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Canto Bight


Canto Bight is a city located on the desert planet of Cantonica in the universe of Star Wars. It features prominently in the Star Wars: The Last Jedi and is known for its luxurious lifestyle and indulgences, while also being a hotbed for gamblers and wealthy elites of the galaxy. Canto Bight contains a popular casino - the Canto Casino - where influential figures in the galaxy come to participate in various games of chance.

The city exudes wealth and excess, with its inhabitants being mostly the affluent elites. The facilities and amenities in the city, including the casino, racetracks for Fathiers (large race creatures native to Cantonica), and lavish spas, are designed with opulence and grandeur. The city's visually stunning architecture and landscape make it the epitome of the rich and powerful in the Star Wars universe.

However, while Canto Bight may appear glitzy and glamorous on the surface, it has a darker side. This city built on decadence and greed also harbors an underbelly of crime and corruption. It's known to attract war profiteers and arms dealers, as well as other types of criminals. The city's wealthy often exploit the poor, as exemplified by the child labor seen working in the Fathier stables.

It becomes a crucial setting in The Last Jedi when Finn and Rose travel here on a mission to find a master codebreaker who can help them disable the First Order's tracking device. While they reach Canto Bight for a specific task, their visit eventually exposes the stark socio-economic disparity in the city and sheds light on the true cost of the city's indulgent lifestyle.

Ultimately, Canto Bight serves as a metaphor in The Last Jedi, representing the larger struggles in the galaxy. The city encapsulates the stark contrast between the wealthy and the impoverished, the oppressors and the oppressed, and serves as a critique of the galaxy's moral and socio-economic issues that are at the heart of the Star Wars saga.

Similar Locations: Netherworld,   Jedi temple,   Great Pit of Carkoon

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