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Great Pit of Carkoon


The Great Pit of Carkoon, located within the dunes of Tatooine's Dune Sea, is one of the most renowned locations in the Star Wars universe. This pit is best known as the dwelling place of the Sarlacc, a dreadful creature that lived in the pit and consumed any beings who unluckily fell into its maw. In the original Star Wars trilogy, one of the most iconic scenes takes place here, when Han Solo and Luke Skywalker escape from the grasp of the Sarlacc.

According to the lore, the Great Pit of Carkoon is actually a hollow conical pit that descends sharply to a depth of approximately 100 meters, ending in the Sarlacc's gullet. The creature itself sat below the surface of the sand, concealed, and waited as Jabba the Hutt, a powerful gangster on Tatooine, used the pit as an execution ground, instructing his victims to walk the plank off his sail barge hovering over the pit into the waiting creature's maw. However, victims were said to experience a long and agonizing digestion process – it was infamously claimed it took a thousand years to be fully digested.

Similar Locations: Naboo Palace,   Beggars Canyon,   Uneti Tree

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