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Valley of the Dark Lords

Dark Side

The Valley of the Dark Lords, also referred to as the Valley of the Sith Lords, is a highly integral and fascinating location deeply nestled in Star Wars' rich lore. Found on the Sith home world of Korriban (also known as Moraband), this geographical region is essentially a mass graveyard filled with Sith tombs stretching for kilometers. Each mausoleum belongs to a deceased Dark Lord, their elaborate architecture making these mausoleums as grandiose as the lives of the Sith buried within.

From a historical perspective, the tradition of interring fallen Sith Lords in the Valley dates back to times millennia prior to the events of the movies. These dates back to the eras when the Sith were at their peak of power, and where their Empire's boundaries stretched across vast swaths of the galaxy. Some of the most powerful Sith lords, such as Darth Bane or Ajunta Pall, are known to reside here.

Accessible only through the Sith Academy, the route to the Valley of the Dark Lords is a long, treacherous canyon teeming with all manner of traps and malicious Sith spirits. Korriban’s hostile, barren landscape and perpetually unsettled weather conditions add more to these challenges. This makes Korriban a challenging world to navigate, but many continuously attempt the journey, driven by the prospect of unearthing great Sith artifacts and ancient secrets.

Additionally, the Valley holds vast amounts of resources for anyone seeking knowledge about the nature of the dark side. The climate for Force-sensitive individuals may be volatile and unpredictable, but for those who manage to survive, the rewards are magnanimous. They offer insight into the creation of Sith artifacts, learning about the philosophy of the Sith, and gaining access to numerous holocrons.

Humorously, despite the pervasive darkness and grandeur that defines the Valley of the Dark Lords, its history hasn't been without its quirks. While the Valley was named to honor the Sith, Darth Sidious, notably, disdained it, dismissing its grand mausoleums as useless things that did nothing but glorify the dead. He went as far as to state that a true Sith shouldn't fear death, and hence, there should be no need for such extravagant tombs.

the Valley of the Dark Lords is unquestionably rich in its association with the Sith lore. As an important part of the Star Wars universe, the Valley is a testament to the power, ambition, and philosophy of the Sith as well as a physical embodiment of their tremendous fascination with death and the afterlife. Whether through history, architecture, or an understanding of the Dark Side, the Valley is a reservoir of Sith knowledge and power.

Similar Dark Side: Inquisitors,   Sith,   Ichor of Dathomir

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