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The Partisans, also known as the Rebel extremists or Saw's militia, were a rebel cell who fought in opposition to the Galactic Empire. The militia was led by Saw Gerrera, a seasoned fighter and veteran of The Clone Wars. They were notorious for their radical approach in fighting the Empire which often contrasted to the tactics of the more diplomatic Rebel Alliance. Formed from the remnants of Saw's previous group, the Onderon Rebels, the Partisans were headquartered in the Catalyst on Jedha.

The Partisans waged a fierce and unyielding war against the Empire, engaging in tactics that other rebel groups deemed too extreme or damaging, such as suicide bombings and indiscriminate attacks. Gerrera's milita saw the Alliance as inadequate in their response to the ever-growing Imperial menace. The Partisans' motto, “Anyone can make a difference!”, served as a rallying cry that inspired many to take up arms and join their cause.

Their emblem, which depicted a stylized roaring animal inside a tri-oval frame, encapsulated their raw, ferocious approach to the fight against the Galactic Empire. Notably, the Partisans included within their ranks individuals from different species and backgrounds, unified by the common goal of fighting the Empire.

The Partisans were responsible for some prominent acts of rebellion against the Empire, including the stealing of the secret Death Star Plans, an act which ultimately led to the Battle of Yavin and a major strategic victory for the Rebel Alliance. However, their tactics often brought them into conflict with other rebel groups and their standing among the broader forces opposing the Empire was controversial.

Their leader, Saw Gerrera, was originally trained by the Jedi Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. After the declaration of the Galactic Empire, he increased his militant activities against the Empire, leading to the formation of the Partisans. His aggressive leadership and relentless attacks made the Partisans one of the most feared rebel groups in the galaxy.

Despite the destructive tactics and extremist views, the Partisans played a major role in the Galactic Civil War and their actions significantly contributed to the eventual fall of the Galactic Empire. Their story serves as a stark reminder of the desperate lengths that individuals may go to when fighting against a totalitarian regime.

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