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Xrexus Cartel


The Xrexus Cartel was a criminal syndicate that operated during the early days of the Galactic Empire, around 18 BBY (Before The Battle of Yavin). It was led by the Twi'lek entrepreneur Xev Xrexus, known for her unique fashion sense and a penchant for extravagant beauty masks. The cartel was particularly renowned for its illegal auctions, where various criminal organizations, wealthy art collectors, and undercover agents gathered to purchase unique, rare, and powerful artifacts, weapons, or enslaved beings.

Xev Xrexus, the leader of the cartel, was known for her cunning and guile, managing to maintain relationships with various powerful factions across the galaxy while making a significant fortune from her auctions. Her network of informants and spies allowed her to stay one step ahead of her enemies and track down highly sought-after items for auction. She took great pride in organizing and maintaining the anonymity of her clients, only revealing the auction's location to them hours before it began.

The Xrexus Cartel came to infamy due to its dealings with the Sith artifact known as the Nabooian Sith Chalice, attracting wealthy collectors, criminals, and the attention of the Empire itself. The Sith Chalice was an ancient relic containing Sith scriptures, rumored to possess dark powers. It was stolen and sold to the wealthy art collector, The Dragon of the Moon, who had ambitions of acquiring more Sith artifacts to gain power.

A notable auction organized by the Xrexus Cartel was held on the Outer Rim planet, Garn. The event sparked a fierce competition between many factions vying for ownership of the valuable merchandise up for bid, including a Force-sensitive young girl named Eldra Kaitis. Unbeknownst to Xev or her clients, Eldra had been kidnapped and was being sold to the highest bidder. Two of the bidders included the rogue Sith Darth Maul and the notorious bounty hunter Cad Bane.

During the auction on Garn, Darth Maul infiltrated the event under the guise of a wealthy buyer, intending to free Eldra Kaitis and continue his Sith training. His presence was eventually revealed, leading Xrexus to double-cross him and attempt to turn the various criminal factions against him. However, Maul managed to fight off his assailants, free Eldra, and escape the auction with the unwitting help of Cad Bane.

After the failed auction, Xrexus fled the Garn system, fearing the wrath of her spurned clients and the Empire itself. Her ultimate fate remains unknown. The Xrexus Cartel, however, plummeted into disarray without its cunning leader at the helm. Eventually, it fell from underworld prominence, with its operations scattering to various criminal groups around the galaxy.

the Xrexus Cartel played a pivotal role during the early years of the Galactic Empire, offering a dangerous and deadly marketplace for the galaxy's most coveted and forbidden treasures. While its leader, Xev Xrexus, remains a mystery, the impact of the Cartel's existence is still felt within the Star Wars universe.

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