ]
She's always alive, but just to heal her.

 [ 00:21:27:00 ] - [ 00:21:31:00 ]
And then they go try to assassinate Doku, which I thought was really cool.

 [ 00:21:31:00 ] - [ 00:21:32:00 ]
Like, I thought she was just like, yeah, let's go kill him.

 [ 00:21:33:00 ] - [ 00:21:36:00 ]
Oh, I'm pulling. I'm pulling for them the whole time.

 [ 00:21:36:00 ] - [ 00:21:40:00 ]
Yeah. And I know it's it's a lost cause because, you know, we know what happens with Doku.

 [ 00:21:40:00 ] - [ 00:21:42:00 ]
But right. It's it's.

 [ 00:21:42:00 ] - [ 00:21:44:00 ]
Yeah. Take him out. Get him.

 [ 00:21:45:00 ] - [ 00:21:46:00 ]
And they have cool tech.

 [ 00:21:46:00 ] - [ 00:21:49:00 ]
They have these like these like mist, like invisible cloak kind of things.

 [ 00:21:50:00 ] - [ 00:21:55:00 ]
They're doing it. And the thing that got me a little bit was Talzin was very insistent on them taking lightsabers

 [ 00:21:56:00 ] - [ 00:21:58:00 ]
to make it look like they were Jedi.

 [ 00:21:58:00 ] - [ 00:22:02:00 ]
And I couldn't tell if that was for Doku to be like, OK, these are Jedi.

 [ 00:22:02:00 ] - [ 00:22:08:00 ]
The Jedi are attacking me versus other plans that Talzin may have had.

 [ 00:22:08:00 ] - [ 00:22:11:00 ]
Like, I don't know that that part kind of struck me as a little bit different.

 [ 00:22:12:00 ] - [ 00:22:15:00 ]
I know that they're not supposed to see or he's not supposed to see them because the invisibility cloaks.

 [ 00:22:15:00 ] - [ 00:22:17:00 ]
He just sees the lightsabers and all that kind of stuff.

 [ 00:22:17:00 ] - [ 00:22:21:00 ]
But that was a weird little add in that I don't know if it was meant.

 [ 00:22:21:00 ] - [ 00:22:26:00 ]
He can't he can't know that they're night sisters because he knows the night sisters.

 [ 00:22:26:00 ] - [ 00:22:28:00 ]
Oh, definitely. As we learned towards the end.

 [ 00:22:28:00 ] - [ 00:22:32:00 ]
So he can't you can't let him know that we try to take him out.

 [ 00:22:33:00 ] - [ 00:22:35:00 ]
So we'll we'll take lightsabers and we're Jedi.

 [ 00:22:36:00 ] - [ 00:22:37:00 ]
OK, I'll buy it.

 [ 00:22:37:00 ] - [ 00:22:41:00 ]
Even though when did you see Jedi with like cloaking stuff?

 [ 00:22:41:00 ] - [ 00:22:47:00 ]
Yeah. Or or at the very end, whenever he goes all force lightning and blows him out of the window,

 [ 00:22:47:00 ] - [ 00:22:48:00 ]
it's not like he's not going to see them now.

 [ 00:22:48:00 ] - [ 00:22:49:00 ]
I mean, they they change.

 [ 00:22:49:00 ] - [ 00:22:52:00 ]
I mean, they lose their visibility or their cloak or their mist or whatever.

 [ 00:22:52:00 ] - [ 00:22:53:00 ]
Yeah. But that's when they're down the cliff.

 [ 00:22:54:00 ] - [ 00:22:55:00 ]
That's when it turns off.

 [ 00:22:56:00 ] - [ 00:22:58:00 ]
OK, so so yeah, Doku has no cameras or anything.

 [ 00:22:58:00 ] - [ 00:23:01:00 ]
It's a conceit. You have to you have to get cameras.

 [ 00:23:02:00 ] - [ 00:23:03:00 ]
Why couldn't he have cameras, man?

 [ 00:23:04:00 ] - [ 00:23:11:00 ]
We know that definitely Star Wars, the galaxy of Star Wars is a very surveillance state.

 [ 00:23:11:00 ] - [ 00:23:12:00 ]
Yeah, they are.

 [ 00:23:12:00 ] - [ 00:23:15:00 ]
Well, they are at certain points when the story needs it and they're not in others.

 [ 00:23:16:00 ] - [ 00:23:18:00 ]
Like Doku having cameras outside his house.

 [ 00:23:18:00 ] - [ 00:23:19:00 ]
Ding, ding, ding. There you go.

 [ 00:23:21:00 ] - [ 00:23:23:00 ]
Yeah. Yeah. I don't know.

 [ 00:23:23:00 ] - [ 00:23:25:00 ]
It was it was neat.

 [ 00:23:25:00 ] - [ 00:23:31:00 ]
I thought the kind of the little bitty backstory you got about Asajj, how she was actually a pupil of what was that guy's name?

 [ 00:23:31:00 ] - [ 00:23:32:00 ]
Narek, the Jedi.

 [ 00:23:32:00 ] - [ 00:23:34:00 ]
Narek, Kynarek.

 [ 00:23:35:00 ] - [ 00:23:35:00 ]
And that was cool.

 [ 00:23:35:00 ] - [ 00:23:36:00 ]
And I didn't know that.

 [ 00:23:36:00 ] - [ 00:23:37:00 ]
I didn't know that aspect of it.

 [ 00:23:37:00 ] - [ 00:23:45:00 ]
Because if you remember back in the audio drama that we had for Doku, man, probably two years ago that we listened to.

 [ 00:23:45:00 ] - [ 00:23:49:00 ]
It goes into a little bit of her history in that in that audio drama.

 [ 00:23:49:00 ] - [ 00:23:53:00 ]
But it doesn't really talk about her training, if I remember right.

 [ 00:23:53:00 ] - [ 00:23:55:00 ]
Like, it doesn't talk about why she's such a badass.

 [ 00:23:56:00 ] - [ 00:24:05:00 ]
And it just talks about her being a badass and, you know, and joining up with Doku and Doku kind of like played some middle games with her and brought her over to his side and some other stuff.

 [ 00:24:05:00 ] - [ 00:24:09:00 ]
But yeah, I really enjoy this episode.

 [ 00:24:09:00 ] - [ 00:24:12:00 ]
I cannot wait for this arc to play out.

 [ 00:24:12:00 ] - [ 00:24:15:00 ]
And hopefully we're going to see a lot more of this, too.

 [ 00:24:15:00 ] - [ 00:24:17:00 ]
Like, I love this setting.

 [ 00:24:17:00 ] - [ 00:24:18:00 ]
I love this biome.

 [ 00:24:18:00 ] - [ 00:24:19:00 ]
I love Dathomir.

 [ 00:24:20:00 ] - [ 00:24:22:00 ]
This is all new to me, which I really enjoy, too.

 [ 00:24:22:00 ] - [ 00:24:25:00 ]
And after seeing, you know, stuff in Ahsoka, I'm like, oh, man, this is so cool.

 [ 00:24:26:00 ] - [ 00:24:31:00 ]
This is kind of like the core of what I think Clone Wars brought or Filoni brought, you know, among other stuff.

 [ 00:24:31:00 ] - [ 00:24:40:00 ]
But some of the core concepts that he really had going with him whenever he was working on Clone Wars and brought that forth to Ahsoka and probably his movies coming out, too.

 [ 00:24:40:00 ] - [ 00:24:42:00 ]
So, I mean, you know, I don't know.

 [ 00:24:42:00 ] - [ 00:24:47:00 ]
I just, if I had to rate this up there, it'd probably be my top two, three episodes that we've ever watched, Clone Wars wise.

 [ 00:24:47:00 ] - [ 00:24:48:00 ]
And we're only into season three.

 [ 00:24:48:00 ] - [ 00:24:49:00 ]
So, I mean, don't get me wrong.

 [ 00:24:49:00 ] - [ 00:24:49:00 ]
There's probably tons more.

 [ 00:24:49:00 ] - [ 00:24:52:00 ]
But were you as high on it?

 [ 00:24:53:00 ] - [ 00:24:54:00 ]
I don't know if I was quite that high.

 [ 00:24:54:00 ] - [ 00:24:56:00 ]
It's definitely top tier.

 [ 00:24:56:00 ] - [ 00:25:00:00 ]
I really can't say if it's, you know, top three or something like that.

 [ 00:25:00:00 ] - [ 00:25:01:00 ]
It's way up there.

 [ 00:25:02:00 ] - [ 00:25:06:00 ]
Excellent. It was good. It was good. I'm not gonna ask for a number unless you want me to ask for a number

 [ 00:25:07:00 ] - [ 00:25:09:00 ]
Six. Okay, six. Okay. I'm gonna go with

 [ 00:25:10:00 ] - [ 00:25:13:00 ]
Six is a number. 37.3

 [ 00:25:14:00 ] - [ 00:25:17:00 ]
So it's it's it's it's not exactly

 [ 00:25:18:00 ] - [ 00:25:21:00 ]
Irrational, but it's also not a little bit. That's what we should be doing

 [ 00:25:21:00 ] - [ 00:25:27:00 ]
We should be giving scores to every episode and never really telling what the scale is like, you know

 [ 00:25:27:00 ] - [ 00:25:30:00 ]
Yeah, this is a this is a 472. Yeah, that's it

 [ 00:25:31:00 ] - [ 00:25:36:00 ]
It's a negative 4,070 over here and I you know, it was a good episode that's all I'm gonna say

 [ 00:25:46:00 ] - [ 00:25:48:00 ]
What are you watching you want me to go first you wanna go first?

 [ 00:25:49:00 ] - [ 00:25:51:00 ]
You go first this time. Okay, I

 [ 00:25:52:00 ] - [ 00:25:56:00 ]
finally got the Paramount Plus subscription and

 [ 00:25:56:00 ] - [ 00:25:58:00 ]
watched Halo

 [ 00:25:58:00 ] - [ 00:26:00:00 ]

 [ 00:26:00:00 ] - [ 00:26:04:00 ]
Show. Well, I I did it because I think the new season comes out in like a week

 [ 00:26:04:00 ] - [ 00:26:08:00 ]
I think season two comes out like next week and I was like, you know what? I need to watch it

 [ 00:26:09:00 ] - [ 00:26:12:00 ]
You know you William bunch of other guys are in the pot

 [ 00:26:12:00 ] - [ 00:26:17:00 ]
I'm sorry on the discord or all you guys didn't rave about it, but you all said it was pretty good pretty darn good and

 [ 00:26:18:00 ] - [ 00:26:21:00 ]
So I was like I sat down. I watched the first episode. I was like, okay

 [ 00:26:21:00 ] - [ 00:26:24:00 ]
It's it's it's number one. The budget is a lot higher than I thought it was gonna be

 [ 00:26:24:00 ] - [ 00:26:26:00 ]
I didn't know it was gonna be this big of a budget

 [ 00:26:26:00 ] - [ 00:26:30:00 ]
It's amblin entertainment too, so I mean that that leads a little bit of credit

 [ 00:26:30:00 ] - [ 00:26:38:00 ]
Credence to it also and then I watched the first two episodes and then I thought about staying up

 [ 00:26:38:00 ] - [ 00:26:40:00 ]
All night to watch the rest of them. I mean it is

 [ 00:26:42:00 ] - [ 00:26:44:00 ]
Way better than I felt like it should have been

 [ 00:26:44:00 ] - [ 00:26:51:00 ]
Like I was not I agree with that. Yes. Yeah, and as Williams noted we talked about on the discord

 [ 00:26:51:00 ] - [ 00:26:57:00 ]
It's not technically and I have not I've played through the Halo game some but mostly multiplayer

 [ 00:26:57:00 ] - [ 00:27:02:00 ]
Like I never really did the story arcs or anything like that. So like I know Master Chief is I know who Cortana is

 [ 00:27:02:00 ] - [ 00:27:03:00 ]
You know

 [ 00:27:03:00 ] - [ 00:27:08:00 ]
I know who these characters are but I don't know the whole story and I actually thought as I was watching it up until probably

 [ 00:27:08:00 ] - [ 00:27:12:00 ]
But I've said four or five that this was the actual story that I just didn't you know

 [ 00:27:12:00 ] - [ 00:27:14:00 ]
I'd play the single player so I didn't get it

 [ 00:27:14:00 ] - [ 00:27:17:00 ]
But I guess not based on what William said. It's it's a completely new

 [ 00:27:17:00 ] - [ 00:27:19:00 ]

 [ 00:27:19:00 ] - [ 00:27:24:00 ]
But the person that or the writer the writing team that was writing it came out and just said hey

 [ 00:27:24:00 ] - [ 00:27:27:00 ]
This is not gonna be a story that you know from the video games. It's in that universe

 [ 00:27:27:00 ] - [ 00:27:28:00 ]
It's got Master Chief in it

 [ 00:27:28:00 ] - [ 00:27:31:00 ]
You're gonna recognize people and you're gonna recognize, you know

 [ 00:27:31:00 ] - [ 00:27:35:00 ]
The names you can recognize the characters and all that kind of stuff, but it's not the same story as the video game

 [ 00:27:35:00 ] - [ 00:27:40:00 ]
I thought it was up to like four or five until you guys start talking about it. I I was wholly into this

 [ 00:27:40:00 ] - [ 00:27:42:00 ]
This is like this was some great. It's a great writing

 [ 00:27:43:00 ] - [ 00:27:47:00 ]
Really well done special effects a very big budget

 [ 00:27:47:00 ] - [ 00:27:51:00 ]
I mean you got more like it's not one warthog that's being used 20 times in a shot

 [ 00:27:51:00 ] - [ 00:27:54:00 ]
You got like three or four of them out there like it's and I don't think it's CGI

 [ 00:27:54:00 ] - [ 00:27:59:00 ]
I think it's a real warthog that they built like it's it's impressive. It's a very good show. I

 [ 00:28:00:00 ] - [ 00:28:02:00 ]
Was incredibly impressed and I had

 [ 00:28:03:00 ] - [ 00:28:09:00 ]
I guess that's part of the reason why I had not low expectations, but kind of I just didn't know what to expect

 [ 00:28:10:00 ] - [ 00:28:13:00 ]
But it looked like it was a good production quality

 [ 00:28:13:00 ] - [ 00:28:17:00 ]
So I want to give it a shout now if it's not the same story as a video game

 [ 00:28:17:00 ] - [ 00:28:22:00 ]
Does that does that hurt it in your opinion? No, it doesn't I just I just

 [ 00:28:23:00 ] - [ 00:28:26:00 ]
Like I said, I played the multiplayer on I didn't play Halo 1

 [ 00:28:26:00 ] - [ 00:28:31:00 ]
I think I came into multiplayer at Halo 2 definitely played it for three

 [ 00:28:32:00 ] - [ 00:28:34:00 ]
And then there's another offshoot

 [ 00:28:34:00 ] - [ 00:28:36:00 ]
Halo game I cannot remember the name of it right now

 [ 00:28:37:00 ] - [ 00:28:38:00 ]
But it was like just kind of like that

 [ 00:28:38:00 ] - [ 00:28:43:00 ]
I think it was a Halo 3 kind of like remod type situation and then I played a little bit of Halo 4 on

 [ 00:28:43:00 ] - [ 00:28:45:00 ]
The Xbox X I didn't really get too into it. I was impressed with the graphics

 [ 00:28:45:00 ] - [ 00:28:48:00 ]
I just never really got into the story or anything on it. And

 [ 00:28:49:00 ] - [ 00:28:55:00 ]
Is as far as I can tell I can see how this story could be looked at as

 [ 00:28:55:00 ] - [ 00:28:57:00 ]
maybe the way that they

 [ 00:28:57:00 ] - [ 00:29:01:00 ]
The and we'll just go ahead and go to spoilers here

 [ 00:29:01:00 ] - [ 00:29:05:00 ]
So please stop listening if you are wanting to watch Halo and not have any type of spoilers

 [ 00:29:05:00 ] - [ 00:29:11:00 ]
I had always thought that the halo in the world that the halo was on was not a weapon

 [ 00:29:11:00 ] - [ 00:29:13:00 ]
It was where they were from originally

 [ 00:29:14:00 ] - [ 00:29:20:00 ]
So, right I I thought I think that that's and again, I'm not a halo expert. I I think that that's

 [ 00:29:21:00 ] - [ 00:29:25:00 ]
Different and I think that that is what it originally was and they're just kind of like doing a little bit

 [ 00:29:25:00 ] - [ 00:29:27:00 ]
You know a different type of thing with that

 [ 00:29:27:00 ] - [ 00:29:31:00 ]
But they're not taking as much Liberty as like foundation or anything, you know, I mean, it's not like

 [ 00:29:31:00 ] - [ 00:29:33:00 ]
Yeah all over the board

 [ 00:29:33:00 ] - [ 00:29:35:00 ]
But it's it's it is a new story

 [ 00:29:35:00 ] - [ 00:29:38:00 ]
I think that's supposed to be in this universe and maybe a retelling in a different way of

 [ 00:29:39:00 ] - [ 00:29:43:00 ]
The story to set up, you know a franchise of TV shows or movies. I

 [ 00:29:44:00 ] - [ 00:29:48:00 ]
Am NOT I kind of like you I I played multiplayer a bit

 [ 00:29:49:00 ] - [ 00:29:55:00 ]
Didn't I do not know the story at all. So I have no investment in this. I'm just enjoying what they're showing me

 [ 00:29:55:00 ] - [ 00:29:58:00 ]
Yeah, exactly. It's great. It's a great popcorn

 [ 00:29:58:00 ] - [ 00:30:01:00 ]
Show like I I love it like I

 [ 00:30:01:00 ] - [ 00:30:09:00 ]
I am almost to the point where I was mad at myself for not catching this earlier, and I'm glad I got it caught before season 2 comes out.

 [ 00:30:09:00 ] - [ 00:30:14:00 ]
If the production value is the same as season 1, man, and the acting, the acting's great too.

 [ 00:30:14:00 ] - [ 00:30:22:00 ]
I mean, there may be one or two characters I was kind of like, eh, but yeah, the acting's great. Like, I'm like, yeah, count me in, man.

 [ 00:30:22:00 ] - [ 00:30:38:00 ]
It's always satisfying to see them announce, you know, a season 2 or to carry forward when so many shows are being axed after one promising or semi-promising season, and then they're done, they're toast. That's always disappointing.

 [ 00:30:38:00 ] - [ 00:30:45:00 ]
I don't know that I'm trying to think through the main actors and actresses. I don't know that other than...

 [ 00:30:46:00 ] - [ 00:30:56:00 ]
So, do you remember when this show came out? Like, I remember you, William, and them talking about it on the Discord, not a long ways back, but a decent while back. Like, it wasn't like a couple months ago.

 [ 00:30:56:00 ] - [ 00:31:03:00 ]
I know that it was out for quite some time before I watched it. I watched it maybe like a year ago or something.

 [ 00:31:03:00 ] - [ 00:31:12:00 ]
Okay, so about a year ago. Okay, yeah, fair enough. I mean, well, the point that I was getting to is that I don't think I recognize nearly any of the actors or actresses in the show.

 [ 00:31:12:00 ] - [ 00:31:13:00 ]

 [ 00:31:13:00 ] - [ 00:31:18:00 ]
Yeah, so, I mean, most of the people are new to me, at least, and I watch a decent amount, I guess, of TV and movies.

 [ 00:31:18:00 ] - [ 00:31:29:00 ]
So, yeah, I just thought it was really good. I think it was really underrated. I see the hype now for season 2 because it sounds like there are a lot of other people like me who are, like, very impressed with it.

 [ 00:31:29:00 ] - [ 00:31:36:00 ]
And I don't watch Yellowstone. I don't really watch anything else on the Paramount Network, you know, other than movies if I can't find anything.

 [ 00:31:36:00 ] - [ 00:31:44:00 ]
But it was worth it for me to sub to Paramount to watch that. And I'll sub to it. You know, I'll keep my sub up just for the second season, too, just because I felt like it was really, really good.

 [ 00:31:44:00 ] - [ 00:31:52:00 ]
So, it was one of the biggest surprises for me, I think, here lately. And I'm not a huge, like, Halo video game fan. Like, I enjoyed the games, played the multiplayer and had fun with friends.

 [ 00:31:52:00 ] - [ 00:31:55:00 ]
But, yeah, it was really good. Really good.

 [ 00:31:55:00 ] - [ 00:31:58:00 ]
It was surprisingly good, yes.

 [ 00:31:58:00 ] - [ 00:32:02:00 ]
All right, that's mine. What's yours? What else have you been watching? Or what have you been watching?

 [ 00:32:03:00 ] - [ 00:32:09:00 ]
Something that has been, I guess this was a pandemic series, Doom Patrol.

 [ 00:32:09:00 ] - [ 00:32:11:00 ]
Did you watch Doom Patrol?

 [ 00:32:11:00 ] - [ 00:32:16:00 ]
No. Is this a DC Comics thing?

 [ 00:32:16:00 ] - [ 00:32:20:00 ]
Yes, although I don't know the comic at all. I mean, this was my first exposure to it.

 [ 00:32:20:00 ] - [ 00:32:23:00 ]
I know of the comic, but I've never read the comic.

 [ 00:32:24:00 ] - [ 00:32:30:00 ]
So, it, what is it, four or five seasons? I don't remember. It's finished. It wrapped up.

 [ 00:32:30:00 ] - [ 00:32:31:00 ]

 [ 00:32:31:00 ] - [ 00:32:38:00 ]
In a fairly satisfying way, so I can recommend it based on that. But it's really...

 [ 00:32:38:00 ] - [ 00:32:41:00 ]
How many episodes per season?

 [ 00:32:41:00 ] - [ 00:32:45:00 ]
I don't know. I'm just a personal IMDB.

 [ 00:32:45:00 ] - [ 00:32:51:00 ]
I'm just saying, I know you, and if you went through six seasons, then, like, did you just binge watch them all?

 [ 00:32:51:00 ] - [ 00:32:57:00 ]
Over four years. I don't know. I call it a pandemic series because I got into it over the pandemic.

 [ 00:32:57:00 ] - [ 00:32:59:00 ]
What else are you going to do? Watch whatever you can find.

 [ 00:32:59:00 ] - [ 00:33:03:00 ]
You have been watching it for four years. Okay, I got you. I thought you were mad you just discovered it

 [ 00:33:03:00 ] - [ 00:33:07:00 ]
and watched, like, four years worth of episodes and, like, since the last time we talked.

 [ 00:33:07:00 ] - [ 00:33:11:00 ]
It was still coming out, and this final season finally came out.

 [ 00:33:11:00 ] - [ 00:33:17:00 ]
And it came out in two parts. It came out in, like, early December, maybe, the first half,

 [ 00:33:17:00 ] - [ 00:33:20:00 ]
and then they finished, or maybe that was the second half when it came out.

 [ 00:33:20:00 ] - [ 00:33:26:00 ]
Anyway, interesting characters. You either will kind of get, if you're like me,

 [ 00:33:26:00 ] - [ 00:33:31:00 ]
you will kind of get into it, or you will realize it's not your bag at all.

 [ 00:33:31:00 ] - [ 00:33:34:00 ]
Are these DC characters that you recognized before you started watching the show,

 [ 00:33:34:00 ] - [ 00:33:36:00 ]
or are they kind of, like, all new for the show?

 [ 00:33:36:00 ] - [ 00:33:44:00 ]
Only Cyborg because of Justice League. I mean, I don't know DC beyond the big ones, you know?

 [ 00:33:44:00 ] - [ 00:33:47:00 ]
Who are some of the other characters?

 [ 00:33:47:00 ] - [ 00:33:56:00 ]
Robot Man, Crazy Jane, I don't know their names.

 [ 00:33:56:00 ] - [ 00:34:03:00 ]
He's the guy that looks like the Invisible Man, but he's, like, Radiation Man or something.

 [ 00:34:03:00 ] - [ 00:34:08:00 ]
I like the fact that you're naming characters that I don't know, and I'm not a huge DC guy,

 [ 00:34:08:00 ] - [ 00:34:13:00 ]
but, like, just the fact that I enjoy those kind of, like, Suicide Squad-esque things

 [ 00:34:13:00 ] - [ 00:34:15:00 ]
where you just get a bunch of weird characters together to interact.

 [ 00:34:15:00 ] - [ 00:34:21:00 ]
Yeah, it's been compared to Guardians of the Galaxy. It's definitely, like, B or C tier.

 [ 00:34:21:00 ] - [ 00:34:25:00 ]
And with this, they just, you know, ran with it.

 [ 00:34:25:00 ] - [ 00:34:28:00 ]
Guardians, they obviously amped them way up.

 [ 00:34:28:00 ] - [ 00:34:29:00 ]

 [ 00:34:29:00 ] - [ 00:34:36:00 ]
I'd never heard of them, but enjoyed their stories immensely in the movies.

 [ 00:34:37:00 ] - [ 00:34:42:00 ]
But it is a TV show. It's not a blockbuster.

 [ 00:34:42:00 ] - [ 00:34:48:00 ]
It's far more modest, and yet not cheap.

 [ 00:34:48:00 ] - [ 00:34:51:00 ]
It's well done.

 [ 00:34:51:00 ] - [ 00:34:58:00 ]
So if you don't know it, you should give it a shot and find out if it's your cup of tea or not.

 [ 00:34:58:00 ] - [ 00:35:01:00 ]
I'm going to add to my TV time right now. For those that don't know, we are not...

 [ 00:35:01:00 ] - [ 00:35:07:00 ]
Sponsored by TV time in any way whatsoever, but TV time is a is an app that we absolutely love for keeping up with this kind of stuff

 [ 00:35:08:00 ] - [ 00:35:10:00 ]
What's the network

 [ 00:35:11:00 ] - [ 00:35:14:00 ]
What is the network? Yes, I have no idea

 [ 00:35:15:00 ] - [ 00:35:22:00 ]
Do you remember where you watched it maybe uh, oh, it's probably on max. I want to say it's max. Okay. I

 [ 00:35:23:00 ] - [ 00:35:25:00 ]
Haven't oh, yeah. Here we go. Oh, yeah, I

 [ 00:35:27:00 ] - [ 00:35:29:00 ]
Haven't um

 [ 00:35:29:00 ] - [ 00:35:31:00 ]
Redone my match up. So

 [ 00:35:32:00 ] - [ 00:35:34:00 ]
Yeah, it's it's a it's definitely

 [ 00:35:35:00 ] - [ 00:35:40:00 ]
Churn away, don't don't disrupt your turn schedule just to watch Doom Patrol

 [ 00:35:40:00 ] - [ 00:35:43:00 ]
It's I would not say it's worth that but it was enjoyable

 [ 00:35:45:00 ] - [ 00:35:51:00 ]
Little a little annoying maybe at times a little there was one season that really I

 [ 00:35:52:00 ] - [ 00:35:54:00 ]
Got through it, but it was really testing me

 [ 00:35:55:00 ] - [ 00:36:01:00 ]
Because it was kind of what is this storyline this is just boring, you know get let's get back to the

 [ 00:36:02:00 ] - [ 00:36:10:00 ]
They're they're a super super quote-unquote. I'm doing air quotes. You can't see them, but I'm doing air quotes people. I believe superhero team that

 [ 00:36:11:00 ] - [ 00:36:15:00 ]
You know that you know the shtick everything goes wrong. They're bumbling idiots

 [ 00:36:16:00 ] - [ 00:36:19:00 ]
they somehow usually win

 [ 00:36:20:00 ] - [ 00:36:22:00 ]
Kind of like a like like a Jar Jar Binks kind of thing

 [ 00:36:23:00 ] - [ 00:36:27:00 ]
But not as not as slapstick II or as slapstick not as well

 [ 00:36:32:00 ] - [ 00:36:36:00 ]
Possibly slapstick II but not not not over the top slapstick

 [ 00:36:41:00 ] - [ 00:36:49:00 ]
So it's it is incredible say this it is incredibly imaginative you if you like things that you you don't know about like

 [ 00:36:50:00 ] - [ 00:36:52:00 ]
superheroes, you don't know about

 [ 00:36:52:00 ] - [ 00:36:56:00 ]
there's one part and I'm not gonna say anything because I don't want to give any part of it away, but

 [ 00:36:57:00 ] - [ 00:36:59:00 ]
Really really

 [ 00:36:59:00 ] - [ 00:37:07:00 ]
You guys had some good stuff in the writers room because that was very inventive the characters you came up with at some point

 [ 00:37:08:00 ] - [ 00:37:12:00 ]
All right. Well, that's that that will sell me though that that's the kind of stuff that I'm like

 [ 00:37:13:00 ] - [ 00:37:17:00 ]
That I like like like that's the kind of stuff that's like like like the halo

 [ 00:37:17:00 ] - [ 00:37:18:00 ]
I mean be honest with you

 [ 00:37:18:00 ] - [ 00:37:22:00 ]
You have this massive IP that you know, people are gonna watch but what your story is actually really really good

 [ 00:37:22:00 ] - [ 00:37:24:00 ]
I'm kind of like, okay, I'll take note of that

 [ 00:37:25:00 ] - [ 00:37:30:00 ]
That's that's impressive. I now the only thing keeping me back from doing patrol seems to be the fact that there's that many seasons

 [ 00:37:31:00 ] - [ 00:37:35:00 ]
Cuz that's that bad thing for you only because it feels like an investment

 [ 00:37:37:00 ] - [ 00:37:42:00 ]
Like well, I'm gonna watch I've got to watch 50 to 60 episodes of a show

 [ 00:37:42:00 ] - [ 00:37:47:00 ]
To get you don't have to watch I don't get to watch I'd you get to watch them my friend

 [ 00:37:47:00 ] - [ 00:37:53:00 ]
No in that way. It was the perfect sort of pandemic thing because I would prefer season

 [ 00:37:53:00 ] - [ 00:37:57:00 ]
Yeah, you know, maybe maybe maybe season two was shortly after that or something

 [ 00:37:57:00 ] - [ 00:38:04:00 ]
But it was spaced out enough where I kind of forgot about it and then Oh new seasons out. I'll watch that. So it I

 [ 00:38:06:00 ] - [ 00:38:08:00 ]
Can't even really say that watch

 [ 00:38:09:00 ] - [ 00:38:11:00 ]
Watch season one and that will tell you

 [ 00:38:12:00 ] - [ 00:38:17:00 ]
Whether it's your kind of show because I can't remember that that well, but yeah, give it a shot

 [ 00:38:19:00 ] - [ 00:38:21:00 ]
Just know that I

 [ 00:38:23:00 ] - [ 00:38:28:00 ]
Would say if you if you get seasons one and two and I can't remember three probably three under your belt

 [ 00:38:30:00 ] - [ 00:38:32:00 ]
That's probably good enough

 [ 00:38:32:00 ] - [ 00:38:38:00 ]
to know whether it really wanders after that and I remember it was season two or season three after the

 [ 00:38:39:00 ] - [ 00:38:43:00 ]
Candle maker after the candle maker. It really wanders and just don't worry about it

 [ 00:38:45:00 ] - [ 00:38:47:00 ]
You got anything else you've been watching I

 [ 00:38:48:00 ] - [ 00:38:50:00 ]
Have I got into?

 [ 00:38:51:00 ] - [ 00:38:55:00 ]
First ghosts u.s. I have heard very good things about that show

 [ 00:38:56:00 ] - [ 00:39:01:00 ]
Excellent show. Yeah, and and I'm not a I'm not trying to sound snobby. It's just not my thing anymore

 [ 00:39:01:00 ] - [ 00:39:06:00 ]
I don't watch network stuff network dramas network comedies. I don't but

 [ 00:39:07:00 ] - [ 00:39:08:00 ]

 [ 00:39:08:00 ] - [ 00:39:14:00 ]
In the u.s. Was it's just the writing is really good. You keep good snappy stuff

 [ 00:39:14:00 ] - [ 00:39:17:00 ]
You keep specifying the u.s. Is the UK version bad?

 [ 00:39:17:00 ] - [ 00:39:21:00 ]
Did you watch it or so just like the just like the office?

 [ 00:39:21:00 ] - [ 00:39:27:00 ]
The UK had it be careful with your words. Be careful with your words. What what what what I would have started

 [ 00:39:27:00 ] - [ 00:39:33:00 ]
It started in you they had the The Ghost UK. That was the first one. That was the original I came up with it

 [ 00:39:34:00 ] - [ 00:39:39:00 ]
Sorry, I got that part. I thought you were about to say that The Ghost UK was better than the US office

 [ 00:39:40:00 ] - [ 00:39:44:00 ]
Which I I'm sorry. Yeah, I shouldn't say goes UK

 [ 00:39:44:00 ] - [ 00:39:49:00 ]
I am one of the few people to think that the actual UK office was better than the US office

 [ 00:39:49:00 ] - [ 00:39:54:00 ]
And I know people are gonna rag on me for that one, but I loved the UK version of the office of DeVries

 [ 00:39:55:00 ] - [ 00:39:59:00 ]
So I was yeah. No. Yeah, absolutely. I you see I The Ghost UK I

 [ 00:39:59:00 ] - [ 00:40:05:00 ]
I because Ghost U.S. which is still only two seasons third season I think is coming out

 [ 00:40:05:00 ] - [ 00:40:15:00 ]
soon okay I got really curious about the original from the UK and went and watched two seasons

 [ 00:40:15:00 ] - [ 00:40:21:00 ]
of it I think it had I think it's finished and it had five seasons but you have to buy

 [ 00:40:21:00 ] - [ 00:40:25:00 ]
the other seasons and I'm just not going to oh yeah so the first two is in the first two

 [ 00:40:25:00 ] - [ 00:40:31:00 ]
seasons I think it's first two seasons also really good really I just just so well done

 [ 00:40:32:00 ] - [ 00:40:38:00 ]
loved it loved it can't wait to finish it when I get the chance was the UK and the US version

 [ 00:40:38:00 ] - [ 00:40:42:00 ]
like parallel stories like were they pretty much the same because the opposite I actually I really

 [ 00:40:42:00 ] - [ 00:40:49:00 ]
appreciate it that they are kind of like or the US because it came later it's an Echo it's an

 [ 00:40:49:00 ] - [ 00:40:57:00 ]
Echo okay so similar storylines similar characters but different takes on them yeah like a remix

 [ 00:40:57:00 ] - [ 00:41:01:00 ]
yeah yeah that's cool and that that's I'm fine with that

 [ 00:41:04:00 ] - [ 00:41:10:00 ]
so I've heard really good things about ghosts and and and I know that you uh you just sit up on your

 [ 00:41:10:00 ] - [ 00:41:16:00 ]
your you know drinking your chalice up on your throne yes demanding that people don't watch CBS

 [ 00:41:16:00 ] - [ 00:41:22:00 ]
or NBC or any of these over the air networks but uh I was impressed that it came from I think it's

 [ 00:41:22:00 ] - [ 00:41:27:00 ]
CBS if I remember right is it actually the one that airs it and I remember people talking about

 [ 00:41:27:00 ] - [ 00:41:30:00 ]
it and I did the same thing you did like I remember people being like it is an absolutely hilarious

 [ 00:41:30:00 ] - [ 00:41:36:00 ]
show and this is people that I trust you know on the on the on the humor level and um or sorry I

 [ 00:41:36:00 ] - [ 00:41:39:00 ]
should say humor level that it's like a stratification cast system or something like that

 [ 00:41:39:00 ] - [ 00:41:44:00 ]
people people that find stuff funny that I also find funny and people raved about it and I was

 [ 00:41:44:00 ] - [ 00:41:49:00 ]
just like this is the show on CBS right like I just I almost found it like hard to believe

 [ 00:41:49:00 ] - [ 00:41:55:00 ]
and they're like yes it is absolutely hilarious it's like discovering uh Community you know years

 [ 00:41:55:00 ] - [ 00:42:01:00 ]
or towards the end of it was like this was a really good show yeah wow how did I not know

 [ 00:42:01:00 ] - [ 00:42:06:00 ]
about this uh that's what it was like discovering uh ghosts uh us because that's what I watched first

 [ 00:42:07:00 ] - [ 00:42:13:00 ]
excellent excellent I have added it to tv time also um any uh and I'm again we're not paying

 [ 00:42:14:00 ] - [ 00:42:18:00 ]
we keep mentioning it and people are gonna be like do this podcast it's just one big tv time

 [ 00:42:18:00 ] - [ 00:42:24:00 ]
commercial and it's not but it kind of seriously um so uh have you been playing anything lately

 [ 00:42:24:00 ] - [ 00:42:32:00 ]
video game wise I have not no just too too busy too much going on I've been dabbling back in the

 [ 00:42:32:00 ] - [ 00:42:36:00 ]
fours a little bit but but not much there's just not much like there's not many games out there

 [ 00:42:36:00 ] - [ 00:42:43:00 ]
right now that I feel like I can invest 20 to 30 minutes in and still feel productive like it's like

 [ 00:42:43:00 ] - [ 00:42:48:00 ]
you really gotta play right now and I just I haven't yeah that well that's my dilemma is I

 [ 00:42:48:00 ] - [ 00:42:56:00 ]
am a huge open world guy the last one I played was um oh god Far Cry 5 yeah no I remember that

 [ 00:42:56:00 ] - [ 00:43:03:00 ]
yeah and that's that's my kind of game and when you yeah you can't just sit down for 30 minutes

 [ 00:43:03:00 ] - [ 00:43:07:00 ]
what are you gonna do you're gonna get in a car and drive down the road and then quit okay good

 [ 00:43:07:00 ] - [ 00:43:13:00 ]
job you can't take on a mission you just don't have time uh so it's it you're not going to get

 [ 00:43:13:00 ] - [ 00:43:18:00 ]
in the car and like start driving down the road and then quit you didn't get anything done uh it's

 [ 00:43:18:00 ] - [ 00:43:25:00 ]
a challenge to carve out enough time to really get into the world yeah agreed just getting started in

 [ 00:43:25:00 ] - [ 00:43:28:00 ]
some of these games like I was playing some game the other day and I forget which game it was and

 [ 00:43:28:00 ] - [ 00:43:33:00 ]
I wish I remembered but I literally probably played maybe three hours into the game and then

 [ 00:43:33:00 ] - [ 00:43:38:00 ]
installed the opening credits for the game oh sure and it turned out I love that yeah I love

 [ 00:43:38:00 ] - [ 00:43:43:00 ]
that but yeah it's a commitment yeah I'm like okay I am this far into this game which I feel

 [ 00:43:43:00 ] - [ 00:43:48:00 ]
like has taken me four to five nights of my video quote unquote video game time and I just now I'm

 [ 00:43:48:00 ] - [ 00:43:53:00 ]
seeing the opening credits oh my gosh this game's gonna take forever and then that kind of sits in

 [ 00:43:53:00 ] - [ 00:43:57:00 ]
my head in the back of my head and I'm like I want to go find something that's a little bit more

 [ 00:43:57:00 ] - [ 00:44:01:00 ]
casual you know like I don't want to I don't want to have to dedicate just like just like watching

 [ 00:44:01:00 ] - [ 00:44:06:00 ]
the wire or whatever you know it's just like I understand that it probably is awesome I just

 [ 00:44:06:00 ] - [ 00:44:10:00 ]
don't have time for it um I don't think we ever talked about it but um I don't think we ever

 [ 00:44:10:00 ] - [ 00:44:21:00 ]
talked about it but the opening when you first start um oh god is it um horizons four or five

 [ 00:44:21:00 ] - [ 00:44:25:00 ]
which was the most recent one uh five I believe was the most recent one but they all have that

 [ 00:44:25:00 ] - [ 00:44:30:00 ]
same kind of opening where you like are thrown into a car you're thrown into a race yeah you're

 [ 00:44:30:00 ] - [ 00:44:33:00 ]
thrown into a race that's like and you got some guy talking on the radio being like you're at the

 [ 00:44:33:00 ] - [ 00:44:38:00 ]
blah blah festival you've got to beat these blah blah and it's it's it's boom you are not not here's

 [ 00:44:38:00 ] - [ 00:44:43:00 ]
the start of the race you are zooming in and you're in the car in the middle of a race and

 [ 00:44:43:00 ] - [ 00:44:47:00 ]
you race and race and race and race and then like zoom out and it takes you another one and like

 [ 00:44:47:00 ] - [ 00:44:53:00 ]
maybe a third or fourth yeah and then and that is the I was so blown away by that and you can't

 [ 00:44:53:00 ] - [ 00:44:59:00 ]
repeat it you have to like delete the whole game and you install it all over again yeah um god that

 [ 00:44:59:00 ] - [ 00:45:01:00 ]
So good. I was I was so impressed.

 [ 00:45:02:00 ] - [ 00:45:28:00 ]
Yeah, Horizon is a great game. I think for some story wise perspective, I'll tell you where horizons like big, like a chef's kiss is their expansion packs are like, fun, like, I don't know how to describe like, they have. So with Forza, you have the simulator experience, whenever you release new material, you want it to be simulator like material, you know, new cars, new tracks and stuff. Horizon gets to have so much fun with everything, like Hot Wheels, like, like, just just crazy stuff.

 [ 00:45:28:00 ] - [ 00:45:31:00 ]
I remember you talking about the Hot Wheels.

 [ 00:45:31:00 ] - [ 00:45:52:00 ]
Oh, Horizon 4 and Horizon 5, or maybe it's three and four, both have a Hot Wheels expansion worth every bit of that 12 bucks you pay or 15 bucks, whatever it is, it is a blast. If you're a kid like me that had Hot Wheels, and there's big, you know, orange tracks or blue tracks and little things that would shoot your car up through the loops and everything. It is one of the funnest and best 15 bucks you can spend on any game period, any game period.

 [ 00:45:53:00 ] - [ 00:46:01:00 ]
Um, happily, happily, happily played that. And also to play with the kids too. I mean, it's just it's it's so much fun. Speaking of driving games,

 [ 00:46:02:00 ] - [ 00:46:05:00 ]
I was gonna I was gonna say I was gonna transition, but I want to hear your transition. Go ahead.

 [ 00:46:05:00 ] - [ 00:46:18:00 ]
Okay, my transition is speaking of driving games. I believe you mentioned in Discord, I don't think it was on I don't think it was on the podcast, that you really enjoyed the Gran Turismo movie.

 [ 00:46:19:00 ] - [ 00:46:28:00 ]
Again, like Halo, I went in, I went into that with like, almost no expectations whatsoever. It's like, whatever, entertain me. And yeah, that that was a good movie.

 [ 00:46:29:00 ] - [ 00:46:43:00 ]
I, I was flying down to Orlando about two weeks ago, I just happened to see it on the plane. It was like an hour 20 minutes, the flight was like an hour. I was like, Alright, I'm gonna I'm gonna try to start this movie and then I can watch it on the return trip and finish it up.

 [ 00:46:44:00 ] - [ 00:46:54:00 ]
It was better than I expected. Mm hmm. It was better than I expected. I think that we on the Discord, we talked about product placement, because there's a lot of product placement of that movie.

 [ 00:46:54:00 ] - [ 00:47:01:00 ]
That's where it came from was it was by far like it had the most product placement of any movie like ever.

 [ 00:47:01:00 ] - [ 00:47:06:00 ]
But but to be fair, it lends itself to that just because the story being told.

 [ 00:47:06:00 ] - [ 00:47:11:00 ]
Yeah, well, it's, it's, it's the racing environment. That's product placement all over the frickin place.

 [ 00:47:11:00 ] - [ 00:47:29:00 ]
Yeah. And it also, it's not just product placement all over the place for the, the drivers, but like, in the game, you're seeing, or sorry, in the in the movie, you're seeing elements of a game, which has product placement in it also. So yeah, it's like, it's like, like huge combo thing. It was better than I thought it would be.

 [ 00:47:29:00 ] - [ 00:47:59:00 ]
I think there was a little bit of liberty taken with the time, the time. Oh, totally. Yeah. And and I don't know that I liked that. That being said, really well acted. Cheesy moments, you know, but it was still like the actors were all good. You know, it was it was good. It was it was a lot. I I don't, I don't want to say that I wanted to dislike it, because I love racing. Like I watched tons and tons of racing, especially sports car racing, and it was a lot of fun.

 [ 00:47:59:00 ] - [ 00:48:26:00 ]
And endurance racing, but like, I wanted to think it was gonna be super cheesy. But I have to admit, it was a lot better than I thought it was gonna be. It really was. It was it was, it was a very interesting movie, to say the least, in my opinion, like it, it, it tackles some stuff. And you're like, wow, I'm surprised to tackle that. And it it it does a pretty good job. I mean, I don't know, it's, it's got its cheese moments. It's got its Fast and Furious type things. But I liked it. I thought it was pretty good.

 [ 00:48:27:00 ] - [ 00:48:51:00 ]
I was really impressed. They didn't present it as you know, this kid is basically Superman, he can do anything. It wasn't quite, you know, like that it was, he has struggles, he has challenges, and he works to overcome them. And that's always a rewarding storyline. Same with the pit guy. I can't remember the actor's name, but the guy from Stranger Things. Yep. He has his own challenges, too. And he works to overcome them.

 [ 00:48:52:00 ] - [ 00:49:16:00 ]
The, I guess it's kind of a spoiler, but I thought the way the crash came about, the way they portrayed it happening, and then the fallout from it was, you can you can really step back and say, yeah, okay, so cliche, Days of Thunder, Top Gun all over again. And I can't dispute that, but it was handled well.

 [ 00:49:17:00 ] - [ 00:49:24:00 ]
And it crafted a story. That crash, I looked it up, did not happen until like two or two years later.

 [ 00:49:24:00 ] - [ 00:49:25:00 ]
Two years later. Yeah.

 [ 00:49:25:00 ] - [ 00:49:32:00 ]
Yeah. So it's curious that they shuffled the timeline like they did, but you can see why they did it.

 [ 00:49:32:00 ] - [ 00:49:56:00 ]
Well, that was, that was kind of my, that was, that was the one part that I didn't like that they gave a little bit of story license to because it's a, it's, it's, it's not the crack. It's just that it's like, it's a real timeline of events that anybody can go look up. And you've literally taken something and moved it to make the movie more dramatic. And I understand that. But it's also a real sequence of events. There's no disputing it. You know what I mean?

 [ 00:49:57:00 ] - [ 00:49:59:00 ]
I know, but if the story were just,

 [ 00:49:59:00 ] - [ 00:50:07:00 ]
The kid was really good at a video game and so he got onto this team and then he worked and he got better at racing and then he won a race.

 [ 00:50:07:00 ] - [ 00:50:11:00 ]
Wow. That's great.

 [ 00:50:11:00 ] - [ 00:50:16:00 ]
No, you may not like it, but you respond to it.

 [ 00:50:16:00 ] - [ 00:50:21:00 ]
You respond to a more interesting story.

 [ 00:50:21:00 ] - [ 00:50:25:00 ]
And yes, you can feel a little manipulated. That's fine.

 [ 00:50:25:00 ] - [ 00:50:29:00 ]
A lot of people will just end their disbelief.

 [ 00:50:29:00 ] - [ 00:50:31:00 ]
But there's recency bias too though.

 [ 00:50:31:00 ] - [ 00:50:48:00 ]
For me, if you're going to tell the story of 2010's University of Alabama football team, you can't take big, big liberties with it because it's a finite thing.

 [ 00:50:48:00 ] - [ 00:50:52:00 ]
It happened in an order. It has to happen in an order.

 [ 00:50:52:00 ] - [ 00:50:54:00 ]
Did you know this kid's story?

 [ 00:50:54:00 ] - [ 00:50:55:00 ]
I knew it pretty well.

 [ 00:50:55:00 ] - [ 00:50:58:00 ]
Because you're a racing guy. I didn't know this story.

 [ 00:50:58:00 ] - [ 00:51:02:00 ]
What percentage of the audience knew the story?

 [ 00:51:02:00 ] - [ 00:51:03:00 ]

 [ 00:51:03:00 ] - [ 00:51:05:00 ]
Knew the sequence of the story?

 [ 00:51:05:00 ] - [ 00:51:11:00 ]
Yeah, I know this kid. I read all about him becoming a real racer guy and he had a rack and stuff.

 [ 00:51:11:00 ] - [ 00:51:13:00 ]
Like 10%, 15%?

 [ 00:51:13:00 ] - [ 00:51:15:00 ]
If that.

 [ 00:51:15:00 ] - [ 00:51:18:00 ]
I don't even know what it did in the box office, so I have no idea.

 [ 00:51:18:00 ] - [ 00:51:20:00 ]
No one knows the story.

 [ 00:51:20:00 ] - [ 00:51:23:00 ]
Even when they placed it Lamar, he wasn't a household name.

 [ 00:51:23:00 ] - [ 00:51:30:00 ]
I understand you bringing the story in the movie.

 [ 00:51:30:00 ] - [ 00:51:33:00 ]
I wish they would have treated the timeline a little bit better, personally.

 [ 00:51:33:00 ] - [ 00:51:42:00 ]
I felt like, I don't think it was disrespecting anybody, but I feel like if you're going to tell the story, you've got to tell that sequence.

 [ 00:51:42:00 ] - [ 00:51:44:00 ]
And if it wasn't so recent.

 [ 00:51:44:00 ] - [ 00:51:52:00 ]
It's one thing, I understand that when I watch Band of Brothers, there's dramatic license all over the place.

 [ 00:51:52:00 ] - [ 00:51:53:00 ]
You know what I mean?

 [ 00:51:53:00 ] - [ 00:51:55:00 ]
Oh, they got so much stuff wrong?

 [ 00:51:55:00 ] - [ 00:51:56:00 ]
Yeah, I know.

 [ 00:51:56:00 ] - [ 00:51:57:00 ]
So much stuff wrong.

 [ 00:51:57:00 ] - [ 00:52:00:00 ]
That's what I'm saying. That's the 1940s.

 [ 00:52:00:00 ] - [ 00:52:03:00 ]
But when you're doing something that's 2010-ish?

 [ 00:52:03:00 ] - [ 00:52:11:00 ]
I'm a little bit more like, we can take some license sometimes, but can we take the license this recent?

 [ 00:52:12:00 ] - [ 00:52:23:00 ]
I will say that your criticism is vindicated in the sense that it really was presented as an autobiographical story.

 [ 00:52:23:00 ] - [ 00:52:25:00 ]
Like, this really happened.

 [ 00:52:25:00 ] - [ 00:52:29:00 ]
And when you do that, I know why you're doing it.

 [ 00:52:29:00 ] - [ 00:52:33:00 ]
It's really weird how people buy into, oh, this is a real story.

 [ 00:52:33:00 ] - [ 00:52:34:00 ]
This really happened.

 [ 00:52:34:00 ] - [ 00:52:36:00 ]
Like it freaking matters, right?

 [ 00:52:36:00 ] - [ 00:52:37:00 ]
Who cares?

 [ 00:52:37:00 ] - [ 00:52:38:00 ]
It's a good movie.

 [ 00:52:38:00 ] - [ 00:52:39:00 ]
Watch the movie, don't watch the movie.

 [ 00:52:39:00 ] - [ 00:52:41:00 ]
It's either a good story or it's not.

 [ 00:52:41:00 ] - [ 00:52:43:00 ]
What does it matter that it really happened?

 [ 00:52:43:00 ] - [ 00:52:52:00 ]
And one of the best examples of that is at the beginning of Fargo, where it says this is based on events that really happened or whatever it says at the beginning of Fargo.

 [ 00:52:52:00 ] - [ 00:52:54:00 ]
And it was completely made up.

 [ 00:52:54:00 ] - [ 00:52:57:00 ]
I've never watched Fargo, but I did not know that.

 [ 00:52:57:00 ] - [ 00:53:01:00 ]
So it actually, at the very beginning of the show, says this was based on…

 [ 00:53:01:00 ] - [ 00:53:03:00 ]
Like based on real life or based on real events.

 [ 00:53:03:00 ] - [ 00:53:05:00 ]
Wholly fabricated.

 [ 00:53:05:00 ] - [ 00:53:06:00 ]
That's awesome.

 [ 00:53:06:00 ] - [ 00:53:08:00 ]
They did that because they knew.

 [ 00:53:08:00 ] - [ 00:53:09:00 ]
I mean, it wasn't a mistake.

 [ 00:53:09:00 ] - [ 00:53:10:00 ]
They did it on purpose.

 [ 00:53:10:00 ] - [ 00:53:14:00 ]
They did that because it makes you have buy-in.

 [ 00:53:14:00 ] - [ 00:53:15:00 ]
Yeah, agreed.

 [ 00:53:15:00 ] - [ 00:53:18:00 ]
Which is weird when you stop to think about it, right?

 [ 00:53:18:00 ] - [ 00:53:24:00 ]
If the next Star Wars movie said, you know, based on real events, it would be like, what are you talking about?

 [ 00:53:24:00 ] - [ 00:53:30:00 ]
It is a time in the Republic, which was yesterday, down the street from you.

 [ 00:53:30:00 ] - [ 00:53:33:00 ]
It's just so weird.

 [ 00:53:33:00 ] - [ 00:53:35:00 ]
And they don't say that in…

 [ 00:53:35:00 ] - [ 00:53:37:00 ]
Or at least I don't think they say that.

 [ 00:53:37:00 ] - [ 00:53:43:00 ]
It just feels like you're telling me something happened.

 [ 00:53:43:00 ] - [ 00:53:45:00 ]
I'm not knocking this movie.

 [ 00:53:45:00 ] - [ 00:53:46:00 ]
I enjoyed this movie.

 [ 00:53:46:00 ] - [ 00:53:48:00 ]
I really did.

 [ 00:53:48:00 ] - [ 00:53:49:00 ]
But I don't know.

 [ 00:53:49:00 ] - [ 00:53:55:00 ]
I just feel like it's such a new thing that maybe should have been treated a little bit different.

 [ 00:53:55:00 ] - [ 00:53:56:00 ]
That being said, I agree.

 [ 00:53:56:00 ] - [ 00:53:57:00 ]
I love the story.

 [ 00:53:57:00 ] - [ 00:53:58:00 ]
I thought it was great.

 [ 00:53:58:00 ] - [ 00:53:59:00 ]
They did a really good job.

 [ 00:53:59:00 ] - [ 00:54:02:00 ]
The actor did a really good job.

 [ 00:54:02:00 ] - [ 00:54:06:00 ]
Yeah, and I remember watching this kid specifically just because I was so impressed with the video game stuff.

 [ 00:54:06:00 ] - [ 00:54:08:00 ]
I was like, oh my God, this guy is really good.

 [ 00:54:08:00 ] - [ 00:54:10:00 ]
And he's coming from a video game background.

 [ 00:54:10:00 ] - [ 00:54:16:00 ]
He's not a guy that parents paid for everything to get him into carding and to get him through all this stuff.

 [ 00:54:16:00 ] - [ 00:54:23:00 ]
He literally is coming from some kid playing a video game and showing everybody that, hey, this guy can actually do it.

 [ 00:54:23:00 ] - [ 00:54:29:00 ]
Now, he had the physical characteristics, I feel like, just because his dad was a footballer.

 [ 00:54:30:00 ] - [ 00:54:32:00 ]
You knew that there was a little bit more.

 [ 00:54:32:00 ] - [ 00:54:36:00 ]
I never thought this kid was bought and paid for any of his seats.

 [ 00:54:36:00 ] - [ 00:54:44:00 ]
But I always thought that he had a little bit of an advantage just because he actually had an athletic background and a competitive background.

 [ 00:54:44:00 ] - [ 00:54:47:00 ]
You've got to be uber competitive to get in there.

 [ 00:54:47:00 ] - [ 00:54:48:00 ]
So I was always impressed with that.

 [ 00:54:48:00 ] - [ 00:54:50:00 ]
And I was always impressed with the story.

 [ 00:54:50:00 ] - [ 00:54:53:00 ]
And yeah, it was a good story.

 [ 00:54:53:00 ] - [ 00:54:54:00 ]
And it was a good translation to film.

 [ 00:54:54:00 ] - [ 00:54:55:00 ]
It was.

 [ 00:54:55:00 ] - [ 00:54:58:00 ]
I'd sound like I'm knocking it just because I didn't like that specific aspect of the sequence.

 [ 00:54:59:00 ] - [ 00:55:01:00 ]
I, you know, I don't want to, I'm not gonna poo-poo on it.

 [ 00:55:01:00 ] - [ 00:55:02:00 ]
It was great.

 [ 00:55:02:00 ] - [ 00:55:03:00 ]
It was a great, great movie.

 [ 00:55:03:00 ] - [ 00:55:07:00 ]
I thought they did a good job of giving due credit.

 [ 00:55:07:00 ] - [ 00:55:11:00 ]
If it's, I don't know if it's accurate, but if it is accurate, giving due

 [ 00:55:11:00 ] - [ 00:55:13:00 ]
credit to the game designers.

 [ 00:55:13:00 ] - [ 00:55:18:00 ]
The people who wrote the game made it so hyper-realistic and hyper-accurate

 [ 00:55:18:00 ] - [ 00:55:22:00 ]
that it allowed someone like him to come along and become a race driver.

 [ 00:55:23:00 ] - [ 00:55:26:00 ]
I remember there was a, I'm sorry for laughing.

 [ 00:55:26:00 ] - [ 00:55:28:00 ]
I remember there was a, there was a skit one time and I can't remember

 [ 00:55:28:00 ] - [ 00:55:29:00 ]
who it was.

 [ 00:55:30:00 ] - [ 00:55:34:00 ]
It wasn't like, like, it wasn't like, I keep wanting to say that White

 [ 00:55:34:00 ] - [ 00:55:36:00 ]
Ass Kids You Know, but it wasn't White Ass Kids You Know.

 [ 00:55:36:00 ] - [ 00:55:38:00 ]
Like, I feel like there was, there was a skit one time that I always

 [ 00:55:38:00 ] - [ 00:55:43:00 ]
remember where they had a guy and it was uber serious, like uber serious

 [ 00:55:43:00 ] - [ 00:55:45:00 ]
and he comes down and he's like, he's like a teenage kid and they're

 [ 00:55:45:00 ] - [ 00:55:48:00 ]
like, today we're gonna see if, you know, this translates very well

 [ 00:55:48:00 ] - [ 00:55:51:00 ]
to the track and the guy takes off and just runs right into the wall.

 [ 00:55:51:00 ] - [ 00:55:54:00 ]
Like, like, like, oh yeah, like runs right into the wall.

 [ 00:55:54:00 ] - [ 00:55:55:00 ]
And it's not, and this is not a real,

 [ 00:55:55:00 ] - [ 00:55:56:00 ]
this is not a real thing.

 [ 00:55:56:00 ] - [ 00:55:59:00 ]
It's a skit, but it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's

 [ 00:55:59:00 ] - [ 00:56:02:00 ]
almost arresting how quickly he runs into a wall and the car blows

 [ 00:56:02:00 ] - [ 00:56:05:00 ]
up and, and like, and the people are like, oh, like that.

 [ 00:56:05:00 ] - [ 00:56:08:00 ]
So, so seeing something like this always like makes me like, like,

 [ 00:56:08:00 ] - [ 00:56:11:00 ]
kind of like, yeah, there are, there are kids out there that can,

 [ 00:56:11:00 ] - [ 00:56:16:00 ]
you know, they can play, you know, tennis on this, you know, on, on

 [ 00:56:16:00 ] - [ 00:56:18:00 ]
PS5 and actually maybe be decent.

 [ 00:56:18:00 ] - [ 00:56:20:00 ]
Like they, or at least go in with an advantage over people that

 [ 00:56:20:00 ] - [ 00:56:23:00 ]
didn't play it, you know, to do what he did though is a completely

 [ 00:56:23:00 ] - [ 00:56:23:00 ]
different level.

 [ 00:56:23:00 ] - [ 00:56:28:00 ]
I mean, it's just like, like, it's like, I, I, I can't as someone

 [ 00:56:28:00 ] - [ 00:56:32:00 ]
who has watched Lamar for years or decades, like I can't describe

 [ 00:56:32:00 ] - [ 00:56:38:00 ]
to you podium at Lamar is like everything had to work strategy

 [ 00:56:38:00 ] - [ 00:56:43:00 ]
car pit crew, drivers, driver, sleep schedules, like, like everything

 [ 00:56:43:00 ] - [ 00:56:44:00 ]
had to work.

 [ 00:56:44:00 ] - [ 00:56:47:00 ]
And to see that happen is pretty is that's when you know, you're

 [ 00:56:47:00 ] - [ 00:56:50:00 ]
like, okay, that's a, that's a level that people can't normally

 [ 00:56:50:00 ] - [ 00:56:50:00 ]

 [ 00:56:50:00 ] - [ 00:56:53:00 ]
And the movie did a very good job at depicting that.

 [ 00:56:53:00 ] - [ 00:56:56:00 ]
Like, I, I did think it was neat that he was like, once you podium

 [ 00:56:56:00 ] - [ 00:56:59:00 ]
at Lamar, you go on an infamy and that's just, that's not winning

 [ 00:56:59:00 ] - [ 00:56:59:00 ]

 [ 00:56:59:00 ] - [ 00:57:00:00 ]
That's not winning your class.

 [ 00:57:00:00 ] - [ 00:57:03:00 ]
That's just getting on the podium in the top three for your class.

 [ 00:57:03:00 ] - [ 00:57:07:00 ]
And, uh, and I appreciated that because that was not like a, like

 [ 00:57:07:00 ] - [ 00:57:08:00 ]
a, we're going to have him win the whole thing.

 [ 00:57:08:00 ] - [ 00:57:11:00 ]
And you know, you know, it was a very much like, it's just getting

 [ 00:57:11:00 ] - [ 00:57:15:00 ]
through that race at the top of your, of your level of your gentleman

 [ 00:57:15:00 ] - [ 00:57:16:00 ]

 [ 00:57:16:00 ] - [ 00:57:18:00 ]
And he did, and they did, you know, the team did.

 [ 00:57:18:00 ] - [ 00:57:21:00 ]
So I thought that was really good, really well done the way they

 [ 00:57:21:00 ] - [ 00:57:21:00 ]
did that.

 [ 00:57:22:00 ] - [ 00:57:22:00 ]
I agree.

 [ 00:57:24:00 ] - [ 00:57:24:00 ]
Good, good movie.

 [ 00:57:25:00 ] - [ 00:57:27:00 ]
Uh, I'll, I'll, I'll give it, I'll give it two thumbs up.

 [ 00:57:27:00 ] - [ 00:57:29:00 ]
Uh, I was, I was surprised.

 [ 00:57:29:00 ] - [ 00:57:31:00 ]
Cause like when, when you said you liked it and I started watching,

 [ 00:57:31:00 ] - [ 00:57:33:00 ]
I think the first five minutes, I was just kind of like, uh, I don't

 [ 00:57:33:00 ] - [ 00:57:33:00 ]

 [ 00:57:34:00 ] - [ 00:57:35:00 ]
What is this?

 [ 00:57:35:00 ] - [ 00:57:35:00 ]
And I'll ride.

 [ 00:57:35:00 ] - [ 00:57:36:00 ]
I didn't have that.

 [ 00:57:36:00 ] - [ 00:57:38:00 ]
I didn't have any, any moment like that.

 [ 00:57:38:00 ] - [ 00:57:43:00 ]
I was in for the ride and didn't, didn't want to like, I never had

 [ 00:57:43:00 ] - [ 00:57:44:00 ]
any doubt.

 [ 00:57:44:00 ] - [ 00:57:46:00 ]
I just, it's not like I was sold on it.

 [ 00:57:46:00 ] - [ 00:57:47:00 ]
I was just enjoying the movie.

 [ 00:57:47:00 ] - [ 00:57:47:00 ]

 [ 00:57:47:00 ] - [ 00:57:49:00 ]
I think that there's a couple of the special effect parts where I'm

 [ 00:57:49:00 ] - [ 00:57:51:00 ]
always kind of like, do we need this?

 [ 00:57:51:00 ] - [ 00:57:54:00 ]
Like shows, like the car come together on the kid as he's driving

 [ 00:57:54:00 ] - [ 00:57:54:00 ]
and is like simulated.

 [ 00:57:54:00 ] - [ 00:57:56:00 ]
I thought that was neat.

 [ 00:57:56:00 ] - [ 00:57:58:00 ]
It was, it was conveying a message.

 [ 00:57:58:00 ] - [ 00:57:58:00 ]
It was.

 [ 00:57:58:00 ] - [ 00:58:00:00 ]
And I thought it was, it was effective.

 [ 00:58:00:00 ] - [ 00:58:01:00 ]
It was, it was effective.

 [ 00:58:01:00 ] - [ 00:58:02:00 ]
I agree.

 [ 00:58:02:00 ] - [ 00:58:02:00 ]
It was effective.

 [ 00:58:02:00 ] - [ 00:58:03:00 ]
I'm remembering it.

 [ 00:58:03:00 ] - [ 00:58:06:00 ]
I'm talking about it right now, but it was, it was a good movie.

 [ 00:58:07:00 ] - [ 00:58:10:00 ]
Kudos for the, uh, the, uh, what, what am I looking for?

 [ 00:58:10:00 ] - [ 00:58:13:00 ]
Kudos for the suggestion.

 [ 00:58:13:00 ] - [ 00:58:14:00 ]
No, sure.

 [ 00:58:14:00 ] - [ 00:58:14:00 ]

 [ 00:58:15:00 ] - [ 00:58:15:00 ]
I'm just kidding.

 [ 00:58:15:00 ] - [ 00:58:16:00 ]
Well, that's product placement in a way.

 [ 00:58:17:00 ] - [ 00:58:17:00 ]

 [ 00:58:17:00 ] - [ 00:58:17:00 ]

 [ 00:58:17:00 ] - [ 00:58:17:00 ]

 [ 00:58:17:00 ] - [ 00:58:19:00 ]
You're, you're, you're one of them, John.

 [ 00:58:20:00 ] - [ 00:58:21:00 ]

 [ 00:58:21:00 ] - [ 00:58:22:00 ]
So kudos for the suggestion that it was good.

 [ 00:58:22:00 ] - [ 00:58:23:00 ]
I was impressed with it.

 [ 00:58:23:00 ] - [ 00:58:24:00 ]
And I think everybody should go watch it.

 [ 00:58:24:00 ] - [ 00:58:26:00 ]
It's, it's, it's, it's pretty well done.

 [ 00:58:26:00 ] - [ 00:58:28:00 ]
And the, uh, the actual racing scenes are pretty impressive too.

 [ 00:58:28:00 ] - [ 00:58:31:00 ]
I mean, just the photography and all that kind of stuff.

 [ 00:58:31:00 ] - [ 00:58:32:00 ]
And so you're going to go buy a Nissan?

 [ 00:58:33:00 ] - [ 00:58:37:00 ]
Uh, no, I'm not going to go buy a Nissan, but that being said, I

 [ 00:58:37:00 ] - [ 00:58:42:00 ]
was, I, I have always been impressed with that car company, uh, and

 [ 00:58:42:00 ] - [ 00:58:44:00 ]
Toyota, who's, I should take that back.

 [ 00:58:44:00 ] - [ 00:58:47:00 ]
There's lots of car companies that actually at that time that they

 [ 00:58:47:00 ] - [ 00:58:49:00 ]
were doing this also had driving schools.

 [ 00:58:49:00 ] - [ 00:58:52:00 ]
Um, for race cars or for, uh, virtual race car drivers.

 [ 00:58:52:00 ] - [ 00:58:55:00 ]
So, so that, that's, you know, it, it sounds and don't get me wrong.

 [ 00:58:55:00 ] - [ 00:58:57:00 ]
They were, they were probably one of the first, it may be, it may have

 [ 00:58:57:00 ] - [ 00:59:01:00 ]
been the first in the, uh, in the movie, but, um, there were other,

 [ 00:59:01:00 ] - [ 00:59:02:00 ]
there were other companies that were already kind of doing that kind

 [ 00:59:02:00 ] - [ 00:59:05:00 ]
of thing too, like testing people out and saying, Hey, can we find this

 [ 00:59:05:00 ] - [ 00:59:08:00 ]
like, you know, uh, needle in the haystack of somebody that's actually

 [ 00:59:08:00 ] - [ 00:59:09:00 ]
physically could do it.

 [ 00:59:09:00 ] - [ 00:59:10:00 ]
Cause you gotta remember, you gotta physically be able to do that.

 [ 00:59:10:00 ] - [ 00:59:13:00 ]
I mean, it's not like, that's not easy whatsoever.

 [ 00:59:14:00 ] - [ 00:59:17:00 ]
Um, and then, uh, I say that as if I know what it is, I'm just saying

 [ 00:59:17:00 ] - [ 00:59:20:00 ]
it's, it's, it's, I've seen people that I know that have trained really,

 [ 00:59:20:00 ] - [ 00:59:20:00 ]
really well.

 [ 00:59:20:00 ] - [ 00:59:24:00 ]
They just, you can't handle that long of a drive, but they should find

 [ 00:59:24:00 ] - [ 00:59:26:00 ]
kids who are like really good at street fighter and try them out in

 [ 00:59:26:00 ] - [ 00:59:27:00 ]
the, uh, MMA.

 [ 00:59:28:00 ] - [ 00:59:29:00 ]
Yeah, seriously.

 [ 00:59:29:00 ] - [ 00:59:29:00 ]
That'd be great.

 [ 00:59:29:00 ] - [ 00:59:29:00 ]

 [ 00:59:30:00 ] - [ 00:59:30:00 ]
I'd watch.

 [ 00:59:31:00 ] - [ 00:59:31:00 ]
I might even pay.

 [ 00:59:35:00 ] - [ 00:59:37:00 ]
I saw, I saw a really good medical bills.

 [ 00:59:38:00 ] - [ 00:59:40:00 ]
So thanks for joining us today on episode 44.

 [ 00:59:40:00 ] - [ 00:59:42:00 ]
We'll be back with episode 45.

 [ 00:59:42:00 ] - [ 00:59:46:00 ]
Uh, it looks like we're going to be doing still in season three.

 [ 00:59:46:00 ] - [ 00:59:51:00 ]
Still in season three, we've got episodes 13, 14, 15 of season three.

 [ 00:59:51:00 ] - [ 00:59:53:00 ]
We'll be watching this for the next podcast.

 [ 00:59:53:00 ] - [ 00:59:58:00 ]
And also let's add in, um, vision season two, cause we worked our way.

 [ 00:59:58:00 ] - [ 01:00:08:00 ]
All the way through Vision Season 1 on a bunch of podcasts, and those episodes are kind of short, they're usually about 10 minutes, which is a pretty good time for us to discuss maybe just one of these episodes.

 [ 01:00:08:00 ] - [ 01:00:17:00 ]
So let's do Vision Season 2, Episode 1. I don't know the name of it because they don't have it in front of me, but we can discuss that also with those other three episodes.

 [ 01:00:17:00 ] - [ 01:00:19:00 ]
So, John, thanks for joining me.

 [ 01:00:20:00 ] - [ 01:00:20:00 ]
Thank you.

 [ 01:00:21:00 ] - [ 01:00:23:00 ]
And everyone out there, stay safe. We'll see you on Episode 45.

 [ 01:00:24:00 ] - [ 01:00:34:00 ]
This is the 11 Parsecs Podcast, Episode 44. If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a moment to subscribe and leave us a good review.

 [ 01:00:35:00 ] - [ 01:00:44:00 ]
And be sure to check us out at 11parsecs.com and Discord. I'm Jonathan Smith with Master Chief Eric Thompson. Thank you for joining us.

 [ 01:00:44:00 ] - [ 01:00:52:00 ]
You know the shtick.