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Domino Squad


Domino Squad was a group of clone troopers who served the Galactic Republic during The Clone Wars. The squad was made up of five members: Hevy, Droidbait, Cutup, Echo, and Fives. Despite starting as underdogs at the Clone Trooper training center on the oceanic planet Kamino, they eventually transformed into a formidable team through intense training and teamwork. They were then sent to the Rishi Moon, an important listening post for the Republic, to keep an eye on the enemy movements in that sector.

Domino Squad's most notable members were certainly Echo and Fives, who gained notable repute for their skills and combat acuity. Hevy, another significant member, was known for his strength and heavy weaponry mastery. Domino Squad's initial training was supervised by bounty hunters Bric and El-Les, who severely doubted the squad's capabilities due to their initial lack of coherence and poor teamwork. However, the squad was eventually able to overcome its struggles and pass the tests necessary to become full-fledged troopers.

The Domino Squad saw its first action on the Rishi Moon when the station they were posted at was attacked by the Separatists. This devastating attack led to the deaths of squad members Droidbait and Cutup. Despite the losses, the remaining members of the Domino Squad were able to alert the Republic to the Separatist attack, allowing for a response team led by Commander Cody and Captain Rex to be dispatched.

Hevy also met his end during the Rishi Moon incident when he sacrificed himself in order to ensure the alert about the separatist invasion reached the Republic. His heroic actions aided in the Republic's victory in the Battle of Rishi, as the invasion was effectively thwarted.

Following these events, survivors Echo and Fives were promoted and transferred to the prestigious 501st Legion, serving with distinction under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain Rex. Their journey from raw cadets to elite soldiers was a testament to their skills and the effectiveness of the clone trooper training, showing that the Domino Squad, though somewhat tragic in their journey, was one of the most influential units from the Clone Wars era.

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