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Locations City of Iziz

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City of Iziz


Iziz is the capital city of the planet Onderon, located in the Inner Rim Territories of the Star Wars galaxy. The city is notable for its ancient and fortified architecture, which evolved as a necessary defense against the dangerous beasts native to Onderon. Surrounded by thick walls and sophisticated defense mechanisms, Iziz was a Bastion of civilization on a wild and untamed planet. Historically, the city was ruled by monarchs, with the most famous being Queen Talia and Queen Amanoa. The Jedi played an important role in the history of Iziz, especially during the Beast Wars when they assisted in resolving conflicts between the city’s inhabitants and the beast riders of Onderon.

Iziz is also significant for its connection to the Sith and the Jedi through the history of Onderon. During The Old Republic era, the city fell under the influence of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, whose dark presence left a lasting impact on the culture and structure of the city. The final confrontation between the Jedi Exile and the Sith forces also takes place in Iziz, making it a locale rich in the lore and history of the galaxy. The city’s intricate design, with its many levels and interconnected passageways, mirrors the complexity of its political and social landscape, embodying the perpetual struggle between light and dark, peace and conflict.

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