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Weequay Pirates


The Weequay Pirates, also known as the Hondo Ohnaka gang or Ohnaka Gang, is a band of pirates led by Hondo Ohnaka operating in the Outer Rim during The Clone Wars. They are primarily comprised of Weequay species, a humanoid species known for their ability to combat both extreme heats and colds, their distinctive thick, leathery skin, and their dry wit. Their base of operations is Florrum, a remote, harsh desert world in the Outer Rim Territories.

The Ohnaka Gang was known to operate within a moral grey area. Hondo often professed a sense of honor and fair play, despite his unlawful activities. Not being tied down by any specific ideals or loyalties, Hondo was able to switch sides whenever it was profitable. This made the Weequay pirates unpredictable and dangerous to both sides of the Clone Wars conflict.

Hondo's pirates were known for their impressive fleet of starships, most notably the Corona-class armed frigate and several Flarestar-class Weequay ships. Additionally, the Weequay pirates were well-armed, possessing an arsenal of blasters, ion cannons, and other various weapons for combat scenarios. They were also able to capture and use tanks and speeder bikes as needed.

The Weequay pirates made their living through a variety of illicit activities, such as smuggling, theft, and occasionally kidnapping. One of their most famous exploits involved the capture of Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, holding them for ransom. Though they mainly targeted the rich and powerful, no one was truly safe from Hondo's schemes if there was profit to be made.

While the Ohnaka Gang was considered relatively small, it posed a significant threat to both the Galactic Republic and the Separatist forces due to its unpredictable nature and strategic positioning in the Outer Rim. Their notable encounters with key figures in Star Wars lore, such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, added to their reputation and carved their place in Star Wars history.

the Weequay pirates, under the leadership of Hondo Ohnaka, played a notable role during the timeline of the Star Wars prequel trilogy and Clone Wars series. They were a wildcard in the galaxy, playing off of both factions for their own gain. Their adventures and run-ins with some of Star Wars' most beloved characters paint the Weequay pirates as one of the most opportunistic, unpredictably dangerous groups in the Star Wars universe.

Similar Organizations: Hut Council,   Partisans,   Phoenix Cell

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