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Crimson Corsair


The Crimson Corsair, also known as Sidon Ithano, is an intriguing character in the Star Wars universe that captivates fans with his unique outfit, captivating personality, and exciting background. Dressed head-to-toe in red and sometimes referred to as the 'Blood Buccaneer', Ithano is a renowned pirate who operates in the lawless parts of the galaxy. He was first introduced in "The Force Awakens", appearing in Maz Kanata's castle scene but has also made appearances in various other comic books and Star Wars related content.

Leading a group called the "Kanjiklub Gang", Sidon Ithano sourced irresistible deals in the black market and became renowned as a ruthless but principled pirate. The Crimson Corsair got his pirate moniker thanks to his iconic crimson-colored uniform and personalized helmet, originally belonging to a Kage Warrior he had defeated. His Devaronian first mate, Quiggold, assists him on his many adventurous exploits.

Sidon's past is shrouded in legend and mystery as it is said that he is on a perpetual quest to find legendary treasures across galaxies. His reputation as a pirate stems from the fact that he audaciously steals treasure before any rival can lay claim on it. The Crimson Corsair's search for treasure has led him to multiple threats and dangerous encounters, thereby solidifying his formidable pirate reputation.

Among Legends that surround Ithano, one of the most exciting one describes his acquisition of a derelict Separatist cruiser that held a dormant squad of Clone Troopers. The clones, lost in time, believed The Clone Wars were still ongoing, leading to an unexpected and entertaining encounter. These stories and achievements have only made Ithano's name well-known and feared in many places across the galaxy.

Even though the Crimson Corsair played a relatively minor role in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, his character stood out due to his striking visual design and the aura of mystery that surrounded him. He is currently featured in Star Wars novels and comics as well, where his exciting exploits further expanded upon.

the Crimson Corsair, or Sidon Ithano, is a fascinating character who has carved a niche for himself within the vast universe of Star Wars. His reputation as an adventurous pirate, his never-ending quests for legendary treasures, and his dramatic encounters make him a character worthy of attention and appreciation amongst budding Jedi and Sith alike.

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