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Origin Tree


The Origin Tree, a pivotal concept in the Star Wars universe, first appears in Star Wars canon in the 2017 comic 'Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 13: Burning Seas, Part I.' The Origin Tree is located on Mon Cala, home planet of the Mon Calamari and Quarren species. This grand and historical tree plays a significant role in understanding the link between the environment and The Force.

In the Star Wars universe, the Origin Tree is revered and worshipped by the natives of Mon Cala. It is viewed as a divine entity, a giver of life, and the source of all creation. The natives believe that the tree possesses a spirit which watches over them like a guardian. They prayed and held ceremonies under its massive branches, establishing the tree as a focal point of their culture and spirituality.

The tree's connection to the force is explored in 'Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 14: Burning Seas, Part II'. The Jedi Master Barr recounts a legend to Verla about the Force-sensitive predators known as the Leviathans, which were attracted to the tree due to its connection to the Force. Several theories point out that this might be due to the Midichlorians or the force energy that the tree emanates throughout its life.

The Origin Tree plays a crucial role in an intricate plot of treason against the Emperor, hatched by Jedi Barr and his secret Jedi Padawan Daren. It is used as a cover for their hidden underwater Mon-Calamari city equipped with a shipyard, which they used to prepare for launching an attack on the Empire. Events occurring around the tree often serve as key turning points in the plotline of the Star Wars saga.

The encounter between Darth Vader and the Origin Tree is particularly significant. Master Barr informs Vader that all native refugees have gathered at the Origin Tree, forcing Vader to confront the tree. During this encounter, the tree throws a massive branch at Vader's troops. This seemingly conscious act underlines the deep connection between the Force and natural life in the Star Wars Universe.

Though it isn't as famous as some of the other elements in the Star Wars series, the Origin Tree has been instrumental in several storylines. The tree epitomizes the universal vitality of the Force and alludes symbolically to the interconnectedness of all living beings, reflecting some of the most profound philosophical themes in the Star Wars saga.

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